• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Inner Demon

Twilight's (Sci-Twi) eyes glow aqua blue, and she screams. Her screams are jarring and dreading. Every creature around took a step back except for Discord and Spike. They are indeed worried about Twilight's circumstances.

"Twilight! What's wrong?!" Spike worries that his mother is in grave peril from the bloodcurdling screams.

"I was wrong!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) screams frantically. "I was so wrong!" She wails louder than before, causing her friends to feel anxiety.

Twilight's Temporal Mind

Within the temporal mind of Twilight Sparkle, Midnight Sparkle appears to be in spellbinding chains while in stasis. The world features a daytime opened dungeon to keep Midnight Sparkle in containment. It turns out that Midnight Sparkle created the illusion, waiting for the perfect moment to seize control and take over as the host. The chains vanish right before Twilight's eyes.

"I! AM! FREE!" Midnight Sparkle's voice echoes while Twilight watches. Her fear makes her paralyzed. Midnight Sparkle flies directly at Twilight, causing her to jerk and gag.

Princess Luna, Discord, and the United Species watch in awe and horror as Twilight (Sci-Twi) start morphing into a humanoid shape. Discord and Spike get blown back by the energy manifesting from Twilight. Her clothing appears, which brings disturbing memories of the first encounter. She wears a dress, showing off the colors black, dark purple, light purple, and dark pink. Her hair color is purple with a pinkish streak, and it floats upwards. Also, she wears dark purplish-pink knee boots. She has a long, purple tail, and her skin is dark purple, just like her eyes. She has a glowing turquoise horn with a black magical aura. She has black feathery wings that slightly glow in an aqua blue aura.

"Discord! What do we do!?!" Spike asks Discord. He doesn't have any clue about confronting her Twilight as Midnight Sparkle.

"Attack!" Neighsay ordains his guild to attack Midnight Sparkle. In his mind, Midnight Sparkle shouldn't have any breathing room to conjure her next motive.

"Wait!" Discord holds the guild back as Midnight Sparkle shoots aqua blue flames from her hands. She scorches Discord in the process. He screams in agony. He's not aware of Midnight Sparkle's true potential while she was in stasis.

"DISCOOOORD!" Princess Luna sees the tremor in Discord's eyes. The pain is unreal for him to bear. She gallops to him and checks on him.

"Oh, shit," Spike pants in shock. Not knowing just how powerful Midnight Sparkle was this whole time.

"She's.., more powerful.., than.., I.., anticipated..," Discord pants heavily from the blow. Discord wonders if Midnight took and practiced any spells Twilight discovered and added to her arsenal.

"Don't even try attacking me a second time," Midnight Sparkle floats in midair, crossing her arms in the process. "You wouldn't want to kill Twilight Sparkle in the process? Yes?" Midnight Sparkle grins wickedly at the creatures that slew the other Midnight Sparkle.

Discord snaps his claw, teleporting him away from danger. He doesn't understand why his chaos magic has failed him in protecting the underlying attack.

"You'll rue that!" Princess Luna's eyes turn reptilian-like, with her irises slit. Everyone besides Spike steps back from Princess Luna. They know the signs of Nightmare Moon's arrival.

"Nightmare Moon, huh?" Midnight Sparkle sounds unamused. She stares daggers at Princess Luna.

"Easy, Princess," Neighsay trots up to Luna while his friends are preparing to subdue Midnight Sparkle. He doesn't want Princess Luna's feelings to make a possible regretful decision.

"Midnight Sparkle!" Princess Celestia arrives with Thorax and Pharynx. "Release Twilight Sparkle!" Princess Celestia commands in her Royal tone. It echoes loudly.

"You are not my Queen to give me a direct order," Midnight Sparkle smirks. "However, I should thank you and Princess Luna for those tutoring lessons. You've given me much more than I could ever dream of!" Midnight Sparkle sinisterly laughs.

"As far as things are concerned, you're trapped with us," Chrysalis reminds Midnight Sparkle's predicament. She snorts to show assertiveness.

"Yes, yes, I'm aware of the numbers. However, you're not killers. An army of no killers isn't an army. I've seen the devastation my other self has unleashed. You think she's bad? I'm worse. However, I'm willing to compromise than make rash decisions."

"Why would any of us believe you?!" Sunset Shimmer angrily raises her voice at Midnight Sparkle.

Midnight Sparkle turns to Sunset. "I haven't forgotten about you; How you managed to make my weaker self submit to you. That won't happen a second time."

A clone of Discord emerges from the rear of Midnight Sparkle. He slowly walks up to her while she's distracted by every creature else.

Princess Luna fixes her gaze at Midnight Sparkle after seeing the clone sneaking his way. "I will slay you, demon!" Princess Luna's anger causes her fur to turn pitch black. "You will die!"

