A collection of side stories, deleted scenes, and all the other bits and baubles that are too short for a story/chapter proper. Bite sized servings for your enjoyment.
Potential spoilers ahead! Proceed at your own risk!
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AKA The Beaniverse.
Or, The Bean Books.
Or, The Bean Continuum.
Or, The Bean Dream Scene.
Or The okay I'll stop now.
The Boopening.
The Boop Troop
The Fabaceae Literary Universe
Baked Bean 2: Electric Boopaloo
Dr. Beanlove or: How I learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Boop
Don't Be A Menace to South Canterlot While Booping Your Princess In The Garden
I Know Who You Booped Last Summer
To Baked Bean, Thanks For Booping Me, Princess Celestia
oh dear god please someone help me I can't stop I can't aaaaaaaaaa
No Beanis cross-overs, I presume?
Nay. That be too spicy for me.
Truth be told, if I had known about that when I started writing No Nose, Baked Bean would have been renamed to Chef Salad or something like that just to avoid the comparison.
What is destiny's obsession with dark and stormy nights
He's not the only one
So basically, she rolled a one and became a cook and then rolled nat twenties for everything else
No. Never change your story because people write naughty stuff. Literally, there is so much NSFW stuff out there that it is impossible to avoid all comparison. We're humans. If we like something, some of us want to lewd it. Baked Bean's name is perfect for his back story, and I hope this isn't insulting, but you would have had a Hell of a time re-writing all his family's names and story to fit the new convention.
Let lewders lewd, but don't change yourself.
Oh, this will be intresting.
I only wonder if it will be as fun as the side stories from CP
Ever heard of Richard Turner? Celestia could be the Richard Turner of dice to roll that many nat 20...
That is just depressing. Also nice hint to Hivers Blank Page series.
Well that was disheartening.
Good thing this never made it into the real story, eh? :)
Well this was rather sad
Why yes. Yes it is. :)
Jeez Louise, what is this dreary nonsense? No. No sir, I didn't like it. I don't want to imagine Baked Bean trapped in a shiftless, unfulfilling life, doing a job he only marginally likes, alone, dreams forgotten and beaten out of him by the ceaseless march of time and the cold ruthlessness of reality.
Only because we know the true destiny of The Bean. For us flesh and blood characters in life's story, the future is unwritten. Who knows? Maybe there's a boopable princess in your future, friend! We, all of us, must hold on to the hope that it gets better. Which is easy since, well... it always does.
As do I. Well, part time, anyway. I work the summer at Kroger while I use the GI Bill during the school year. Still, we are all, all of us, tumbling through life, doing our best to make sense of this terrifying, hilarious tragi-comedy that is physical existence. No matter what, we must keep that hope alive. Brighter days await us all. It may not be the true "happy ending" we all wish for. We must also realize that Hollywood has spoiled us, making us think that the "happy ending" is nothing short of perfection, the "Happily Ever After." But, as one modern philosopher commented, "In real life, it is never 'The End.' There is only 'An End'."
Ah, good. That was the idea.
Good stuff as always.
We hold this self-evident that Celestia will manipulate literally everything to her advantage. 🙃
Quick, 90 ccs of Friendship stat! This one's dangerously close to becoming discorded!
And then someone opened the door, fresh air cleared his head, and the increasingly strange poetry that was surrounding him instantly vanishing! 😏
Poor Bob! He’s gonna be feeling that later.
Oof. He should be glad she didn't glass him that instant.
Respects to Bob, he did his best against all odds.
Hah, I love that song.
Also can't wait for more Glim Glam in the bean saga.
“RUN BOB!!! RUN!!!!”
“How can you have any pudding if you don’t finish your meat?!”
“Oh sweet Celestia! Is that beef?!”
*Flint pops up*
"Gimmie. I haven't had a steak in forever. I'll take the pudding after that."
“Hey! Teacher! Leave that Flint alone!”
All in all you're just a--nother Mark in the wall!
Caution: Can cause spontaneous nose-bleeds in vulnerable stallions.
[Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow intensifies]
Careful, the last thing Bean needs is a heart attack on top of his injuries.
Oh wow, I didn’t realize you were going to use this short I wrote! I may have to see if I can come up with anything else for this anthology.
Yeah, should have given you a warning I was gonna post this. My bad.
*puts on smooth jazz sax*
Mmmm, some nice cream sounds great right about now...
Nice. Maybe I should throw my hat into the ring on these stories.
Chrysalis: "Yes, that's it. Just relax, and give me all of your love."
Celestia: "You think you an handle it? Then take it! TAKE IT AAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!
Let your Muse go wild!
Disabled your entire hive in just a few short seconds
That was the PG-13 version of tactic 718y-bab9! Loved that one.
Shame it only works on connected lings...
Very nice Mythic, very nice. Thanks for creating and sharing.
Eyup, I could see that happening.
You know, I always held the headcanon that Cadance and Shining Armor have the largest family in Equestria.. I mean, given the whole "Princess of Love" thing, plus Shining seems quite... *ahem* virile, it makes sense to me. I imagine a day in the future where mornings at the Crystal Palace are like that scene from Meaning of Life, with Cadance shouting:
"Alright, listen up, everypony! Ruby, Twinkle, Gleaming, Soar, Goldie, Ace, Onyx, Thunder, Silver, Flawless, and Cloud, help Swift, Rapid, Star, Smoky, Midnight, Golden, Wild, Sky, Sunny, Sandy, Amethyst, and Fluffy make their breakfast! Nettle, Marble, Sweet, Smooth, Silky, Charge, Moon, Vision, Leap, Light, Prize, you're on dishes, while Bulky, Specter, Hero, Bolt, Sorbet, Shadow, Storm, and Sunlight will help Blossom, Lucy, Love, Saffron, Gem Moonlight, Swirl, and Night with their homework. And I swear to Celestia, if Mystery, Might, Mane, and Arrow don't get their lazy flanks out of bed in the next five minutes, they'll be grounded alongside Fleet, Mustang, Comet, and Breeze!"
Meanwhile in Ponyville...
“Has Twilight Sparkle gotten too “friendly” with Equestrias latest visitor?”
The princess of Friendship fumed before burning the paper to cinders. “What utter tripe!”
“You say something, babe?” A very male voice said from the bathroom over the sound of the sink running.
“Just some gossip paper that Pinkie Pie sent to me. It says I am getting to friendly with you.”
From the bathroom came a tall and lanky human whose features were for the most part non-descript.
“Where are they getting that idea?”
“No clue, now come to bed Anonymous.”
Yep, them sexist tabloids certainly know what's up.