Twilight unwinds after a stressful day of reshelving books with a new kind of tea, brewed from special herbs Zecora bought her. It's a philosophical journey she wasn't prepared for.
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Oh come on that was way too short. This should be at least four times as long. I was looking forward to twilight being stoned all day!
You do realise you're probably going to end up in the featured box again, right?
I'm not ruling out the possibility of expanding this story.
5195183 This is genius beyond my puny mortal comprehension. I will now go in a corner and cry.
We'll just have to find out, won't we?
I'd be willing to help <_<
The best part is, if you live somewhere it's legal, you can make that kind of herbal tea.
If you want to write a sequel, be my guest. I'd be happy to put a link in the description box.
Cool! Now all I need to do is move to Iceland!
Where did I put my suitcase?
It's legal in Iceland?
Hold on, I'm coming with you.
Or you can just move to where I live.
Washington State is awesome.
It is, and I've toyed with the idea before . . . but I do love Michigan, and that's where most of my family lives.
. . .
The funny thing is, it's not the only story I've written where somepony gets stoned.
Lily finds a Weed
B-but . . . Iceland! Where the spice flows and the wild Bjorks run free!
Yes please.
Ponies on weed is always funny
This is relevant-->
Stoned ponies are the best! More please?
I... don't know what to say, besides the usual "I want more" combined with "What in the world?"
Also I find this oddly relate-able despite never taking drugs - since every so often, I'll just suddenly become fascinated by my hands and how they move and how many joints there are. Or realize how bizarre noses are. I mean seriously, what's with the random cartilage triangles on everybody's face? It bears repeating, though, that I have never been stoned or drunk in my life. I'm just strange.
Through the scales? Spike had no visible injury from face-planting into lava from 30 feet. What did he get that hickey from? An industrial vacuum cleaner?
Poor Twilight. If only she invested in proper glassware, she would get a much better taste from that 'tea'. Much more use for your weight, and it's easier to share!
Colorado is closer! Or even Canada!
Or...if you know where to look... *motions to pockets*
Wait, isn't the extract of a skunk's anal sack used as imitation vanilla?
Keep going! ;)
Oh, how I wish this were true. Knowing that libraries just start chucking out books (or even burning them!) when they get too many makes me horribly, horribly depressed.
Well, the featured box it ain't (yet), but you were at the top of the 'Popular' column for a good two hours earlier.
Twilight: You ever notice when you say a word over and over and over and it turns from a word to just these sounds, you know? Hooves. Hooves, hooves, hooves, hooves, hooves, hooves, hooves, hooves, hooves.
Spike: Stop that.
Twilight: Hoooooooooooves. Hee, hee, hee.....
Oh sure, make the show's only black character be a drug dealer.
I'm totally kidding, if that wasn't apparent.
Who, or what, is best left to the reader's imagination. I'm not going to suggest that Spike has access to an industrial pet drier with a lot of suction, nor that a growing drake might have needs; there could be a perfectly innocuous reason how he might have come about that hickey.
I think it's a beaver's anal glands, actually. Not 100% sure, though.
On the plus side, a lot of my personal library is composed of used library books.
We'll just have to see what happens with my next Sonata fic. Maybe that will be the one....
To be fair, Zecora bought the weed from the Flower Trio.
5198126 quite right! Took a little Google-fu to double check.
5198126 Well. That... uh...
I now have a good reason to buy real vanilla instead of imitation. Good to know.
5195212you can to holland (it is warmer here)
nice story
5198544 Yeah, but I'm all set to go to Iceland already! Living in Québec sort of helps with that.
Twi did experience skunks in Winter Wrap up
She'd rather eat the rotten asshole,
of a road kill skunk and down it with beer!
She's the angriest mare you've ever heard,
She's the angry barium nerd,
She's the angry oxygen, carbon nerd,
She's the angry element nerd.
Very true, but I doubt she took special effort to smell under their tails.
I want to upvote it... but... I don't want to.
We'll see. I currently have no plans to continue this, but as we all learned in Quantum Castaways, stoned Twilight is awesome.
I've never gotten a poem as a comment before.
Now it's 70, so you're good to go.
I hope once (as if) it hits 420, it gets no more upvotes.
I actually wonder what it'd be like with the rest of the cast stoned. Along with some background ponies.