• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Tail vs Tartaros: Part 6

Spike and Lucy cover their ears while Plutogrim roars. Plutogrim's roaring is causing the buildings of Magnolia to disintegrate. People on the streets are panicking and fleeing for their lives.

"Demons of Tartaros," Mard Geer uses his telepathy. Spike and Lucy hear Mard Geer. "I used the Alegria. The intruders' lives have been snuffed out. Our plans remain unchanged. The Faces' activation is imminent."

"It's confirmed..." Fairy Rage believes that his warning about Spike losing something close has come to pass.

"Wait, I thought Wendy and Carla stopped face." Lucy thought to herself.

"Faces..," Spike puts it together. "Of course. Now I understand. The Magic Council made more than one Face. In case something were to happen to the first one. There could be hundreds of them, planted elsewhere in Fiore."

"Incoming wave!" Fairy Rage senses something peculiar.

"What is it?" Lucy gets in position.

Green water pours from the ceiling and floods the area. Spike and Lucy get caught in the current.

"One more thing, Demons of Tartaros. A human has avoided Algeria's imprisonment reaches. The same goes for Fairy Dragon, the one Midnight Sparkle desires. A timely vacancy has risen among the Nine Demon Gates. Whoever slays this human may fit. If a Demon Gate kills the human, they should receive a greater reward. Good hunting," Mard Geer smiles.

"Thank you," Midnight Sparkle telepathically says to Mard Geer.

"Anything for you. Your services are much obliged to our cause. We will weaken Fairy Dragon for you to overwhelm him. I will ask of you to partake in hunting the last human."

"I'll hunt on my accord. Fairy Dragon is still intact. I need Fairy Dragon in a broken state, which won't be for much longer."

"Very well," Mard Geer allows Midnight Sparkle to be and walks to his throne.

Lucy and Spike grab onto a log that's surfing on the waters. Lucy and Spike pull themselves up. Lucy rides while Spike flies beside her.

"Alright, let's not split up," Lucy said.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Spike looks around and sees three Tartaros Soldiers surfing on logs. "How did they find us so quickly?"

"No idea."

"We don't have time for you!" Lucy grabs her whip and lashes at the Soldiers. They fall into the greenish waters.

Spike turns around to see another wave of Tartaros Soldiers riding on logs. They are shooting magic beams from their weaponry.

"I got them. Phew, phew," Spike mimics his claws like guns, shooting Sparkling Green Bullets at the Tartaros Soldiers.

"Crap! This dragon can shoot bullets!" Some Tartaros Soldiers didn't anticipate this kind of firepower from Spike the Fairy. Each of them is knocked into the waters while trying to dodge his flaming bullets.

More Tartaros Soldiers appear next to Lucy while Spike shoots Tartaros Soldiers behind Lucy. "Gotcha you now, Blonde!"

"Open, Gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!" Lucy opens Sagittarius' Gate Key.

"Howdy-do," Sagittarius is on a structure above and shoots Tartaros Soldiers left and right with his arrows. Someone appears, spinning in circles on water. "What in blazes is this? She's deflecting my arrows."

Lamy, a bunny-girl demon of Tartaros, is spinning in circles on water. She ascends and attacks Sagittarius, rendering him from battle.

"Take a break, Sagittarius," Lucy closes his gate.

Spike finishes shooting Tartaros Soldiers. "Things are about to become hectic around here," Spike sees Lamy.

"Open, Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" Lucy opens Virgo's Gate Key.

Virgo appears in her black bikini while surfing on a log. "You want this bunny girl punished, yes?"

Lamy becomes offended by Virgo's appearance. To her, Virgo is more beautiful than Lamy.

"Heads up, Lucy!" Fairy Rage warns Lucy of an incoming attack.

"Open, Gate of the Lion! Leo!" Lucy opens Loke's Gate Key.

"Regulus Impact!" Loke appears in front of a different demon, blocking Torafuzar's attack.

"You stopped my blade barehanded," Torafuzar is impressed with Loke's physique and power. Torafuzar is a massive, extremely-muscular lizardman-shark demon. His body is dark pinkish with scales all over; his long arms sport an arched-backward, fin-like bladed protrusion on the outer side.

"Impressive, not even Regulus' power could block it all," Loke has a scratch on his arm from the impact.

"Wow, that guy reminds me of King Shark," Spike said, looking at the demon.

"Thanks, Loke," Lucy said. "You okay?"

"I'll be fine," Loke is preparing to battle Torafuzar.

