• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Small Coalition Day 2: Ambush

It's 7:30 in the morning. Spike wakes and remembers he's sleeping on a bunk bed. Spike's routine is to say morning to Lucy and get ready.

"Morning, Spike," Kagura gets up. "Hope you don't mind me using the bathroom first."

"Go ahead, I can wait," Spike said.

"Thanks," Kagura leaves the room.

"I wonder if today's the day we go into Krack's Riverine," Spike looks out the window.

Lyon grabs an apple from the cabinet and goes to the upper deck. He raises the anchor and starts sailing.

"Now, that was pleasant. I had Juvia sleeping in the same room as I. I have to play it smart and try to convince her I'm the better man than Gray."

Yukino comes up with the map and stands beside Lyon. "Last we check before Juvia and Gajeel came aboard, we're halfway through. After 75 miles in the sea heading North, we need to turn right. After making the turn, 200 miles until we reach Krack's Riverine."

Lyon takes a deep breath. "Such a long trip. Hopefully, things go smoothly, or the Seven Deadly Sins come to us."

"I hope so, save us the trouble of going into Krack's Riverine," Yukino said.

Juvia gets up and remembers the beating she had yesterday from three members of the Seven Deadly Sins. She feels the brutal attacks replaying in her mind and reacting to them. Juvia sighs heavily. "That won't happen a second time," Juvia goes to the bathroom and tries to open it. She groans, knowing it's occupied.

Wendy, Sherria, and Carla wake up. They feel great after having a goodnight's rest.

"Morning, Wendy," Sherria hops down from the top bunk bed.

"Morning, Sherria," Wendy yawns a bit and gets up.

"I wonder what today may bring," Sherria said with love.

"Anything can happen. I hope the Seven Deadly Sins come to us so we can beat them up and reclaim Captain Sparrow's ship," Wendy said.

"I hope so too," Sherria said. Her stomach growls. "Oh, I hope Spike is making breakfast!" Sherria hurries to the dining room, hoping to see breakfast already made.

"And there she goes," Carla said.

"Well, Spike's cooking was delicious yesterday," Wendy grabs Carla and goes to the dining room to catch up to Sherria.

"Kagura also helped, child," Carla said, reminding that Kagura helped with yesterday's meal.

"You're right," Wendy said.

"Awwwww..," Sherria is disappointed with no breakfast in the dining room.

"I guess Spike isn't up or doesn't feel like cooking breakfast today," Wendy assumes.

"Well, let's eat some cereal and fruit. There's plenty of that."

"Okay," Sherria and Wendy said.

Gajeel wakes up after having a good sleep. He flexes his hand, remembering the fight he had with Raphael. Raphael uses Sais to penetrate most of his Iron Sword and Club attacks and maneuvering his movements to swing Gajeel like a ragdoll.

"Damn, that guy was tough," Gajeel turns his arm into an iron club. "Well, I'm glad the cracks and scratches are gone. I need Fairy Dragon's iron to keep me going," Gajeel gets up, looking for Spike.

Rogue and Frosch wake up. Frosch falls off the top bunk, but Rogue catches him.

"Gotcha, buddy," Rogue sits up.

"Thanks, Rogue," Frosch smiles.

"Remember, we have the top bunk. That means you need to be a bit more careful."

"Okay," Frosch looks at Rogue. "I'm hungry."

"Alright, let's see what we can eat," Rogue hops down from the top bunk and brings Frosch to the kitchen. He sees Sherria, Wendy, and Carla having cornflakes. "Are there extra cornflakes to eat?"

"Yea," Wendy answers. "We opened a new box, so help yourself."

"Want some cornflakes, Frosch?"

"Yes, please," Frosch rubs his belly.

"Coming up," Rogue places Frosch on a chair. "I'm going to grab you a bowl and milk. I'll be right back, buddy."

Romeo wakes up feeling hungry. He hops down from the top bunk and goes to the dining room. "So, what's for breakfast? Did Spike cook?"

"Uh uh," Sherria and Wendy shake their heads.

"Spike isn't up yet. Want cereal?" Carla asks.

"Sure, let me grab a bowl," Romeo goes to the kitchen. "Hey, Rogue."

"Hey, Romeo," Rogue grabs a bowl for him and Frosch.

"Are there extra bowls?" Romeo asks.

"Take mine," Rogue gives Romeo his. "I'll grab another one."

