• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Tail vs Tartaros: Part 7

Spike, Erza, Minerva, Lector, and Frosch are on the move, heading to the control center.

"Do you know where we can find the control room from here?" Erza asks Minerva. "Are we close?"

"Everything is damaged beyond recognition. I can't tell," Minerva replies.

"Mard Geer claimed it was still intact. Where could it be? Spike, think you can sense a corpse with magic?"

"Spike can't. I can. Right now, we're cold. With everyone back into the fray after being encased in Mard Geer's Alegria, it's hard to pick up a particular case of magic, even manipulating matter."

"Alright, we'll keep searching," Minerva said. "Spike, I'm sorry for what I pulled during the Grand Magic Games. It was uncalled for what I've done."

"Apologies accepted. Sorry I gave Erza inspiration of making you eat dirt."

"Apologies accepted," Minerva replies.

"Hey! Somebody is heading towards us," Lector alerts Minerva, Erza, and Spike.

"Yea, I can see them too," Frosch informs the trio.

Panther Lily and Happy walk up to them. Happy appears to have a mushroom on his head.

"Happy, Lily," Erza said.

"Erza! Spike!" Happy is glad to see his friends intact.

"Minerva, Lector, Frosch? What are you doing here?" Panther Lily asks.

"We're here to help," Lector replies. "Sting and Rogue are fighting a demon as we speak. We're looking for-" Lector's speech gets interrupted by;

"Well, we have a visitor who knows where the control room is."

"Huh?" Happy is confused.

"What are you talking about, Rage?" Erza turns to Spike.

"The bitch is on Happy's head. The mushroom is a demon."

"Is that so?" Minerva walks up to the mushroom on Happy's head.

The mushroom that resides on Happy's head is sweating like crazy. The mushroom's features are red and yellow striped. Minerva smirks and yanks the mushroom off of Happy.

"You little bastard! How did you know!?" Franmalth angrily asks.

"Well, I've tasted demonic curses, so I have enact of sensing curses as well as magic. That includes manipulation matter."

Franmalth is paralyzed in fear after hearing that claim from Fairy Rage. He wonders what else Fairy Dragon is capable of.

"Tell us where the control room is at, and we'll spare your life," Minerva demands.

"Any funny business or stalling, I'll consume your body and harness the information myself."

Franmalth quivers in fear after hearing that threat. The fear of being eaten by a dragon is bad enough due to his unfortunate situation.

"Why wait when you can do it now?" Panther Lily entices Fairy Rage.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah! No! I'll talk! I'll talk!" Franmalth pleas for his life.

"Direct us, now," Minerva commands.

"Okay, okay, go forward, and I'll tell you," Franmalth says, hoping to please Minerva and Fairy Rage. "I can't afford to take them there. I'll have to stall for time."

"You won't be stalling."

"AH! You can read minds?!" Franmalth speaks to Fairy Rage telepathically.

"Well, I'm in your head. I have a unique ability to move into other minds while Spike remains in control. Right now, I'm in your head. I can make you do things that are so vile you'll never sleep again."

Franmalth gulps; he underestimated the prowess of Fairy Rage's capabilities even more. "You win. I won't stall time."

"Now the bitch will tell us where the control room is. He had an idea to stall but, he won't be. Right?"

"RIGHT!" Franmalth cowardly says. He directs everyone to the control room with Fairy Rage lurking in his mind.

After a twenty-minute walk, Franmalth's sense of direction led everyone to the control room. The corpse of the Chairman is still operating the Faces' sequence.

"Rage, think you can shut down the corpse?" Erza asks.

"Shut down, no. Take control, yes. Spike, bring me closer."

Spike walks up to the former Chairman. "Dude, I don't sense any magic within the Chairman."

"Necromancy is top stuff, Spike. There is no mind within. Just manipulating matter."

"This is it. Someone! Quick! Stop the dragon before he dooms us all!" Franmalth prays for anyone to stop Spike from deactivating Face.