"I won't die. You kill me, and Twilight will come with me!" Midnight Sparkle laughs.


"Silence!" Midnight Sparkle swipes her right arm, causing aqua blue flares to strike Spike.

"Look out!" Smolder and Garble jump in the fray and consume the aqua blue flares before the flames can harm Spike. Spike stood still. He couldn't retaliate at the one who cared for him when he was a young puppy.

"Can we please take her out?" Silverstream's memories remind her of the time Midnight Sparkle slew her kin. She heard the stories and news from her friends. She refuses to allow history to repeat.

"I want to scorch her!" Smolder and Garble's bodies ignite in hellfire flames.

"Oh, my. Look at all that magic emitting from you two dragons. How cute," Midnight Sparkle claps her hands. "It's so invigorating as this clown," Midnight Sparkle grabs the clone's throat from behind. "Tries to sneak up on me!" She chokes and breaks the neck of the clone. A loud snap is all every creature heard. "Did I do that?" Midnight Sparkle sneers. She relishes the horrid and angry faces of everyone in the room. "Did I make history repeat itself?" She tosses the clone's body away like a piece of trash.

"You!" Princess Luna growls and lunges at Midnight Sparkle. However, Princess Celestia, Chrysalis, and Neighsay use their magic to repel Princess Luna from making a fatal mistake. "Let me go!" Princess Luna demands, nearly sounding like Nightmare Moon.

"Cease, sister! Don't allow your emotions to get the better of you!" Princess Celestia urges her sister not to kill Midnight Sparkle on the spot, no matter how enticing.

"Come here," Midnight Sparkle mocks Princess Luna by flexing her index finger to come closer to her.

Princess Luna snarls in rage. She wants to terminate Midnight Sparkle for taunting her. She grits her teeth and tries to force her way out of the combined magic force of Princess Celestia, Chrysalis, and Neighsay.

"Refrain from assaulting, Luna!" Chrysalis shouts. She's losing some of her focus due to Princess Luna's desire to kill Midnight Sparkle.

Princess Luna finally relents and desists. She reverts to normal before losing herself into the Nightmare.

"What do you want?" Pharynx asks Midnight Sparkle.

"I want my freedom. With Twilight Sparkle in my grasp, killing me is not an option for any of you. So, please me with the right offer," Midnight Sparkle sinisterly smiles. "Also, you cannot harm me once the deal concludes."

Every creature growls and snarls in detest; They don't want Midnight Sparkle to create another disaster. The other Midnight Sparkle's rampage brought genocide. No one wants another at that magnitude.

Another clone comes into the fray with a dagger. The dagger has a demonic red skull with burning black eyes. He attempts to stab Midnight Sparkle from behind, but she grabs his throat.

"Honestly, you think I'm predictable for having my back turned?" Midnight Sparkle gazes at the dagger. She takes it and tosses the clone to the creatures like a paperweight. "What is this?" Every creature panically gasps.

"Discord, what is that?" Princess Celestia becomes nervous. Never in her life had she seen a dagger.

The clone sweats and gulps. "Well, I rather not spoil the surprise."

Midnight Sparkle laughs malevolently. She powers the dagger with her magic. "I'll make this a weapon unlike any other!" She shouts triumphantly. Spike conjures energy wings and flies at Midnight Sparkle. "Meet your demise!" She tries using the dagger when a sparkling green shield materializes. Her weapon didn't penetrate the shield. "What?"

"No way!" The clone of Discord is astounded that his dagger didn't penetrate the shield.

"You know what I know from the times I trained with my Twilight! However, you don't know everything I'm capable of!" Spike shouts as he powers up. "Guardian Dragon!" Seven sparkling green orbs appear in a hexagon formation. "Light Cannon!" Spike presses his claws at Midnight Sparkle. A stream of magic power shoots directly at Midnight Sparkle. She gasps and flies away from the blast. Spike follows in pursuit with the Dragons, the Dazzlings, Silverstream, Gallus, Ocellus, and Pharynx.

"Discord, please explain. What is the dagger Midnight Sparkle has in possession?" Thorax asks. He and everyone else wants to know what is in Midnight's grasp.

"The Dagger of the Tribunal. Forged by Demon Slayers to exorcise any spirit regardless of their power. Also, it creates a devastating effect on those not possessed by spirits. Unfortunately, it comes with a heavy price when using the Dagger of the Tribunal."

"Everyone! Take down Midnight Sparkle without taking her life!" Spike commands. "Guardian Dragon Spears!" Spike spawns sparkling green arrowhead spears to shoot at Midnight Sparkle's wings. She dodges the attack.

"Right!" Dragons, the Dazzlings, Silverstream, Gallus, Ocellus, and Pharynx, shout in unison. They drift apart to corner and subdue Midnight Sparkle.

