• Member Since 14th Sep, 2015
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I thought you said weast...


Loveliest of Trees... from Fluttershy’s PoV? · 6:50am Oct 5th, 2020

I’ve been writing a story from the female’s PoV, and it’s really interesting and fun. It presents a challenge with first person, which is losing the omnipotence you have as the author, and also not projecting omnipotence into the character themselves. It’s challenging but fun.

I’ve been thinking... what if I overhauled Loveliest of Trees to be from Fluttershy’s PoV as she interacts with Coppermane. And we can learn about him through her eyes. More showing instead of telling.

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I'm not dead (other fanfic plug) · 7:57pm Sep 2nd, 2020

I'm not dead. I've been hard at work on another fic. It's an Azur Lane romance fic told from Jean Bart's PoV. I've been super invested in it, so I apologize for ignoring the stories on here. I don't want my momentum on this story to die, because it's been getting great feedback and is a new challenge for me.

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A Pirate’s Crush Ch.1 (Azur Lane Jean Bart Romance Fic) · 5:33pm Jul 31st, 2020

*My name is Jean Bart of the Vichya Dominion. I'm the Dominion's strongest battleship, who needn't rely on anyone but myself. Yet... I've found myself completely infatuated with my commander. I have no clue how this happened. Just the sight of him turns my confidence into a mere facade, yet that feeling is like a drug to me. Confusing and aggravating would be a couple ways to describe it. Now, he wants me to be his next secretary. My heart is racing. How long can I keep up this facade of

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Report Nordryd · 548 views · #Azur lane #jean bart

The Duty of a Secretary Ch.2 (Azur Lane SiriusXBelfastXCommander NSFW Fic) · 3:48pm Jul 21st, 2020

If you care about this fic at all, then Ch.2 was released yesterday. Hope you enjoy. Here, it starts to get quite steamy ;)


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Azur Lane NSFW fic - The Duty of a Secretary · 6:07am Jul 19th, 2020

I had inspiration and began an Azur Lane fic called The Duty of a Secretary and wanted to leave a link in case any of you were interested. Nothing blatantly explicit yet, but it's gonna get VERY steamy and sexy in future chapters.

Don't hate me for slacking on the MLP fics. My mind is very sporadic and I jump between projects depending on what I'm feeling.

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Ch.4 Loveliest · 1:22pm Jun 29th, 2020

Ch.4 of loveliest is out. Sorry for the wait.


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maybe... · 7:53pm Jun 23rd, 2020

Changed Forgotten Love to hiatus. Maybe I can make it work? I'd def have to start over to some degree, but I've been wondering if I can make it work.

Also, I'm not dead, work is just busy and I've been mentally exhausted by the end of it all. Also just unmotivated. I'll get back to it eventually, though. I want to see where the overhauled story will go (the Loveliest redux).

Report Nordryd · 261 views ·

Sorry loveliest ch.4 is taking so long · 12:31am Mar 10th, 2020

Stuff is getting in the way. Mainly... LIFE. Work has been a bitch. I haven’t forgotten it, though. I brainstorm all the time about the story and my other ones too, so don’t worry, it’s coming. I’m really liking overhauling the story, and I think it’s a drastic improvement already story-wise and logically.

Have a good one.

Report Nordryd · 300 views ·

Ch.3 of Loveliest REDUX · 8:06pm Jan 28th, 2020

Ch.3 of the Loveliest of Trees redux it out!!!

Go give it a read! Thanks for your time!

Report Nordryd · 211 views ·

Still here · 8:31pm Jan 27th, 2020

That is all

Report Nordryd · 266 views ·