(Story idea requested by Derpy388.)
Button Mash has always been that weird little colt who likes video games more than anything else, or so they say. And that's what Sweetie Belle likes about him, really likes about him.
Eventually, she starts to realize that these feelings aren't just friendship but something far deeper. She's in love with Button Mash, and her friends want her to ask him out.
There's just one problem: Sweetie Belle doesn't know how she's supposed to get Button Mash's attention, let alone him tell how she feels. After all, she's not a video game.
This was a downright adorable one-shot. Definitely liked the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, sweetness and general wrap-up in all the right places. Particularly enjoyed Button and Sweetie finding common ground as well as both of them getting help from family and friends.
Certainly going to be looking forward to more of your work.
nice to see that you gave them a story too. It's really a shame what happened to JanAnimations. had a lot of potential. plus, who knows what else the fandom could have created with Button's brother and father
ButtonBelle is finally sealed!
So cute! 
THIS WAS AWESOME! It was so adorable and just AMAZING! I just LOVE IT!
Úff, þau eru svo sæt saman. Ég hef aldrei heyrt um þá áður. Ég myndi elska að afla frekari upplýsinga um þau hjón. Núna er ég önnum kafinn við að leita að spilavitum a netinu og þegar ég finn þessa sÃðu mun ég safna upplýsingum um þau hjón.
lovely little story, I do say so myself