Midnight Sparkle, with the dagger in hand, repels some attacks from the creatures coming after her. The clone of Discord explains the penalty of using the weapon. The cost means disqualifying all usage of magic power permanently; Princess Luna, Celestia, Chrysalis, Thorax, Neighsay, and the rest of the United Species gasps. They now know why a clone was willing to use a weapon of great force. Those going after Midnight Sparkle missed out on the crucial information.

Midnight Sparkle grabs Silverstream's wings and uses her momentum to collide with Smolder and Ocellus, taking them out. She then catches Clump's mace tail and chucks him into Charcoal, Garble, and Pharynx. Gallus and Adagio manage to leave some claw marks on Midnight's face. They use claw-to-claw close-quarters combat. Midnight Sparkle receives several blows from all around her body. She then uses the dagger to slice Gallus' right arm off. He screams and falls due to the overwhelming pain.

"Gallus!" Adagio turns with wrath on her mind. She wants to kill Midnight Sparkle for harming her boyfriend. Adagio uses her rage as an adrenaline rush to fly after Midnight. However, Midnight Sparkle kicks Adagio mid-flight. She grabs Adagio's head and slams her down. She lands on top of Gallus, breaking his back in the process due to the strength of Midnight Sparkle.

"Ow! There goes my back," Gallus painfully cries a little.

"Sorry, Gallus," Adagio sincerely apologizes. She looks up and sees Midnight Sparkle laughing at their misery.

"Guardian Dragon Roooooooar!" Spike unleashes his sparkling green fire breath at Midnight Sparkle.

"Repel!" Midnight Sparkle swipes her right arm, redirecting the direction of the flames into hitting Yona and Sandbar.

"Watch out!" Princess Luna and Celestia combine their magic power, creating a bubble shield. It melts on contact due to how powerful Spike's flames are.

Midnight Sparkle flies to find an opening to leave the basement. With every creature else flying in pursuit after getting up, it becomes intricate finding that exit.

"Are you two okay?" Neighsay checks on Sandbar and Yona.

"We're fine," Yona and Sandbar said. "We can't figure out a weakness this Midnight Sparkle has!" Yona and Sandbar were observing Midnight's movements to devise a strategy that'll work in their favor.

"Thorax," Chrysalis calls him. He turns and nods. He and Chrysalis fly to help the others subdue Midnight Sparkle.

"Wave motion!" Midnight Sparkle circulates her arms and presses her hands forward, generating aqua blue flames at the two.

"Don't mind if we do!" Spike, Garble, and Smolder intervene and consume the flames. Their bodies ignite in flames.

"Lightning Blitz!" Charcoal unleashes lightning orbs from his claw. He launches them at Midnight Sparkle.

Midnight Sparkle casts a shield to repel the orbs in front of her. However, none of them made contact. "Hah! You missed me!"

"Did I?" Charcoal smirks.

Midnight Sparkle sees the reflection of the lightning orbs on her shield. They're all around her, above and below as well. "You bastard!"

"Detonate!" Charcoal commands. All the lightning orbs explode, causing residual energy to paralyze Midnight Sparkle's movements.

"What is this?! I can't move!" Midnight Sparkle tries to move but sees lightning bolts sway and shift on her body.

"My lightning particles have entered your body, paralyzing you, which allows my friends to finish you off!" Charcoal shouts.

"Shit!" Midnight Sparkle tries her hardest to move an inch when everyone comes at her. Midnight Sparkle moves her left arm through sheer force and brings the dagger close to her throat; Spike, Aria, Sonata, Ocellus, Chrysalis, Pharynx, Thorax, Smolder, Garble, Clump, Charcoal, and Silverstream pause their movements. "Come closer, and I'll kill us!"

"She's serious. I can tell from the look in her eyes," Sunset informs everyone. Midnight Sparkle's facial expression reveals grim and urgent.

"What do we do now, Discord?" Princess Celestia asks the clone. She's unsure what else to do with suicide in the mind of Midnight Sparkle.

The clone of Discord knows what he needs to do and flies up. Midnight Sparkle sees him and puts the dagger closer to her throat. Her hand shakes. She will take Twilight to the grave if anyone else makes other sudden movements.

"Stay back!" Midnight Sparkle demands the clone. "I will commit suicide on the spot!"

"I don't think you will," The clone comes closer without hesitation while Spike and the others are dreadfully worried about the rash thinking of Midnight Sparkle.

Midnight Sparkle's teeth chatter. She wants to live and be free from being a prisoner within Twilight Sparkle. "Watch me!" She tries jamming the dagger into her throat. The clone grabs her hand and grabs the Dagger of the Tribunal. The clone slashes the chest of Midnight Sparkle vertically. "What did you do-aaaaaaaah!"

