• Member Since 20th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I'm a Sonic fan (obviously) who is also a fan of this show. ...not much else to say.


EqG:StH2 - Story Update #19 - New Chapter Tomorrow! · 7:36pm 5 hours ago

Hey everypony!

Hope you all are looking forward to this! The next chapter of EqG: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will be posted tomorrow where we finally properly introduced this certain character who is knocking his way into the story! :raritywink:

Don't miss it! :rainbowdetermined2:

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EqG:StH2 - Story Update #19 · 6:33pm 6 days ago

Hey everypony!

I'm just letting you all know that I'm still alive and the next chapter of Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is still happening. Life was hectic (as always) and I wanted to ensure that the next chapter came out right. :eeyup:

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New EqG/Movie Sonic Story! (Happy Birthday Sonic!) · 4:30pm June 23rd

You all read the title right! I just posted a brand-new story! More specifically, a spin-off story to my main EqG/Movie Sonic series, Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog Chronicles. :pinkiehappy:

This was something that I've been meaning to do for quite some time. I wanted to put together this spin-off with multiple short stories of events that tie into the main series, extending the lore of the series.

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New EqG/Movie Sonic Story! (Happy Birthday Sonic!) · 4:29pm June 23rd

You all read the title right! I just posted a brand-new story! More specifically, a spin-off story to my main EqG/Movie Sonic series, Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog Chronicles. :pinkiehappy:

This was something that I've been meaning to do for quite some time. I wanted to put together this spin-off with multiple short stories of events that tie into the main series, extending the lore of the series.

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EqG:StH2 - Story Update #18 - Survey Poll Results #2 · 3:32pm June 1st

Hey everypony!

So last week, I asked you all which nickname is better for Spoiled Rich since I was debating on changing it and to my surprise... the result was very close!

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EqG:StH2 - Story Update #17 - Survey Poll #2 · 10:08pm May 25th

Hey, everypony!

First off, I'm still currently writing the next chapter of EqG: Sonic the Hedgehog 2, as well a brand new story in the EqG/Movie Sonic universe. They will come out soon, so don't you all worry! :pinkiesmile:

Second, I put together another poll in regard to the current story. Specifically, about Spoiled Rich.

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EqG:StH2 - Story Update #16 - The Knuckles Show and More · 2:04am May 19th

Hey everypony!

So I want to post an update blog in regards to my story. But first, I want to talk about a certain show that has been on my mind for some time. That show I'm talking about was the Knuckles show, or more accurately... the Wade show. :applejackunsure:

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Knuckles Show Review (Non-Spoiler) · 6:48pm April 28th

So I watched the Knuckles show. And after I spend a day processing it, I have... mixed feelings on it. :unsuresweetie:

I'll try to keep this review as non-spoiler as possible in case if anyone wants to see the show themselves. I might do a full spoiler review someday if anyone is interested and after the show is around long enough. But for now, here are my thoughts:

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Knuckles Show PSA · 6:38pm April 24th

Hey everypony!

Since the Knuckles show will be coming out in Paramount+ in the next couple of days from now (April 26th), I want to play it safe to ask all of you that if anyone has seen the show (or clips online) to please keep it to yourself for the time being.

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Keanu Reeves Is Joining The Sonic Movie 3 Cast As Shadow! - CONFIRMED! · 2:53am April 16th