• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Good vs Evil: Part 3

While Chrysalis and her newfound power fight Midnight Sparkle. Sting and Rogue are fighting King Sombra.

"Shadow Dragon Haste!" Rogue generates shadows from his hand and uses them to attack King Sombra.

"Shadows cannot hurt me as I'm King of the Shadows!" King Sombra welcomes the shadows into his body. He generates a shadow crystal from the ground, striking Rogue and Sting.

Rogue turns into his shadow to avoid the attack. Sting uses the crystal to his advantage and leaps.

"White Dragon Holy Ray!" Sting unleashes a barrage of Holy Beams, which inflicts heavy damage at rapid speeds.

King Sombra dodges the attack and goes into his shadow form when several Holy Beams penetrate his shadows. King Sombra wails in agony as Holy properties do more damage. He comes out of the shadows and notices several white spots on his body.

"NO!" King Sombra can't heal the areas of his body.

Sting smirks.

"I'll keep him distracted," Rogue goes after King Sombra. "Shadow Dragon Rooooooooar!" Rogue unleashes his shadow breath attack at King Sombra.

Cozy Glow swoops down and blows the shadow breath attack away. "Sorry, I saw what happened and can't allow you-" Cozy Glow gets attacked by Wendy. Cozy collides into several buildings from the impact.

Wendy is still in her Dragon Force mode. She decides to bring the fight to Cozy Glow while being close to the Crystal Heart. Cozy Glow gets up and flaps her wings.

"I'm going to enjoy this!" Cozy Glow flies after Wendy.

The two collide and fight in the skies, away from the Crystal Heart. Sherria sees the two in the skies and leaps.

"Sky God Boreas!" Sherria generates two spiraling black currents creating a massive whirlwind. Wendy sees and uses her rapid speeds to move out of the way. Cozy Glow gets hit with the whirlwind and gets blown away.

Yukino sees Cozy Glow coming her way. "Open Gate of the Paired Fish! Pisces!" Yukino opens Pisces' Gate. Pisces are two gigantic fish; One is white with a blue Pisces Insignia on its head. The other is black with a blue Pisces Insignia on its head. "Pisces, take down that demonic pegasus."

"Huh? Aaaaaaaaaah!" Cozy Glow sees Pisces flying straight at her. She tries using her wings to blow them away but their too massive to move them.

Pisces attack Cozy Glow while Techno-Magic-Soldiers try to defeat Pisces. Yukino summons Libra to alter the gravity of the Techno-Magic-Soldiers.

"Thanks, Sherria," Wendy thanks Sherria for the assistance.

"No problem. Let's get moving. We need to heal Spike and help him get back into the fight."

Sherria and Wendy head towards the center of the Crystal Castle. Gray and Orga are fighting Demonlord Tirek.

"Look what I can do. Demon Flames!" Demonlord Tirek breathes black flames at Gray and Orga. The two dodge the attack.

"Ice Demon Raaaaaaage!" Gray unleashes a demonic ice breath at Demonlord Tirek's black flames and freezes it.

"What!?" Demonlord Tirek is astounded to see his flames turned to ice.

"Lightning God Electric Rooooooooar!" Orga unleashes his divine black lightning breath attack at Demonlord Tirek.

Demonlord Tirek shoots a demon blast from his mouth to intercept Orga's attack. The attack causes an explosion and smoke to engulf the surrounding area. Gray creates shards of ice in the air and releases it on Demonlord Tirek through the smoke.

Demonlord Tirek screams in agony. He clears the smoke to see Orga and Gray fully powered up.

"Lightning God Static Shock!" Orga uppercuts Demonlord Tirek with his divine black lightning. The impact causes Demonlord Tirek to rise from the ground. His body feels the divine lightning surging through his body, hurting every vein and muscle.

"Ice Demon Zeroth Long Sword!" Gray creates an ethereal long sword from his palms that he uses to slash at Demonlord Tirek. The impact of the slash causes Demonlord Tirek to feel severe pain while having a deep cut on his chest. As a result, ice sprouts and covers Demonlord Tirek.

"Care to do the honors of shattering this behemoth?" Gray asks Orga.

"Gladly," Orga smirks and charges his divine lightning. "Lightning God Charged Particle Cannon!" Divine black electricity completely engulfs Orga's forearms and shoots a powerful surge of black lightning at Demonlord Tirek's frozen body. The cannon is more powerful than the 120 Millimeter Black Lightning Cannon. It shatters Demonlord Tirek completely, rendering him out of commission. His power leaves his essence.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Gray is satisfied to see an ally of Midnight Sparkle defeated and destroyed. He high fives Orga on a job well done.

Chrysalis is winning the battle against Midnight Sparkle. Chrysalis' newfound magic power is overwhelming Midnight Sparkle's Demon Curses.

"She's too strong! I need more power!" Midnight admits while trying to hold her off. She has battle scars and bruises from the intense matchup.

