• Member Since 20th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I'm a Sonic fan (obviously) who is also a fan of this show. ...not much else to say.


WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

After some time of turning over a new leaf, Sunset was happy with her life. She gained new friends, slowly winning over the students at CHS and became the protector of the human world alongside her friends against any rouge magic and creatures. She wanted to give back to everyone by becoming the head director of the Christmas party and Toys for Kids Festival at the school on Christmas Eve.

But when the events of the party and festival went wrong due to her past, Sunset was down on her dumps after she was blamed for the disaster and felt like she had ruined her friends lives because of her. Just when she was about to give up on everything, a mysterious teenaged girl, who claimed to be her guardian angel, showed Sunset what the world and her friends would be like without her.

This is an Equestria Girls take of an ever so beloved classic Christmas film, It's a Wonderful Life!

FEATURED: 3/20/20 - Wow! Thank you all so much! :twilightsmile:

This story now has a Spanish translation by Arthor2017 :raritystarry:

And on a Tv Tropes page! :scootangel:

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 304 )

A SonicFan05 story?

Count me along for the ride. Faved and followed already.

Please tell me this story will offhandedly insult the episode It's a Wishful Life from The Fairly OddParents!

Huh. My first fear on seeing this story's title and all made me wonder if this was gonna be yet another Anon-a-Miss story. But no (thank the Lord) it looks like we're going for something else altogether.

Tentatively curious to see where this leads.

Hmm... not bad, although I think that the initial bit with Sunset and Twilight seemed a bit forced. Yeah, Twi apologized for snapping at Sunset and all, but still, I think it was a bit... off, somehow. *shrugs*

Ah well. I'm still curious to see where this story goes. And I'm glad that this initial setback isn't the breaking point just yet. I bet there's a lot more going on down the road that'll contribute to Sunset's downward spin.

I've read the first 2 chapters already and it seems ok but if it gets too dark and sad since the whole point of this story is sunset wishing she never came to the human world after she made a mistake that wasn't entirely her fault I'll stop reading this since I've become more emotional this past year from watching anime and still get a bit emotional when I see my least favorite equestria girls special from last year and if this story does indeed go done that path I'm gonna stop reading to prevent myself from going down that path of emotional since I have feelings for sunset

There is definitely more going on with that bit between Twilight and Sunset later down the road...

But that's all I can say. :trixieshiftright:

I always planned on writing a fic like this, but of course; it was Anon-A-Miss related cause I didnā€™t know how to plan out the storyline.

But seeing how you wrote the story in a different way and pulled it off; Iā€™m generously glad that my idea (not including the Anon-A-Miss half) came to life.

Iā€™m definitely following this story

REALLY good job on this story's start. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. Though, I hope this (currently) mysterious figure behind the mayhem does NOT get off ANYWHERE NEAR as easily as Mister Potter did in the ACTUAL "It's A Wonderful Life".

Anyway, on to the next chapter.

Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are well done in all the right places. And, yeah, something DEFINITELY has Twilight really upset, but I know finding out is going to have to wait until later. Right now, we have another mystery. Somebody with a grudge against Sunset has gained access to Equestrian Magic (again) - but, unfortunately, there is NO shortage of suspects. It could literally be ALMOST anybody. Though, as I said before, I hope whoever is behind it DOES get severely punished (it never really sat right with me that Mister Potter got off so lightly in the actual "It's A Wonderful Life").

But, anyway, I'm VERY certainly going to be looking forward to more of this.

Comment posted by Isseus deleted Dec 15th, 2019

This should be interesting.

Cinch? :pinkiegasp: Sheesh, of course she wriggled out of punishment. And even worse, managed to get a job with a higher authority. That's politics for ya...

ā€¦That being said, I don't really buy that The Dazzlings are able to just waltz right in and be unrecognized by the Rainbooms, especially if they still have some of their most distinctive traits that poofy Adagio hair for one XD. Is there some explanation for this coming, like some kind of glamour to make their appearances *just* different enough to avoid suspicion? I sure hope so.

