• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


You never expected your wish to go to Equestria to mostly come true, and you never expected to meet Flash Sentry, and you never realized just how little documentation you need to rent a woodchipper.

This will end well.
With an audio reading by ShadowOfCygnus
Mild gore, second person, sex tag for innuendo

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 109 )

Well, at least you didn't strand him in the Everfree Forest with a broken wing and Sunset Shimmer as company. At least this way, he provides a useful public service: Mulch.

As a bonus, pianos fit in woodchippers, too. In case you need to get rid of one.

5132678 It doesn't work. Unwanted pianos have a habit of returning in perfect condition. You could always shoot him into the sun.

There ought to be a group for stories which feature the destruction of a helpless piano.

This is great, it tickles the funny bone in so many ways.

you notice Flash Sentry, aka Brad,

WHY is he always named Brad? I mean, it's like the automatic equivalent name of Flash Sentry. Hell, I came out of the theater on the 1st showing of the 1st day of the 1st movie, and even I was calling him Brad! I just don't know why! Is it like the generic douchebag name? Well, I actually do know a douchebag named Brad, lol. Though I think it might just be because his character is so bland that the name 'Brad' kind of fits.

OK, the obvious problem with this fic: it's in 2nd person. I will say that you pulled that off at least ok - just ok, mind you, not great - but it's still annoying. I've read a few... a couple... ok, actually just one fic in 2nd person that did it well. And even then, I think it was simply that the sheer awesomeness of the story overshadowed the grating annoyance of the 2nd person narration.

Though I will admit, I tried writing a story in 2nd person myself once. It flopped. Hard. Twas one of my earlier works anyway. But the commenters were hellbent on hammering it into my head that 2nd person is a no no.

Other than that, it's a pretty ok story. It's a silly one shot, the jokes are there and they work, and it's not dark enough to hurt the humor.


WHY is he always named Brad?

D G D Davidson.

Is it like the generic douchebag name?

I think in the fanfiction community, 'Kyle' is the generic douchebag name. Brad's probably a close second.

OK, the obvious problem with this fic: it's in 2nd person.

What will really annoy you is that the first draft was in third person limited past tense. As a trollfic, though, it worked better in second person. The main character was almost named 'anon,' but I couldn't do that. That's going too far.

I've read a few... a couple... ok, actually just one fic in 2nd person that did it well. And even then, I think it was simply that the sheer awesomeness of the story overshadowed the grating annoyance of the 2nd person narration.

It wouldn't happen to be Spending the Night at Fluttershy's, would it?

Other than that, it's a pretty ok story.

I can live with that. I wasn't planning for this one to be great literature.:derpytongue2:

One of my close friends calls Twilight his waifu so he would totally agree with this story

Judging by the votes, he's not the only one.

For the record, I've got nothing against Flash. But I'd feed Trenterhoof in a woodchipper without a moment's hesitation.


Hey cool, a Fargo crossover!

I almost put an explicit Fargo ref. in, but figured that anyone who'd seen the movie would think of that scene without any prompting on my part.

5132822 Meh, I'm pretty sure I came up with the Brad name first lol

I don't have a problem with 3rd person limited. Or did you mean the fact that you switched it? Yeah, that's kind of annoying. Though I can see your reasoning.

But you're right. Fuck anon.

And no, it was With Teeth. Matter of fact, I can't help but think you have referenced this somewhere. I imagine now, though, the main concept is pretty widespread. Kind of like... a carnivore could... seduce a pony by inducing a little primal fear/ prey response. I'm willing to bet this story did it first. I should note though, it's been years since I've read this. There's always that slight possibility I thought it was good just because it was something to read at the time when I needed to get as much pony as possible. So it might be shit if I look back on it. Know what I mean?

Matter of fact, I know you did. Here. You mentioned that same concept. Dunno where from or who did it first, but With Teeth is where I read it first.


Or did you mean the fact that you switched it? Yeah, that's kind of annoying. Though I can see your reasoning.

Yeah, it was the switching. Seriously, I read through the draft, and I thought, this would be a better trollfic if it was in second person.

And no, it was With Teeth. Matter of fact, I can't help but think you have referenced this somewhere.

If I have, it was unintentional. I've never read that story, although it it now on my read-later list.

Yes, I did make mention of it in Important Differences, and I do think that could be a pony kink . . . I mean, bondage is a thing, right? I've heard it is, anyway. It does seem like the kind of thing some ponies might get off on.

The only problem I have with fics of that sort is when they make mention of the predator's (humans, usually) canine teeth, because . . . well, you know why.

This is the best thing I have ever read, ever. I feel like the rest of my time spent on this site will be pointless, as nothing will ever top this. I can now buy a rope, finish reading my copy of Noose Tying for Dummies, and end my fulfilled life. Thank you.

Would that I could give this two thumbs up. Instead have a Thumb and two Pinkie grins. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Please read Twirek before you go.

It's maybe not as good, but . . .



I love this by the title

Putting Flash into a woodchipper is a waste!

He makes a perfectly good meat shield to hold out in front of you while you storm ISIS strongholds with holy American justice!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:


More like #Twirekt. Rite gaiz? Rite?


