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WARNING: Slow-burn romance!

Tempest Shadow would be the first pony to tell you she's not worthy of friendship. All she deserves after a life spent helping the Storm King conquer and pillage is four walls, bars, and solitude. But she's getting a new life in Ponyville anyway, at the side of Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.

Tempest Shadow isn't a friendship kind of pony. She's not a party kind of pony. She's not a happy kind of pony in the least. So what could there possibly be for her in Ponyville? More than she thinks, as it turns out. Come join her as she discovers what she's truly meant to do, what she's truly worth, and who she's truly meant to be with. Her life is going to change far more than she ever would have expected.

A serial that will update as individual stories are completed. Incomplete until the whole thing is finished, but the reader is urged to keep up with uploads. Individual stories may also be comedies or adventures. Warning tags may be added as necessary. Find more stories here!

Cover art by Firimil!

Chapters (18)

When the Princess refused Sunset Shimmer the reward which was her right as a pony of talent and excellence, Sunset was determined. She would prove her mentor wrong, she would prove her worth, prove her worth as a pony and as a princess in her own right. The Mirror offered promises. It promised Sunset many things.

The Mirror lied.

The land that laid beyond the Mirror was barbaric beyond all her worst expectations. Ape-like beings strode through this world, arrogant, violent, vicious beyond anything in Sunset's experience. Slavers, savages, brutes, carnivores.

They put her in chains like cattle, and told her she was livestock. Then the brutes tried to give her as a gift to those whom even brutes feared, to the eastern savages. To a people who said there were only two things in this world: those that ride, and those that are ridden.

And so if she has any hope of ever proving herself worthy of being a person again, Sunset Shimmer would have to show that she could be one who rides - that she is...


Chapters (22)

As Celestia's personal student, there was no doubt in Sunset Shimmer's mind that she was the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria. There was no spell she couldn't master, no lesson she couldn't learn...save for one.

Hoping to rectify the situation, Princess Celestia broke one of her own rules and unearthed Starswirl's Mirror, hoping that, by gazing into it, Sunset would see what she always wanted. Unfortunately, the plan worked a little TOO well, but not in the manner she hoped.

Cast out and believing herself betrayed by Celestia, a desperate Sunset decides to seek out her 'Hearts Desire' on the other side of the Mirror...to a place where she will learn the lessons Celestia so desperately wished for her to learn: that Friendship is Magic.

Chapters (7)

When Tod sacrificed himself to save his best friend during a mountain climbing expedition he expecting to wake up in hell, or in oblivion. But he instead finds himself in a magical world with tiny horses that barely go past his knees. Will he ever come to terms with his loss and move on with his new life? Or will he sink into his own depression. (This is my first story so I ask for some mild criticism so I can right better stories is the future)

ps - Know that I know this isn't that great a story compared to others so sorry if you don't like it

Chapters (2)

Earth-Chan is a humble earth pony mare given a new life. She didn't get to live a full planetary life cycle, cut off prematurely as the humans within destroyed her surface with nuclear war. The universe felt her cheated and gave her a new form out of sympathy for her years of abuse. This pony is now awake in the world of Equestria, already aged properly so to begin her new life right where she left off... comparatively speaking of course. What will Earth-Chan do with this second chance? What does she have to say after finally gaining her voice? Can You Believe This Story Hasn't Been Done Yet?!

Chapters (14)

Stargate Command is Earth's first line of defense against a hostile galaxy. Their mandate is "to seek out and recover intelligence and technology to assist Earth in its defense against these aggressors." It’s a dangerous job, and SGC’s mettle and defenses have been tested before. All past incidents were resolved successfully, with the normal citizens of America – and the world – none the wiser. But...

This one may just take the cake. After SG-1 returns from a routine reconnaissance mission, bringing back a curiously intact artifact from an abandoned alien city, people begin to transform. When the changes spread across the planet, the SGC faces the prospect of losing control of the secret they've kept for over a decade.

A story in the theme of Five Score, Divided by Four crossing over with Stargate SG-1. This story is not canon Five Score; for example, Five Score takes place in 2020, while the final season of SG-1 takes place in 2007.
Huge thanks to totallynotabrony for the cover art!
Credit to Lord of Dorkness and totallynotabrony for editing assistance, as well.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to All-American Girl

A story set in between Books I and II of All-American Girl.

A lot of news has come out of Canterlot lately: the destruction of Fillydelphia and the razing of Cloudsdale. The attack on Canterlot itself. Princess Celestia declaring war. That was bad enough.

Now, with the news of Princess Luna's illegitimate child - an alicorn, no less! - and her intent to marry the father or abdicate, what does that say about the stability of the nation? What does that say that the lunar alicorn chose not to love a pony, but a human? And what does that say about the newly-invested Princess Luna II (who insists on being called Sterling) herself?

Then there's the news of Viscountess Lyra Heartstrings, now somehow permanently a human and never to become a pony once more. Why did that happen? Could it have been prevented? And was it stopped...by humans, no less?

And those rumors, which seem to be on the increase: That Celestia herself has taken a human as a lover. That Saddle Arabia intends to declare independence. That Nightmare Moon survived the attack on Canterlot...and that Chyrsalis didn't, and now something worse has taken her place.

As the months go by and the sapient peoples of both worlds come closer to the end of 2047, a whole lot of uncomfortable truths may come to light...

...and one just might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Chapters (16)

JSF F-35B Pilot, Captain Lisa "Sapphire" Johansson was shot down and killed by Russian Su-98s, at least that's what the records state. In all actuality that's not what happened, through seemingly divine intervention she wound up in Equestria, which happened to occupy a totally different dimension and was accessible by use of an extremely advanced and complex spell that was placed on amulets, allowing access through use of an incantation.

That divine intervention was in the form of two Wonderbolts, Spitfire and Soarin. The former was investigating the possibility of using areas of Earth that had little if any human population for training Wonderbolts. While Soarin had accompanied her up into the Great White North of Canada, in the year 2020. However it happened to coincide with the Russian Invasion of Canada to claim the oil sand deposits.

However, after rescuing Sapphire from her downed F-35B Lightning II, they discover that her injuries are incredibly severe and that it would be impossible to get her to the nearest town on Earth to receive medical treatment. They make an incredibly tough decision, one that changes Sapphire's life forever.

Despite the incredible change to both her physical body and species, Captain Johansson isn't about to let a second chance at life get away from her. After all, rarely do you get a second chance to continue living.

That is if she doesn't go insane from the daily insanity of a certain small-town near the capital of Equestria.

Note this is a crossover with the novel Tom Clancy's Endwar.

Chapters (7)

Our protaganist's life (mine) turns from dramatic to tragic in a single moment...but then an out-of-left-field event happens, and I find myself in an alternate universe version of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic where the only difference seems to be Queen Chrysalis hatches a new queen years before the 1,000th Summer Sun Celebration...and I'm that new queen.

Jumping in on this particular bandwagon. Tagged "Gore" for the opening chapter (and possibly later chapters) and "Sex" because you can't mention any part of the reproductive process without the sex tag on this site.

Chapters (13)

Ten years after high school, the Rainbooms still hang out together, even to this day. Their days of fighting evil magic are long past.

However, when an old acquaintance shows up, on the run from a magically-enhanced mercenary group, the girls have to come together once more to save the world. But disconnected from their own magic, how will they accomplish this daunting quest?

They have cars. They have guns. And most importantly, they have each other.

A collab with Totallynotabrony

Cover art is not ours. Credit to original owner.

Not a crossover with Fast and Furious, but will be of similar style.

Chapters (8)