Virgo and Loke battle Lamy and Torafuzar on their logs while riding the current. Lucy appears too tired from summoning her Zodiac Spirits. Spike flies next to Lucy to protect her from any other Demon that comes along.

"Oh look, familiar faces," Jackal smirks.

"This time, stay down!" Spike conjures sword blades on both arms like the Dorma Anim he copied.

"Huh?" Jackal is puzzled by Spike's abilities. "So, copying a demon's sword arms?" Spike flies at Jackal. "Not this time, Fairy Dragon," Jackal shoots his explosions at Lucy.

"Shit!" Spike couldn't react and turned to see Lucy hit with the explosions.

"Lucy!" Virgo and Loke watch in horror. Lucy lands in the greenish waters and submerges within.

"I'm after the human. I'll save you for the last," Jackal laughs.

"METEOR RAIN!" Spike conjures Sparkling Green Orbs with lightning inside. He unleashes them at Jackal.

Jackal laughs and dodges each one. He shoots more of his explosions directly at Lucy. Some of Spike's orbs intercept the explosions but, Lucy still gets hit with the full force of some. Lucy screams in agony while Spike is losing some edge. With the thought of Midnight lurking around, it could be at any moment she'll strike.

"It's pointless protecting her when you can't protect yourself!" Jackal maniacally laughs while unleashing wave after wave of explosions upon Spike and Lucy.

Spike does his best to shield himself and Lucy from the onslaught of explosions. It becomes too much when Tartaros Soldiers return and start shooting magic beams at Spike and Lucy. Lucy reminisces about the times her friends had come to save her time and time again. She draws Aquarius' Gate Key, ready to unleash her wrath.

"Open, Gate of the Waterbearer! Aquarius!" Lucy opens Aquarius' Gate Key.

"Lucy! You're going to push yourself too far!" Virgo warns, knowing that Lucy is exhausting herself.

"You can't open three gates at once!" Loke said.

Lucy falls over due to extreme exhaustion. However, Aquarius catches her. She turns to see the demons of Tartaros and Soldiers of Tartaros.

"You're even stupider than I thought."

"Glad.., you.., made.., it..," Lucy tiredly says.

"I'm going to say this one more time. You're a damn idiot," Aquarius conjures her water currents with her urn.

"Who the hell is that?" Jackal looks at Aquarius.

"She's my friend," Lucy answers.

"You're demise," Spike flies out of the way.

Aquarius unleashes her strongest water torrent at Jackal, Tartaros Soldiers, and Lamy. Loke and Virgo warn Lucy to close one of their gates to reserve strength. Torafuzar swims in the currents of Aquarius' torrent.

"That thing is swimming against my torrent," Aquarius is appalled by the demon's physique.

"Water is a specialty of mine," Torafuzar rises from the waters to strike Aquarius.

"Ice Spike!" Spike conjures an ice spike from Aquarius' waters. Torafuzar gets struck in the back during the process. "Little bastard," Torafuzar is now pissed off.

"Good save, Spike!" Loke sees Aquarius safe from harm.

"Not good enough!" Jackal laughs and uses his explosion magic on Loke and Virgo.

"Loke! Virgo!" Lucy watches in horror while Loke and Virgo return to the Celestial Spirit World in defeat.

"Oh, Midnight," Jackal smirks.

Spike turns to see where Midnight is coming from; this leads to his undoing, allowing Jackal and Torafuzar to strike Spike with their full force assault.

"Spike! Noo!" Lucy watches Spike receiving a scar from Torafuzar's blade strike on his back while Jackal punches Spike in the face and the gut. Spike explodes due to Jackal's curse.

"Hahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahaha!" Jackal relishes Spike's misery from the blows. "Man, that felt sweet! Fairy Dragon fell for it!"

"The dragon is a pest. I'm glad he's down for a while," Torafuzar said.

"The baby dragon thought mommy was coming," Lamy laughs.

"You bastards!" Aquarius is livid.

Lucy is losing magic power. She's all out of options while Aquarius is positioning herself to defend Lucy.

"This end now!" Fairy Rage rises and conjures a Sparkling Orange Fireball.

"So, that's Fairy Rage," Torafuzar sees Spike's eyes are bright orange. He charges after him.

"Rage Energy Bl-" Fairy Rage is about to press his claw forward when Torafuzar strikes him with his fin-like blade. "Aaaaaaaah!" Fairy Rage holds his sides.