KyΓ΄ka swoops in and strikes Spike with her finger whip. The curse within the whip causes Spike to wail in agony.

"You!" Erza goes after KyΓ΄ka when her body froze in place. Her hands start to choke her. The same goes for Minerva, Happy, Panther Lily, Lector, and Frosch.

"Why.., am I.., doing this..?" Happy is choking.

"What's.., happening.., to us!?" Panther Lily is confused.

"It's really hard.., to.., breathe!" Lector tries gasping for air.

"Stop this..," Minerva sees the other demon manipulating their bodies like puppetry. Seilah.

"Behold, the true power of the Necro-Curse," Seilah said in satisfaction.

Spike gets up after feeling immense pain. "Get ready for a beat down."

"Can't you use your curse on him?" KyΓ΄ka asks while pointing at Spike.

"No. For some reason, my curse is unaffected. I do not indicate as to why," Seilah answers.

"No matter. Kill his friends while I tame him for Midnight Sparkle," KyΓ΄ka commands.

"As you wish," Seilah keeps the pressure on forcing Spike's friends to die by suffocation. Then she gets ambushed by Mirajane in her Satan Soul form. Due to the collision, Seilah's curse is uplifted, allowing everyone to have control of themselves.

"No!" KyΓ΄ka watches her comrade fall as well as the Chairman.

"So, Seilah is the Necromancer this whole time. It looks like the Chairman is down for the count."

"That collision took out the old guy from activating face!" Lector cheers.

Mirajane pants heavily. She used all of her strength for that one blow. Seilah no longer has an ounce of Curse power left. She's drained of it. Erza rushes to Mirajane.

"Are you alright? You had me worried."

"I'll be okay. I used the last of my strength for that entrance," Mirajane replies.

"Seilah, you should be proud of what you gave for our great cause," KyΓ΄ka smiles down at Seilah.

"I don't have any... LOOK OUT!" Seilah shoves KyΓ΄ka away.

Spike conjures a fireball and shoots a heat cannon blast. His intended target was KyΓ΄ka, but now, Seilah takes the hit. She screams in agony from the burning sensation.

"No!" KyΓ΄ka turns to Spike angrily. "You will regret that, lizard!" KyΓ΄ka smirks, looking at the control screen. "The Chairman has activated Faces' activation. Now, magic will be eradicated from this world."

"We did it! Yay!" Franmalth cheers.

"That gives us plenty of time to deactivate," Spike smirks.

"How so?" KyΓ΄ka looks at him.

"Whoa, I didn't know I had the power to control a corpse." Fairy Rage is inside of the Chairman's body.

KyΓ΄ka, Franmalth, and Sheliah scream in horror. "That dragon is a monster!"

"I have memories to deactivate the contraption as well."

"Good," Erza requips into her Armadura Fairy Armor. The armor is pink with a simple breastplate joined to the collar. The armor has many wing shaped decorations. The weapons are identical swords sporting large and decorated hand-guards with wings and blades protruding near the hilts to house additional decorative motifs. "Spike, Minerva, and I will cover you."

"Take my life force! Don't let them succeed!" Seilah transfers her life force and her remaining energy into KyΓ΄ka.

"I heard everything!" Lamy spins her way into the room and slams herself into the control panel.

"Shit!" Fairy Rage uses the Chairman's body to kick Lamy, but by having the Chairman's body, Fairy Rage realizes that the body is weaker than Happy.

"Hahahahaha, did I do good, KyΓ΄ka?" Lamy asks.

"You did well," KyΓ΄ka smirks.

Fairy Rage tries using the control panel. "Great, it's going to be a little difficult to manage."

"Hurry!" Spike yells.

"Leave the dragon to me, KyΓ΄ka," Lamy said. "I want some payback since his friend trashed my hunk," Lamy refers to Jackal.

"Be my guest. Leave Erza and the traitor to me," KyΓ΄ka refers to Minerva.

