• Member Since 8th Oct, 2021
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Sol Nemesis

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My name is Comet Tail, and I have died many times.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 161 )

Thanks for the chapter! I’m loving it so far!

This is...really interesting! I really like this idea, and you have certainly gotten my attention with how intriguing this is, especially since it is just the introduction chapter right now!

I am looking forward to this story, I can see this turning out really well. I can see it being a nice combination and dark and heartwarming. Also wondering how their next meeting will be, don't know if Twilight will remember him or not. Wonder how the others will feel if they already knew or heard about their 'first meeting' before. Poor Comet and Twilight though.

I'm rambling now ha! I like this! Hope it becomes popular.

*reads title*
:pinkiegasp: Oh, my God! They killed Comet Tail!
:flutterrage: You bastards!

The ending left me confused, apparently every time he tells his story it’s as if a future alternate version of Twilight appeared to murder him... What confuses me is the reason, what would be the exact reason why Twilight would seek him out to kill him? I’d even accept that Celestia would transform into DayBreaker because of Twilight’s death, even if it’s the oldest cliche on the page, and it ends up killing everyone

In addition, the ability works as in Re-Zero? That the protagonist dies in a very distant future time and returns too much to the past? Or who dies and returns just a few minutes before? Or will you change it completely?

I mention it because I saw a Manwua (Korean manga) with the same idea of ReZero, with the difference that at one point in the story, the protagonist ends up returning to the beginning of everything and chooses to help someone who did not take into account at the beginning, although the protagonist never returned to a point before he had returned before (to better explain, the story is a straight line, point a is the beginning, point b is a point in the plot where the protagonist returns in time when you die in that arc, the point c is the current arc where the protagonist realizes something and after dying fighting while he had in mind that he wants to return to the point a... And that’s what happens, returns to the point but he already knows what decisions to make and is much stronger than before) and I was wondering if you had a similar idea that you would implement in your story

that is what i thought

love this story so far

Ok I’m down, can’t wait for the Witches Alicorn’s Tea Party where you reveal Spike was best Alicorn of all.


The ending left me confused, apparently every time he tells his story it’s as if a future alternate version of Twilight appeared to murder him... What confuses me is the reason, what would be the exact reason why Twilight would seek him out to kill him? I’d even accept that Celestia would transform into DayBreaker because of Twilight’s death, even if it’s the oldest cliche on the page, and it ends up killing everyone

Can't really answer this question without going into spoiler territory. Nothing kills a writers mojo like discussing spoilers. But if you would like a clue. I'd recommend reading the parallel story to this. One Pony Death Punch, specifically the part with Celestia and her friends. Fair warning, It hasn't been updated in a while. (Darn you Uncle Sam), and I re-read it now and cringe at times so just be ready for that. But i do plan on bringing that story to a conclusion eventually.

In addition, the ability works as in Re-Zero? That the protagonist dies in a very distant future time and returns too much to the past? Or who dies and returns just a few minutes before? Or will you change it completely?

Sorry if it wasn't clear. The Latter (Few minutes before). Comet Tail mentions a specific Time period of 15 minutes. It would be insane for him to return back to the original cart event every time he died. Too much could change in so much time. The story would be insanely different every time. Not to mention the insanity of having lived multiple lifetimes just to die a violent and horrible death. I am not equipped as a writer to deal with that scenario and I don't think I have the capability to make Comet go through all that. It was already painful writing his final interaction with Twilight. Earn that happy ending Comet. I believe in you.


Wonder how the others will feel if they already knew or heard about their 'first meeting' before. Poor Comet and Twilight though.

I know. It hurt to write that. But it had to be done. The story demanded it.

I absolutely love this concept. The first ever story I have read on this site, Hard Reset, takes this exact concept.
I absolutely love this, and hope to see more.

Loved it, not sure what re-zero is but I loved it

Perfectly Insane

I too have written a fic based on re:zero.

Perfectly Insane

11837108 Re:zero is an anime that uses dying and resetting for narrative purpose to do a character study of its main cast. I highly recommend it.

Which Manwua are you referring to? I love Re:Zero and time loops, so I'd love to check it out.

Got to love Groundhog Day style stories when done good and this was great

The truth, I do not remember, but it is about an undead skeleton looking for his mistress (a necromancer magician) who in his last "life" was trapped, I do not remember if it is implied that he died or not, but the skeleton was defeated and after an indeterminate time, is found by another necromancer magician who revives him to defend her against assassins who were after her

I think it was called soldier skeleton or something

When I was talking about the part where the ability worked, I meant that once I was dead I could come back from a few minutes to several hours, even if I came back for days, although it’s a shame the limit so far is 15 minutes, it would really be fun on some occasions if I die at noon or even later and have to start the day over or even have to start the week over again because of the random effects your curse would have

Oh, I think I'm familiar with that one. You weren't far off, It's called "The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon". Bit of a mouthful lol.

Great introduction to the story and first chapter. :heart:
Let's see where this is going. :yay: "yay"

An amazing concept, executed amazingly as well! Looking forward to more!

"Well, that didn't work."
--Twilight Sparkle

(But this story works. Keep working.)

I don't think the synopsis did the story justice so far. I was not expecting a recurring Groundhog Day scenario tying him to Twilight. Even more so wasn't expecting the unnatural mist that reminds me of The Time Bandits. Been ages since I watched that movie, but I recall when time started to fall apart, it gave the feeling like this mist.

Needless to say you got my attention.

I've always loved the "live, die, repeat" genre. Very interesting start and I'm eager to see where it goes from here. Hurts my soul the way he saved Twilight from the wagon, though. It makes sense, but still hurts lol

Usually I hate Comet Tail because people treat him like Diet Flash. You and 11837295 are like the first writers I can think of that don't do that. He doesn't ship him with Twilight but he does treat Comet Tail with a lot of care in his current long running story, much like you.

