• Member Since 6th May, 2021
  • offline last seen Sunday


"When the buckled girder lets down the grinding span, the blame of loss, or murder, is laid upon the man." - Julia Ecklar & Leslie Fish

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Timken remembered when he used to have birthdays. True birthdays. With family.

For years, it has been a number. A number that got increased whenever the day rolled around. He hadn't done anything, really, for any of his birthdays in over a decade.

This birthday was different.

This birthday was too slow for Timken to not remember.

So he actually bought a cake for himself.

Chapters (1)

A Vaporeon from another universe takes a vacation in Equestria. Whatever that is. Even their universe doesn't fully understand them.

What she intends to do is simple. Attend the Equestrian Games, check out the rest of country, maybe screw the timeline six ways from sunday (and seven ways ON sunday), and also maybe cause enough chaos to annoy even Discord.

Note: This story was written for my friend CaptainUmiya. This does not in any way relate to any of my other stories.

Cancelled because I can't find motivation. I lock up whenever I try to write it.

Chapters (4)

While exploring a city of a different dimension, Princess Luna discovers a little girl using her namesake. Though she appreciates those who love the night dearly, the child's villainous personality has Luna taking a dislike to her.

After stripping the first grader of her advanced technology, Luna sits down to have a talk with her. In doing so, she finds some interesting things about both "Luna Girl" and one of her adversaries.

Proudly the first PJ Masks crossover on FimFiction!

Chapters (1)

For most, Hearth's Warming is a momentous occasion. For those on one train ride to the Crystal Empire, it is the worst moment of their lives.

For some, their last.

For me, it is most certainly one of my worst.

Based on the events of December 24th, 1953. This story is dedicated to the 151 passengers who lost their lives aboard the 3PM express train from Wellington to Auckland.

Chapters (1)

I, Timken Bearing, The Alicorn of Innovation, had been told by my mom the previous night to do the dishes at 1PM the next day.

My father had a problem with this.

Contains: A quick depiction of fantastical violence and stuff that might hit way too close to home for some.

Chapters (1)

The Mareconi Wireless Radio. A brand-new invention that allows messages to be sent to ships at sea without the need of magic. It is but a novelty, only being available at the Manehattan Harbor and on a few select vessels.

This newfangled nonsense would be put to very good use one calm night. As I was just about to finish cleaning and shut everything down, a message came through the wireless that, for the first time ever, made my blood run cold.

"CQD CQD SOS Titanic Position 41.44 N 50.24 W. Require immediate assistance. Come at once. We struck an iceberg. Sinking"

Chapters (2)

After losing a bet with Zipp, Sheriff Hitch is forced to spend the night on a mountain.

The next morning, he finds the perfect patrol vehicle.

It's all downhill from there.

Hundredth story on the Equestrian Auto Association Group!!!

Chapters (1)

Following her escape from Nightmare Moon, Princess Cadance writes notes about her journey south.

Chapters (2)

Nobody wants a runaway train. They have caused horrific damage around the globe, both physically and psychologically. Though precautions and rules have been established to prevent such runaways, they still happen. They still cause damage. They still cause trauma.

They still cause atrocities.

One cold night, a big and powerful steam locomotive dragging a long and heavy train of ore is left in a siding at the top of a mountain so the crew can rest.

Unknown to them, a boiler leak is letting steam pressure drop. The steam pressure dropping means the air compressor supplies less and less air to the brakes. The air pressure dropping means the brakes become less and less effective.

With not a single soul to watch - except for a fiery Pegasus - , the train begins to move downhill, completely unattended, threatening to destroy the small town of Detrot.

Chapters (3)

In the dead of night, a forest fire wreaks havoc on the Green Mountains. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, having been at the right place at the right time, are valiantly fighting it. The fire, however, refuses to be quelled.

Before the two are able to fetch help from nearby towns, they hear the crying call of something that is in trouble. Something big. Something fast. A sound that could only be one thing.

The Haunting Wail of a Steam Train.

Chapters (1)