Minerva and Erza roar and go after KyΓ΄ka. The two use their close-quarter combat while Lamy goes after Spike. Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Lamy away for the time being.

"Any luck, Rage?" Spike asks.

"No. That stupid bunny trashed half of the panel. I can't deactivate the sequence."

"Can you try to slow it down?" Lector asks.

"No. The key I need to slow it down is ruin. I'm sorry." Fairy Rage returns to Spike's body. The Chairman's corpse collapses.

Minerva and Erza continue to attack KyΓ΄ka. She uses her finger whip to get a few good hits on the two. Minerva and Erza yelps in pain while delivering their blows on KyΓ΄ka. Then, the area starts trembling. The fighting comes to a halt; a loud familiar roar echoes for miles on end. Everyone that heard the roar looked up at the Dragon King of the Apocalypse. Acnologia.

"Acnologia..," Spike looks at Acnologia. Spike has a flashback to the night he met his Uncle, Zirconis. Zirconis explained what happened to the dragons, including his and Amy's fate at the hands of Acnologia.

"Spike?" Erza turns to Spike. She can tell that Spike is riled-up with emotions.

"What's wrong with that dragon?" KyΓ΄ka demands to know why he's in a trance.

"Acnologia killed Spike's uncle and mother," Happy said the trigger word.

"Ac..no..lo..gia..," Spike angrily pants while he's powering up.

Acnologia shoots a devastating energy blast from his mouth, destroying several Face Statues around the remains of the Tartaros cubic. Every Fairy Tail Wizard witnessing Acnologia's power starts losing hope while others start remembering the last Acnologia battle.

"Acnologia," Spike calls his name calmly. "YOU'RE DOOMED!" Spike takes off.

"NOOOO! SPIIIIIKE!" Erza becomes worried that Spike is going to die in the claws of Acnologia.

Spike increases his size to match Acnologia's. He tackles the dragon mid-flight. Everyone watches are in awe and shock that Spike is bringing the fight to Acnologia.

"What is he doing?!" Lucy watches in horror. She's with Natsu, Gajeel, Juvia, Levy, and Laxus.

"He's insane for going at him alone!" Levy said in horror.

"This is bad! The last time Spike fought him, he was dominated by that monster," Juvia said.


"Damn! I wish I can help Spike!" Natsu watches Spike taking the battle to Acnologia.

Acnologia punches Spike in the face and ax chop his neck in mid-flight. Acnologia roars and shoots an energy beam from his mouth on Spike's back. Spike falls to the ground hard but uses his fire breath to teleport himself before slamming into the ground. Acnologia expects Spike to appear above him. He generates another energy blast. This one is larger in magic power than before. Spike's teleportation allows him to soar behind Acnologia.

"Lightning Inferno Flame!" Spike's claws ignite in Sparkling Orange-Green Lightning Flames. "Demolition Fist!" Acnologia turns to get punched in the face and gut. The lightning flames of Spike's power explode on contact.

Acnologia acknowledges the pain and grabs Spike's throat. He remembers Spike being weaker than before. Acnologia unleashes his energy beam blast on Spike, but Spike uses his fire breath to counter the energy blast from destroying his face. Spike uses his tail to grab Acnologia's throat and headbutts the dragon. Acnologia releases his hold on Spike.

While Spike and Acnologia fight in the skies, Natsu hears a familiar voice reaching out to him.

"Natsu. It's been too long, my boy."

"Igneel?" Natsu hears his father's voice.

"It must be you who defeats E.N.D; I have absolute faith that you're up to the task," Igneel said.

"Igneel? How can I hear your voice?" Natsu tries to locate the source of his father's voice.

"Igneel?" Levy is confused as to how Natsu is hearing Igneel's voice when she doesn't hear him.

"No one else is here. Who are you talking to, Natsu?" Juvia asks.