Every creature sees residual power from the dagger creating a red flare line. Then, the clone grabs Midnight Sparkle's head and tears her into two pieces. The left piece forms into a unicorn while the right remains; Twilight Sparkle lands on the ground hard. Midnight Sparkle lands on her feet.

"TWILIGHT!" Spike and the others soar down to check on her. Those that didn't listen to Discord's explanation are dumbfounded.

"I'm.., okay, Spike," Twilight places her hoof on Spike's cheek. Spike is in tears of joy.

"I'm free..," Midnight Sparkle laughs. "I'm finally free!" She laughs maniacally.

The clone of Discord disintegrates. Since the clone no longer has magic, he might as well call it quits. Discord in his home feels another piece of him lost. He clutches his chest in sadness.

"Now, I will exterminate you all!" Midnight Sparkle tries using her magic, but it fails her. "What the hell?!"

Princess Luna trots up to her. "Using the Dagger of the Tribunal means you forfeit your right to use any magic," Princess Luna said as cold and bitter as she could.

"NO!" Midnight Sparkle tries to use her magic to show assertiveness. She tries generating her aqua blue flames. All that comes out are puffs of smoke, indicating that she's defenseless. She walks back until she hits the wall of the room. All creatures come together except Spike, Twilight, Gallus, and Adagio. She frantically pants and balls herself in fear.

"What should we do, First Master?" Sandbar turns to Neighsay.

"Celestia?" Chrysalis turns to Princess Celestia.

"I told you to eradicate her," Twilight Sparkle gets up. "End her."

"Noooooooohohohoooooooo!" Midnight Sparkle scaredly shouts.

Spike conjures a sparkling green energizer sword. He walks up to Midnight Sparkle. "This one is mine," Spike said as calmly as he could.

"Spike, are you sure?" Smolder asks Spike.

"Fairy Dragon fought and conquered his Midnight Sparkle for treating him poorly. My Midnight Sparkle held my mom prisoner and threatened to take her away from me. Midnight Sparkle didn't care about someone I love with all my heart. I refuse to allow her to find any opportunity to succeed by different means necessary."

"No.., please.., I'm.., sorry..," Midnight Sparkle knows what's coming and hopes Spike would show mercy.

"Leave her to me," Spike powers up.

"I'll see you upstairs, Spike," Twilight leaves. She doesn't want to see what Spike will do in the next few moments.

Neighsay commands his guild to follow Twilight up the stairs. Princess Celestia, Luna, Thorax, and Pharynx follow, leaving Spike to end Midnight Sparkle's reign of terror. Every creature sees Discord on the couch watching the whole event. He turns off the tv.

Silence reigns until the loudest bloodcurdling cries echo in the house. Everyone except Twilight cringes to hear death that closely. A few moments go by with the sounds of Spike walking up the stairs. Twilight gallops to Spike and holds him dearly. Spike exhales.

"It's over. Midnight Sparkle won't come back," Spike said.

"Are you sure?" Discord turns to Spike.

"She's nothing but ashes after I sliced her body into multiple pieces with my energizer sword and fire dragon breath. That," Spike points to the headpiece of Midnight Sparkle. "Will never drain magic power from Midnight Sparkle."

"Discord, where did you find that Dagger of the Tribunal?" Princess Luna asks him, and the others concur with that statement.

"It's a long story. I don't want to go into full details due to the heartwrenching moments of that conflict with my species. All you need to know is that the Dagger of the Tribunal is not a modified weapon of Grogar's formula."

"Hey, Discord. Can you fix my arm?" Gallus asks while holding his torn limb.

Discord bites his lips. He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "I'm sorry. When Midnight used the dagger on you, she tore any magic fabrications of reattaching your arm in place."

Gallus' eyes widen, and he starts panicking. "I'm going to be a one-arm Griffon?!"

"Well, uh..," Discord sighs deeply and lowers his head. "Yes... My magic and anyone that can use magic cannot help you."

"WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!" Gallus cries in anger. Adagio is sick to her stomach to see the one she loves in such pain.

"Ooh, ooh!" Yona raises her hoof. "Yona says Gallus should have an artificial limb like Gildarts!"

"An artificial limb?" Gallus imagines a right metallic claw arm with different properties attached. Like hidden magic weapons of some sort. "How long would that take?"

"A few months, give or take," Princess Celestia informs Gallus.

"We will help you create the perfect artificial limb, Gallus," Princess Luna said.

"Thank you, Princesses," Gallus smiles.

"Gallus," Neighsay turns to him. "As your Guild Master. I order you to take time off from battle practice."

Gallus sighs. "Okay, Master Neighsay."

"Can we stay here for the rest of the day, Discord?" Neighsay asks Discord, knowing his friends are tired and perturbed with today's event.

"Yea," Discord nods. "My clones and I will prepare the rooms for you."

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