I am general Kristonal Prime and my clone identification number is CG-7979-56 i am a clone general and the leader of the 599th sky corps. but you can call me general or sir.
Xaquseg is the system administrator for FIMFiction, as well as various misc. development, especially related to security. Non-technical problems are probably best asked to other staff members.
I'm mostly into dark/horror stories during the night. Luna is my favorite Princess. Spike is my favorite Dragon that deserves better. Reading and writing stories based on him is fun.
"It is easy to live ignoring the truth, ignoring the pain, the loneliness, the sadness. But it is hard to accept it." - Sage man who I forgot his name... Luna's best Princess!. :D
I'm just a normal guy who likes ponies and video games.
Hi i'm just someone who writes fanfics and if you like a story then show support to give me even more inspiration to write.
I am a dbz, Star Wars, digimon, dr who, bleach, and mlp fan.
A 16 year old pegasister, who is a wannabe author. and mega fanfic writter, whoovian. ODWD, leader of Whoovianism.
Got a couple stories out there and I'm working on adding more chapters.
The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.
I’m a guy that enjoys writing stories about ponies and usually super-powered humans, and the occasional strange story. Nuff said.
Mess with the best, die like the rest. I've died hundreds of times.
"When the buckled girder lets down the grinding span, the blame of loss, or murder, is laid upon the man." - Julia Ecklar & Leslie Fish
Dolphin Mad Scientist. Also, respect trans people.
I just headbutt the keyboard till my ideas spill out into writing. Sometimes it works.
No scale can measure the amount of me-ness that has influenced the world.
I'm just a guy with a love of all things animated, be that MLP, anime, or video games, you name it, I'll probably enjoy it!
I am Warhorse! I'm the Red Rider, weilding my sword. And my only purpose, is to cull the herd of humanity.
Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but nothing could ever kill me.
Don't make the same mistake I made, kids; When the police shout "drop it!", that doesn't refer to your pants.
Just your friendly neighborhood interdimensional being, whose got a love for Fanfictions, Anime, and Energy Drinks
Chapter complete, checked, Ready for upload. A The Chef's cafe chapter is inbound. (20-07-2024)
I'm just like everyone else... except for the part where I'm completely different from everyone else... and that's okay.
We don't deserve a bad ending. It's up to us to create our good endings.
I am but a simple brony who loves everything My little pony FIM
"You’re born to Shimmer!” Thank you for checking out my stories! I’m not the best writer, but I hope you like what I have to give! Enjoy!
Brony from 2012, fimfic reader from 2014, fimfic writer from 2020