> My Little Transformers > by cyberlord4444 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Cybertron, it used to be a beautiful place, teeming with life. But not life like you or me, this life was mechanical in nature. However, centuries ago, a war broke out between two factions, the Autobots, and the Decepticons. The war caused countless casualties, including the ability for Cybertron to support life. However, not all Cybertronians took part in the war. One such group was the Rescue Bots, a group dedicating to protecting life, in all it’s forms. Various squadrons were tasked with evacuating civilians, with limited success. One such squadron, Alpha 9, was given the task of safeguarding a protoform nursery. To do this, they decided to hide in a star system that little strategic value, although a scientist would have great interest. It was surrounded in strange energies and gravitational anomalies that made scans unreliable at best, the perfect spot to safeguard the next generation.         However, the same energies that they were counting on to protect them, also caused the ship they were flying to fail. In an effort to survive, they transferred all the power they could into the structural integrity field, including life support. They placed themselves into stasis, setting it to release them when they received a message that said the war was over.         The planet they landed on was one inhabited by ponies, capable of using magic. Over time, a city was built upon the mountain they had augured into. These events went unnoticed by the Rescue Bots, until a thousand years later when a message that that the fires of Cybertron were relit, and hostilities between Autobots and Decepticons had ended. As such, deep under Mount Canter, something awoke.         Inside a futuristic control room, five large pods sat, humming softly as the silhouettes of five large figures. The rest of the room lay dormant, until one console lit up, a voice emanating from it.         “Attention all Cybertronian civilians, this is Ultra Magnus. I am pleased to inform you that the war has ended. Cybertron has been restored, to life if not to its former glory. Return home, so that we can restore it together.”         As the message ended, the room hummed to life. The pods cracked open, steam pouring out. Out of one of the pods emerged a massive figure, encased in red boxy armour. He yawned and scratched his head before turning to one of his fellows, a green figure who’s armour was more angled, “Tow-Line, status on the Lost Light.”         “Looks good from what I can see Hot Spot,” Tow-Line replied, “we had a small leak in the auxiliary energon tank, but the automatic seals kicked in before we lost too much. I’m gonna want to do a full inspection though, looks like a lot of the diagnostic system is still throwing up errors from the strange energy of this world.”         “Excellent news, not bad for a retrofitted energon tanker,” Hot Spot said, grinning, before turning more sombre as he turned towards another figure who’s white armour had a distinctly more feminine look, “First Aid, what’s the status of the nursery?”         First Aid clicked her tongue before replying, “There don’t appear to be any pod failures, but I’m still going to give each one a visual inspection.”         “Good idea, that’s precious cargo,” Hot Spot replied. He then turned towards the last two figures, “I’m going to try to get in contact with Cybertron, Streetwise, Rotorstorm, think you’re up for some scouting?”         “You can count on us sir,” said Streetwise, who was in a slimmer black armour. Rotorstorm, who was in a curved orange armour and had a pair of swords on his back, merely nodded.         “Glad to hear it,” Hop Spot replied, “and keep a low profile, don’t want to attract any unwanted attention.”         “I know you’re our Wrecker bodyguard, not a Rescue Bot, but do you have to act so paranoid?” Streetwise asked Rotorstorm, who was currently glancing around, one hand on the hilt of one of his swords.         “Just because Ultra Magnus sounded the all clear, doesn’t mean there aren’t Deception extremists just itching to steal the protoforms and brainwash them into soldiers,” Rotorstorm replied.         Streetwise just sighed before turning his attention back to his hand-held scanner, “These crystals are pretty interesting, they appear to be naturally generating the strange energy of this planet, but exposure to the leaked energon has turned them into a hybrid.”         “Are they explosive as regular raw energon?” Rotorstorm asked slightly worriedly.         “I don’t think so, the crystal structure appears to be more stable than regular energon, but you’ll forgive me for not wanting to test that,” Streetwise chuckled.         