• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Rockhoof's Class

Krystina Larva slowly trots to the next class while everyone is excited to go. She looks around to see many changelings having fun and sharing love. She also looks at ponies associating with the changelings like it's no big deal. Sweetie Belle catches up to Krystina Larva.

"Krystina!" Sweetie Belle shouts while she's galloping.

"Huh?" Krystina turns around to see the young filly galloping.

Sweetie Belle catches her breath. "Hi, Krystina. I'm Sweetie Belle. How's your day?"

"Complicated," Krystina sighs. "It's hard adjusting to something new in life."

"Well, I'm here to help you feel right at home," Sweetie Belle reassuringly says.


Sweetie Belle steps back a bit. It's a first that she met somepony with a harsh situation in life.


Sweetie Belle backs away, knowing helping Krystina Larva will be difficult. Sweetie Belle decides to grab her friends. After the outburst, Krystina Larva falls behind and tries to find her way to Rockhoof's theatre.

Sweetie Belle finds Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in the hallway, heading to a different class to welcome any new students having problems fitting in.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom greets her friend.

"Need something?" Scootaloo asks.

"Yea. There's a new student with serious problems. I need the two of you to help me on this one."

"We're on it," Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said in unison. They high-hoof Sweetie Belle and trots to Rockhoof's theatre.

Krystina Larva sees how huge Rockhoof's theatre is. She sees her classmates sitting together. Rockhoof is on stage, getting ready to tell a tale. The Dazzlings are nervous being close to Rockhoof from the seats. Adagio bites her lip, Aria tries looking away, and Sonata nervously whistles. They are uncomfortable being close to one of the ponies that tried to slay them centuries ago.

"Welcome to me class. Lads and lassies..," Rockhoof sees the Dazzlings. He knows it's them due to their facial features. "Wow, what an," Rockhoof tries not to sound awkward in front of the class. "Um..," Rockhoof sweats a bit.

The Dazzlings sigh heavily. They get up and walk on the stage to confront Rockhoof. Rockhoof wonders what the trio is planning.

"Hey," Adagio breaks the ice.

"Hey, lassie," Rockhoof replies.

"I know. Years ago, we were on a rampage as Sirens," Adagio said.

"After being tossed into the human world by Starswirled the Bearded, we went through different phases throughout the time," Aria said.

"Until our amulets broke," Sonata said.

"How did you lassies came here is my question?" Rockhoof asks.

"Remember the incident with Discord imposing as Spike?" Adagio asks.

"Aye," Rockhoof nods. "I helped the Unity Seven distract that evil foal Cozy Glow. Discord got exposed to all after Yona revealed his secret. I heard everything else that transpired about the law for all creatures to remain in ye homeland."

"It's because of that 'law' we were allowed to come back home," Aria said.

"Make sense. Then why are you in hippogriff bodies and not ye siren bodies?"

"Since we no longer have our amulets, we can no longer be sirens. Entering the portal to come back to Equestria gave us the bodies we have now," Adagio answers.

"New bodies come with a clean slate," Aria said.

"So, instead of going back to our old ways, we are starting anew. That is why we are friends with the Unity Seven, Sunset Shimmer, and living with Discord," Sonata said.

"We knew that seeing you will be a hurdle, so," Adagio, Aria, and Sonata extend their claws. "We want to start anew by being your friend, not enemies."

Rockhoof smiles at the gesture; he sees how devoted they are to wanting this opportunity to start anew. "I accept ye friendships. No need to hold grudges from the past," Rockhoof shakes their claws. "Now, let's see how devoted you are as students, passing me class."

"Thank you, Rockhoof," Sonata said.

"You're welcome, lassie. Now, sit down and allow me to tell you a story, a life lesson to endure, and achieving the impossible when times look bleak."

The Dazzlings get off the stage and sit in their seats. They sigh in relief and happiness to get that off their chest; One down, five more to go on their list.

Krystina Larva sits far away from any creature present. The CMC Counselors arrive and see Krystina Larva sitting away from the students. They come closer to her, hoping she doesn't have another outburst, especially in class.

"Hey, Krystina Larva," The CMC Counselors say in unison. They greet calmly towards her.

"Go away..," Krystina Larva can't bat an eye on them.

"We're here to help you, Krystina. There's no reason to be left alone. It's a fate worse than death," Scootaloo said.

"Explain how is that possible to me," Krystina turns to the CMC Counselors.

"We once had a friend name, Spike. He was alone for many years, and his family changed for the worse until he met the right kind of friends that treat him as family," Apple Bloom said.

"It takes wholehearted creatures to open their heart and be welcomed in open arms. Your family may have changed for the worse, but that doesn't mean your friends can be your family," Scootaloo said.

"Look at those seven creatures sitting together." Sweetie Belle points at the Unity Seven. "All are different, and they are like family. Some have different pasts, and some suffer from troubling families. Look at those three over there," Sweetie Belle points at the Dazzlings. "They been through Tartarus and emerged better than ever."

"That's because they allowed themselves to be surrounded by new friends and embraced them as family. It does take time to build but, you need to take one step at a time to get there," Scootaloo said.

"How?! How?! How is it so easy? My family turned on me, my friends, partners..," Krystina Larva groans loudly in front of the CMC Counselors. "They all turned except for me. I had to flee. Do you know what it's like to run away from your family after they changed for the worst?"

The CMC Counselors shake their heads. They never experienced any of that sort with their families. Only their friend Spike comes remotely close to anything Krystina Larva has experienced.

