• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012
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Fair warning · 3:13pm Aug 31st, 2014

"Dude with a broom" is highly unlikely to ever be continued. As stated in author's notes, it was a random idea that my friend and I kept tossing back and forth, so we made it happen. As of now though, we don't really develop it any further. Placing it under "Hiatus" status for now.

Sorry for cluttering your news feed.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Hey, nice to see you're still around and kicking!
Thank you for writing a good story, even if it took me a better part of a decade to get to reading it

Howdy! Just wanted to say thanks for adding Surrogate Dashie to your library. That was the first time I ever tried to write comedy, so it makes my day knowing someone enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Here, have an awesome!

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for favouriting Symphonies Rock- I hope you enjoyed it! I have a few ideas for some future stories featuring Vinyl and Octavia, so... hopefully those will appeal to you, too! Once I...er... get them started...

Thank you for the favourite on Changeling to Fit the Role! If you enjoyed that, perhaps you'll also find my story Teeny Tiny Twilight to be chuckle-worthy?

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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