Rotorstorm chuckled back, “Good thing my pal Wheeljack isn’t here, he loves making things go boom.”         Streetwise and Rotorstorm shared a laugh before they were interrupted by a pair of feminine sounding screams.         “Sounds like a couple of ladies need some rescuing, huh mister Rescue Bot?” said Rotorstorm.         “You’ve got that right,” said Streetwise, before they rushed off in the direction of the screams. “Pity our alt-forms were corrupted by the extended stasis, it’s a lot faster than running.”         “If you’re that concerned about it, less talking more moving,” Rotorstorm chuckled before they both picked up the pace.         Twilight screamed as a trio of strange bug-like ponies attacked her and Cadence. She thought that the brainwashed bridesmaids were the last line of defence, but then these 3 came out of nowhere. Since she didn’t know any spells that could be used for combat, and Cadence was exhausted by her long confinement, this was not looking good. She swore that if she got out of this, the first thing she would do was ask her brother for some tips, after rescuing him from the fake Cadence of course.         “Looks like we’re in a real pickle, huh Twilight?” Cadence said, her tone trying to make light of the current situation.         Twilight decided to forgo replying to do something marginally more productive, “HELP!!!”         The bug ponies chuckled darkly, knowing that nopony would be able to hear them all the way down here. However, as her cry echoed down the cavern tunnels, a rumbling replied. It sounded like the footsteps of some gigantic beast, and it also sounded like it was getting closer.         “Please be friendly, please be friendly, please be friendly,” Twilight chanted, eyes shut tight and hooves clasped in prayer.         The rumbling stopped as it sounded like it was right beside her, she cracked open her eye to see a giant black metal limb. Turning her gaze upwards, she eventually fixed her gaze on a metallic face, its eyes hidden behind a smoky visor.         The figure reached behind its back and pulled out a strange L-shaped device, from the way he held it it looked like some sort of weapon. “I am Streetwise of Rescue Bots squadron Alpha 9. You three are under arrest for assault, and whatever other charges these fine citizens decide to pursue.”         The three bug ponies just hardened their expressions before leaping at Streetwise. Streetwise dodged to the side before pulling the trigger of his weapon. A ball of electricity erupted from it and clipped two of them, causing them to convulse before dropping to the ground unconscious. However, before the third could recover for another attack, a bolt of energy erupted from deeper in the caverns, rendering it unconscious as well.         Streetwise sighed before turning towards where the bolt came from. “I had that under control, but I suppose I should thank you for using the stun rounds.”         “Hey, I needed to make sure my rifle was zeroed in properly,” said another metal figure that walked out of the shadows. This one was in orange armour, had a metal plate over his mouth, and his weapon was much longer with a scope on it.         “Fair enough Rotorstorm,” said Streetwise before putting his weapon away and turning towards Twilight and Cadence, “are you alright?”         “We’re fine,” said Cadence, as Twilight was currently too shocked to do anything except stand there with her mouth hanging open.         “We’ll be on our way then,” said Streetwise as the two of them turned to leave, “we’re supposed to be keeping a low profile, so I’d appreciate it if you kept this to yourselves.”         As the two of them walked away, Twilight’s brain finally rebooted. “Wait, I have so many questions!”         “Later Twilight,” said Cadence, “we need to get out of here before that imposter marries Shining.”         Twilight nodded as they turned towards the exit, a mental checklist forming in her head. 1:Get a few pointers from Shiny 2:Come back down here, track down Streetwise and Rotorstorm, and learn everything she could > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Spot sighed as he fiddled with the communications console. While being buried underground was excellent for hiding, it wasn’t exactly the best for communicating. Luckily they had packed several drones, one of which was being modified as a relay. Hearing the door open, he turned to see Tow-Line enter. “So, how’s the ship?” “Not good,” said Tow-Line as he placed a tool in one of his waist-mounted toolboxes, “even if we weren’t buried we can’t go anywhere because the engines are smashed. Luckily the hyperdrive and reactor are fine, those would’ve been a pain to