"Pathetic dragon," Torafuzar knees Fairy Rage in the gut and slams him down to the ground. "I expected more of a challenge," Torafuzar is unimpressed with Fairy Rage.

"Explosion Cataclysm!" Sparkling Orange Explosions hits Torafuzar under his feet. He gets hurled away from Lucy's presence. "I have to draw this demon away from Lucy."

"So, you have some surprises after all. I hope Midnight Sparkle doesn't mind if I cripple you," Torafuzar goes after Fairy Rage.

Fairy Rage uses his fire breath to teleport him and Torafuzar away from Lucy. They're in a different room. Fairy Rage smirks. "We'll meet again soon."

"What are you talking about?" Torafuzar leaps in the air and lashes at Fairy Rage. Fairy Rage uses his fire breath to teleport Torafuzar elsewhere on Tartaros. "That little jackass is clever. However, I will end him," Torafuzar goes on a different path to hunt Lucy all over again.

"I gotta get back to Lucy." Fairy Rage flies. Using his sense of direction by sensing Lucy's magic. He hopes to ambush Jackal.

Aquarius unleashes her torrents of water at Lamy and Jackal. Lucy is losing more magic energy for extending Aquarius' timeslot. Lamy is pushed away while Jackal tries his hardest; to get closer to kill Lucy.

"Thank you, Aquarius," Lucy watches Jackal getting pushed back by the currents.

"Listen up. I can't beat them; I can slow them down. Same goes for the Zodiacs. Spike the Fairy is getting overwhelmed by these demons of Tartaros. These demons are too strong."

"Yea..," Lucy sniffs at the face of defeat.

"However, there is a way you can still win this," Aquarius said.

"There is?" Lucy asks.

"There's not a lot of time for me to say this once, so pay attention. You're strong, Lucy. Strong enough to keep three gates open. And strong enough to summon HIM. The Celestial Spirit King."

"Is that possible..?" Lucy is astounded after learning she has the strength to summon the Celestial Spirit King.

"Why else will I say it? This won't be easy, but it's our only chance. His strike from the stars can obliterate any foe. Even this one."

"He did overwhelm Spike during their spar. But to call the Celestial Spirit King, I don't know how. I don't have his Gate Key."

"The Celestial Spirit King has no Gate Key, Lucy. There's another way to open his Gate; with a Zodiac Key. The price is a hefty one, though. You can open the Gate of the King once and by breaking a Golden Key. Forever."

Lucy gasps. "That would mean... Closing one of my Spirits."

Jackal proclaims to make Lucy's life a living nightmare when he gets to her. He's fighting Aquarius' currents.

"You can't break any Golden Key either. The King's Gate will only open if the level of trust between Wizard and Spirit is especially strong."

"There has to be another way. I won't do that!" Lucy declares. "I mean it! It's like your telling me to pick a best friend to betray!"

"It's not a betrayal if I let you," Aquarius said. "Only thing I trusted you is to act like a fool. However, we do go way back. So, I think it'll work," Aquarius calmly says.

"Are you saying that I should..?"

"Do what it takes to save your friends, yes."

"But you're one of them!" Lucy protests. "I'm not going to sacrifice one friend to save another. It's wrong! There has to be another way! All we need to do is figure it out!"

"Do you think I would suggest this if there is still another option? This is the only chance you have."

"Nooo!" Lucy refuses and becomes teary. "That's not true!"

"There is another option, Lucy," Aquarius said.

"What is it?" Lucy becomes optimistic.

"Let Spike be taken away by refusing to summon the Celestial Spirit King!" Aquarius angrily says.

Lucy tears up even more. With the idea of her refusal to sacrifice a Gate Key for Spike's safety in Earth Land. However, it's harder for her to make a sacrifice. Jackal is getting agitated with the ongoing currents pushing him away. He's using his explosion curses to create a path to Lucy.

"You hear that? He'll breakthrough soon. You have to be strong, please! "

"I can't!" Lucy cries.

"It's not like you breaking my key will kill me, okay? I'll be fine. It'll be like I moved. Somewhere very far away."

"I'll still be too sad..," Lucy continues to cry.

"Maybe for you, but I'll be relieved. Your mother was an extraordinary person. The best Master I ever had. When she lost her life and my key was passed onto you, I could barely take it. You were an ignorant brat who cried all the time and took everything for granted. You didn't inherit an ounce of your mother's natural grace. But, I had to tolerate you because you were Layla's daughter. I loathed you, despised you, for such a very long time."

