• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2021



Transitions on hiatus and new ideas. · 11:43pm Oct 19th, 2013

I am sorry to say I am putting Transitions on hiatus as I have both lost the will to continue it at the moment and want to re-wright it.
How long this may be is unknown as I am working on a new idea I have, that is just burning a hole in my brain.

Report appelpieman · 388 views ·

Whatever I can be bothered to publish...

Comments ( 37 )
  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

Thanks, mate. Hope you enjoy tonight's chapter.

No problem. As for my thoughts, the story idea is really intresting and I don't think I've seen it explored in full anywhere else. Plus your pacing and style of righting is really good.

Hey, thanks for reading Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster , hope you liked them. Since I'm always interested in my readers' opinions, I would like to know yours too.

Have a Bowie's thumbs up.

Thank you for the fave on Derailed. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for favouriting "Fallout: Equestria Girls" :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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