fix.” “We should’ve gotten a mining ship then,” Hot Spot chuckled. Just then a crackle emitted from the communications console, “Hot Spot here.” "This is Streetwise reporting in,” Streetwise’s voice said from the console, “sorry, but there was a local in distress and Rotorstorm and I had to intervene.” “Not a problem, Optimus Prime himself that we’re Rescue Bots first and foremost,” Hot Spot replied. “Hey, this is just a feeling, but something big’s going on on the surface,” said Rotorstorm, “we may need to get involved.” Hot Spot rubbed his optics, “Of course, I’ve got a probe ready to go, we’ll take a look-see before we make any decisions.” “Good plan,” Rotorstorm replied, “by the way we’re sending footage of the event to you so you know what to look for.” “Got it, it’s coming in now,” said Hot Spot, “and the probe’s launching now.” The probe departed the caverns to examine the city above, and what it saw chilled Hot Spot to the spark. Hundreds of the same kind of bug-ponies that Streetwise and Rotorstorm had encountered were attacking, capturing civilians and placing them in cocoons for an unknown purpose. Hot Spot snarled as he grabbed his gear, “Consider our cover blown, go on ahead, the rest of us will catch up.” “Understood,” said Streetwise as Rotorstorm cracked his knuckles loud enough to be heard over the channel. Hot Spot settled his gear as Tow-Line walked up to him, “I’m guessing you want me to grab First Aid?” “Please.” “On it,” Tow-Line said, pulling out a crowbar before walking off. Twilight counted up the good and bad points of her day so far. Good news, she now knew that the bug-ponies were called Changelings and his brother wouldn’t be marrying one of them. The bad news was that the Changelings were now launching an all-out invasion of Canterlot, and had captured her and her friends. “Hey, let me out of here so I can kick your flanks you no good cheaters,” Rainbow Dash yelled as she struggled against her bonds. Pinkie tried to reply, but her constant chattering had resulted in her mouth being sealed shut by goo. Twilight turned towards Fluttershy, who was crying softly, “Don’t worry Fluttershy, it’ll be alright.” Fluttershy looked up, “Promise?” Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a familiar thudding. Around a building charged Streetwise and Rotorstorm, “Promise.” “Targets are in close proximity to civilians, melee combat only,” said Streetwise as he pulled out a pair of... what did ‘The Big Book of Ancient Armaments’ called them? Oh yeah tonfa. “Up close and personal, got it,” said Rotorstorm as he pulled out a pair of swords. The Changelings carrying Twilight and her friends dropped them before charging at Streetwise and Rotorstorm, they didn’t do so well. Streetwise’s tonfa glowed and sparked before he started spinning them so fast they became a blur, knocking down anything that got within reach. Rotorstorm’s technique was less flashy, but debatably more effective, using the flat part of his swords to bat away Changelings before they got too close, and punching, kicking, and occasionally headbutting anything that did. Unfortunately, the Changelings that had attacked them so far were merely a distraction, as a much larger group had swung around and struck from behind, clinging onto them so they couldn’t get a clear hit. It was the same strategy they had used on Twilight and her friends, and she begrudgingly had to admit, it was effective. Streetwise tossed down one of his tonfa and tried to wipe off a group of Changelings before placing a finger to the side of his head, “Hot Spot, where are you? We’re getting swarmed.” “Right here,” said a new voice as three new giants charged in from the other direction. The largest of the three pulled out a massive axe, which he swept sideways to create a massive gust of wind which blew enough of the Changelings off of Streetwise and Rotorstorm to allow them to regain the upper hand. “First Aid, think you can do anything?” “I’m a medic, not a miracle worker, don’t rush me,” said another figure, who Twilight assumed was female due to its voice and body type, reached into the massive pack it wore and pulled out a strange device. A beam of light emitted from it, that passed over Twilight and her friends and then over a pile of unconscious Changelings. “I think I’ve got something that’ll knock out these hostiles without harming the civilians,” First Aid said as she studied it. “Then work your magic doc,” said the final figure as he kept a large group of Changelings at bay with a heavy hook at the end of a long cable. “Why don’t you do it yourself Tow-Line if it’s so easy,” First Aid grumbled under her breath as she removed her pack and opened it, revealing that it was, among other things, a