A slice of life side story to Love Call of the Sirens. For those of you who haven't read it and want to read on, the abridged version is "Twilight dumped the Dazzlings on Button Mash's mom and now they are ponies for some reason."
Aria Blaze goes to Twilight's to borrow a cup of sugar because that's what neighbors do, right? Things rapidly go downhill faster than anyone, even Aria... especially Aria, could have predicted.
Starlight Glimmer vector by Illumnious.
Aria Blaze vector by Osipush.
I thought I'd seen the best bit...
Then I thought I'd seen the best bit...
Then I thought I'd really seen the best bit...
Then I saw that last line.
Please tell me this is canon!
This is certainly canon in regards to the rest of Love Call.
Glad it amused.
Then I'm looking forward to the chapter of Love Call covering the sleepover! I can just imagine Love Tap instantly declaring that Starlight is adopted the moment she learns she's an orphan...because with how much Twilight's paying them to take care of the Sirens, they can afford it and she has plenty of mothering to give.
Oh, now that was a laugh I needed. Aria should get our more so I can read stuff like this!
This is sorta calling out for a sequel.
"Uh... Princess Twilight? I'm sorry the three girls got completely out of control..."
"No, no... I expected MUCH worse when Starlight decided to spend the night. I mean... I honestly thought I was going to have to round up the girls and maybe we'd have to blow the dust off 'rainbow power' "
"Still, though... Taking over an entire theme park..."
"Well... I guess it was mostly for Button and the CMC so... I guess their hearts were in the right place?"
Oh, that would be hilarious!
XD God damn it with these shenanigans
You know, I can normally read a story this size in less than 5 minutes. Thanks to laughing so much though, that has dropped to about 15!
Wasn't Aria the one from the trio that wasn't into spikes?
I think it was Starswirl.
Somewhere Adagio looks up and says: "Something wonderful is happening. And I didn't say stop Fluttershy."
Okay, that was funny. I especially like the end of this one-shot and the absolute silliness of Button Mash.
Silly person, you forgot to type 'Please!'. We need to use that magic words for magic fics about magic ponies to happen!
Okay, I should really refrain from looking like a hypocrite. *Ahem*
Oh Justice3442, please give us more material to laugh with! Some of us are fighting colds and laughter is our medicine of choice!
Fixed! Thank you!
Twilight has strange tastes
Is there a cutie mark for writing stories where heroic protagonist-type ponies (Twilight/Sunset) are slowly being driven insane by magical mostly reformed bad girls? Cause you should have one, Justice.
is this title implying Starlight is Aria's mom, despite Aria actually (along with the other 2 sirens) being over a thousand years old?
No, the title is implying that Aria Blaze is somehow Starlight Glimmer's mother, despite Aria Blaze and the rest of the Sirens being out of Equestria for the past thousand years
8029896 ohhhh i see lol.
OK, this is hilarious! I kept finding new stuff to laugh at with every paragraph.
As someone who does that when chocolate is involved, I am in complete agreement, Mr Mash.
Kinda, yeah, give or take a few shades. Heck, I made jokes about Starlight being Aria as a pony before Season 5 started.
Eh, yeah sure, let's go with that.
And it is hilarious.
This is inexplicably hilarious.
... I got nothing. That's just something I need to process.
Not helping, kid.
... I don't know what to think of this. Twilight wants to fuck Flash while he's pretending to be Celestia.
Oh my dear god wat.
And that ending.
Wat. All the wat.
I love it.
Okay, this was hilarious. I approve!
This was — I don't know what this was, but I love it.
Dat Ending
The quotes that I could fill this box up with! This was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! Awesome job!
How do you write wacky crack-fics that somehow feel more true to characterization than anything else?
This was stupid. And I absolutely loved it. Thank you
Aria simply rolled her eyes. "Well of course not princess, how dumb do you think I am? Im going to sue her for Identity Theft, and im gonna have a chat with somepony to see if i can find any nifty loopholes, I gotta pay off your ridiculous libary debts somehow."
Twilight simply facehooved and after a few seconds her eyes suddenly snapped open in realization. "Celestia, I completely forgot you owe me at least a thousand bits in overdue fees! If anything I should be sueing you!"
Aria's eyes widened "Uh-I-w-what do you mean? You must have missheard me! I said I was gonna buy Button a TON of new games with the money I get!"
"Really?!" button yelled in excitement as Aria's hoof was soon shooved in his mouth.
"Yes! Really!"
A soon as Aria said those words a muffled 'yay!' was mysteriously heard from where her hoof was
Twilight raised an eyebrow "Doesint change the fact you owe me."
Aria responded with a nervous smile.
"No way, im pretty sure I never checked out a book from you in my life! I dont even read boring old books anyway heheh..."
Twilight gave her a deadpan stare.
"So you Diddint check out a bunch of books on fashion, mane styles, etc. and lose them a while back?"
"Nope!" Aria said with a large grin.
Twilight closed her eyes and massaged her temple with a hoof in an attempt to alleviate the light headache that was beginning to form.
"Ugh... I'll look into this later... Sounds like something Rarity would read anyway, and she owes me a lot of bits too... Wow, ive gotta keep better track of this stuff..."
Starlight blinked
"So... like... im not getting sued or something am I?"
[insert rest of story here]
Try "Would you kindly?" if please doesint work.
For some reason I really love these storys...
And that night while messing around and swapping stories, Starlight shows Aria the time travel spell she used to go back to the past. Figuring it couldn't hurt as they weren't near the cutie map, she let it loose only the stare in horror as apparently once the spell had been cast on the map, it now possessed a remote function and opened up a time vortex above Aria.
Casting it again she was able to get Aria back, but due to reasons she had pulled Aria back after she had spent some time in the past and given birth to a healthy baby foal.
"Well, I guess we learned two things. One, I really am your Mom, and two, we now know why I suddenly disappeared."
Starlight spent the rest of the night agonizing over whether she should mess with the past again, get to know her Mom, or if zapping Aria back to the past would give her a happier childhood or mess herself up even more.
That... ends abruptly.
It was interesting though I do wish it had more to it
8029041 A sequal to Love Call, instead of just continuing it, even with it having that sweet, sweet Incomplete tag? You could just put in the author's notes of the next chapter that this story happened between that one and the one before it.
This is sort of a slice of life side story to Love Call. So, canon to that story, but what happens does not have any real direct impact to what goes on here. I'm doing something similar with The Wheel and the Butterfly and Dan & Pinkie take a slice out of life.
So all those background characters that are doubled are separate people
the even
And I thought ARAGON felt like doing cocaine. The really good cocaine. The stuff Alan Moore does.
The fact that THAT was a necessary sentence is funny.
When did Link get here?
I concur, What?
I'm both surprised that Twilight is that kinky...and also thinking of the old line about nerdy girls in bed and getting surprised that it wasn't worse.
Add ' after habits.
This was a funny little fic. But I'm pretty sure for a pony who can tank an Alicorn's magic, Starlight could easily take out a guard or twelve before they managed to fire off a shot. Maybe all the guards ever, with how useless they are .
Oh it'd get plenty of worse. I mean this is Twilight we're talking about, and we got the little hint of:
all that went through my head as I read this is "Huh?"
And then I finished it and I'm like "WHAT THE BUCK IS THIS SHIT?!" terrible and I.... fucking love this.
Actually, considering they would have been making season 5 at the same time Rainbow Rocks came out, Aria might actually be copying Starlight's color scheme...
Remember, they make the episodes months in advance.
...My only regret is not reading this sooner. It was stupid and random, but exactly what I was hoping for
re-reading this makes me said its parent story has died