"Thanks," Romeo goes back to the dining room.

"You're welcome," Rogue grabs another bowl and walks back to the dining room.

"Man, I wish Spike cooked breakfast," Sherria complains a little while eating her bowl.

"Perhaps Spike will cook again later today, Sherria," Wendy said, calming Sherria down.

"I hope so," Sherria sees Gajeel heading towards Spike's room and knocks on the door.

"Fairy Dragon, are you awake?" Gajeel asks.

"Yea," Spike hops down from the top bunk and opens the door. "I was up a while ago. I was looking out the window."

"Oh, c'mon!" Sherria overhears Spike's conversation.

"Mind conjuring some iron? I need to replenish my magic power from yesterday's beating to get stronger."

"Sure," Spike conjures a metallic shield for Gajeel to eat.

"Thanks, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel takes a bite out of the shield. "Man, this iron is still good," Gajeel continues to eat.

"You're welcome," Spike goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge. He grabs an apple and banana. "This'll do," Spike sits with his friends in the dining room. "Morning, everyone."

"Morning, Spike," Sherria, Wendy, Carla, Romeo, Frosch, and Rogue say.

Kagura comes out of the bathroom after freshening up for the day. Juvia finally goes in after waiting a while. Kagura goes to the table and sits next to Spike and Romeo.

"I gotta give credit to Popeye. He knows how to install a great bathroom that meets all demands."

"Good to know, Sis," Spike said, taking a bite out of an apple.

"Spike, would you like to train a bit?" Kagura asks.

"Sure. I don't see why not."

"We should all train while trying not to wreck Serpent's Fang," Carla suggests.

"Agreed," Rogue said. "Using magic should be for a different exercise."

"Like fishing?" Frosch raises his paw, suggesting to use magic to kill some fish to eat.

"Interesting intake, Frosch," Carla said.

"However, I think the use of Sky Magic should be forbidden," Romeo said.

"What?" Sherria and Wendy don't like the sound of it.

"Well, considering it was your sky magic to cause you two to fall overboard yesterday," Kagura said.

"Ah, point taken," Wendy and Sherria said in defeat.

"The two of you should do hand-to-hand close quarters training. Strength in magic power is one thing, but physical strength is another," Carla said. "You two are perfect for each other."

"Sounds like fun," Sherria said. She sounds ecstatic.

"Yea, it should be fun. Just like the games all over again," Wendy said encouragingly.

Kagura gets up and goes to the kitchen. She grabs a granola bar and eats it. She goes to her room to grab her sword and goes to the upper deck.

It's 9:00 in the morning. Lyon has sailed 25 miles due to the strong winds pushing forward.

"Another 50 more, and I'll make that turn," Lyon said.

"Yes. I have to say we're making good progress," Yukino said.

"So, ready to train, Sis?" Spike claps his claws together, creating a metallic flame sword.

"I'm ready when you are," Kagura positions herself with her Archenemy sword.

Rogue and Gajeel are training intensely in close-quarter combat. Juvia is watching over Frosch for Rogue. She'll do her training later. Sherria and Wendy are doing their hand-to-hand training. Carla and Romeo are lounging a bit, watching their friends train.

Spike and Kagura roar a bit while charging at each other. The two slash and dodge each of their attacks. Spike and Kagura land a few good hits on each other while continuing to dodge their sword swings. Spike and Kagura jump back and lunge at each other with a sword strike. Kagura shatters Spike's sword.

"I guess that concludes our training, Spike," Kagura said after shattering Spike's sword.

"On the contrary, Kagura. I have another surprise," Spike remembers the sword blades from the Dorma Anim fight. He recreates the sword blades on his arm from memory.

"Whoa," Kagura is surprised. "How did you do that?"

"Over seven years ago, my friends and I went to Edolas. I fight with Gajeel, Wendy, and Natsu against the King of Edolas and his dragon, Dorma Anim. I grabbed hold of the sword blades and recreated them. There are things I stop doing cause I forget. These two sword blades are one of them that I've forgotten until today."

Kagura smirks. "Round two, Spike."

"Let's do it!" Spike shouts.