"I don't care if you hate me! You're still my first friend, and I love you! There's nothing you can say to change my mind. Stop trying!"

"Quit acting like a child! You can lose everything you have, allowed this Twilight to ruin Spike's life, or lose me!" Aquarius shouts to get through to Lucy's stubbornness. Lucy continues to cry. "What matters most in life? Keys? Memories? Your guilty conscience? Or is it this? The strength to make sacrifices, to protect the ones you love even when it hurts you! If that's it, then break my key right now! Natsu isn't coming! Spike could be in the heap of trouble! It's all on you!"

"I love you, Aquarius. I love you so much..," Lucy grips her Aquarius Gate Key.

"Yea, I know!" Aquarius sees Jackal coming closer.

"Get ready to die, ladies," Jackal laughs, knowing victory is at his grasp.

"Now do it!" Aquarius demands. Lucy conjures all her might and magic power to summon the Celestial Spirit King. Aquarius can feel her heart on fire while feeling all sorts of different emotions for Lucy. The years of knowing Lucy and the memories flood her mind. Despite how Aquarius feels about Lucy, she shed some tears and becomes grateful for the times she's spent with her. Aquarius returns to the Celestial Spirit World, and her water evaporates.

"Open! Gate of the King!" Lucy opens the Celestial Spirit King's Gate. The Aquarius Gate Key shatters.

"Hey! Where did the water go?" Jackal looks around. He sees Lucy crying while holding onto her Gate Key.

"Whoa! I'm sensing something huge and powerful! Just like.., No way! The Celestial Spirit King is coming to this fight?!"

The Celestial Spirit King descends from the skies at rapid speeds, drawing his sword to strike Plutogrim in one swift stroke. He creates a hole in Plutogrim, causing it to crash onto the ground. The structure of the cube is obliterated on contact.

Jackal is horrified by Lucy's magic power. He doesn't want to compliment Lucy by calling her a monster when he is a demon.

Midnight Sparkle sees the Celestial Spirit King for the first time. She senses the power with the Celestial Spirit King. "How is this possible? Where did he come from? I need to find Spike before this guy set his eyes on me!" Midnight Sparkle starts moving.

Fairy Rage looks around to see Tartaros' Guildhall in shambles. He senses Lucy's magic power not far from him. He flies while looking at the bodies that are still encased in the red-flesh-like ooze. He couldn't help but observe what appears to be Mard Geer fighting the Celestial Spirit King.

Lucy continues to cry while holding her destroyed Aquarius Gate Key. Jackal had enough of Lucy's crying and decides to end her miserable life. Jackal unleashes his explosion curse on Lucy; however, it does nothing. A water-bearer shield forms around Lucy, protecting her from Jackal's curse.

"What?!" Jackal angrily shouts.

"A water shield?" Lucy perks up. "Aquarius! Are you here? Answer me!" Lucy starts glowing blue. Lucy feels magic power similar to Aquarius'. She stands up. Aquarius' zodiac sign is located between Lucy's collarbone, having acquired a bikini top that sports a zigzag design and a miniskirt. She enhances newfound magic power from within.

"You stupid girl!" Jackal shouts. "You forget my curse!"

"It appears you forget a bigger curse!"

"What?!" Jackal turns around to see Fairy Rage slashing him with a Sparkling Orange Metallic Sword. "Gaaaaaah!"

"Messing with Fairy Tail is the ultimate bad omen!" Fairy Rage is beside Lucy.

"Forget Midnight's wishes. I'm killing you right now! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Jackal unleashes a barrage of explosions upon Lucy and Fairy Rage. He continues his relentless onslaught knowing the two wouldn't survive this many explosions all in one go. Once again, Lucy's water shield protects her and now Fairy Rage. "No way! That's impossible! I'll make you burn for real!" Jackal lunges at Fairy Rage and Lucy. "Exploding Spiral!" Jackal unleashes a fire spiral explosion at Lucy and Fairy Rage. As before, Lucy's water shield repels the attack.

"Ice Paladin Strike!" Fairy Rage conjures many ice missiles with Orange Flames inside. "Launch!"

"Not again!" This time, Jackal couldn't get out of the way. He's bombarded by the ice missiles. Most of his body is charcoaled from the impact. He lands hard on the ground, coughing blood out.

"Allow me to finish him off, Fairy Rage," Lucy deactivates her water shield.

"No..," Jackal crawls away. "Stay away.., you won!"

