• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019


Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

CMC 11 stories
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Estimated Reading: 14 hours



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(Story idea requested by Derpy388.)

Button Mash has always been that weird little colt who likes video games more than anything else, or so they say. And that's what Sweetie Belle likes about him, really likes about him.

Eventually, she starts to realize that these feelings aren't just friendship but something far deeper. She's in love with Button Mash, and her friends want her to ask him out.

There's just one problem: Sweetie Belle doesn't know how she's supposed to get Button Mash's attention, let alone him tell how she feels. After all, she's not a video game.

Chapters (1)

The CMC happen to meet a very unique brown colt, by the name of Button Mash. As the friends grow closer and closer, one in particular starts developing feelings towards the young colt. With Sweetie Belle and Button Mash growing closer by the day, these two will experience all kinds of adventures together! Whether it’s a gaming date at one of their houses, crusading for Cutie Marks, exploring all of Ponyville, and developing a close relationship with one another! Join Button Mash and Sweetie Belle as their hearts beat as one!

Chapters (4)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

Can Sweetie Belle see past the young colts weirdness and allow friendship to bloom? Can Button Mash fake enough normal behavior to make at least one friend? Will these two hit it off, or are Button’s only friends destined to be the ones in his video games, forever?

Cover art by users Vallis and Novel-Idea

Chapters (26)

Ever since Scootaloo met Rainbow Dash's parents, they have taken every opportunity to spend time with each other as much as possible. One of those times being Scootaloo's birthday. There, Scootaloo would receive the most precious gift that would change her life forever.


Credit for cover art goes to Vector-Brony.

Featured on 7/16/2020! Thank you all so much for the support!

Chapters (1)

I haven't lived in Equestria long. I tried to acclimate to the society, but it was hard. After thinking of what i could do to make things better, the answer became clear. This is my story of how I adopted my daughter.

(A saccharine story featuring my character adopting a certain pegasus. I put some effort into this one and hope you enjoy the heartstrings. Criticism, edits, suggestions are all very welcomed, i want to get better as a writer. This might become a full story detailing he and Scootaloo's relationship if people want it. Hope you enjoy)

EDIT: Featured 9/19/19 and 10/1/19. Never thought one of my stories would be featured. I consider myself a very mediocre writer. When i see the story on the front page, my heart stops. Thank every single reader so much. I love all of you.

Chapters (8)

(2nd-Person School-colt "you") Ever since meeting Sweetie Belle, you've been trying to avoid the filly because of the weird feelings she stirs up inside you. However, when a crusade leaves you two rather messy, will you be able to keep these feelings secret while you're forced to do the unthinkable and take a bath with her?

*With thanks to Eights and The Gentleman Creeper for editing*

Chapters (4)

Girls repulse you. All those tea parties and cooties and pink bows and stuff. A smart ten year old colt like yourself wants nothing to do with them! You're perfectly happy playing with your model train set. But when the Cutie Mark Crusaders chase you down to discover the secrets of gaining a Cutie Mark, you find there's more to those fillies than you think. Especially their ringleader, Apple Bloom.

Vectors by Kuren247 and the DeviantArt VectorClub.

Chapters (10)

(2nd Person Story)
You x Scootaloo

You have been living in Ponyville for a few weeks now. You never really had someone called you a 'friend' in your life, and since your mum and dad were always working you were usually alone. You were mostly lonely all the time but you were used to it. But you thought something was missing. Something that you have never felt before.

That all ends when you meet a Pegasus is willing to be your friend, Maybe even more then a friend..

This is my very first fanfic ever, i hope you enjoy, constructive criticism is helpful :) Follow me for updates on this story, Please tell me if this story was good or bad!

Chapters (11)