Brad isn't a generic douchebag name, it's more for the jock-douchebag who keeps getting cheerleaders moist. No one likes a Brad.


He makes a perfectly good meat shield to hold out in front of you while you storm ISIS strongholds with holy American justice!!

One look at his perfect chiseled abs and Pomaide-ed hair, and they'd convert to 'Murican.

Plus, he has a Camaro and plays guitar. You can't get more 'Murican than that.

5133112 He doesn't have abs. He's a skinny high school 'cool' guy. I doubt he can manage to lift two boxes of macaroni simultaneously without getting a hernia. :rainbowlaugh:

That's what he wants you to think.

He's got a body like Adonis. He has to wear clothes to disguise it.

My first reaction:

My second reaction:

You Flash haters crack me up :rainbowlaugh:

My third reaction:

No, seriously. Why the f:applecry:k are you so obsessed? I mean, What did Flash ever do to deserve your hate?

Did he steal your waifu? Well, newsflash: YOU CANNOT DATE A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!!! No matter how hard you wish, pray, and/or believe, you cannot physically go to Equestria, and so you can never bang Twilight Sparkle. Ever. Get over it.

Is he undeveloped? Well, that's not stopping you from shipping her with characters with even less development. I mean, you practically create whole new personalities for characters who might be lucky to have so much as a name! And don't even get me started on OCs. You create entire personalities for background ponies AND your own characters, but you can't do any DYI character development for Flash? Hypocrites.

Seriously, get over it and go start developing Flash the way you would one of your crappy OCs. I mean, isn't that the whole point of fan fiction? To take stuff out of canon that you think are kind of iffy and make them better?

Anyway, have a good day, Flash-haters :scootangel:

5132980 Yes, I must agree. And in case the uh, title of that fic didn't make it clear enough, that whole schtick kind of hinges on the human having canines. :twilightsmile: Oh well.

Still, though. Most female horses don't have canine teeth. Still could be a pony kink. :eeyup:


I think the Brad thing goes back to this video:


"Brad" is a generic jock name. That's all. And there's nothing wrong with "Kyle".

The douche name is "Chad".

I've known Chads in high school, in college, and at work. Every Chad I have ever known has been a colossal douche.

It is true that some hate flash for the stupid reason that they are stealing your waifu but others have reasons for what this character we don't like.

Personally I have no problem with pony flash because it is a simple background character like everyone else that decorate the stage but human flash is what bothers me because it is a cliche.

I could spend hours talking about everything that bothers me human Flash but for lack of time will summarize it this way: the idea of twilight is interested in an individual who is a cliche of the classic popular guy we've seen hundreds of times in films or series based on the secondary is insulting.

He has nothing original.

Sorry if I write something wrong, English is not my native language


Newsflash: The only one being pathetic enough to deserve scorn here is you. You rolled up in here acting like a huge wad of arrogant and derisive crap. You say we can't hate a one-dimensional character. Alright then, by that notion you can't like a one-dimensional character. There's nothing for you to defend. There's no reason for you to be here. No reason for you to say anything. No reason for Flash-fanatics if there can't be Flash-haters. The very fact you disagree with us gives credence to the fact we exist and that we hate the character - if you can like and defend him then by equivalence we can hate him. You have no say in the matter.

My logic is sound. You had no logical foundation, merely complaints based on your sadly misconstrued subjectivity and impotent anger.

In short: If you liked the story, good for you. If you didn't like the story, sucks to be you - move along. If you didn't read the story and are just here to complain at the people who did enjoy it, you're wasting everyone's time and not using the comments section appropriately. You should probably apologize for your behavior and leave.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it. IIRC, that was way back when the only thing we knew about EQG was 'high school AU', so 'Brad' was just a generic 'boyfriend' name. And then it turned out that there actually was a generic boyfriend character, and the name stuck.

Something tells me you're not much of a fan of whoever this Flash Sentry guy is.

Just a hunch.

5133851 I think we all have our own selected jerkoff names.
5133821 Hm you know, I think you're right. We saw Flash before the movie came out, and the first generic Douchebag McJockstrap name that anyone could think of probably just stuck.

Damn, my name is Kyle. I much be a douche waffle.
What if it is a Chad spelled C-H-A-D-D? Does the extra D cancel out the douchiness?


You Flash haters crack me up

I don't hate Flash. I saw a funny idea for a story that plays on a dislike of the character, and I took it.

And don't even get me started on OCs. You create entire personalities for background ponies AND your own characters, but you can't do any DYI character development for Flash?

Yes, I do the first two things, and if I ever wanted to write a serious, long-running story with Flash, I'd develop him, too.


Something tells me you're not much of a fan of whoever this Flash Sentry guy is.

I've got nothing against him, but it made for a great story premise.

I don't think the woodchipper will fit through the portal, and I don't think Equestria has woodchippers. Just saying.:twilightsmile:

One, do you think all women are just sluts who only have sex for fun, not with people who they've developed relationships with? Because you should only be having sex with people who you've developed a real bond with. Otherwise it's just sleazy, and it makes the woman look like a whore who places no value on intimate relations.