While Kagura and Spike continue their training, Sherria and Wendy are having fun with their sparring. The two are throwing punches and kicks while refraining from using their sky magic that'll hinder Serpent's Fang's direction or destruction. Gajeel and Rogue are sparring intensely; the two are going at it like having a rematch from the Grand Magic Games. Gajeel and Rogue made it clear that using their magic should refrain while riding the Serpent's Fang. They don't want to destroy the ship they're sailing in over a spar.

"Hey, Romeo. Want to train when Gajeel and Rogue finish?" Juvia asks.

"I would love that. I do need a partner since everyone else is taken," Romeo smiles a bit. Now, he won't be feeling left out.

After an hour of training, Sherria, Wendy, Kagura, Spike, Rogue, and Gajeel decide to take a break. Juvia and Romeo get up to start their close-quarter training.

"Thanks for watching Frosch for me," Rogue said; he has some bruises on his body.

"Anytime," Juvia replies.

"Hey, Rogue. That was good," Gajeel chuckles.

"So, what was it like fighting King Shark?" Rogue asks.

"Tough, his strength and durability allowed him to take my iron strikes at ease. I know I can beat him. Just need to exploit his weak points. As for Raphael, now that Fairy Dragon pretty much explained to us, he's stronger when he's pissed. I believe that Kagura girl may be the one to take him out."

"Why do you say that?" Kagura walks up to Gajeel.

"You're a swordswoman that went toe-to-toe with Titania. I believe you can go toe-to-toe and defeat Raphael. Also, I want that King Shark guy, so he's all yours."

"Very well," Kagura calmly replies.

"I'm still curious to know who the other three of the Seven Deadly Sins are," Sherria said.

"I hope it's not a familiar face," Wendy said. "There are many wizards that want vengeance."

"So far, Kain Hikaru is the only wizard that'll be seeking vengeance when he finds out we're after his pirate guild," Spike said.

"Fairy Dragon, you should be the one that takes out Kain Hikaru. He needs a strand of your hair to manipulate your body," Gajeel said.

"Well, he'll have no luck. I have no hair so, he won't be cursing me. I'll beat him to a pulp for beating you and Juvia up."

"I wonder who I'll be best at defeating," Sherria ponders a bit.

"That's easy, Sherria. You are about love, so you'll get to defeat lust of the Seven Deadly Sins," Wendy said.

"Yea, good point. I hope you'll be by my side, Sky Sister," Sherria winks at Wendy.

"We'll see. I'm hoping to fight alongside my boyfriend."

"I don't think that'll work. Considering Spike'll fight the fatty of the Seven Deadly Sins and if he got a strand of your hair, it would be harder for him to attack when Kain can use you as a human shield."

"I guess you're right, Sherria," Wendy sighs a little.

"No need to be upset, Wendy. There are a lot more things we can do together," Spike tries to cheer up Wendy.

"That's true. There is so much we can do together," Wendy smiles.

"Alright, Lyon. Time to make the turn," Yukino said.

"Right," Lyon steers to the right and sees the birds flying in the opposite direction.

"Hey, what's with the birds?" Frosch asks.

"That is puzzling," Carla said.

"Crap, a storm is coming," Lyon said.

"How can you tell? The skies are bright blue with no clouds," Yukino said.

"When birds travel in the opposite direction, it means something is coming," Lyon explains.

"What if it's the Seven Deadly Sins? Should we be stationed idle until they come or pursue them?"

Lyon thinks about it a bit. He walks up to his friends to hear their opinions. "Everyone, I need your opinions before making a decision."

"What is it, Lyon?" Sherria asks Lyon. She's curious to know what's on Lyon's mind.

"The birds are flying in the opposite direction of where we're going. I believe a storm is among us. However, Yukino believes it could be the Seven Deadly Sins making their way. Should we drop anchor now and wait for the storm to pass or continue onward to see what it is?"

"Continue onward; I want my rematch against those scumbags," Gajeel said.

"We won't know what's ahead until we see it for ourselves. I vote we should continue our travel," Carla said.

"I'm not sure. Spike, can your protection ring protect the ship from a storm?" Wendy asks.

"It should. A storm can't penetrate my ring of defense unless someone's magic is powerful enough in rendering my spell useless," Spike said.

"How about we let Fairy Dragon use his spell and continue sailing. If it's a storm, we drop anchor and head inside. If not, get ready rain on their parade," Gajeel said.

"No harm in seeing what the birds were fleeing from," Rogue said.

"I think so too," Frosch concurs.

