i love to drawing and farvoite movie is marvel and star wars and tv show my little pony equestira girls and transformers
I think Twilight's best pony because I relate to her the best.
Just a someone that surprises people. You can mainly find me on Discord. Sunrise Surprise#0544
I'm a Sonic fan who lives and loves Sonic X, Need For Speed, Trains, Pokémon, and Hot Wheels including Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor because some how they remind me of certain blue hero Hedgehog.
I like to do occasional crossoves, and I can now draw. Just PM me if you want me to draw or wright something! I'm on Wattpad, check me out: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Dark-Nightshade
We write what makes us feel. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.
You think you are unworthy, but you have the heart of a Ranger. Believe in yourself.
im not the best writer but I'm proud of every story I make some more then others tho Also I would love to do crossover's they are so much fun
Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)
Hey what's up everyone? I'm a video gaming brony geek who loves adventure and romance. My favorite thing to do is write stories for others across the world to read.
" The eyes are useless when the mind is blind." (Mark Venturini)
Better than Nicholas Sparks. Probably. Probably not. Also has a thing for Queen Chrysalis. Can't Explain Why.
Blind Commentator, Actor, Voice Actor, Analyst/Reviewer, and Writer
We roll together, we die together. Autobots for life...
I'am not good at making a story but i'am a good at reading and stuff if you got a good story then i will read it. But if the story is bad i will not disoun it
Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: "What! You too! I thought I was the only one."
I'm just some 30-year old dude from Canada hoping to become a screenplay writer one day. That's all.
I'm a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh!, a few other anime, and videogames. That being said, hope you enjoy my stories!
I only hope you enjoy my work. I appreciate all the comments and especially the favorites and follows. They make me happy.
I used to question the MLP FiM show, but one episode and I got hooked on it. See my Fanfiction account ChaosMagemon for more than just MLP fics. Joined the Herd Nov 5, 2011
Hello, I am Brony who likes more than just My Little Pony. I also like trains, classic tv shows, action flicks, WWII history and technology, and lots more.
"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016)
Best known for My Little Pony Legend crossover series. I am a Christian, graphic designer and aspiring story writer.
Favorite Series - Kingdom Hearts, My Little Pony, Bionicle, Gundam, Kamen Riders. Love to Make Crossovers and hoping to make it the best.
The creator of the Spiders and Magic universe and concept. Yay, I guess??
I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.
Howdy there, everyone! I have been liking a lot of stories on this site. So I decided to join the community. I hope you guys read and enjoy the stories that I will share here with you.
Just a guy who has lots of ideas, just don't know how to write/put them into words.
Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories
I'm an avid writer that enjoys creating human x pony romance stories. If you like what you've read, then perhaps you'd Buy Me A Coffee?
A autistic teenager who's dream is to make the world smile and laugh.