• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Back in Earth Land

The portal ride to Earth Land is much quicker than going to Equestria. The ride lasts for ten minutes. Everyone arrives back at the campsite where Spike, Wendy Erza, Lucy, Carla, Romeo, Gajeel, and Panther Lily slept. The weather in the East Forest is cloudy.

"So, any ideas as to how long we were gone?" Natsu asks.

"I'll be back," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport to Magnolia and back with a newspaper. "We've been gone for half a day."

"Half a day?!" Everyone said in shock. They thought the time spent in Equestria would be longer than that.

"That's good. We have more time to train! Let's get back at it, Happy!"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy grabs Natsu and takes off.

"Back to training," Laxus said. He and the Thunder Legion leaves. "See you guys at the guildhall soon."

"We should get back to work with our training, Gray," Juvia turns to him.

Gray rolls his eyes. "Fine. See you around, guys," Gray walks with Juvia back to their campsite where they were training.

"Mind teleporting us to our guildhalls?" Sting asks.

"Yea," Spike nods. "Thank you for coming with me to Equestria and stopping Midnight from destroying us all."

"Anytime, Spike," Jura said.

"Sabertooth got your back," Sting said.

"Guess we're even," Sherria said. She's still grateful to Spike for helping her defeat her mother, Cherry Blendy, during the small coalition.

"Even," Spike nods.

"Hey, I hope to see you sometime during the year, Spike," Kagura said. "I would like to spend more time with my brother than fighting the enemy."

"Don't worry, you will," Spike hugs Kagura.

"Swing by the guild if you need some work," Lyon said.

"Same goes for Sabertooth if you need some Jewels," Minerva said.

"You're more than welcome to cook for Mermaid Heel, and we can do another meet and greet event," Kagura said.

"I'll keep those in mind. Thank you all," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Lyon, Sherria, and Jura back to the Lamia Scale Guildhall. Kagura back to Mermaid Heel's Guildhall. Sting, Rogue, Rufus, Orga, Minerva, Yukino, Lector, and Frosch back to the Sabertooth Guildhall.

"So, what now, Spike?" Panther Lily asks.

"We continue with our training. To get stronger together as friends and family. We stopped another threat from rising. We need to be ready for anyone else that poses a threat."

"Loud and clear, Fairy Dragon! Lily! Let's go!" Gajeel gets excited.

"Right!" Panther Lily goes with Gajeel to train.

"I'll have Capricorn help me with my training," Lucy said.

"Let's go, Ms.Lucy," Capricorn appears, startling Lucy in the process.

"Hey Wendy, want to train with me?" Romeo asks.

"Sure. Carla, you coming?" Wendy asks.

"Yes, child. I want to improve and be more useful," During the time Carla was at the Crystal Empire, she hid and helped some creatures get to the medical clones. She wanted to be strong and brave like Wendy and fight alongside her. She promises to improve on her magic and perhaps have a battle form of her own like Panther Lily.

"Hey, hope you don't mind that we stay to train with you guys," Mirajane said.

"Not at all. Elfman, I'll teleport you to your home, and you bring the camping gear here."

"Thanks, Spike. You're a real man for that."

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Elfman back home so he can grab his family's camping gear.

"Erza, up for a little sparring session?" Mirajane turns into her Satan Soul.

"I thought you'll never ask," Erza requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Hey, Spike," Lisanna walks up to him. "You want to train with me?"

"Sure. Just don't go easy on me. I want to test your limit."

"You got it," Lisanna transforms into her cat form.

For three hours, everyone trained hard with each other; Improving on their strengths and magic power, formulating battle strategies for any possible enemy, complimenting each other, and putting the blood, sweat, and tears into it.

Elfman makes it back to the campsite and pitches his tent for him and his sisters. He also brought fresh supplies of food and drinks. He sees everyone going and decides to get into the fray with Spike and Lisanna. The two didn't mind and continued their training as friends would.

After another hour of training, everyone returns to the campsite. Mirajane and Lisanna wanted to cook something delicious for everyone. Spike decides to go fishing. Wendy and Panther Lily follow Spike to fish.

Spike is by the river with Wendy and Panther Lily. Spike claps his claws to create a metallic fishing rod. Panther Lily gets in the water with his sword and tries stabbing any fish he sees. Wendy sits next to Spike. She wants to be closer to him than ever now that he conquered his demon.

Spike reels in some fishes while Panther Lily stabs a few with his sword. Wendy uses her Sky Magic to try and capture some fish. However, she winded up blowing some Vulcans away. They had the intention of stealing their fish. Panther Lily, Spike, and Wendy have a good laugh and return to camp.

