• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019


Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

Rainbow Dash <3 19 stories
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It's Hearthswarming! The fireplace is lit, the presents are under the tree, and you are sharing a cup of hot cocoa with your best friend. How could it get any better? Well, if you ask Rainbow Dash, the answer is to venture outside in freezing temperatures and throw balls of frozen water at one another until you are soaked and suffering from hypothermia, or something like that.

For a mare that doesn't have a reputation for thinking things through, you doubt she has a plan to warm up after it's all said and done. Tonight, though...she might just surprise you.

Featured on 8 Jan 2023!
Featured on 26 Dec 2023!

Update (October 2023): I commissioned Redruin to do a 10 page comic for this story! Check my blog post or derpibooru to see it!

Chapters (2)

Now in her thirties and questioning the meaning of life, Rainbow realizes she can no longer continue alone. During a meetup with her friends, she introduces them to her son.

Chapters (1)

Your name is Anonymous, Anon for short. And your family just moved to the beautiful and peaceful city of Canterlot.
After all the problems you had at your previous school in Seacrest County, you decided to keep a low profile. However that plan had to change since Rainbow Dash, the captain of the newly formed team for the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, a new program developed by the Ministry of Education, asked you to be in the team because of the situation she's in.
Your team to the eyes of others is a complete disgrace, even to your school's authorities...but you'll find the potential within your new friends and make your best efforts to advance!

Chapters (33)

Rarity, following a somewhat rocky introduction, has become a rather welcome member of the upper classes of Canterlot. Living the dream, she eagerly accepts an invitation to an Opera in Canterlot with her new friends Viscount Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur de Lis. Especially since it means meeting a mysterious and somewhat reclusive Baroness that will also be attending.

Naturally, things grow somewhat awkward when she runs into one of her friends... and definitely not in any way she thought she might.

(Note: This is based on a head-cannon I had circa season four. We hadn't met Rainbow's parents yet, and we didn't really know all that much about many of the Mane 6's home lives. I know this isn't canon now, but I just wanted to put this on paper. Quarantine, man.)

Cover image: https://www.pinterest.com/mdhsoccer/
Prereading: Mosanted

Edit: Holy S***. I did not expect this to blow up like this. Thank you all so much!

Chapters (2)

“Do Humans Hibernate?” Rainbow has a question on her mind. She's not entirely sure why it's bothering her so much. It probably doesn't help that the only human she could ask is the world's greatest liar.

Cover art by Pusspuss this random guy called ‘Pen Mightier’ who probably wishes he is Pusspuss but isn’t.

Marshal: (mɑː.ʃəl) noun….etymology - archaic: Middle English, from Anglo-French ‘mareschal’, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German ‘marahscalc’, from ‘marah’ (horse) + ‘scalc’ (servant). Originally referring to "a person in charge of the upkeep of horses or stable hand”. The station became a position of trust and power in medieval courts and went on to acquire its modern military usage.

Chapters (11)

Quibble has a lot to say. His opinions are very easy to articulate. Feelings? Well, that's just another story...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash asks Quibble Pants out on a date. He already knows what's going to happen.

Chapters (1)

The sun was as bright as day; the morning having humidity in the air. Seem like a nice day; if you haven't woke up with a future prediction of your best friend torturing you and using your inners for special ingredients to make cupcakes. When the blue Pegasus finds the events that took place in her dreams start to follow up; will she confront her best friend, stop her, or flee?

Chapters (4)

Mistle-what? An innocent question on an otherwise normal Hearthswarming Eve sends you on a short journey of introspection with your best friend. The closer you get towards discovering the truth about yourselves, the less sure you are of what exactly the holiday tradition of “Mistletoe” actually means, and you begin to wonder whether the innocence or question that sparked it all was actually there to begin with.

Special thanks to DE_K for editing!

Featured on 11 March 2021 - Awesome! Thanks for all the attention! Though I think you made Dash blush...

Chapters (1)

WARNING Anon in Equestria [HiE] You X Rainbow Dash.
You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. Rainbow Dash picks you up for a picnic with the main six, shenanigans ensue...

After several request, here it is. No Rainbro, simply Rainbow Dash.

Story number nine in the Heartwarming Moment Series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)