"Fear not. I will deal with Acnologia," Igneel said. Natsu's belly starts glowing bright orange. Natsu feels different while his belly glows brighter and brighter.

Lucy, Juvia, Levy, and Gajeel watch in amazement. Natsu roars which cause a powerful magical outburst that causes his friends to hurl away a bit. Gajeel witness the rising of Igneel from Natsu's body.

"I'm sorry, son. I didn't leave you. In fact, I've been closer to you than you could have ever guessed," Igneel is a gigantic dark red dragon with some scars on his face and stomach. He has yellow eyes. Igneel's lower body, specifically his stomach, the inner portions of his long tail, and legs, are beige. "Please trust that all will be explained in due time. Right now, I need to take Son of Amy the Amethyst Dragon's place and rid of Acnologia from this world!" Igneel takes off.

Acnologia once again is dominating Spike with his sheer strength and magic power. Spike put up a better fight, but it was all for nothing. Acnologia conjures another energy blast when Igneel swoops in and headbutts Acnologia. The energy blast is blasted towards the sky and away from the populous.

"Take off, Energy Maker Dragon! Acnologia is mine!" Igneel roars at Acnologia.

"Who are you?" Spike has many scales burnt and new scars from Acnologia's claws on his chest near his Fairy Tail Emblem.

"Igneel. Natsu's father. I won't say this again, now take off!" Igneel commands.

As much as Spike wants to stay, he couldn't. He's not powerful enough to fight Acnologia, no matter how much he wants to slay him for killing his family. Spike reverts and flies away from the battle. He decides to fly back to Erza and the others.

Natsu tears up. He's happy that Igneel is back and relieved that Spike won't die at the claws of Acnologia. Now in a fit of rage, Natsu uses his fire magic to take off and speak with Igneel.

During Spike's battle with Acnologia, KyΓ΄ka received word from Mard Geer to use body link magic. KyΓ΄ka will be the trigger to detonate all the Face Statues. Minerva destroyed Lamy with her magic while Spike was battling Acnologia. Spike returns to see KyΓ΄ka shattering Erza's Fairy Armor and weapons.

"Whoa..," Spike said in shock. He sees the timer accelerating to Faces' activation.

"Distracted?" KyΓ΄ka flies behind Spike instantly and claws his back with her curse. Spike wails in agony while feeling immense pain again. "The screams of the young is so delightful."

"How dare you!" Erza requips into her Flight Armor and goes after KyΓ΄ka.

"Feel the power of Etherious!" KyΓ΄ka swipes her arms, creating a full-powered pulse force at Erza. She shatters her Flight Armor. Erza requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. "It doesn't matter what armor you protect yourself with!" KyΓ΄ka extends her arms and shoots a wide array of sensitivity-focused electric sparks. She hits Spike, Erza, Minerva, Lector, Panther Lily, Mirajane, and Happy in the process.

Spike feels a jolt in his nerves from the pain as it becomes too unbearable. Erza remembers the feeling when she was held captive by her earlier today. The Exceeds couldn't handle the pain due to their smaller bodies. Mirajane and Minerva struggle to get up from the immense pain surging in their bodies.

KyΓ΄ka walks up to Erza. She, like Spike, is suffering the worst effects of her curse. KyΓ΄ka is aware that Midnight wants Spike intact but wasn't specific with her at the least. KyΓ΄ka stomps on Erza's stomach while relishing Erza's painful cries.

"This sure takes me back to the torturing dungeon we met," KyΓ΄ka smiles at Erza, stomping her stomach again.

"You.., tortured.., my.., sister..?" Spike turns to KyΓ΄ka. He's struggling to stand. His body took a toll from Acnologia's attack and now KyΓ΄ka's.

"I did. Don't worry. I'll make it slow and painful for Erza," KyΓ΄ka strips Erza's armor as she doesn't see it fit for her death.

"Leave Erza alone!" Spike demands. "Or else!"