self-contained chemical laboratory. As the other 4 fought, she furiously mixed chemicals until she had a large cylindrical vial of a red liquid that she loaded into a weapon. Standing up, she aimed and pulled the trigger, firing the compound in a storm of bolts instead of a stream, probably to conserve it Twilight thought to herself. Whenever the compound hit a Changeling, they quickly fell into unconsciousness. Hot Spot let out a breath as he put away his axe, “Excellent work First Aid.” “Honestly, what would you do without me?” First Aid said before firing a single shot at a pony who was walking towards them, causing it to revert into its true Changling form. “Shapeshifters? Well that’s going to make things annoying,” said Streetwise as his visor retracted into his helmet. “Hey, it’s you!” Rotorstorm said as he noticed that Twilight was one of the ponies he’d saved as First Aid swapped the chemical in her gun for a blue one, “we’ve got to stop meeting like this, people are going to talk.” “Hey, I’m not complaining,” Twilight replied as First Aid sprayed the chemical over them in a mist, dissolving their bonds. “This actually saves me the trouble of finding you, I have so many questions.” “I suppose you do,” said Hot Spot, “but answering them should wait until the current crisis is dealt with.” Just then, the chemical had done its work on the goo over Pinkie’s mouth, “You’re a race of mechanical lifeforms from another planet who came to this world a thousand years ago to escape a war that destroyed your planet and to protect a bunch of baby alien robots and crashed into Mount Canter and you’ve been sleeping ever since until this morning when you got a message that the war is over you can go home!” Hot Spot just stared as a protective face plate over his mouth retracted, revealing a stunned expression, “Pretty much yeah... how did you know?” “Just a hunch,” Pinkie replied. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Hot Spot and co picked their collective jaws off the ground(not literally), they decided a round of introductions was in order. “We’re Rescue Bots Squadron Alpha 9, I’m Hot Spot, the commander of our unit. This is Streetwise, my second in command and law enforcement specialist. That’s our medic First Aid, our engineer Tow-Line, and our Wrecker escort Rotorstorm.” As Hot Spot said their names, he gestured to each of the other ‘Bots in turn. “Well, thank you for saving us Mr. Hot Spot, I’m Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.” “Nice to meet you,” said Rotorstorm, “so, who’re the partycrashers?” “Changelings,” said Rainbow Dash, “their queen tried to marry Twilight’s brother to get Canterlot soft enough to invade.” “Looks like she succeeded,” said Streetwise, “although you’ll have to tell me how that works later.” “No time for that now,” said Twilight, “we need to get to the Elements. If we can get them, we can stop her.” Hot Spot wondered what these Elements were, but shrugged it off. ‘Must be something like the Matrix,’ he thought to himself. “Alright, Rotorstorm, think you can escort them to get these Elements?” “No problem,” Rotorstorm, a cocky grin on his face, “just don’t expect me to call for backup.” “I know I know, just cleanup,” Hot Spot replied, rolling his eyes, “the rest of you, go rescue the civilians, I’ll see about this queen.” “She’s in the throne room,” said Rarity, “she should still be gloating.” “Thanks,” said Hot Spot, “now, Rescue Bots, and Wreckers, Roll to the Rescue!” “Quite a lovely sight, wouldn’t you say?” Chrysalis asked Celestia, who was encased in a cocoon, “soon all of Equestria will become food for us.” The liquid in the cocoon prevented Celestia from talking, but the look she shot Chrysalis said everything she thought about that plan. Chrysalis just smirked as she ran a hoof along the cocoon, “I wonder how the love for your subjects will taste?” Just then, something pounded on the door. “Go see what that is,” she said to one of her guards. As several Changelings approached the doors, they suddenly flew open as several other Changelings flew through. Hot Spot followed through directly after, ducking his head to fit through. “And what are you?” asked Chrysalis. “Hot Spot of the Rescue Bots,” Hot Spot replied, “I assume you’re Chrysalis?” "Queen Chrysalis if you don’t mind,” Chrysalis said, “are you here to serve me?” “No,” Hot Spot said as he drew his axe, “I’m here to take you in.” Chrysalis laughed, “You have spirit I’ll give you that, but I’ve consumed enough love to take down Celestia, an iron golem won’t be a challenge.” “We’ll see,” Hot Spot said as he charged forward. “Got another group over here,” said Streetwise as he blasted a group of Changelings away from a family of