• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019


Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

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It's widely accepted across Equestria that all three races of ponies are of equal value and merit, and almost everypony is accepted everywhere. If you're barred from entry into something, there's probably a good reason, aside from the nature of your birth.

There are two exceptions to this rule, where a citizen can be cast aside based on their race. Both of these are places where only one race is allowed, not due to hatred or dislike of the other races, but just because the requirements bar everypony else from entry.

The first is Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. The school is for unicorns looking to improve their magical capabilities, and as such, the entrance exam requires that the applicant already have at least some amount of talent with magic. The other is the Wonderbolts' academy. Pegasi come here to test their flight skills and learn to become better fliers.

The paperwork for these places does not mention anything about the race of the applicant. A pegasus can absolutely fill out all the forms required to attend CSGU. But without a horn, they would certainly have a hard time casting spells, and probably couldn't make it through the entrance exam.

And it is well-known, as well, that earth ponies cannot fly.

Chapters (53)

Everypony has a hobby. Pinkie likes rock collecting, Fluttershy likes reading, and so on.

Applejack is no exception.

Story inspired by cover art made by dstears.

Written during NaNoWriMo 2022.

A thank you to Scriblits Talo for proofreading before publishing.

Now with a Russian translation by NovemberDragon.

Rated "Decent" by Ghost Mike.

Chapters (1)

It's Hearthswarming! The fireplace is lit, the presents are under the tree, and you are sharing a cup of hot cocoa with your best friend. How could it get any better? Well, if you ask Rainbow Dash, the answer is to venture outside in freezing temperatures and throw balls of frozen water at one another until you are soaked and suffering from hypothermia, or something like that.

For a mare that doesn't have a reputation for thinking things through, you doubt she has a plan to warm up after it's all said and done. Tonight, though...she might just surprise you.

Featured on 8 Jan 2023!
Featured on 26 Dec 2023!

Update (October 2023): I commissioned Redruin to do a 10 page comic for this story! Check my blog post or derpibooru to see it!

Chapters (2)

My name is Comet Tail, and I have died many times.

Chapters (3)

When Princess Twilight Sparkle seeks to modernize Equestria, one of her first targets was the Equestrian rail network. Seemingly overnight, most lines were nationalized, the out of date steam locomotives were abolished and replaced by diesels and electrics, and unwanted lines were being ripped up left and right.

In a time where sentimentality could not stand in the way of progress, two colts will take it into their hooves to save an old line and keep its hundred ton secret safe from the scrappers torch. But they will soon learn that running a preserved railway is much more difficult than simply clearing the weeds and running trains.

With time of the essence and the scrappers torch an ever looming threat, hop aboard for an express run to adventure!

This story has received a complete overhaul, promising better storytelling, better character arcs, and more accurate railway practices!

Chapters (14)

Your friends in Ponyville were quite shocked when your relationship with Marble Pie became public. They were even more shocked when she moved in with you and immediately became just another member of the community, all without saying a single word. To most of them, it can be hard to have a conversation with her.

To you, it's the easiest thing in the world.

Chapters (1)

The daily lives of the royal princesses, often times is pretty simple. Wake up, raise or lower their celestial bodies, hold court, meetings, sleep, and repeat. Oh, and dealing with their infuriating nephew! Overall, things aren't all that easy for them but it's manageable and mundane.

But when an innocent wish came true, both sisters are now facing a new Blueblood. One that can be considered better, yet for some reason, this version seems to have forgotten how magic works and keeps looking at the world like a newborn baby.

So what happens now? Did their wish actually come true? Is it some sort of act? Has he been replaced by a changeling? And what does this new Blueblood mean for Equestria?

Only one thing is for sure, shenanigans will appear and a lot of ponies are about to spit their coffee. Look out Equestria! There is a new Blueblood on the loose, and this one might actually be worthy of the title 'Prince'.

The 'Romance' tag is for events that happen later on the chapters

Commission by: https://www.deviantart.com/estefanoida/art/Masked-Man-Rotation-781069129

SirReal ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/238433/SirReal )
Sipioc ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/222170/Sipioc )
AvidSeason ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/185717/AvidSeason )
RadBunny ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/70640/RadBunny )
Brony_Falcon ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/156110/Brony_Falcon )
YellowBastion ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/61468/yellowbastion )
Brave Stomp ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/55493/Brave+Stomp )
Arstotzka-Pon ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/302802/Arstotzka-Pon )
FlashBoltMayhem ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/118466/FlashBoltMayhem]FlashBoltMayhem)
Nocturnas (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/292418/Nocturnas)
Kit The Kite (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/29208/Kit+the+Kite)
Thank you so much for giving me a hand!
Initials in the chapter titles denotes who to thank/blame for the majority of the edits in that chapter.

Now with a Russian version!
Link: https://ficbook.net/readfic/8253964
By: Mariness

I made this out of curiosity and intrigue, so there is no need to take too seriously. This takes place during season 8 before Spike got his wings.

Rated ‘Teen’ for language, mild violence, and graphic depiction of cuddling. Ratings could change at any moment depending on how the story progresses.

Chapters (137)

Princess Luna, having been recently reformed and freed from Nightmare Moon, brings a stallion she just met with her to Canterlot.

Princess Celestia says nothing and goes along with it.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is thrilled to have a live test subject.

And Baked Bean has no idea that Alicorns like to compete over everything.

Edited by Georg, Double R Forrest, and Tek

Cover art commissioned by an anonymous fan and drawn by Apricalico

Chapters (5)

Set during Season 5.

Twilight has finally settled down in her new home. She is happy and has returned to her normal routine. One day, however, Celestia assigns her a royal guard. Twilight is not happy about having a guard. But an event forces her to change her views and learn just what a royal guard is and what it entails.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Duty and Choice

It has been two weeks since the assassination attempt.

An investigation has been carried out and the results are in. However, Princess Celestia is not happy as she reads them.

Chapters (1)