"Alright then, I'll continue sailing in the direction. Fairy Dragon, produce the ring of defense," Lyon walks back to the steering wheel.

"Ring of Defense!" Spike places his claw on Serpent's Fang, creating a defense ring around it. "That should do it."

Lyon sails forward while everyone sees more birds flying away. There is no dark or storm cloud in sight. The waters are getting rougher by the second. Everyone positions themselves, thinking the Seven Deadly Sins are making an entrance.

It's now 11:30 in the morning. The waters of the sea continue to get rougher by the second. More birds are fleeing in the opposite direction. There are no dark clouds in the sky, so everyone believes it's the Seven Deadly Sins.

"So, what was the ship that we're not supposed to cripple?" Gajeel asks.

"Black Wing. It's Captain Sparrow's ship," Spike answers.

"Incoming wave!" Romeo shouts.

A tidal wave is on its way to hit Serpent's Fang. It's larger than the one Wendy and Sherria took out yesterday.

"Girls, let the wave pass. It won't affect the ship," Spike said.

Wendy and Sherria refrain from using their sky magic against the tidal wave. Gajeel sniffs.

"Oh crap!" Gajeel shouts.

"Hahahaha! King Shark is a Shark!" King Shark jumps out of the tidal wave and lands on top of Serpent's Fang. He's wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans. He's huge and brolic as well.

"It's him," Juvia scornfully said.

"Time to settle the score," Gajeel's arm turns into an iron club.

"King Shark brings friends," King Shark uses his magic to disperse the tidal wave, revealing Black Wing along with the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins."

Bluto turns to Serpent's Fang from his throne. "Ah, Popeye's Serpent Fang," Bluto is bigger than King Shark but not as ripped. He's physically stronger than he appears to be. Bluto is wearing a black shirt, yellow pants, brown shoes, and a white sailor's cap. On his forearm, he bears an emblem that reads S7N on crossbones; it stands for the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Hey, it's those Fairy Tail guys I told you about, Sir!" Kain Hikaru points while holding his Mr.Cursy Doll. Kain Hikaru is wearing a red robe-like cape, black shorts, black boots, and a skull bandana on his head. His S7N emblem is on his chest.

"See those cannons," Bluto points at it. "I want those cannon!" His body is ablaze in a red aura.

"Yes, Sir. First, let's cripple the ship and kill those fools," Raphael suggests.

"So be it. Don't destroy the cannons," Bluto commands.

"King Shark is a Shark!" King Shark charges.

"This guy is mine. Defeat the others!" Gajeel charges at King Shark. "Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel strikes at King Shark.

"King Shark doesn't feel anything!" He takes the hit and doesn't feel Gajeel's iron. He roars and starts fighting Gajeel.

"Kain, keep them occupied," Bluto commands.

"Yes, Captain," Kain Hikaru leaps from Black Wing to Serpent's Fang. He already damages the ship by landing on it.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size, matching Kain Hikaru's. He's ripped and brolic, ready to fight.

"All I need is a single hair from you," Kain Hikaru wants Spike's strand.

"A Dragon?" Bluto sees Spike the Fairy for the first time. He's thinking about having Spike for a pet. It's not often to have a dragon for a pet nowadays.

Spike lunges at Kain Hikaru. To Kain's surprise, Spike's strength is on par with his. Kain Hikaru ax-chops Spike's back to test the waters. Spike looks up and uppercuts Kain.

"Firing Cannons!" Raphael fires the laser-guided cannons at Serpent's Fang.

"Sherria! Use the cannons to intercept with Black Wing's Cannons!" Lyon commands.

"On it!" Sherria activates Black Wing's cannons. They fire cannonballs that intercept any cannonball fired by Black Wing's cannons.

"Shadow Dragon Rooooooooar!" Rogue attacks King Shark from behind, stunning him.

"Why you, little!" King Shark turns to Rogue and tries to punch him. Rogue uses his shadow to move quicker and dodges the punch.

"Iron Dragon Sword!" Gajeel's arm turns into an iron sword and slashes King Shark's back.

King Shark groans from the pain. He turns to Gajeel. "King Shark will make a meal out of you!"

"Setting the cannons on autofire," Raphael activates the autofire sequence on Black Wing. "Come here, you," Raphael takes Cassidy and jumps onto Serpent's Fang; he tries slashing at Spike when Kagura intervenes.

"You will not harm my brother!" Kagura shouts.