"For Terax!" Chrysalis shoots an Energizer Crystal Beam Magic at Midnight Sparkle from her horn. Midnight defends herself from the attack and gets hurled farther away. She crashes into a building, and Chrysalis tackles her through the building. "For my friends!" Chrysalis bites Midnight Sparkle's neck and tosses her aside with great force. Midnight Sparkle lands hard on the ground, creating a massive crater. "For my family, this ends now!" Chrysalis conjures a powerful energy bomb using the properties of the Crystal Heart.

Midnight Sparkle struggles to get up. She breathes heavily and feels the defeat of another ally. Her power and Lord Tirek's magic merge with Midnight Sparkle. She grows more powerful than before. Chrysalis launches her energy bomb on Midnight Sparkle.

"You're mine now," Midnight Sparkle smirks. Chrysalis notices something different within Midnight Sparkle now. She sees Midnight's hands glow greenish-black. Midnight Sparkle grabs the energy bomb and absorbs it. With Lord Tirek's magic running through her veins, she's able to neutralize the energy bomb without sustaining any pain.

"How did you do that!?" Chrysalis questions Midnight Sparkle's sudden power boost.

"Lord Tirek is defeated. The power I gave him has come back to me along with his magic power. You had your chance to defeat me and failed. I now surpass you and will always surpass you, Chrysalis."

"Mark my words, you won't win this war! Do you hear me!" Chrysalis flies after Midnight Sparkle.

Midnight Sparkle's hands glow orange-red and punch Chrysalis. Chrysalis crashes into several buildings on contact. "Also, I have Lord Tirek's strength when I absorb magic power into my Demon Curses. I thank whoever that defeated Lord Tirek."

Lisanna, Elfman, and Mirajane rush to the crash site created by Midnight Sparkle. Elfman lifts some debris and finds Chrysalis heavily bruised from the impact.

"You okay?" Elfman asks.

Chrysalis shakes her head. "My son.., he's.., he's..," Chrysalis sheds a tear.

"Is this your son?" Lisanna holds Terax in her arms.

"Please.., help him. Get to Discord. He's at the center of the Crystal Castle."

"Will do," Lisanna said. "Big El, I'm going to need backup on the way. Those soldiers are still out there, giving everyone hell."

"You got it, Lisanna," Elfman and Lisanna take Terax to the center of the Crystal Castle.

Midnight Sparkle walks up to the Chrysalis and sees Mirajane. "I remember you. You're the weakling that was on the ground when I arrived."

"The name is Mirajane," Mirajane stands her ground. She's in front of Chrysalis.

Midnight Sparkle sneers. "So, you're my next challenger? Please. What can you do to me?"

"Ever fought a demon that doesn't hold back?" Mirajane powers up.

"You're weak. Probably weaker than Chrysalis, which was a demon before her little transformation."

"Trust me; this is one fight you won't win," Mirajane roars and turns into Satan Soul Sitri. Her strongest demonic form. Mirajane's clothes are a geometric printed bodysuit with a blue and white dress coat adorned by an oversized black collar supported by two belts that corset her waist and a black cape. She grows horns on the side of her head and a lot more hair. She grows a pair of claws, and royal blue markings appear on her legs. Flames are merged with her feet.

"What are you?" Midnight Sparkle didn't know about this Satan Soul form. Just the one she used during the Tartaros war.

"Satan Soul Sitri," Mirajane moves so swiftly, she lands a punch on Midnight's gut.

Midnight Sparkle wheezes a bit. Mirajane moved so fast she couldn't react fast enough. Mirajane uppercuts Midnight, and she's sent flying. Mirajane flies after Midnight Sparkle.

Sherria and Wendy arrive at the center of the Crystal Castle. They see many wounded creatures getting medical attention. Spike is on the table while two medical clones use every fiber of their chaos magic to heal Spike.

"Get down!" Princess Luna shoots her magic at some Techno-Magic-Soldiers that would have decapitated Sherria and Wendy.

"Thanks," Wendy runs up to Spike and gasps.

"Hey, Wendy," Spike smiles at Wendy.

Sherria walks up to the table and gasps as well. "Spike.., your wings..," Sherria covers her mouth.

"Gone," The medical clone said. "The Techno-Magic-Soldiers used a magic saber that nullifies magic. However, due to the magic within Spike, his is not nullified. It's erratic."

"Our chaos magic can't uplift the Techno-Magic-Soldier's nullification on him. We need a stronger dose of healing magic to make it work," Another medical clone says.

"Sherria, let's combine our healing magic on Spike."

"Yea," Sherria nods.

Wendy, Sherria, and the medical clones combine their healing magic on Spike. They concentrate while uplifting the nullification within Spike.

Pinkie Pie returns with the letter for Princess Luna to send to Princess Celestia. Princess Luna uses her magic to teleport the letter to Princess Celestia.

"Princess Luna. I know where the mirror pool is. I need to go there."

"Not alone, Pinkie," Princess Luna walks up to a clone guarding the Crystal Heart. "You."

"Yes, Princess Luna?" The guard clone replies.