"I'll leave her be, after I take her sight," By the command of KyΓ΄ka's curse, Erza's sight vanishes into darkness. "Next, your sense of touch, smell, taste, and hearing," Erza loses all of her senses by the command of KyΓ΄ka's curse. She turns to Spike. "Now, it's your turn," KyΓ΄ka walks up to Spike.

"No! Stay away from him!" Panther Lily demands.

Spike is low on magic energy to teleport KyΓ΄ka away. He watches KyΓ΄ka come closer to him.

"Fear is what I smell from you," KyΓ΄ka's finger extends into a whip. Spike put up his best bravery face at KyΓ΄ka. She whips Spike, and he screams. "Yes! The sounds of the dragon's cries are so refreshing! Do it again!" KyΓ΄ka lashes Spike harder, causing him to suffer even more. His screams echo the area while KyΓ΄ka's curse affects more of his body. "I'll give you to Midnight in a broken state; you will wish to forget all this pain!" KyΓ΄ka laughs and is about to lash Spike again. Erza kicks KyΓ΄ka in the back and away from Spike.

"I will not let you harm my brother!" Erza stands firm despite having no senses.

"How are you able to stand? How were you able to hear what I was doing to Spike?!" KyΓ΄ka is enraged with Erza's ability to knock her down.

"I have the light within me. Another sense you cannot take away is a sisterly sense. You are messing with my brother and won't get away with it!" Erza uppercuts KyΓ΄ka fiercely. KyΓ΄ka is taken back by how strong Erza is despite relinquishing her senses. To her, it's like Erza is enacting on instinct alone.

"This can't be real. Sisterly instincts? The light within her? I stripped her of every sense, and yet, she continues to fight?" KyΓ΄ka is doubting her abilities to defeat Erza. Erza is laying the smackdown on KyΓ΄ka in close-quarter combat.

"Go, Sis!" Spike cheers for Erza to defeat KyΓ΄ka. He holds himself from the pain.

"That's Erza for you. Never in doubt, anyone should quit on her," Happy states.

"She is a sight to behold," Minerva admits. She remembers when Erza overwhelmed her after striking Spike. Then it hits her. Messing with her brother does mean death upon you.

Erza draws her swords and slashes KyΓ΄ka's stomach and chest in one fierce attack. KyΓ΄ka realizes she doomed herself when she used Spike as her plaything after removing Erza's senses. Erza falls over due to exhaustion. Minerva grabs one of the swords and impales KyΓ΄ka's chest, killing her in the process. After KyΓ΄ka's death, Erza regains her senses.

"Sis," Spike slowly walks up to Erza and helps her up.

"Spike," Erza looks down at Spike.

"Yes! We did it!" Happy cheers.

"Not likely!" Franmalth says. "Face is on! You're too late, suckers!"

Erza, Minerva, Spike, Lector, Happy, Panther Lily, Frosch, and Mirajane's jaws drop. They thought victory is theirs.

"This can't be happening," Erza doesn't know what else to do. She screams when she sees a purple hand engulfed in aqua blue flames impaling her chest.

"It is happening," Midnight Sparkle laughs.

"ERZA!" Spike horridly shouts.

All eyes turn to Spike when he shouted Erza. Franmalth becomes elated after forgetting that Midnight Sparkle is another ace in Tartaros' sleeve.

"Erza's time is up," Midnight Sparkle pulls her hand out of Erza's chest. Erza falls limp to the floor, barely breathing.

"No..., no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noooooo!" Spike clutches to Erza and cries. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"You bastard!" Minerva clutches onto Erza's sword.

"You're a traitor. I advised KyΓ΄ka on recruiting you when I saw how you punished that Lucy girl and, this is the thanks we get for lending you demonic powers? Such a shame. I will extinguish all of your lives now," Midnight Sparkle proclaims.

"Erza..," Spike wants Erza to wake up.

"Don't worry, Spike. You'll forget the trauma and live your life happily with me," Midnight Sparkle smiles.

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