"Wait, what!" Juvia sees Raphael using a person as a sword.

"Eyes open," A humanized crab jumps into the fray. He looks like Cancer, Lucy's Celestial Spirit, but this crab has crab claws for hands. He tries to chop Juvia, but his attack goes right through. "Huh?"

"My body is made of water. Your attack is futile," Juvia said.

"Ice Make! Eagle!" Lyon creates ice eagles to attack the Crab.

"Money Make! Eagles!" The Crab creates eagles made of silver dollar coins to attack Lyon.

"What!" Lyon said in shock. The eagles collide and explode, causing two cannons to fall overboard and send some flying.

"The name is Krabster, punk. I use Money Maker Magic."

"Money Maker Magic?" Juvia and Lyon said.

"Why are you using that man for a weapon?" Kagura asks, defending a strike from Raphael.

"This man is Cassidy. He's Sloth of the Seven Deadly Sins. When he moves slow or doesn't move, he's the strongest among us all. He's invincible and has unbreakable skin."

Cassidy is a slim man who wears sunglasses and jeans. He's shirtless and doesn't speak much. His S7N emblem is on his left arm.

Kagura unsheaths her Archenemy sword. She's going to kill two birds with one stone. Kagura and Raphael continue their sword battle left and right.

"Wendy, let's help our friends," Sherria said.

"Right, they shouldn't be battling alone," Wendy said.

Wendy and Sherria decide to help Kagura fight against Raphael and Cassidy. Wendy and Sherria do a unison raid Sky Magic attack. Raphael expected it and use Cassidy to disperse their combined attack. Kagura goes for a blow when Raphael uses one of his Sais to block Kagura's attack in the blink of an eye. Kagura is in shock by Raphael's quick reflexes.

The cannons from Black Wing continue to shoot at Serpent's Fang. Romeo decides to divert the cannons on Serpent's Fang to hit the cannonballs from Black Wing. Without someone aiming the cannons, it would have target Black Wing and crippling it instead. Yukino is protecting Romeo in the process. Carla and Frosch are taking cover from the carnage.

"Ugh, this is taking too long!" Bluto is losing his patience.

"They are biting more than chewing, Captain. I do love a good show," She smiles.

"What are you waiting for; get in there and take them out! I want those cannons for my ship!" Bluto demands.

"As you wish, Captain," She sees where to attack. She sees Raphael getting triple-teamed. "I shall separate some opponents from them. I'll love hearing their cries of despair and anguish," She licks her lips and leaps onto Serpent's Fang.

"Water Slicer!" Juvia unleashes her water slicers at Krabster.

"Dollar Bill Shield!" Krabster spawns a dollar bill that withstands Juvia's attack. "Coin Grenades!" Krabster throws coins over the dollar bill shield. It explodes on contact, crippling Serpent's Fang a bit. Juvia and Lyon take cover from the explosions.

"Sky Dragon!" Wendy conjures her Sky Dragon breath attack.

"Sky God!" Sherria conjures her Sky God breath attack.

"Sky Demon!" Sherria and Wendy gasp hearing that. "Deadly Wraaaaaaaaaaaath!" The last member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust, unleashes her Sky Demon's breath attack; the breath attack is reddish-black winds. It hurls Wendy off of Serpent's Fang while Sherria stands her ground, nearly falling overboard. "Oh, I love seeing the fear from people's faces," She smiles.

"Wendy!" Spike turns to see Wendy falling overboard.

Kain Hikaru uses Mr.Cursry to curse himself. He turns himself into steel. "Got you, dummy!" Kain Hikaru low blows Spike, Spike holds his lower parts, and Kain Hikaru punches him off of Serpent's Fang.

"Spike!" Kagura sees what happens and becomes agitated. She swings her sword at Raphael when Cassidy slowly moves his hand, catching the sword swing. "What!" Cassidy slowly extends his arm, which causes immense power to push Kagura off of Serpent's Fang.

Wendy rises to the surface after falling overboard. She sees Spike in a great amount of pain. "Spike!"

"I may have hidden it, but somehow, he found them," Spike is covering his lower area, feeling immense pain.

"King Shark is a Shark!"

"Shut the hell up!" Gajeel uses his Iron Dragon Lance attack, but King Shark grabs Gajeel's spear hand.

"Unhand him!" Rogue attacks King Shark from behind.

