• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I think Twilight's best pony because I relate to her the best.


This story is a sequel to A Sky Full of Stars

After months of waiting, Flash and Twilight finally welcome the newest member of their family, and their loved ones couldn't be more excited. The title is a reference to this song: https://youtu.be/-E8pcpWU1Jk Feel free to listen as you read for mood music.

Written for FlashLight Week 2022 Day 7

Prompt: Family

Chapters (1)

A witch curses six princesses, transforming them into songbirds. Their curse can only be broken by their youngest sister, who has gone missing, and it is up to the squire Flash Sentry to find her. Inspired by the Brothers Grimm's "The Six Swans" and Basille's "Petrosinella."

Written for FlashLight Week 2022 Day 1

Prompt: Fairy Tale

Chapters (1)

A strange phenomenon has happened in Westview, New Jersey. The whole town and the people in it have seemingly vanished, and anyone with a personal connection to it or its inhabitants seem to have forgotten that it ever existed. Even stranger, an unusual broadcast signal has been coming from inside, revealing what looks like a 50s sitcom world, and at the center of this world are two Avengers, one of whom is supposed to be dead. It's up to Captain Twilight Sparkle of SWORD, Agent Flash Sentry of the FBI, and astrophysicist Dr. Moon Dancer to learn the truth and help all involved. Will they succeed? Inspired by WandaVision.

Written for FlashLight Week 2021 Day 7.

Prompt: Rewrite

Chapters (4)

Two orphaned cabin boys end up shipwrecked in the most inhospitable town known to man. A friendship forms between them, the local postman and his family, and an lonely mountain girl. Despite resistance from the town's leaders, that friendship finds a way to change the town and its citizens for the better. Inspired by the Netflix movie Klaus.

Written for FlashLight Week 2021 Day 4

Prompt: Secret

Chapters (27)

A family history project leads Flash to his grandparents' old house where he finds a photograph of a boy from the past who looks a lot like him. What was this boy like? Was he anything like Flash or did the similarities end with their appearances? Well, why don't we find out?

Featuring: The Canterlot High Baking Club

Inspired by: https://youtu.be/NN6iJN_PxDg
English translation of the original lyrics here
English fandub: https://youtu.be/oVqA7GWoedQ

Chapters (4)

Roughly six years ago, Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle met as children. Unfortunately, the memory of that first meeting ended up lost in the sands of time for both of them. What happens when the sand shifts and the memory gets unearthed?

Inspired by "In a Crowd of Thousands" from the Broadway adaptation of Anastasia.

EDIT 6/14/2021: Cover art is a gift from the amazing Ro994. Check out her work. :raritywink:

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Right Beside You

Written for FlashLight Week 2020 Day 8

Prompt of the Day: Eternity

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In Sickness and in Health

Flash and Twilight have just graduated college and are moving out of state for Twilight's first full-time job. This story is not about the move or the job. It is about something far more life-changing.

Written for FlashLight Week 2020 Day 7

Prompt of the Day: Heartbeat

Chapters (1)

Queen Luna's daughter has come of age, and she's throwing a ball in her daughter's honor. No, the story is not about Queen Luna or her daughter or the ball. Inspired by Fantasia 2000.

Written for FlashLight Week 2020 Day 6

Prompt of the Day: Harmony

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Start of Something Right

Written for FlashLight Week 2020 Day 5

Prompt of the Day: Glow

Anybody wonder what it's like for a newlywed couple on their first morning together? :applejackunsure: Just me? Well, okay then. :twilightsheepish: The rating is for the, ahem, implications. :twilightblush:

Chapters (1)