• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Currently working on Winds of the Past 2! Support me on: Patreon | Ko-fi.

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Anyhow, thank you for checking in—everything's fine. I've just been working—part-time, and writing-wise—plus I've been working on renovations, and building new shelves for a while now, etc., and just personal life stuff too, recreational stuff... I'm sort of a cinephile, and a gamer, and... yeah, it's just hard kinda wanting to do or needing to do certain things, but also try and get story-related stuff done too. 😩Too many things, so little time... Not to make excuses, just saying.

Mhm I get it, you have your own things going on for you. I'm certain it's been a busy year for all of us. So rarely do we ever get the time to sit down and do something like write, y'know?

Since Summer's coming up though, I am hoping to start working on a personal project of mine, or continue some of the old Twidash fanfics piling up in my Gdocs 👹

Thanks for the reread personally, and enjoy your binging. :twilightsheepish: I can't really do that much anymore, since it's hard for me to find ones that genuinely get me invested, so I kind of just stick to writing the kinds of stories I want to see instead. But man, I remember the days of binge-reading TwiDash, or even before that, Pokémon fics. Good times. Reading through things like A Bluebird's Song, or The Wind Beneath Her Wings...

RIGHT??? That's why I always prefer long fanfics over short ones (as cute as they are). They satisfy my Twidash hyperfixation a whole lot :rainbowkiss:

Also damnn speaking of A Bluebird's Song.. I've already read it twice and I'm getting tempted to read it again now that you've mentioned it :rainbowlaugh: As for The Wind Beneath Her Wings, that's been in my library for a long time but I haven't gotten to reading it yet (I've been hesitating since the status is "On Hiatus" and I usually avoid stories like that. I don't like cliffhangers :raritycry:) Just asking if it's worth my time? Hehe I'll try to read it soon after Spellbound Fireflies!

Another thing worth noting, is with the release of Make Your Mark Chapter 4 on Netflix, well... suffice it to say, I've gotten even more ideas and themes I want to weave into the story now. This always happens too, whenever new material drops, and it's like, Oh, now I have to work this in, or change this, or rethink this, since I want my stories to fit the canon of the source material. :raritydespair:

Ooohh yeah, the new chapter definitely raises more questions about the lore now. There's so much room for possibilities. it's so intriguing... I can't wait to read your take on it in ROTP!

As far as any release date... I'm sorry to say I don't yet know. I've been thinking about—once I post a new chapter—making the previous chapter free and available to the public over on Patreon... but, as for FIMFiction... I'm not sure. As first, I was going to post it once the entire thing was complete, but with how progress is going, and how I keep brainstorming new ideas and adding stuff... maybe... just because of fans such as yourself and others who have supported me, I'll start uploading this summer. Maybe. :raritywink: Don't give your hopes up.

Whatever your decision is, I'm willing to wait for any updates! About posting ROTP chapter by chapter in Fimfiction, I'd say go for it. I'd personally love to read through what's been uploaded first, then wrack my brain up for any ideas about what's bound to happen next chapter. I'm a patient person, so you don't have to rush, especially with how hectic your schedule must be + having to deal with writer's block every now and then. I'm here to support you always!

Thank you for the update, and enjoy your summer as well :heart:

It hasn't been that long, to be honest, but yes, I remember you. 😅I'm not that popular, so when I get a close supporter, I make a habit of remembering them. Anyhow, thank you for checking in—everything's fine. I've just been working—part-time, and writing-wise—plus I've been working on renovations, and building new shelves for a while now, etc., and just personal life stuff too, recreational stuff... I'm sort of a cinephile, and a gamer, and... yeah, it's just hard kinda wanting to do or needing to do certain things, but also try and get story-related stuff done too. 😩Too many things, so little time... Not to make excuses, just saying.

Anyway, yeah... it didn't even occur to me since I've been out of school for years, but yeah, it's summer vacation now. Have fun, I know how rough school is. Also, yeah, I was wondering about Discord, since I think not too long ago I noticed you had seemingly left? Well, do what you need to, I suppose. Thanks for the reread personally, and enjoy your binging. :twilightsheepish: I can't really do that much anymore, since it's hard for me to find ones that genuinely get me invested, so I kind of just stick to writing the kinds of stories I want to see instead. But man, I remember the days of binge-reading TwiDash, or even before that, Pokémon fics. Good times. Reading through things like A Bluebird's Song, or The Wind Beneath Her Wings...

Progress on RotP has been slow these past months I'll admit, because of different factors including things I mentioned above, but also (and this happens more frequently than I care to admit), I sometimes run into a section of the story where I just don't know how to write it. Like, what words to use, or how to describe, or phrase certain things, and my mind goes blank, even when I know how the scene plays out. I overcome it eventually, but yeah, when you have chapters as long as I do, you end up experiencing writers' block one too many times. However, I will say that I'm about halfway through the second chapter, and I've been in more of a mood to write lately, and the block has passed for now, so hopefully I can get this next part finished before too long.

Another thing worth noting, is with the release of Make Your Mark Chapter 4 on Netflix, well... suffice it to say, I've gotten even more ideas and themes I want to weave into the story now. This always happens too, whenever new material drops, and it's like, Oh, now I have to work this in, or change this, or rethink this, since I want my stories to fit the canon of the source material. :raritydespair:

As far as any release date... I'm sorry to say I don't yet know. I've been thinking about—once I post a new chapter—making the previous chapter free and available to the public over on Patreon... but, as for FIMFiction... I'm not sure. As first, I was going to post it once the entire thing was complete, but with how progress is going, and how I keep brainstorming new ideas and adding stuff... maybe... just because of fans such as yourself and others who have supported me, I'll start uploading this summer. Maybe. :raritywink: Don't give your hopes up.

Thanks again, and same goes to go. Take it easy, and enjoy the summer! :heart:

Hey Fantasia! I hope you remember me. It's been a while since I've heard from you since I unsubbed from your Patreon. I'm just checking up on you to see if you're doing okay. :twilightsmile:

I haven't been doing the best lately so I took a lot of time off apps that really affected me (in particular Discord & Insta). Haven't been in Fimfiction for a while either. But now that my school year's finally ending I have time to get into the Twidash fanfics I've been meaning to read in my library. THANK GODD i've been so deprived of Twidash for months

How about you? How have you been doing lately? And how's ROTP going? It just popped up in my mind a while back and I've been wondering if there are any updates on that. Think you could give me a clue on when you're planning to release it? :twilightsheepish:

Meanwhile, I'm gonna try to reread WOTP to refresh my memory (+ I'm on a binge watching/reading mood this month hehe)

Anyways, that's all I wanted to tell you. I hope you're doing well! Don't overwork yourself :heart:

I will respond to your response paragraph by paragraph:

Eh, I plan on doing a sequel, yes. One that's a: a lot shorter, and b: more action and adventure-oriented.

Aw...here I thought that it would be a reimagining of the series with Twilight and Rainbow Dash being an established couple, thereby preventing things like Lesson Zero, Mare Do Well, the disastrous half of the Wedding between Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, etcetera.

But, at the same time... I dunno. If there's enough demand for a sequel, then I'll do it, but it sort of feels like there's less and less active users every day, and I know that the story has taken a dip in popularity, so... I'm just not sure if it's worth it, writing a sequel to a story that isn't all that popular anymore, especially if only a handful of people are going to read it... And then of course, I can't guarantee people will like the way Winds of the Past ends, or the direction it ends up taking—hell, I'm pretty sure a lot of people were unhappy with the way the latest chapter unfolded, so... :ajsleepy:

I will give you the same piece of advice that a friend once gave me: good writers write for other people. Great writers write for themselves.

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