Two, Flash Sentry isn't some child rapist, this level of hatred is illogical and unfunny. Being bland isn't a reason to hate them. It's a weak excuse.

Three, your character just murdered someone to get into a girl's pants. Why again is that supposed to be funny? You think that's someone we really wanna see hook up with Twilight? A murderous jerk who thinks women should just sleep with him just because he wants them to and will kill off anyone who's remotely a threat to his sex life and who's easily driven to envy?

Satire works like this: you imitate something to mock it whilst making a point about why it's bad. You didn't make any point. This story, thus, is BAD satire. Bad parody. It's like "Disaster movie". Imitation alone isn't satire.

If you're going to go for "wish fulfillment" (not mine, mind you), then at least try to be more subtle. And maybe try to give it a bit more substance. The title pretty much tells the whole story in itself, so there's not much reason to read the rest of the fic.

I wanted to say something, but the wood chipper thing just reminded me of 'Wood Chipper Massacre' and now all I can think of is camp movies from the past fifty years.



My God. All the white knights in the comments, tragically missing the point.

This is funny to me. :rainbowlaugh:

5133963 Sir, you missed my point entirely. I was NOT saying you can like a one-dimensional character. I was saying that you can take a one-dimensional character, develop him, mold him, and shape him into a three-dimensional character that people will like and enjoy reading about. I was also saying that the majority of Flash-haters hate him because of petty, shallow reasons that can easily be solved by a good writer.

But thank you for your constructive criticism.


5133911 I'm okay with you hating the cliche'd character type that human Flash fits into. What I don't like is how people automatically assume that his entire personality is based around this. When I see Flash, I see what he is, and then I see what he can be. :scootangel:

5134490 Oh, that's all right. There are hundreds of fans who write about stuff just for the sake of getting views :scootangel:

And I've done plenty of character development for Flash Sentry. Some of it has been written down, and some of it is still in my head waiting for the right story.

5133196 I could snap him in half with my eyelashes. :trollestia:

You get top marks for a fantastic, attention-grabbing title! I saw that and instantly thought, "Well, now I have to find out what this is about!" I also got a good laugh out of several parts, especially the plan for having sex with Twilight. But I must admit, this fic was a bit creepy to read, based on how it's essentially about the reader trying to have sex with high-school aged girls. Granted, the humor is with regards to taking out Flash Sentry in a gory and violent way, and what would happen if a hormone-crazed human made it to the Equestria Girls universe, but it unnerved me a little.

Still, the title is fantastic, the idea is humorous, and the length is just about right, so good job overall.


What if it is a Chad spelled C-H-A-D-D? Does the extra D cancel out the douchiness?

I think it doubles it. D-D = Double Douche.

Damn, and I thought my friend Chadd was always so nice and chill. Looks like we can't be friends anymore... but, my name is Kyle... I SHOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH MYSELF!


One, do you think all women are just sluts who only have sex for fun, not with people who they've developed relationships with?

If the 'you' refers to the main character, yes, that's how he thinks. If the 'you' means me, the author, then no, I don't think that at all. You may have noticed that when the protagonist attempted to use his misogynistic views on Applejack, she kicked his butt--deservedly so.

Two, Flash Sentry isn't some child rapist, this level of hatred is illogical and unfunny. Being bland isn't a reason to hate them. It's a weak excuse.

Did you notice how Flash was only described using flattering language? The protagonist's hatred of him is both irrational and unfounded, and even the murder was planned upon the idea that Flash would be wiling to help a complete stranger for no financial gain.

Three, your character just murdered someone to get into a girl's pants. Why again is that supposed to be funny?

It's dark humor. I understand that different people have different levels of tolerance for stories and jokes like that (for example, "Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?" is funny to some, but not to others). If that's not your thing, that's okay.

You think that's someone we really wanna see hook up with Twilight?

I honestly hope not. The protagonist is a truly horrible character. I mean, really, think about his logic: if Twilight loves Flash, the fact he murdered Flash will hardly entice her to love him. If Twilight doesn't love Flash, he murdered someone for no possible gain whatsoever. He's basically a homicidal maniac.

A murderous jerk who thinks women should just sleep with him just because he wants them to and will kill off anyone who's remotely a threat to his sex life and who's easily driven to envy?

He's the kind of guy that if I met him on the street, I'd want to punch him.


I got lucky in the great name lottery, it seems. My real name means 'lover of horses.' :pinkiehappy:


You get top marks for a fantastic, attention-grabbing title! I saw that and instantly thought, "Well, now I have to find out what this is about!"


But I must admit, this fic was a bit creepy to read, based on how it's essentially about the reader trying to have sex with high-school aged girls

It's a little less creepy (and only a little) if we assume the protagonist is also high-school aged, but . . . yeah. That was intentional.

what would happen if a hormone-crazed human made it to the Equestria Girls universe,

I haven't gone out of my way to read a lot of EqG fics, but based on many of the thinly-disguised wish-fulfillment fics on this site . . .

but it unnerved me a little.

That's a good summary.

Still, the title is fantastic, the idea is humorous, and the length is just about right, so good job overall.


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