"We got some fish to add to the menu!" Wendy shouts.

"I'll be cooking it for everyone, my treat," Spike said.

"Now that I have to try!" Elfman said. It's been a while since he had Spike's cooking.

"Sounds good," Erza said.

"Wendy!" Sherria shouts. She has her camping gear with her.

"Sherria! What are you doing here?" Wendy is happy to see Sherria again.

"Well, I talked it over with the Old Hag that I need to train harder, and she approved. So, hope you don't mind if I crash with you guys."

"I'll allow it. You are an honorary member of our youth squad," Spike said.

"Thank you, Master Spike!" Sherria said with love.

Spike chuckles. "Spike will do, Sherria."

"Want some help pitching your tent?" Romeo asks Sherria.

"Sure," Sherria smiles. She and Romeo start pitching up the new tent Sherria bought.

Spike walks up to the campfire and grabs a frying pan. Spike starts cooking the fish he and Panther Lily brought. Gajeel and Erza bring in firewood and see Sherria. Lucy explains that she'll be joining them in training for the next while. Lucy also mentions she's an honorary member of the Fairy Tail Youth Squad.

It's now 7:30 at night. Mirajane and Lisanna made rice and curry; Spike finished making fish. The aroma of fresh food is heavenly. Sherria and Wendy set up the table Elfman brought. Erza and Lucy place chairs around the table. Romeo and Lisanna bring the drinks to the table.

"Dinner's ready!" Mirajane announces.

"Finally," Sherria goes to the table and sits next to Wendy.

"Fairy Dragon, tomorrow, we're training. I want that rematch!" Gajeel said.

"Sure. I'll be glad to grant you that. Wendy, you want to partake in it?"

"Yea. We were interrupted by those nightmares. It's only fair we pick up where we left off," Wendy said. She's saving a seat for Spike.

"Sherria," Romeo sits at the table. "Want to train with me?"

"Yea. Gotta train with a member of the Fairy Youth Squad."

"Awesome!" Romeo gets excited. He sits across from Sherria.

Spike, Mirajane, and Lisanna give the plates of food to Elfman and Erza to put on the table while everyone else grabs their seats. Spike sits with Wendy and Lucy, Lisanna sits with Elfman and Mirajane, Mirajane sits with Elfman and Erza.

"Thanks for the food," Lucy said.

"We hope you enjoy it," Spike, Mirajane, and Lisanna said.

"Knowing Fairy Dragon, the food is a win," Gajeel starts eating.

"I'll say. Spike's cooking with Kagura on Serpent's Fang was on point," Romeo said.

"Still, I can't believe that demon was Twilight Sparkle," Sherria remembers seeing her at the Grand Magic Games, how she tried to erase Spike's mind during the games.

Spike sighs heavily. "It makes me sad. I had many good memories of her when I was growing up. How she would play with me after doing her homework and bring me along to tea parties with Princess Celestia. She would not leave me..," Spike sheds a tear. "Oh.., how times changed..."

"What was the pivotal moment she changed?" Sherria asks.

"When Twilight focused on her studies and impressing Princess Celestia. I wanted to help her, and I did. I enjoyed my time and when we moved to Ponyville. That all changed. Twilight made friends with Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. Twilight's task with Princess Celestia was to learn what friendship is about."

"So, if Twilight and you never moved to Ponyville..," Mirajane puts it together.

"We wouldn't have Fairy Dragon..," Gajeel said in shock.

"Wow. A change in scenery opened up the flood gates," Panther Lily said.

"Twilight became so focused on her friends and studied more on magic; she had little time for me. I tried to enjoy my time with her, and I did until it got worse. I would try to talk about it to Twilight, but she ignored me. I tried to accept it, and it carried on for a few more years until my breaking point."

"Which we know from what you told us on day one," Lucy remembers the story of the abuse and abandonment like it was yesterday.

"Yea," Spike nods. "In a way, I'm grateful for all of that to happen, and I'm grateful for the good memories I have with Twilight in the beginning part of my life."

"That's good, Spike," Sherria said.

"However, what Twilight did and slowly descended to insanity, that's on her. She got what she deserved, and I didn't buy into her pleas. I had to do what was right even though another piece of me died. I'm hoping to fill that void with the friends and family I have here."

"Don't worry. We'll fill that void," Lucy reassuringly says.

"You got that right!" Elfman proudly proclaims.

"I'll fill that void with my love for you, Spike," Wendy said. She kisses Spike's cheek. Spike smiles at the kiss.