Sunset's starting to come unraveled here feels a bit too rapid for me. The ending bit of the chapter with her overhearing Rarity and Twilight *was* well-done, but the opening accident with her reaction to some stuff going wrong feels more like Twilight than Sunset - I'd expect Sunset to get more mad than twitchy-eyed or hysterical.

Check for some typos - a big one I caught was where Cinch is supposed to say "I suggested it" but it reads "It suggested it".

I have a pretty good idea who the workers are...

Once again, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in the right places. Yeah, I have to admit Cinch getting that higher-up job DID catch me by SLIGHT surprise, but it's just going to make it MORE satisfying to see her eventually get her comeuppance. And, yeah, the fact that they KNOW Cinch is up to something, but can't PROVE IT makes sense, as does them keeping quiet about their suspicions until they DO have hard evidence. And, yeah, granted, none of the Rainbooms are master detectives AND are all a bit distracted to boot right now, but, even so, as SC said, you would think they would STILL recognize the Dazzlings pretty quickly (unless of course, they are disguising themselves JUST enough to avoid instant detection). But, yeah, Cinch and the Dazzlings are probably the only villains in the EG universe that have NOT been reformed (with the exceptions of the human counterparts of Chrysalis, Sombra, etc., but they haven't appeared in the series even though we KNOW they are out there) so it makes sense that you would use them.

And, now we know why Twilight is so upset and too ashamed to tell Sunset (even though Sunset overheard JUST enough to get the wrong idea). Glass half-full, though, there's probably SOMEBODY out there that deserves her A LOT more than Timber did.

But, anyway, definitely going to be looking forward to more of this.


ā€¦That being said, I don't really buy that The Dazzlings are able to just waltz right in and be unrecognized by the Rainbooms, especially if they still have some of their most distinctive traits that poofy Adagio hair for one XD. Is there some explanation for this coming, like some kind of glamour to make their appearances *just* different enough to avoid suspicion? I sure hope so.


And, yeah, granted, none of the Rainbooms are master detectives AND are all a bit distracted to boot right now, but, even so, as SC said, you would think they would STILL recognize the Dazzlings pretty quickly (unless of course, they are disguising themselves JUST enough to avoid instant detection).

Well without spoil anything... let's just say... they found a way to make themselves more undetectable than just costumes. :trixieshiftright:

Wow. I absolutely love this! Count me in for the ride. ā™”

Things sure are getting interesting! Iā€™m curious as a cat.

Of course it would be Cinch! Leave it to her to be a Grinch and ruin everyone's Christmas. :pinkiegasp:

Good on the CMC for catching the sabotagers in the act.

Sighs!! They should reported them but NOOOO Let's follow them...And Spike you idiot!

Pinkie nodded with a false smile. ā€œYeah, itā€™s not like it was because some person who ruined the first party was possibly the same person who ruined this one because of what Sunset did to them in the past!ā€

ā€œPINKIE!ā€ The girls shouted!

Pinkie Pie immediately covered her mouth, feeling ashamed for accidentally letting that info slip. ā€œ...oops!ā€

:pinkiegasp: :flutterrage: DAMMIT PINKIE PIE!!!! Can't you even keep your mouth shut about that?! :twilightangry2:

Ok that's it. I'm going the blow that bitch brains out.:twilightangry2::flutterrage::twilightangry2::flutterrage:

ā€œHey!ā€ Rainbow Dash cried. ā€œThatā€™s enough Sun--ā€

"And you!" Sunset shouted, naring her eyes at the athlete. "You have the nerve and audacity to blame me for your sisterā€™s disappearance, even though that you were supposed to be watching them? Thatā€™s sooo like you Dash!

Uh, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo aren't actually sisters even in this universe. At least not biologically. :applejackunsure:

I know they aren't, but I imagined Rainbow Dash would consider Scootaloo as her sister even though they're not related by blood.

Well, to be fair, they probably thought that, after the Anon-A-Miss deal, there is no way any authority figure would believe them without hard evidence.

Once more, excellent job on this chapter. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. REALLY good reason for the Dazzlings to NOT be instantly recognized as well as the details of the preparations (even if they were being sabotaged). And, while I can say the Crusaders and Spike are in for A LOT more trouble than they bargained for by going after the Dazzlings without telling somebody, I CAN kind of understand why they did it. In addition to feeling like there was no time, the Crusaders might have figured nobody would believe them without hard evidence (given their role in the Anon-A-Miss incident). As for Spike, well, he's a dog and dogs are known for a sense of loyalty that trumps common sense.

