• Member Since 9th Nov, 2014


I am general Kristonal Prime and my clone identification number is CG-7979-56 i am a clone general and the leader of the 599th sky corps. but you can call me general or sir.

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A new adventure in the lands of Equestria. However, it won't be by the hooves of six ponies. It'll be by the claws of a brave dragon known as Spike. Now, he'll get a taste of heroism, he thinks.

My story got featured. 11/29/22 - 11/30/22, 7/25/24

The story takes place during Season 8.

Ben 10 is copyright of Cartoon Network

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Problem

The world is forever changed. For ponies of Equestria and beyond, new additions to their bodies have occurred. Things once thought reserved for the most regal, most important ponies, have now become commonplace. When everyone is the same, what makes them special? When ponies share the same interest, how does that make them distinct? And most importantly, if everyone is an alicorn princess, do they still have to pay taxes?

The lovely cover art is brought to you by the Little Tigress! Go commission her!

Chapters (13)

A collection of sciset one shots. Will update as i go. Stories are not related to one another unless I say otherwise.

Chapters (2)

The war of Cybertron wasn't just about Autobots and Decepticons, there were also civilians and rescue personnel. One such group was Rescue Bot Squadron Alpha 9, and their Wrecker bodyguard, who were charged with keeping a protoform nursery away from the fighting. To accomplish this, they hid on a planet with strange energy fields and gravitational anomalies to avoid detection. Unfortunately, the same energies caused them to crash into a mountain and remain in stasis for a thousand or so years. Eventually, the inhabitants built a city on top of that mountain, a city called Canterlot.

And now, the war is over, and the Bots are waking up.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Union of Evil

Grogar’s masterplan now come to fruition. With Soundwave and the Decepticons by his side, along with his powerful magic, he will be unstoppable. But to make things even worse, they manage to corrupt Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and unfortunately Twilight Sparkle as well. With that, Equestria has now become a barren wasteland. With death and destruction being everywhere, it would appear as if Grogar has won at last. But his endgame will come short. A new brand of heros crash-land on Equestria and discover where the Decepticons have been all along. Optimus Prime and the Autobots must find a way to defeat not only Soundwave and his army, but a new foe they have never seen. Will Optimus be able to overcome the mighty Grogar in ALL of his power or fall under his tyrannical hooves?

Chapters (16)

Thundercracker is a decepticon by choice sure, but he isn't entirely supportive of the cause. He often disobeys Megatrons orders to his leaders anger. White Lightning is a social pegasus who loves meeting new creatures. When five metal giants invade her town, she befriends one who protected her.


Chapters (2)

Celestia asks Luna to teach Twilight dark magic. Twilight must pass Luna's class in order to graduate. As Luna develops feelings for her student, Twilight questions which princess she really wants to serve and protect.
(Twilight X Luna)

Chapters (15)

It's Nightmare Night, and Luna is visiting Ponyville again. The mayor tasks Twilight with guiding and helping Luna around Ponyville and making sure the Princess has a good stay. Though Luna comes to Ponyville with a proposition for Twilight.

Chapters (1)

When Luna gets bored she decides to read a few Batmare comics, when she takes a liking to them she makes her own Batmare costume and even a Trottin outfit for here marefriend Twilight... Hilarity ensues.

Wow, this is my first story... Just a little something I cooked up when I saw this picture

Sex tag is just for certain implications, nothing actually happens.

And just in case it matters to anybody, this takes place probably a couple days after the events of "Princess Twilight Sparkle" because... convenience...

Also, in this story Luna has updated her vocabulary to a more modern style because, you know... more convenience...

Also, Also I don't own this cover art picture

Chapters (3)

Luna and Twilight are about to be married and spend the rest of eternity together, however, a minor slip up on Twilight's part reveals a secret she had been hiding since she became an alicorn. Forcing Luna to rethink herself and how she stands with her fiance.

Rated PG
(if you find a picture with a taller Twilight and a shorter Luna standing next to each other please link it as it would make a great cover.)
sept 9 2017, featured! Hello front page!

Chapters (1)