ponies. “These things are worse than Scraplets,” said Tow-Line as he braced a wall that was ready to fall. “No they’re not,” First Aid retorted as she tranqed a whole battalion of Changelings. “That looks like all of them.” Just then, she felt something tap her leg. Looking down, she saw that a young unicorn was nudging her, “Thank you.” First Aid’s expression turned gooey, “Aren’t you the cutest thing in the history of cute!” “Uh... did you just see?” Streetwise asked. “I saw nothing,” Tow-Line replied, “and if you want to wake up with all your parts tomorrow, neither did you.” “Got it.” “So, these Elements, you sure they’ll be able to take care of this?” Rotorstorm asked as he swatted away a group of Changelings. “They worked on Nightmare Moon and Discord, and they were much more powerful, they should work just fine,” said Twilight as she blasted a Changeling that slipped past. “Nothin’ personal Twi’ but there was only one ah them, how do we know that they’ll work on all these?” asked Applejack. Rainbow dash scoffed as she dive-bombed another one, “These guys are nothing. Once we take down the queen we can mop up the rest no problem.” “I like the way you think Dash,” said Rotorstorm, “you wouldn’t make a half-bad Wrecker.” “If you don’t mind me asking Darling, you seem a bit different than your companions,” said Rarity, “might I ask why?” “I don’t see why not. You see the Wreckers aren’t like the Rescue Bots, we’re warriors through and through. We handle the missions that no one else would even consider possible, and make it look easy. Optimus Prime wanted the Nursery guarded by the best of the best, so they sent me.” “Heh, might need to put that to the test, at least the speed anyway,” said Rainbow. “Anytime, anyplace, except for here and now,” Rotorstorm said before morphing his hand into a gun and blasting a group of Changelings, “right now I’m kicking Streetwise’s tailpipe.” “Oh look we’re here,” said Twilight as they arrived at the Element Vault, thankful that she wouldn’t have to listen to much more machismo. However, the door was sealed shut by a think layer of Changeling goo. “Huh, guess it’s closed for the day,” said Pinkie Pie. Rotorstorm kicked the open. “Looks open to me,” he said, causing Rainbow to grin and Twilight to facehoof. Hot Spot and Chrysalis were still fighting, neither able to land a critical blow. Chrysalis’ attacks were primarily in the form of thermal and kinetic blows, both of which Hot Spot’s armour was designed to handle, being a specialist in firefighting. Hot Spot however was hampered by the size of the room preventing him from being able to swing his axe without hitting something and getting it stuck. Luckily he had another option, his heavy cryo-cannon which shot bursts of super-cold fluid, unfortunately Chrysalis was too small and nimble for Hot Spot’s limited combat experience to hit. “It is a pity that I have no idea what you love, enslaving you would make the conquest of the rest of Equestria foal’s play,” said Chrysalis. “I’m going to love beating you, does that count?” asked Hot Spot. Chrysalis began to retort, but her gaze turned to one of the windows, where she saw the rest of Alpha 9 thwarting her plans. “This cannot be happening.” “Sez you,” Hot Spot said before using his cryo-cannon like a baseball bat, sending Chrysalis through said window. Hot Spot jumped after, grabbing his axe on the way, landing among his comrades as they faced her down. “Not bad chief,” said Rotorstorm, “looks like you made my job kinda pointless huh?” “Queen Chrysalis, you are charged with, so many things I don’t have time to list them all,” said Streetwise. “Don’t think you’ve won yet,” said Chrysalis as emerald flames licked around her hooves, “prepare to feel the full power of a Changeling Queen!” With that, the flames consumed her entire body, growing into a conflagration the size of the castle. Then, it vanished, leaving behind something that looked like a cross between a dragon and a scorpion. “Behold, my original plan for dealing with Celestia,” Chrysalis’ voice emerged from it, albeit much deeper, “I wonder how powerful it is now that I could defeat her without it.” Tow-Line summed up the situation, “Ah scrap.” > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy whimpered as she beheld Queen Chrysalis’  draconic form. She currently stood higher than the buildings on either side of her. Luckily Twilight was there to snap her out of it... relatively anyway. “Come on girls, we have the Elements, we just need to use them,” she said. “Yeah, all that’s changed is that it’s gonna be harder to miss,” said Rainbow as she smacked one of her fore-hooves into the other. “You say that like I’m going to give you the opportunity,” Chrysalis said before breathing fire at them, causing them to scatter. Chrysalis laughed as she disrupted their attempts to regroup, “Nightmare Moon and Discord might have been foalish enough to underestimate you and the Elements, but I am not.” Just then, she screamed in pain as First Aid jammed a spear into her foot, “Don’t tell me you forgot about us?” “We’ll cover you, do what you need to do,” said Hot Spot as he and the other Rescue Bots drew their respective melee weapons. “Let’s show her how the Wreckers party!” said Rotorstorm as they charged. “Party?