"Yea, we'll help you forget your demon," Panther Lily said.

"Agreed," Romeo said.

"I promise you all. I won't be like Spike Knightwalker now that I destroyed Midnight Sparkle."

"Who's Spike Knightwalker again?" Sherria asks.

"I can tell you the horrors of who he is, Sherria," Lisanna said.

Lisanna does so. She explains her time in Edolas while escaping close calls from Spike Knightwalker. Everyone eats their food while hearing the tales Lisanna spoke. Sherria is in shock after learning about the mass murder of wizards Spike Knightwalker claimed and how sadistic he was. Spike explains his side about Spike Knightwalker and the fights. Lisanna said that Spike saved her from Spike Knightwalker.

"Wow," Sherria is appalled about hearing the guild Spike Knightwalker wiped out. The Celestials.

"Spike Knightwalker killed Edolas version of Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Princess Celestia and Luna."

"I can only imagine the horror when you heard Chapati announced the replacement guild for Raven Tail."

"I thought I was going to have a heart attack. What was worse was that Fairy Rage sensed a member of the guild that would come for me."

"Twilight Sparkle," Sherria said.

"Yea," Spike nods.

"Each of us knew who the Celestials were, and well, we felt wrathful for what they were trying to do," Erza admits.

"That explains why Lucy and Juvia went after Rainbow Dash."

"Yea," Lucy nods. "We wanted to teach her a lesson for crudely pranking Spike and mocking him out of disgrace."

"So, I have a question to ask of you, Spike. Do you plan on going back to Equestria someday?" Sherria asks.

Spike takes a deep breath. "No. Equestria is no longer my home. Earth Land is. I plan on staying here for all the days of my life. Also, I'm planning on repopulating Earth Land with dragons. I made that promise, and I will have my children be part of magic guilds. Co-exist with humans and not become vile dragons, hellbent on bringing destruction."

Spike takes out his magic card and shreds it. Wendy holds Spike's claw; She can wait many years until they start having that family.

It's now 10:30 at night. Spike lays on the grass, looking at the stars. His friends are asleep except for one that comes out of the tent. Erza lays on the grass next to Spike.

"Hey," Erza said.

"Hey, Sis," Spike replies.

"You okay, Spike?" Erza asks.

"I'm better, Sis. I don't have any regrets about ripping the magic card. I'm home," Spike smiles.

"Good," Erza smiles. "I'm glad to have you with Fairy Tail," Erza remembers stepping in the guildhall with Gray and Master Makarov. Lucy tells her that Natsu found a baby dragon and brought it to the guildhall.

"I'm glad that my wish brought me here," Spike smiles. He remembers the night he had with Discord. Discord listened to what he said before granting his wish.

"So, what are you thinking about?" Erza asks.

"A lot, to be honest."

"Like what?"

"What's next for Fairy Tail after rebuilding the guildhall. What to do within the year of training with my friends and doing some work for the other guilds. Taking Wendy on another date and much more. Building my bonds with my friends, I consider as family."

"Hmm," Erza smiles. "That is a lot. I have to say thank you for saving the guild, Spike. Your love for Fairy Tail kept us together."

"You're welcome, Sis. The truth is, I can't be Fairy Dragon if there is no Fairy Tail."

Erza chuckles. "True. Also, thanks for your help throughout the timespan you have with Fairy Tail. You helped us in more ways we can count," Erza remembers the conversation that led them to have a brother-sister-type relationship. The time when the two fought the enemies and hugged.

"I was doing my part, Sis. As a brother of the Fairy Tail Guild," Spike remembers the picnic he had with Wendy, Carla, and Cana after retrieving the clock piece, the training the two had before learning about the Grand Magic Games, the time they shared cake, laugh, and have fun partying in the guild.

"Thank you for being my sister, Erza," Spike smiles.

"Thank you for being my brother, Spike," Erza smiles.

Spike and Erza hug. The two remember the good times they shared thus far and look forward to the many good times they'll experience together as siblings would. Spike yawns. Erza suggests now it'll be a good time to sleep. Spike looks at the night sky one more time.

"Sis, look!" Spike points at the constellation.

Erza looks up. "No way," Erza and Spike see the Fairy Tail Emblem as a constellation.

"Did you do that, Discord and Princess Luna?" Spike asks.

"I'm sure they did as a thank you," Erza smiles. Another moment she gets to share with Spike as siblings. A moment she and Spike won't forget.

Spike and Erza go into the tent and get in their sleeping bags. They say goodnight and drift to sleep.

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