I'm mostly into dark/horror stories during the night. Luna is my favorite Princess. Spike is my favorite Dragon that deserves better. Reading and writing stories based on him is fun.
Trying to write spike fics(will write when I get a laptop or more free time)
I've been a brony for 12 years since January 19th, 2013. Chip 'N Dale fan for 3 years, as well as a furry for 13 years. Male pronouns. Not taking any story requests at all.
Just a dude who love to read good Crossover Stories of ponies movies' and anime series. G4 and I'll give a G5 a chance. Fairy Tail Fan.👆
For those who wants to get to know me i may be 21 years old and feel like a teenage boy who may feel small but i got a BIG imagination inside me
I'm a video game Let's Player, sometimes book-reader and movie-watcher and I currently follow generations of MLP since 2015.
Check out my stories and see if you like them. go on, I don't bite…
Someone who will try and hope to better there skills
I enjoy anon a miss stories as well as motorsports and pro wrestling
Looking for inspiration, friends, and maybe a good reason to start writing my own stories. Till then, may your creativity run wild for all to enjoy!!
Professional Expert if you're reading this can you please Unblock Me. I tried to message you and comment on your stories. But you blocked me.
Big fan of Spike x Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon(2 in 1 deal pretty much), Spike x Chrysalis and huge fan of those 4 mentioned characters. Erm.. well wanted to mention that. Um.. yeah.
A lone dragon fallen from grace, and shown a world of possibilities.
I'm not as great of a writer like everybody else but I try the best I can when writing my stories so if you read my stories and have any tips on how I can better my writing I'll greatly appreciate it
I'm glad to be here and I hope we all can be great friends
Hi. *tips fedora* love to make stories on the spot which is unprofessional and reckless but oh well. #YNWA.
I am general Kristonal Prime and my clone identification number is CG-7979-56 i am a clone general and the leader of the 599th sky corps. but you can call me general or sir.
Hey, thanks for visiting. I initially made this account so I could follow people, like stories, comment etc so don't expect much from me outside of that.