"Okay," King Shark uses Gajeel like a bat and swats Rogue off of Serpent's Fang. The two land in the water. "King Shark is going for a swim," King Shark jumps in the water.

Kagura rises from the waters, catching her breath. "Spike, can you teleport us back up-" Kagura sees Spike in a great amount of pain. Wendy is trying to heal him. "What happened?"

"I received a low blow," Spike painfully said.

Sherria is petrified seeing the person in front of her.

"Cherry Blendy. Nice to see you turn the tides in this battle," Kain Hikaru said.

Sherria is in tears. From what her uncle and aunt told her, her mother died after giving birth to her. "Mom...?"

"Aw, look at you; All grown up. I love you, Sherria; I love you to death," Cherry Blendy has red and black hair. She's wearing pink pirate attire while wearing a heart chain medallion. "Sky Demon!"

"Leave her alone, you monster!" Romeo uses his purple flames to attack Cherry Blendy. The flames do little to her.

"What are you, her boyfriend? How cute," Cherry Blendy smiles. "Let love be your guide to everlasting pain! Tempest Whirlwind!" Reddish-black winds knock Romeo at ease. Yukino is about to open her gate keys to help her friends get back onto the ship when she gets knocked overboard by Romeo due to Cherry Blendy's attack.

Carla and Frosch decide to fly and bring their friends back into the fight, but the laser-guided cannons shoot them, knocking them into the waters.

Bluto chuckles. He's the one that fired the cannon hitting the Exceeds. "Take out the last one and bring me those cannons!"

"Mom..," Sherria sniffs.

"No need to cry. I'm sending you to a better place because I love you. Tempest Whirlwind!" Reddish-black winds knock Sherria off of Serpent's Fang. Sherria couldn't react in time to defend herself.

Lyon sees everyone except for Juvia knocked overboard while fighting Krbaster. "Ice Make! Plat-" Lyon falls overboard when Raphael throws Cassidy at him like a javelin.

"Oh, I still have your hair, missy," Kain Hikaru puts Juvia's hair on his Mr.Cursy and forces Juvia off of Serpent's Fang.

"Let this be a warning to those that come after the new and improve Seven Deadly Sins!" Bluto gloats after everyone has fallen off of Serpent's Fang. "King Shark, dispose of them."

"King Shark is a Shark!" King Shark uses his magic to create a tidal wave.

Spike, Wendy, Carla, Romeo, Gajeel, Juvia, Rogue, Yukino, Frosch, Lyon, Sherria, and Kagura looks up at the tidal wave. They are swept away from Serpent's Fang. Raphael throws Cassidy back onto Black Wing. Raphael, Kain Hikaru, Krabster, King Shark, and Cherry Blendy grab the cannons on Serpent's Fang. Bluto commands his comrades to return to Black Wing so he can sink Serpent's Fang. After a few moments, his comrades return, and Bluto destroys Popeye's prized ship.

Ten hours later. The tidal wave that King Shark created arrives in Hargeon and floods the town a bit. Popeye, Mark Anthony, and some sailors come out of the Salty Spitoon to see what happened after hearing the flood warning alarms sounding off.

"The town's flooded but not by much," Mark Anthony said.

"Popeye," A Sailor calls him.

"What is it, Sailor?" Popeye asks, coming up to the Sailor.

Popeye sees Spike, Wendy, Carla, Romeo, Gajeel, Juvia, Rogue, Yukino, Frosch, Lyon, Sherria, and Kagura on the ground. They are coughing a lot.

"Wait, if they rode on King Shark's tidal wave, how are they alive?" The Sailor asks.

"I don't know. Even on the wave, I only lasted 10 minutes while holding my breath. Sailors, pick them up and bring them to my home. I have plenty of space for them to rest."

"Yes, Sir!" The Sailors shout and carries everyone to Popeye's home.

Mark Anthony approaches Popeye. "Sorry that you lost your prized ship, mate."

"I don't care about the ship. I care more about their lives," Popeye said. "I can always build a better, stronger ship than the last. Let's get those kids patched up first; then, we'll hear their tale."

Mark Anthony follows Popeye to his home. When they enter, they see the sailors putting them in beds. The Sailors say that they put them to sleep. They'll feel better the next day. Popeye and Mark Anthony stay and watch over while the Sailors go back to the Salty Spitoon to drink.

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