• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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A New Day Part 2: Feelings Forum

Chrysalis walks around the Hive while some Changelings look at her differently. A youngling approaches Chrysalis. She looks down at the youngling.

"Hi," A small light purple changeling with blue eyes waves. He waves at Chrysalis.

"Hello, young one," Chrysalis calmly replies.

"My name is Terax," He smiles at Chrysalis.

"I'm Qu-" Chrysalis coughs. "I'm Chrysalis. Nice to uh.., meet you..."

"You sound sad. Why is that?" Terax asks.

Chrysalis sighs and walks away; she doesn't want to be bothered with questions. Terax decides to follow Chrysalis after meeting her.

"I need familiar faces.., not new ones."

"Where are you going?" Terax asks. Chrysalis looks back to see Terax following her.

"I'm walking to find someplace for peace and quiet, Terax. Why don't you go play with the other younglings of the Hive?"

"They are doing other things with their families," Terax sheds a tear.

"Hey, don't cry," Chrysalis doesn't want to see Terax shed any more tears. Parts of her remember the ole days of the Changelings when they were fearsome. Oh, how the mighty race changed even though it's for the better. "What happened to your family?"

"I'm a late bloomer who had only one mom. No one knows who she is. Not even Thorax knows," Terax said.

Chrysalis looks at Terax thoroughly. She sees herself in him and sighs. Chrysalis knows she conceived Terax, and perhaps Thorax didn't want to make his life worse knowing a rogue changeling is his mother.

"Who's taking care of you?" Chrysalis asks.

"Thorax and other Changelings that are not busy. I want a mommy," Terax sadly says. He sighs a bit while looking at the ground.

It was enough to move Chrysalis' heart. She extends her hoof to Terax. "I'll be your momma," Chrysalis' smile looks disturbing and hard to look at, which makes Terax giggle.

"Yay!" Terax hugs Chrysalis' hoof.

"Nurturing is now a new aspect I need to pick up on. This'll be interesting to say the least. Maybe my inner peace is being more of a mother-type than a Queen." "What do you want to do, son?"

"Hmm?" Terax thinks. "Help you find peace and quiet since you were looking for it," Terax flies and sits on Chrysalis' back.

"That's new. A youngling on my back." "First, there's someone I need to speak to," Chrysalis said.

"Okay, mommy," Terax gets comfy on Chrysalis' back.

"That's another thing to get used to, being addressed as mom, mommy, momma, or whatever the child decides to call me." Chrysalis walks back in search of Thorax.

Thorax is sitting at the buffet table having lunch. He sees Chrysalis coming by with Terax riding on her back. It amazes Thorax at first but, the written expression on Chrysalis's face made it seem otherwise. The Changelings in the room felt an awkward silence when Chrysalis entered the buffet room.

"Chrysalis, how nice of you to join us for lunch," Thorax greets Chrysalis with a plate filled with food.

"I need to talk to you privately," Chrysalis said. "Terax, are you hungry?" Terax nods and hops off of Chrysalis' back. He grabs a plate of his favorite food.

Thorax and Chrysalis leave the buffet room to discuss outside. Thorax knows what Chrysalis is going to say.

"So, you figured it out?" Thorax asks. He sounds serious while gazing at Chrysalis' eyes.

"Yes. Why haven't you told Terax about me?" Chrysalis is eager to know why.

"Well, how was I going to explain to a youngling that your his mother? That a Queen demented as you that wanted vengeance is the mother. He would have left the Hive in search of you, regardless of what you do to him."

Chrysalis sighs. "Well, I give you credit for hiding the truth. I guess we can figure a way to work around it until he's older and understanding."

"When he's older, I'll explain everything to him. Right now, all he wants is a mother to be like a family. Like you for over a year, he was feeling the same. Lonely."

"Lonely..," Chrysalis imagines what Terax would have felt in the Hive. She walks back into the buffet room to see Terax chewing on a gelatin slug. She imagines the sadness Terax must have gone through during his time in the Hive while getting accustomed to the new changes. "My son, feeling sad and alone... What is wrong with me? Why do I feel bad when I should be feeling something else."

Terax finishes eating and turns to his mother. He smiles at Chrysalis. The Changelings in the room turn to Chrysalis' presence. A yellow and green Changeling approaches her.

"Uh, hey, Queen Chrysalis," The Yellow Changeling bows in worry.

"It's.., nice to see you again..," The Green Changeling bows in worry. She sweats, thinking the Hive may return to the old days with her present.

"I'm not your Queen anymore," Chrysalis announces to every Changeling present. The Changelings gasp. "I am Chrysalis, living in the Hive while trying to find my place," Chrysalis puts Terax on her back and leaves.

"Uh, wait," A light-bluish Changeling approaches her.

"What is it?" Chrysalis turns to her.

"Join us at the Feelings Forum. The answers you seek may be there."

Chrysalis sighs and nods. She'll give it a try. She hopes that the Feelings Forum only has very few Changelings present. A half-hour later, she was wrong. The Feelings Forum is overcrowded for this session. Almost every Changeling wanted to partake in the Feelings Forum. Chrysalis didn't anticipate this turnaround when the Changelings overheard about the Feelings Forum. Terax is on Chrysalis' head, waiting to see what happens next in the Feelings Forum.

"So, Chrysalis," The Changeling in charge of the Feelings Forum. "Welcome back to the Hive. As you see, things drastically changed since your departure over a year ago. Now that you have returned, what is on your mind?"

Chrysalis sighs. She observes every Changeling in the room; they are eagerly waiting to see and hear what's on Chrysalis' mind. Terax leans to look at his mother's face from her head.

"Finding my place in the Hive now that I'm no longer your Queen..," Chrysalis sincerely answers. "I don't know what else to do when I'm not the one instructing orders like the old days. Every Changeling is enjoying life and each other's company now than during my reign as Queen. I'm searching for inner peace to transform like the rest of you have. The thing is, I don't know where to begin..."

Every Changeling in the room besides Thorax, Pharynx, and Terax feels sympathetic and concern for Chrysalis. They now know that Chrysalis wants to be like them. It was easier for them to change wholeheartedly, but the nature of Chrysalis may be challenging to answer. They remember their Queen as wrathful, prideful, and vengeful.

"Well, try doing something nice. Try something you thought you never do with the Hive. Perhaps for your transformation has a deeper meaning than most of us here."

"Do you believe that'll work?" Chrysalis asks the Changeling in charge of the Feelings Forum.

"It won't hurt to try, Chrysalis. Try something new and different. Every week, I want you here to give me your report."

"Can it be in private? I don't want to attract unwelcome and unnerving attention."

"Of course, Chrysalis. Can every Changeling respect Chrysalis' wish for having a private discussion when she comes for her weekly schedule?" The Changelings nod in respect. They picture all sorts of transformations in their head. Some decide to draw out possible transformations well suited for Chrysalis.

"Let's go, Terax," Chrysalis gets up and leaves."

"Right behind you, mommy," Terax said, now riding on Chrysalis' back.

"Mommy?" Most of the Changelings present said in unison. They are shocked to hear how Terax addresses Chrysalis and her accepting the term.

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