"All the stars, far and wide. Show me thy appearance. With such shine. Oh, Tetrabiblos. I am the ruler of the stars. Aspect become complete. Open thy malevolent gate. Oh, 88 Stars of the heaven. Shine! Urano Metria!" All 88 constellations of the sky come down as spheres and bestow their power on Lucy. Then Lucy converts the energy to redirect it at Jackal. Jackal feels the full force of Lucy's spell, which is worse than Fairy Rage's Ice Paladin Strike. Jackal is down and out.

"That was beautiful." Fairy Rage said in awe. "My time has come to an end."

Fairy Rage blinks a few times. Spike takes control of himself. His eyes are now green. "Thanks for taking over. Sorry that I got distracted."

"No worries."

Spike turns to Lucy. She collapses after using her spell. Spike catches her.

"Thanks, Spike," Lucy slightly chuckles.

"You defeated Jackal."

"We did," Lucy places her hand on Spike's cheek. "I finished what Rage started."

All of a sudden, the remains of Tartaros start flashing radiantly. Then Spike and Lucy sense a ton of magic power flowing along with the presence of the Celestial Spirit King leaving. The two smile. They sense that their friends are free from their ooze-like prison.

"Unbelievable," Torafuzar returns. "The two of you ended Jackal's life."

"Pick on me, not her," Spike stands in front of Lucy.

"I intend on crippling you and tearing your limbs apart. Midnight will get her wish. Tartaros will be victorious in the end."

"Think again!" Gajeel comes in the fray and uses his Iron Club on Torafuzar. The impact causes Torafuzar to hurl into a pillar.

"This can't be," Torafuzar gets up. "I thought the baby dragon and the girl are the only survivors."

"It would appear Mard Geer's Alegria Curse has been uplifted," Keyes said. Keyes is a skeletal demon wielding a staff and dresses in form-fitting robes with a high collar. The robe has a checkered pattern collared shirt and tie that Keyes wears beneath. Around his face and on his head, Keyes wears an ornate headpiece, revealing Tartaros' guild mark, covering his jaw and fanning out over his head almost like a crown.

"Water Nebula!" Juvia uses her Water Nebula to intercept Keyes' ambush.

"Hello, Fairy Demon Dragon," Silver reveals himself to the others. He's freezing Juvia's Water Nebula. "It's time to say hello to your new life with Midnight Sparkle."

"Not happening!" Gray intervenes with his ice magic, shattering Silver's.

"Nice one," Silver smirks, looking at Gray.

"Whoosh," Tempester appears and unleashes his wave of fire.

Natsu consumes the fire before it affected his friends. He now has a fire in his belly. "Wow, Lucy, Spike. I don't know how you did it. The two of you saved the day."

"You are one tough little lady and good job Fairy Dragon," Gajeel smirks.

"We'll work together and finish what you started. Preventing these demons from weakening Spike when he confronts Midnight Sparkle," Juvia said.

"You deserve to take a break, Lucy. Spike, give Midnight a thrashing for each of us," Gray said.

"Give her hell, Spike!" Natsu shouts.

Spike picks up Lucy. "I'm taking you to a safe place to rest. I have to find Erza. Neo Minerva could be on her way back and looking to end Erza before she defends herself."

"Understood, Spike. What about fighting Midnight Sparkle?"

"I need someone to keep me in check; so I don't succumb as Spike Knightwalker has," Spike flies away from the battlefield.

"I.., I understand," Lucy remembers the story of Spike Knightwalker following a sadistic path. "Spike, you can put me down."


"If Midnight Sparkle is watching and waiting to ambush you, now will be the time. I'm a burden for the time being."

Spike sighs and complies with Lucy's wish. He sets her down away from the carnage. "I'm going to get Erza. Please, don't get yourself into trouble."

"Trust me. I won't. Go get Midnight."

Spike nods and teleports to Erza. When he arrives, Spike sees Erza talking to Minerva, giving hope to Minerva.

"Hey, Sis," Spike flies up to Erza.

"Hey, Spike. No need to attack Minerva."

"Understood," Spike nods.

"It appears that Minerva was battling an inner demon that blocked her humanity."

Minerva sadly sighs. "How did you know?"

"Spike and I are good with putting pieces together."

"Fairy Dragon," Mard Geer arrives. Spike, Erza, and Minerva turn to Mard Geer. "I'm pleased to see you out in the open. Perhaps now I'll fulfill Midnight's wish of breaking you down. She'll reverse time in this Equestria world and prevent you from coming here in the first place."

