• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


The Cutie Mark Crusaders embark on a snipe hunt. They don't find any snipes, but on the edge of a pumpkin field, they find something better.

With a reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

“Rarity says I'm not allowed to use anything explosive or flammable,” Sweetie Belle griped. “Especially in town.”

Rarity has such harsh and unreasonable rules! :rainbowlaugh:

Whose pumpkin-cannon was it?

Good as usual, Admiral. Nice job. :pinkiesmile:


Rarity has such harsh and unreasonable rules! :rainbowlaugh:

I know, right? :unsuresweetie:

Whose pumpkin-cannon was it?

That's a good question. One which I have no answer to.

Snipe hunt?
Huh. Like in King of the Hill.

Nice story by the way.

I fondly remember snipe hunts from when I was in Boy Scouts. Turns out, the adults were jerks.

Everyone is a jerk. You're a jerk. I'm a jerk. Everyone in this comment box is a jerk. The kindest person in the world is a big fucking jerk.

So true ... I know I won't miss the chance to send kids on a snipe hunt.

5191113 when you see one, you'll know. ;)

5191015 I guess all of the leaders are the same, wherever you go. For a scavenger hunt at a campout, we used the argument that since snipes didn't exist, anything could be a snipe. So we used a pinecone.


since snipes didn't exist, anything could be a snipe.

Yeah, about that. . .

Turns out that there's about two dozen total species of Snipe. The word "sniper" originally described a hunter skilled enough to successfully hunt the difficult-to-shoot bird, and was later applied to military sharpshooters.

While "snipe hunts" themselves are intended to be impossible tasks, the term is a reference to the extreme difficulty of hunting the actual bird, rather than a non-existent creature.


The leaders lied to us! :pinkiegasp:


Unfortunately, it would appear so. :ajsleepy:




...Ah well, time to get back to reading. Hmm, perhaps I can convince my coworkers that we have snipes stocked in the back room tomorrow...

And that does lend a bit of veracity to the task, since there are indeed snipes, and it's conceivable one could be caught . . . although probably not by a troop of boy scouts searching through the woods at night.

they did not have flashlights, you can't hunt for snipes without a flashlight:pinkiegasp: you need a flashlight to stun them, so you can throw the bag over the snipe.:trollestia:

I think they're a tropical bird, so yeah, most Boy Scouts will have a lot of trouble finding them.

Not true--snipes live in nearly any climate. The Wilson's Snipe, for example, lives in the northern United States and Canada.


you need a flashlight to stun them, so you can throw the bag over the snipe.

You've been on a snipe hunt before, haven't you?


I stand corrected; I recalled that the term 'sniper' originated among the British in southeast Asia, and didn't realize the birds were cosmopolitan.

Yeah, according to Wikipedia, they've got pretty much worldwide distribution. They also live in marshes and along shorelines, so the odds of finding one in the woods are about zero.

I want to say when I was a kid 'snipe hunts' were sometimes called 'snape hunts,' although now that would have different, more amusing connotations. :pinkiehappy:

They're armed now. Nopony is safe.:rainbowderp:


pumpkins,its barrel

Is anypony ever safe from the CMC?

Correction made; thank you!

I am worried for what the cannon was ment to protect from.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders plus heavy weaponry is always a good combination. In one of my stories, I have Apple Bloom getting her cutie mark by building a trebuchet, and then improving the design, making it more like artillery.

Another idea I've put in stories is having a stew, cooked in a pumpkin, as the centerpiece of holiday meals. Because, sadly, these Equestrians won't have huge slabs of meat on their dinner table, like a proper meal.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders plus heavy weaponry is always a good combination.

I know, right? What could possibly go wrong?

In one of my stories, I have Apple Bloom getting her cutie mark by building a trebuchet, and then improving the design, making it more like artillery.

I can't even tell you how much I love trebuchets. If I had enough space, I'd build one in my backyard.

Another idea I've put in stories is having a stew, cooked in a pumpkin, as the centerpiece of holiday meals.

Could you cook a stew in a pumpkin, or would the pumpkin get all mushy?

5264050 FoodNetwork.com to the rescue!

Squash Soup in Pumpkin Bowls

I'm not sure if it's totally equivalent, but there's one recipe using pumpkins as a bowl.

Huzzah for the internet!

FWIW, I can totally believe serving a stew in a pumpkin, or in gourd bowls; it's the cooking it there that I'm a bit skeptical about. I say 'a bit,' because I've had butternut squash cut in two, filled with yummy stuff, and cooked like that, and the squash is plenty strong enough to withstand that without melting into a mess in the oven.

Recipies notwithstanding, I'm liable to believe that you could hollow out a pumpkin, fill it with stew ingredients, and cook it in the oven, although I'd like to see a recipe where that's the process, just because if it can be done, someone's sure to have done it already.

“We don't have any pumpkins to shoot. Big Mac didn't plant any this year. Said we always had too many, and all we ever did with 'em was make Jack-O-Lanterns.” She looked regretfully at the cannon. “Ah bet we could make the barrel smaller, though, and make an apple cannon.”

“Yeah! Cutie mark crusaders apple cannon engineers! Yay!”

I want to see them make this!

And here's a Snipe Hunt game just for fun!

Hmm. A couple lengths of drainpipe, some suitable explosives. . . .


Mispronounced this hilariously on the first take for the reading -- used the long 'A'. :rainbowlaugh:

“Does anypony remember where we left the wagon?”

I did a take on that, there is actually never mentioned any features that were around the wagon at the time they left it somewhere in the woods. (no doubt intentional)
This made me feel like the whole point or main idea of this fic was to present a day like any other in the lifes of the crusading fillies.

5190978 Oh right, I remember that episode. It is a good one.
It put the characters in a moral dilemma and the conflict reached a conclusion where the characters actually dealt and found a resolution to the moral conflict.

That's one of the things that made me a fan of the Kings of the Hills, it's just plain good, old fashion, orthodox story telling of the slice of life genera.



I did a take on that, there is actually never mentioned any features that were around the wagon at the time they left it somewhere in the woods. (no doubt intentional)

It might even be back in Ponyville.

This made me feel like the whole point or main idea of this fic was to present a day like any other in the lives of the crusading fillies.

That, and I needed an excuse to put a pumpkin cannon in one story. Actually, more of the latter.

Hell yea! sucks it got canceled. :fluttercry:

6967911 I think what bothers me the most about it is that it was canceled to make room for The Cleveland Show. I mean really?

The network actually decided that investing in another Family Guy was a better investment than renewing The Kings of the Hill.

Something to think about.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders embark on a snipe hunt. They don't find any snipes, but they find something better.

Gonna be honest, based on the summary, that's not the ending I expected.

I was expected something like a new friend. Not a cannon.


Gonna be honest, based on the summary, that's not the ending I expected.
I was expected something like a new friend. Not a cannon

Why can't they be friends with a cannon?

Slice of Life done Best!


:rainbowlaugh:I mean... there was plenty to laugh at in this fic, but that there was the kind of special you never out grow.

Very true.

Heck, I once lost a car (forgot where I'd parked it).

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