On to the next chapter.

Once more this is a really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Yeah, I feel bad for the girls about how the sabotage (and possibly some subtle influence from the Dazzlings, but that's just a theory right now) has caused all of them to get angry from confusion and worry, but it just makes me look forward to seeing them eventually bust Cinch with so much evidence that she would need the world's best lawyer just to get twenty years at hard labor in a maximum security prison. But, yeah, I can see where an argument this massive could lead Sunset to despair so badly that, at minimum, she would wonder what it was like if she neve left Equestria in the first place.

Of course, if she never left Equestria in the first place:

The Pros:

1. The girls might have still had their arguments, but they wouldn't have gotten as out of hand as they were in the first half of the first film without Sunset's sabotage.

2. Without the activation of the Element of Magic, the Dazzlings would have never gotten attracted to Canterlot High and wouldn't have gained the power to become more than minor nuisances that could easily handled by any moderately competent police force. Well, at least until they found a Magic Mirror by accident.

3. The girls would have still sympathized with Sci-Twi simply because they saw her being bullied by her classmates and showed her what it's like to have real friends and she would have never become Midnight Sparkle.

The Cons:

1. Cinch would have never lost her job and Crystal Prep would have won the Friendship Games.

2. The considerable majority of the series' villains would have probably never reformed.

3. The girls would have only had the basic friendship building stuff of normal teenagers rather than the adventures that have made it stronger than that.

4. The magic trinkets that were already there probably would not have gotten found out about.

And, okay, got a bit side-tracked. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I'm very definitely going to be looking forward to more of this.

Comment posted by Lucas Miller deleted Jan 13th, 2020

Dude, if you ever watched It's a Wonderful Life, Sunset will be fine!

I'm sorry it gives you nightmares, but you are overreacting and too quickly to judge this story before this whole story is finished. I can assure you, that no one is going to die and things will work out in the end.

All I ask is to please hold your judgment and give this story another chance. If not... then I'm sorry.

Again, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Really good job on the name selection for Sunset's guardian angel, as well as the details of Sunset's argument with that guardian angel. On the upside, there will be a lot fewer magic-powered bad guys on the world without Sunset. On the downside, most of the bad guys won't NEED magic because the good guys don't have it either (and the bad guys that DO have magic from those trinkets dumped into that world by Starswirl and Clover will be harder to stop). But, while I can understand the staying mostly faithful to "It's a Wonderful Life", I AM hoping that the Crusaders and Spike manage to gather the evidence needed to bust Cinch and the Dazzlings HARD once Sunset realizes that her friends really ARE worse off without her.

But, anyway, most assuredly looking forward to more of this.

Still want you to KILL CINCH.


I still got that duct tape.šŸ˜‰


And I got my canon *brings it out from nowhere* EVERYONE ASSEMBLE

.....Mines bigger. Also YEAH!!!!!

Whoa. Considering I've never seen It's a Wonderful Life, this was such a surprise. I'm excited to see what happens.

Ok after reading the latest chapter I think I'm gonna stop reading this story since I'm not enjoying where this is going and is making me feel a bit sad reading it tbh and I think I'm gonna stop reading this

I think you gave up to quickly. If you have seen the original It's a Wonderful Life, there will be a happy ending! I know there are sad moments in this story, but trust me when I say this, it will be worth it in the end!

All I ask is for you to give my story another go, if not... then I understand. I won't force you.

sign fine its just the way the last chapter ended kinda upsetted me and I've also never seen a wonderful life tbh never have

Trust me, it's a great Christmas movie! :pinkiesmile:

Hey, just a heads up: you keep mixing around verb tenses. I'd recommend you get someone to proof-read.

Will this include the alternate ending that Saturday Night Live made?

Enjoying this so far.

How many chapters will this have? I'm going to guess at least 12 tell me if I'm close

Yep. The beginning of something life shocking. Ooo this is getting good and Iā€™m eager to see which friend...

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