"That's what I thought," Krystina Larva turns away from the trio.

"I know where you can start with your friendship lifestyle," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yea? To who?" Krystina Larva rhetorically asks.

"Us," The CMC Counselors say in unison in hopes of cheering Krystina Larva.

"Why, you three?" Krystina Larva asks.

"You need friends that can be there for you; you need a shoulder to lean on. Someone that listens to you to understand you better. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and I will help you every step ahead starting now. We'll be attending this class with you," Apple Bloom said.

"What about the other students that are like me?" Krystina turns to the CMC Counselors. "You going to abandon them?"

"No. We'll be there for them like good friends we are. Right now, you need us to help you feel comfortable being with new creatures," Scootaloo said.

"So, attending Rockhoof's class should help you find confidence in boosting your morale. He teaches you to find greatness in doing the impossible," Sweetie Belle said.

Krystina Larva sighs. "Alright, I'll listen to Rocky's lesson of the day."

Rockhoof grabs his shovel and puts it on his back. "Alright, every creature. Welcome to me class. Today, I'll be telling you a personal story of achieving greatness when times are bleak. Achieving the impossible when you believe in yourself. I'll be telling you how I obtain me great strength from me homeland."

Apple Bloom claps her hooves. She loves hearing the tale but hearing it from Rockhoof himself is more special than anything. She can't wait to hear it from him.

"When I was a colt, I would work on the fields. My homeland is on a volcanic island that never erupted. All I wanted was to join the Mighty Helms. However, I wasn't muscled or tall. I was below average. When I tried to prove myself, the Mighty Helms laughed and tossed me this shovel I have. I took it upon myself to dig with all my strength to get stronger by the days, to someday prove my worth to the Mighty Helms. It was a dream I wouldn't let go. I refused to give up when others didn't believe in me. Many weeks went by, and I gained little strength until the volcano erupted for the first time. The Mighty Helms tried to persuade the natives into leaving, but they refused. They couldn't leave their homeland. The Mighty Helms had no answer to stopping the lava from flowing into the village. I took my shovel and started digging in the dirt. I planned to dig a trench for the flowing lava to go into the waters. The Mighty Helms and natives watched my efforts and believed it was futile. That the lava would consume me and everything in its path, they lost hope and waited for the inevitable. At the time, I didn't give up. I believed in myself with the strength I had but, I needed more to meet my drive to save me homeland. Then, there was a flash while I was still digging the trench, and something divine awakened within me. After the flash, I grew tall and became strong. With my strength, I carved out the trench that was able to save the village, the natives, and the Mighty Helms. The Mighty Helms watched in awe and welcomed me in with open arms."

The explanation of Rockhoof's origins took thirty minutes. The Unity Seven are in awe while hearing the origins of Rockhoof. Their jaws drop during the whole explanation and, imagine how it played out. The Dazzlings now know how Rockhoof gained his strength. They are impressed hearing how Rockhoof tackled a volcano all on his own. Krystina Larva is silent while hearing the story. She never heard anyone fighting a volcano and beating it. The CMCs have heard the story before, but Apple Bloom smiles wide while hearing the story from the stallion himself.

"The lesson I learned, which I want to teach you all, is to endure when things seem bleak and hopeless. With great strength you have deep inside, you can confront any foe no matter the fight as long as you believe in yourself. If you don't believe, you'll never achieve."

"Woo-hoo! Yeah!" Apple Bloom claps her hooves after hearing the lesson in excitement. She's the loudest among every creature else.

"With that said, this concludes me story for this class. Now, I watch each of you write a time when things were bleak with you and how you found the inner strength to overcome it. If you have not experienced such a thing, I ask you to create a story where you'll meet the challenges. You'll be graded on creativity with those stories. Personal stories shall be graded differently. You have two days to bring me your essays. You may start writing now or after the bell rings. Use the time to remember or think of an exclusive situation where you find inner strength."

"Aw, man!" Sonata complains. She didn't expect to get homework on the first day of school.

"Well, so much for having the first day of no homework," Gallus said.

"Ditto," Ocellus concurs.

"CMC Counselors, that includes you as well since you participated in me class," Rockhoof said.

"D'oh!" The CMC Counselors say in unison and facepalm themselves. They didn't anticipate doing homework as counselors.

Krystina Larva laughs a bit. Seeing their reactions enlightens her mood a bit. After a few minutes, the school bell rings, signaling the end of class.

"Well, I'll see you, lads and lassies, tomorrow or during lunch. Enjoy the rest of your day in school," Rockhoof watches the students leaving his class. He drinks a bottle of water to get ready to retell his tail for the next class.

Krystina Larva feels a bit better but still has trouble associating with other ponies and creatures. She's behind while the CMC Counselors are trotting beside her.

"So, how are you feeling?" Sweetie Belle asks Krystina, hoping she feels better than she was earlier.

"I'm okay. Better than earlier for sure," Krystina stops trotting and sighs. "I'm grateful for the love you've given me in the class. Truly, I am. The love in friendship is nice, considering I didn't get enough of it within my family."

"Remember," Scootaloo looks at Krystina. "One step at a time to heal the broken-heartedness in you. Follow them to the next class. Afterward, we'll see you during lunch, okay?"

"Okay," Krystina nods.

"Sit with someone you know you'll like. It'll help cope during the next class," Apple Bloom suggests.

"Okay," Krystina Larva trots, catching up with the Unity Seven and the Dazzlings. They enter the next class. Professor Maud Pie will be the next instructor.

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