"I need you to go with Pinkie Pie to the mirror pool and deactivate its usage."

"Alright, I'm on it," The guard clone goes with Pinkie Pie.

"There's a member of Fairy Tail we can use for such an occasion, Freed Justine. If he places an enchantment and merges his magic with Princess Celestia, it may be strong enough to repel any usage of the mirror pool down the road."

"Let's grab him," The guard clones put Pinkie Pie and her party cannon on his back and flies. He's searching for the Thunder Legion.

Mirajane, with her speed and strength, dominates Midnight Sparkle. Despite having control of the weather and the strength of Lord Tirek, it's not enough to outmaneuver Mirajane's blows in her Sitri form. She tries converting her magic against her, but Mirajane knee strikes Midnight every time.

Rufus sees Rogue having a hard time battling King Sombra and decides to step into the fray after destroying many Techno-Magic-Soldiers. Sting is battling Techno-Magic-Soldiers. He's unable to concentrate on delivering the final blow.

"Iron Shadow Dragon Lance!" Gajeel turns his arm into a large spearhead. "Demon Logs!" Gajeel shoots many steel spears at the Techno-Magic-Soldiers.

"Thanks, Gajeel," Sting said. "Can you cover me while I muster enough power to finish King Sombra?"

"Sure thing. Lily! Get down here!"

"Right!" Panther Lily swoops down and destroys many Techno-Magic-Soldiers with his song sword.

"Memory-Make Sword of Frozen Black Lightning!" Rufus combines Gray's and Orga's magic power into a devastating attack, creating several bolts of black lightning that drop onto King Sombra. Once the lightning makes contact, it freezes into spikes of ice.

King Sombra has never felt this kind of pain and the spikes of ice hold him in place. "How is this possible!?"

Rogue lands on top of the ice spike. "When our friends work together, we become unstoppable!" Rogue starts consuming some essence of King Sombra's shadows, so his physical form remains in place.

"Stop this! I, King of the Shadows, command you to cease and desist!"

"I bow to no king!" Rogue said after consuming King Sombra's shadow magic.

"Thanks, guys!" Sting is fully powered. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Holy Nova!" Sting lunges at King Sombra and punches him. On contact, a very massive, horizontal column of light explodes. The attack is solely concentrated on bringing harm to King Sombra.

King Sombra screams while his body disintegrates. The Holy properties within Sting's magic are too much to bear; Especially when Rogue consumes his shadows, weakening him in the process.

"Another one bites the dust," Gajeel chuckles while seeing King Sombra vanquished.

Mirajane, in her Sitri form, shoots many dark magic orbs at Midnight Sparkle while flying. Midnight Sparkle tries her hardest to defend herself, but Mirajane's magic power overwhelms her.

"Goodbye!" Mirajane forms a sphere in her hand that spreads dark bullets at Midnight Sparkle.

Midnight Sparkle falls to the ground hard. She coughs out blood. "It can't end like this! Not by another demon that's friends with Spike! I need more power. I need another fallen-" Midnight Sparkle feels her power coming back to her as well as King Sombra's magic.

Mirajane swoops down while flames engulf her hand. She's ready to end Midnight Sparkle once and for all. Mirajane lands a strike on Midnight Sparkle, only to see that Midnight has become an absolute shadow.

"So, close," Midnight Sparkle covers Mirajane's Sitri form.

"What are you doing!?" Mirajane tries to rip the shadows off of her. The shadows are onto her like glue.

"I need more demonic power, and you're my best option!" Midnight Sparkle taps into Tirek's magic and drains Satan Soul Sitri's magic power. Mirajane reverts to normal after her magic fades. Mirajane falls to her knees while Midnight Sparkle exits her shadow form. "End of the line."

"Crap." Mirajane closes her eyes, expecting her demise. Spike comes and punches Midnight Sparkle into a building. "Spike!" Mirajane's eyes widen in shock.

Spike has Sparkling Green Energy Wings on his back. "Are you okay?" Spike helps Mirajane up.

"I am. Midnight drained my magic and added it to hers."

Midnight Sparkle gets up. "I ripped off your wings! How is this possible!?" Midnight Sparkle is irate.

"I learned the technique from my future self, Leekips. He used his Energy Maker Magic to create new limbs. So, I made myself a new pair of wings."

Cozy Glow lands hard on the ground. Pisces did a number on her. "Midnight, it's only us. We need to retreat!" Cozy Glow advises. She's heavily scarred and bruised from the assault.

"That won't be necessary. You have the power I need to win," Midnight Sparkle's hand glow aqua blue and uses her flames to incinerate Cozy Glow. Her magic and power return to Midnight Sparkle.

"You monster!" Mirajane said, watching the young one turn to ashes.

"No. I'm the Princess of Friendship! I will change everything for the better!" Midnight Sparkle flies after Spike. Spike flies after Midnight. Midnight's horn glows white and teleports Spike elsewhere.

Mirajane sighs; she hopes the others are around wherever Midnight Sparkle teleported to.

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