I will be watching this for more.

Clearly inspired by Re-Zero.

Personally I was thinking The Best Night Ever and Hard Reset.

I dare not compare my story to those classics. I had a great time reading those back in the day.

“Run you stupid blank flank! I hate you!”

Just like in the movie of butterfly effect when you have no choice you have to be cruel it hurts but it keeps them safe from any Unfortunate Events

Wow I got to say this is a very interesting story and also nice to see a very underrated character comet Tale very nice to see him so it looks like this guy is been through a lot especially dying again and again just to save Twilight's life almost like the butterfly effect or Groundhog's Day as you can say but the only way he has to do it is to be very mean to her he didn't want to but he have to because apparently there's no scenario situation to afford this unfortunate event fast forward to season 2 finale there was a changeling Invasion and apparently he's also been through a lot as well but then he heard that Twilight was kidnapped so he's trying to get any information from that Changeling and he did and now with that he's going to do everything he could to save her even if he's going to die again and again trying I wonder how this will work out guess we'll find out next time oh hey maybe he can get some help from thorax since he was involved of the Canterlot Wedding invasion just to put that out there

I’m wondering if the story goes down this route?

Late to this but I'm just wondering what would some of the real anomalies do within the constant resets? A.k.a Pinkie and Discord. The two beings whom I suspect could be remembering past the resets, even more brain wonder is Discord possibly panicking when the resets can be hazardous to him and Discord can't stop them. Pinkie could be the only friend that Comet could possibly co-op with for maximum Twilight protection within their friend circle. Or if one isn't enough, maybe two in some years.
This story can also be some sort of in-built plot armor for Twilight which is not just "she's the protagonist" kind of thing. She's just on the good side from someone's curse. Though I wonder if the curse triggers even for death from age? Would the world ever get past that point or does Comet need to make himself immortal, all on his own too since I'm not sure whether there'll ever be a big enough feat which he can leech off of to gain alicorn status.
Past the Roar! is an edit and more rambling;
"Whenever I reveal..." means the knowledge of his curse can be spread by someone so long as he doesn't spread the word.
I wonder if this story will go the dark/depressy route that two stories I read on this site, something necromancer and radish, where the protagonist needs some therapy though Comet seems well so far. Just some "I got a curse, damn it, got some bloodlust going on but all is good". Plus this is basically just the hidden hero of this world, one who's not going through a child-like world from the get go.
Last one; really want em' to amass enough resets to technically be older than Celestia or better, Discord. Respect your elders, I don't get much time-off like you young-uns.

Please for the love of all that is holy.... DON'T GIVE UP ON THIS STORY! The ground hog day/edge of tomorrow/re:zero genre needs to be far larger. The concept is one of my absolute favorites.

You sir have my full attention

Well this was a VERY interesting intro! Well done! I will be VERY eagerly watching for the next chapter!
My theory: Twilight from the OG timeline knew he saved her life, and at some unknown point in the future, in an attempt to thank him, she cast a spell which would guarantee his survival. The dark alicorn may be that future Twilight, or it could be the enforcement mechanism of the spell, which sees the reveal of itself as a threat. It enforces Twilight's survival as well, because she is the caster, and it allows the time loop to close

life link that's what this is a life link

There’s another story that uses this premise and is very interesting: The Skeleton Warrior Who Failed to Protect the Dungeon.

I have very high hopes for this story!! Definitely going to look forward to updates! :twilightsmile:

I would love to read more! I really like the fact that comet and twilight's life are synched to each other, and also the mystery of what is killing her! , nice work here!

"Sorry, Comet. It looks like you're not going to make it through the night after all." Her voice sounds wrong, like the buzzing you get when you speak through a whirring fan. Minty's body shimmered with an ethereally green energy. The mint coat disappears, in its place was a black hardened shell. Her, correction, its eyes flash green, morphing into green insect-like eyes and a wicked black horn appears on its head.

Oh shoot she's a changeling

"This can't be happening. Not again. Not like before." My voice trembles as I cling to my denial. Suddenly everything I had tried so hard to forget rushes back all at once. Years of work sweeping trauma under the rug is gone in an instant. Suddenly I feel like a little colt again, back at that blasted kindergarten.

So basically he still has that ability to reset time well until he gets killed again just like the butterfly effect

Okay we're back here again so it looks like Comet took a job of making cakes and apparently minty taking a liking of him but they still have a job to do because the wedding is about to begin things were pretty normal until the shield disappeared and all hell breaks loose not only that it looks like some of the changelings showed their faces including minty who was a changeling basically draining his life force or something but it cost him to get killed but once again he woke up again and apparently he's having this Butterfly Effect and the fear that's happened before is coming back and now he was trying to warn the guards about it but unfortunately one of the guys is also a changeling and also killed him again and he woke up again and he doesn't know what to do because he keeps waking up from death until he hears what his father told him about being a warrior or something and facing death in the eye so after repeating again it looks like he's about to do this but unfortunately he's going to die again but it looks like he has a plan and I wonder what could it be I guess we'll find out next time

Im just waiting for Comet to start bashing heads with a frying pan.

He admits to himself that he’s never trained his magic and barely ever used it. Now he’s just going to pull something out of nowhere and… help the Mane Six? Survive? Aid the guards? Maybe if he restarts with more than a few minutes to prepare… :duck:

The setup and scene of the attack is tight, though.

This guy is eventually going to become an all-powerful fighter eventually.
Cannot wait for when he singlehandedly takes out Starlight or something.

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