"THAT'S WHAT SHE'S PLANNING!?" Erza and Spike shout in horror.

"Indeed. It's futile that you'll succeed victoriously from this war. Fairy Dragon. Feel the wrath of a real demon and say goodbye to your friends," Mard Geer swipes his arm, and a strong force causes Erza, Spike, and Minerva to fly into the skies. Then he shoots a demonic energy beam from the palm of his hand while holding the book of E.N.D.

Sting and Rogue intercept Mard Geer's attack, saving Minerva and Erza in the process.

"We're just in time," Rogue said, holding Erza in his arms.

"Or fashionably late," Sting said, holding Minerva in his arms.

"We heard what you're planning," Lector said.

"We're going to stop you," Frosch said.

"We came to bring you home, Milady," Sting said, looking at Minerva's eyes.

Rogue puts Erza down. "You belong with us back in Sabertooth, Minerva. As for this punk, working with Twilight, that'll be your downfall. No one is messing with our dragon friend."

"What made you guys come here?" Erza asks.

"It was that letter you sent us," Sting answers, putting Minerva down.

Erza remembers the letter she wrote not long ago. "Oh, yes. I've forgotten."

"Speaking of that letter. I'm not trying to be rude here, but it was weird," Lector said.

"Psycho," Frosch noted.

"Yea, sorry. It looked like a crazy person wrote it. Man, bad handwriting made me sick," Lector becomes sick just thinking about how atrocious Erza's handwriting is.

"Poor Yukino. She tried to read it but passed out," Frosch said.

"Only Rufus could decipher it. Even he was nearly driven insane," Rogue said. "We would have arrived much sooner."

Erza is a bit flustered and embarrassed that her handwriting is downright terrible. "Say no more..."

"Milady, please come back to the guild with us," Sting said, which warms Minerva's heart.

Minerva is in tears. A piece of her is now unchained and won't be driven by hatred anymore.

"Go wherever you like, but no matter where you flee, you'll still be in a world without magic," Mard Geer said.

"We know Face has been destroyed," Erza said.

"It's true that one has been demolished," Mard Geer smiles. Erza is in shock. She now realize that the Magic Council made more than once Face.

"Hold on. We did see a bunch of creepy face statues on our way over here," Sting said.

"If those are indeed what you're talking about, there are far too many to count," Rogue noted.

"What?" Erza and Spike said in shock.

"Just one hour. That's approximately how long we have until every last one of them detonates. Thousands of pulse bombs will unleash their power all at once and thus cleanse the scourge of magic from this world. Forever. It's exactly as I envisioned. You can take comfort in the fact that it isn't your failure. There was simply nothing you could have done to stop it."

"Utter nonsense. You couldn't control even one Face from activating. So what the hell makes you think you can set off thousands of them at once?" Minerva asks. "You're bluffing."

"Oh contraire, the former Chairman has the ability to operate them. I must say, although I rather amid humans altogether, he's proven himself rather useful."

"Then your underling shouldn't have killed him," Minerva said.

"He's dead?" Erza asks Minerva.

"You seem to have forgotten, Tartaros has a necromancer among our ranks. Through this power, the late Chairman is high at work and controlling the Faces, readying them for detonation."

"You're using his corpse," Erza is irate at Mard Geer for using corpses to do his dirty work.

"Despite all of this destruction, the control room still stands," Minerva said.

"Thanks to you, we know how to stop the madness," Spike proclaims.

Mard Geer smiles. "Don't worry; you won't remember any of this. Since Midnight is still in hiding and waiting for the perfect moment, I shall create that moment with you."

"You're not crippling Fairy Dragon's life because of some crazed-up selfish bitch," Rogue said.

"Alright, Erza. You heard him. Go and shut it down. Fairy Dragon, end Twilight's reign," Sting said.

"Are you sure?" Erza asks.

"Take Milady and the cats with you," Sting said. "Keep them safe."

"We'll meet up after we defeat Mard Geer," Rogue said.

"I'm going with you, Erza. I have a strong feeling that Midnight is there. Waiting for me."

"Very well, Spike," Erza picks up Minerva.

"I despise humans, but they can be entertaining. I suppose after I defeat them, rest to sure that you won't be seeing the morning sun, Fairy Dragon."

"Let's bring him down!" Rogue and Sting shout.

As Sting and Rogue battle Mard Geer Spike Erza, Minerva, Frosch, and Lector are heading to the control room. Midnight Sparkle smiles, knowing her time to be with Spike is inching closer.

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