• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019


Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

Big Mac X Rainbow Dash 12 stories
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Estimated Reading: 15 hours



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Applejack and her friends has noticed that their best friend Rainbow Dash has been acting a little different lately. She seems actually happy to come to school!

While the other girls brush this change off, Applejack gets even more suspicious when she sees that her brother has been acting different as well!

Trouble ensues as Applejack is determined to find out what is causing the changes in her friend and her brother, and wonders if the changes could be related with one another.

Chapters (12)

A chance meeting in town, an exchange of glances, and the beating of two ponies hearts...

Rainbow had never given much thought to finding romance, or even going on a date with a pony. After a chance meeting in town she finds herself thinking of a life with a simple farm Stallion; One Big Macintosh. At the same time, Mac finds himself thinking of the rainbow maned mare.

Read on and learn of the two as they trot a path of love...

And now for something far less formal. It's a romance fic, Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh. Feedback appreciated. MINOR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT: Alcohol, suggestive situations, more alcohol, and profanity.

Chapters (1)

Ever wonder how the mane six found their special someponies in A Day in Ponyville, well this is how Rainbow Dash had found Big Macintosh.

There will be six of these in total, with this being story number one. A side story to A Day in Ponyville, enjoy! One-shot.

UPDATE: Added AU because the show decided to give Mac a canon marefriend. *Shrugs* Fair enough, not gonna stop me shipping what I wanna ship though.

Chapters (1)

The engagement of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash is the talk of Ponyville! Everypony wants to know how the proposal happened, when the date is, and how Rainbow Dash reacted! There is only one problem, Big Mac never proposed. Now Rainbow Dash has to try to get through a normal day with everypony trying to find out how the proposal happened and how she is planning her wedding.

This is a very late Valentines Day story dedicated to the one and only Jake the Army Guy. I wanted to have this story done before he came back, but that didn't go as planned. So here you go brother, a large MacDash story just for you!

Big shout outs goes out to Arbarano and The Masked Ferret for all the edits and idea bouncing. I am sure both of them have gone a bit insane because of it.

Art is done by KeyLimePie, go check them out on Facebook!

New cover image belongs to honeyheart23

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash, after getting her Cutie Mark, went to find Fluttershy after her shy friend fell from the sky. Her search, however, took her to the orchards over Sweet Apple Acres and the edge of the Everfree Forest...

This is the escapades of the Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh standard and the stories involving how they met to their first date and everything inbetween. A MacDash story, obviously, with side pairings thrown in. Not sure on those ones yet though. (Character list may change through the story.)

First chapter proof-read by Captain Unstoppable so many thanks to him. :)

And the new, amazing cover art is by the very talented KarmaDash!

Ages (Alternate Universe, but I tried to keep their ages close to my head-cannon):
Lil' Mac- 14

Chapters (10)

“When I wake up it’s a nightmare./I scream in fright cause you’re not there./When I see you again,/I’ll know that I’m dreaming,/I’m dreaming about you tonight.” –The Aquabats, ‘In My Dreams!’

Rainbow Dash has been having some weird dreams. While she won't completely admit that she likes Big Macintosh, she knows she needs somepony to talk to. Will she be able to do something about her feelings, or will she just suffer in silence?

Continuation from ”Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground”.

Chapters (6)

Big Mac has finally worked up the courage to propose to Rainbow Dash, and now the first wedding of a Element of Harmony is about to take place! Will everything go according to plan? Or will forces keep this pairing apart?

The collaboration you all have been waiting for! Each chapter is done by a different writer, with no knowledge of what the previous writer has done till it is posted. Here is the first chapter of this collaboration and the list of the following chapters.

Writers who have contributed so far.
Captain Unstoppable
Jake the Army Guy
Crowquill Symphony

Thank you to Horsefan999 for the great art! You should all go check out the rest of their work!

We are glad you are here for the ride, so without further delay, lets get this wedding started!

Chapters (7)

As a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash has an image to maintain. So when she claims to have a boyfriend in the form of a pony named Macintosh, and everypony believes her, the only option for her is to make it true.


Written for (and winner of!) the MacinDash Contest 2.0.

Chapters (16)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville again and Rainbow Dash is alone again this year, but not from a lack of trying. She had set her sights on the non-talkative brother of her best friend? Will she find a way to get the Earth Pony's attention?

Many side pairings in this story not going to tag them all just yet but there is SoarinJack, PinkieCaramel, and of course MacDash. Please no flames and if you think you can help me improve please message me.

Thank you jszellmer for the edits, tomColt15 for the cover art, and KarmaDash for bouncing ideas around.

Chapters (7)

There are not many things that Rainbow Dash can't withstand. She can take on dragons and monsters all day long, but when it comes to the bitter cold she has met her match. In search of shelter from the cold, she ends up spending the night at the Apple's. But with Granny and Bloom in Appleosssa, and Applejack going to Manehatten in attempt to sell some apple goods, she ends up all alone with Big Mac.

What could possibly go wrong?

Submission to the MacDash Community contest. Not sure if I am following any of the rules, but MacDash.

Thank you to Arbarano and WolfGirl214 for all the edits!

Special thanks also goes to The Masked Ferret for the parts she helped write! Or actually did write...

Picture belongs to grethzy Its just so damn cute!

This is also a Christmas gift for Jake the Army Guy and KarmaDash. Wish I had time to write you both an individual story, but have a Merry Christmas, and enjoy so MacDash!

Featured 12/26/15

Chapters (1)