• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


loves tiaras.


Twilight Sparkle flagrantly abuses her Come-To-Life spell, and learns a little bit about love in the process. Also, puns.

Now with actual cover art, thanks to the generous SuddenlyFerrets!

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 623 )

Okay, commence DAFUQing, but before you do, let me just say a quick word of thanks to S.R. Foxley for the beta on this one. Given the actual end product, you may not believe this, but his influence markedly improved the final piece.

Oh my god. Was this entire thing a set up for that last sentence?

If so, it was god damn beautiful.

Awesome. Everything is better with a few puns.

PFFFFT. Gonna need help. Think I got a concussion from a truly epic face palm.

I am so very impressed.

Now that's a truly random story. Good work!

Ow, the puns! :rainbowlaugh:

Excellent example of well-done random humor, and punnery. And yes... that last line was a punch right into my sense of humor. :pinkiehappy:

So much pun. And win. But more pun I think.

I hope that in chapter two Twilight actually tries to change the table into a pony. Here, have my thumb and fav. You deserve it :moustache:

Okay, why in the hay does this have 2 parts? Coudln't this have been wrapped up in one? You gave me false hope you monster! :raritycry::raritydespair:

There is something seriously wrong with you... And unfortunately, it's probably contagious, because I did laugh surprisingly hard.

Absolutely wonderful! I haven't genuinely laughed at something like that in so long! :rainbowlaugh:

Literally made me giggle in the office. Deeply amusing.

Oh good. Even if the Failsafe had worked, the drum kit probably would've spontaneously reanimated just to get in that last rimshot.

Argh awww aggh that was an awful pun.
Still a funny story if only because of how ridiculous it was, but still.

dat last sentence...

PURE GENIUS!!:derpytongue2: Awesome work, dude.

...Infinite slowclaps.
That was fantastic. Puns, puns everywhere! And the characters were amazingly funny!
You know how you know comedy is perfect? When the non-funny parts are good, too. I loved your statements on shipping, on romance, and on relationships. It was easy to forget, for a moment, that the lovestruck paramour of Twilight was a nightstand.
Oh, and that drumset was amazing. Perfect delivery. :pinkiehappy:

Unicorn magic is weird...

But puns are awesome!


Same boat here. hehe. :raritywink:

Oh jeeze, I laughed on for half a minute there. That pun . :twilightblush:
Great stuff.

"Twilight Sparkle Gets Intimate With Her Table, Part One"
Yep, this is gonna be good.

After reading: Aww, that was adorable and beautiful yet tragic. The age old tale of impossible love. Well done.

Edit 2: I just got the pun. Did you base the entire story off of that?

I wish I had read this while my wife was out or busy or something, and not asleep. I would've howled at this!
Very well-done!!

congrats, you've beaten the final level of fimfiction

please take this badge and complimentary mimosa

That is by far one of the best puns I have ever seen. The buildup is probably what made it.

beautiful. The pun was just the icing on the cake.

Oh, you. :raritywink:

Even with the terrible puns, this was actually a very enjoyable story. Not a bad way to waste a few minutes. :twilightsmile:

I think I just read genius.

:rainbowlaugh:The whole thing was awesome but that ending? I almost keeled over when i saw it :pinkiehappy:

I have to say that the entire story to set up that ONE line was probably the best thing I have read in a long while. I envy your skill!

Much DAFUQing was done, and I loved every moment of it. All that for one pun. ONE PUN!

I wish to headdesk, but now I'm worried it might get the wrong idea :fluttercry:

"You are no longer just a cabinet! You are now Shining Armoire , captain of my Royal Guard!"

arent that suposed to be shining Armor?

Edit: forget it i realised the pun when we get to nightlight sparke.

You know how in Anime, when something just asinine happens everyone falls over in unison? Yeah. That was me at the end. If it was all a set up to make that one joke, you have an amazing sense of humor. And a patient one at that.

Yes. Well.

...it was Pinkie's I suppose.

All my win are belong to you

If you hear something strange it might just be me, four paragraphs in, madly clicking the Like and Favourite buttons.



Sounds good to me, 'cuz whatever's wrong with Skywriter, I want it too.

omg...this is the most hilarious thing i've read in quite a while. I read a lot too........:rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile:

1061833 What? Did you get the Princess Mi Amore Credenza part? Because that too was the work of a mastermind. Many lolz were had in the reading of this fic.

Get thee to a punnery!

Seriously, now I have a strange urge to play Nord And Bert Couldn't Make Head Or Tail Of It.

That pun... it hurts! It hurts in the most beautiful way ever! :facehoof::moustache::trollestia:

You're probably going to hate me for this, but... what's the ending joke?? :twilightoops:

THAT. WAS. HILARIOUS. :rainbowlaugh: *applause*

Oh my god... After realising the last sentence I had to drink something D:

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