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, “and I’m not invited?” “It’s not that kind of party,” said Rainbow as she flew towards her. “Well I must say, our new friends seem quite reliable,” said Rarity as she watched the Rescue Bots attack Chrysalis. Unfortunately, whatever damage they did do was almost instantly healed. “They still look they could use a bit of help sugarcube,” said Applejack as they all gathered. “Then let’s give them some,” said Twilight as their Elements and eyes started glowing and they started floating into the air. Unfortunately, Chrysalis noticed, “If I can’t stop you from using them, I can make sure you don’t hit me with them.” Chrysalis morphed he body so that it was much slimmer and grew additional wings. “You cannot defeat me,” she said as she took to the sky. However, she found her progress impeded by Tow-Line’s cable, Hot Spot’s ice, and an adhesive compound from First Aid. “Gotcha ya stinkin’ bug,” said Tow-Line, “now give her what-for.” Twilight and her friends just smiled as a rainbow-coloured beam of light flew from them towards Chrysalis. However, just before it hit, Chrysalis smirked before opening a hole in her body at the impact point. “You foals, I’ve been preparing for this for months, you think I didn’t have a plan for if you could trigger them?” Chrysalis laughed. However, unbeknownst to them, the beam split into 5 separate beams and turned around. As she noticed it from the change to her shadow and turned to face it, ready to dodge. However, she needn’t have bothered, as they bypassed her and hit the Rescue Bots. “What’s going on?” said Twilight. “I’m not sure,” said Hot Spot, “but I’m feeling great.” The other Rescue Bots nodded in agreement. Excess light spread to the metallic rubble surrounding them, causing them to form into a massive pair of fists and feet. The eyes of the Rescue Bots shone brightly. “Alright now,” Hot Spot cried out, “Harmonize, and Combine!” The Rescue Bots rose into the air as they transformed into a new configuration. First Aid and Tow-Line combined with the feet to become legs, Rotorstorm and Streetwise combined with the fists to become arms, and Hot Spot became turned into a massive torso as a new head emerged. They linked together to form an even larger robot. “What in Tartarus just happened?” Chrysalis and Twilight both exclaimed. “I’m not entirely sure,” the new robot said, looking at one of its hands, “but I suppose you can call me, Defensor. Yes, Defensor, Link Up and Protect!” “5, 1, I’ll destroy you all the same,” said Chrysalis before sending a stream of green plasma at Defensor. However, Defensor just swatted it away. “But that’s impossible, that was on par with the breath of a dragon.” “Maybe, but that was nothing compared to an Energon refinery fire,” Defensor said as he raised his hand, causing the melee weapons of his component Bots to float up and combine into a sword. Chrysalis snarled as she transformed her forelimbs into scythes similar to that of a praying mantis, if they were made of steel. With a mighty roar she charged, Defensor charging in return. They swung their weapons, Defensor slicing through Chrysalis’ scythes like butter. Chrysalis snarled as she tried to regenerate them, but was unable as they were cauterized. “Time to end this,” Defensor said as cables started spooling out of the arm that was Streetwise, “Taser Storm!” The cables shot toward Chrysalis, discharging a massive amount of electricity into her. As the cables retracted, she reverted to her original form and slumped to the ground. “Operation successful,” Defensor said, before separating into his components, the hands and feet combining into a pair of Cybertronian style tracked jeeps. “What just happened?” asked Rotorstorm. “Don’t look at me, I haven’t heard of anything like this,” said First Aid. “Whatever it was, I think we could do it again if we had to,” said Streetwise. “Whatever that was, we can worry about it later,” said Hot Spot, “we’ve still got civvies who need rescuing, so move out!” “Sir!” said everyone, including Twilight and Co., who immediately chuckled, the Rescue Bots joining in as they split up, Rolling to the Rescue.