• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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A New Day in Fairy Tail

It's a new day in Magnolia. Spike, Wendy, Lucy, Carla, and Fairy Rage are heading to the guildhall. Many people in Magnolia are confused until Spike explains the whole situation. Now the people are thrilled to have two Fairy Dragons protecting their town.

It's a beautiful day; The sun is shining at 10:30 in the morning. Everyone wonders what new adventure awaits.

"I'll check the-"

"Morning Fairy Youth Squad!" Romeo approaches Spike, Fairy Rage, Carla, and Wendy.

"Hey, Romeo. You look eager today," Spike said.

"Yea! With the townspeople returning, the guild got jampacked and flooded with all sorts of jobs on the board!" Romeo holds a flier.

"What you got there?" Carla takes a look at the flier.

"Hmm, since you five will be going on a job, I'll tag along with Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Erza. Have fun," Lucy leaves the Fairy Youth Squad be.

"Says here there's a hydra running loose," Carla finishes reading the flier.

"Wait. First, we took on a Kraken. Then, you lot faced a Leviathan. Now, the job is asking us to fight a hydra?"

"I know it's crazy, especially since you and Spike took down Acnologia. It should be interesting. Imagine you cut off one head, and two more take its place. That's something to look forward to, for all we know, this hydra running loose could be from a dark guild that praises hydras."

"Hey, I'm down to fighting and stopping a hydra," Spike admits.

"I'm going where you're going," Wendy holds Spike's claw.

"I guess that settles it." Fairy Rage chuckles a bit.

"I concur," Carla holds Rage's claw. She's in her humanoid cat form.

In the background of the scenery, Happy is behind a pillar. He's fuming due to Carla holding Fairy Rage's claw.

"Carla should be holding my paw! Not Rage's claw! I showed Carla appreciation and gave her gifts! I fell in love with Carla, and she chose Fairy Rage! WHY?!?" Happy lividly thought to himself. He doesn't wish to make scenery. "I have to find a way to get rid of Fairy Rage! He stole my love life!" Happy's emotions are making him think irrational.

"Alright, I'll let Mirajane know, and we'll get going," Romeo takes the flier to Mirajane.

"Carla, did the flier say where the hydra resides?"

"Well, it's near the forests of Clover Town," Carla replies.

"Hey," Wendy gets a little nervous. "Have you been to Clover Town before, Spike?"

"I think I have. Honestly, I don't know or remember," Spike honestly said.

"We may have to take the train to get there, Wendy." Fairy Rage said.

"Can you head over to Popeye's for those motion relieve pills?" Wendy begs Spike. Ever since she joined the Dragon Slayer Motion Sickness Club, she detests public transportation.

"I'll check on him. He should be back in Hargeon by now."

"Thank you," Wendy smiles widely.

Spike teleports to Hargeon using his fire breath. Fairy Rage decides to grab some grub for the way to Clover Town. Happy has decided to observe the Fairy Youth Squad from afar. He hopes that Fairy Rage doesn't pick up his whereabouts during the travel.

Spike walks around in Hargeon. He sees the people finish rebuilding their town after the war. It's been a week since Spike and Fairy Rage defeated Acnologia after the war with the Alvarez Empire.

"Ahoy, Spike," Popeye finishes eating his can of spinach. "Sorry that I missed out on all the fun."

"It's alright, Popeye. Say, do you have motion relieve pills?"

"Yea. I have a new shipment. Care to make a purchase?"

"Yes. How much will it be?" Spike uses his fire breath to spawn his briefcase filled with Jewels.

"A hundred grand for a crate. I'm in the process of recruiting new mates and will be training them."

Spike pays Popeye the crate of motion relieve pills. "Thanks, Popeye."

"Here's a bonus," Popeye gives Spike ten cans of spinach. "To help you grow strong."

"Thanks," Spike waves bye to Popeye and uses his fire breath to teleport back to the guildhall. He's next to Lucy. Natsu and Gray are fighting each other. "Did I miss something?"

"No," Lucy groans. "Natsu wanted to go on a job he picked, and Gray wanted to go on a job he picked. The two are settling to see which job to go on."

"That's enough!" Erza shouts, scaring Natsu and Gray. They stop fighting on command.

"Sorry, Ma'am!" Natsu and Gray say in unison, not wanting to upset Erza.

"Hey, Spike. What you got there?" Erza looks down at Spike and notices the crate.

"I have motion relieve pills. I purchased them from Popeye moments ago. I don't know how much is in here," Spike breaks the crate and sees dozens of motion relieve bottles scatter on the floor. "Wow. That's a lot."

"No kidding." Fairy Rage picks up a bottle. "You have at least a good thirty or forty bottles to last a few months easily."

"Thank you!" Wendy hugs Spike.

"Hey, I can use these!" Natsu takes a few.

"Give me some," Gajeel notices the bottles and takes them for himself.

"So, I can ride in style?" Laxus takes a good portion. "So, how long does one pill lasts?"

"48 hours, Laxus," Spike responds to Laxus' question.

"Perfect," Laxus goes with the Thunder Legion on their job request.

Spike takes the remaining bottles that are on the floor. He does a count. "Alright, a good ten bottles," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport nine of them to the apartment and holds onto one.

"I have food to go. I know you didn't feel like cooking today."

"Thanks. Have you thought about cooking for yourself?"

"I suck at that. I need time to practice. I am an emotion of you that now has a soul, but I'm not exactly like you, Spike. There are many things I still need to learn, especially the importance of eating and drinking. Even after a week, I still can't believe I'm walking and having my own body. I feel that I'm in a never-ending dream."

"Well, I'm glad things turn out better," Carla smiles at Fairy Rage. "I sometimes wake up thinking what I saw was a dream. I still can't believe that you and Spike defeated Acnologia by combining his magic with yours."

"I still can't believe we pulled that off. I avenged and fulfilled Zirconis' wish. I felt amazing. I can see my mom and uncle smiling down from the heavens, knowing that an Apocalyptic Dragon is no more," Spike said. He sighs in satisfaction.

"Hey, are we ready to go?" Romeo asks.

"Yea and I have spinach," Spike said. He puts the cans in bags for travel.

"Also, are we going to invite Sherria? She is an honorary member," Romeo asks.

"Yea, we'll stop by their guildhall to see if she can make it or not," Wendy said. She hopes that Sherria can make the trip.

"Alright, let's get going!" Spike shouts.

Spike, Wendy, Fairy Rage, Carla, and Romeo leave the guildhall. Spike advises Wendy to take the pill when they get on the train. After settling a dispute, Erza picks the job for her friends to embark on going forward. Happy drifts away, hoping that the others don't see his antics.

Spike, Wendy, Fairy Rage, Carla, and Romeo hop on the train. It'll take an hour to get to Margaret Town. Happy decides to follow the train rather than ride it. Wendy takes her motion relief pill and feels a lot better. The train departs, and she feels no motion sickness.

"Much better," Wendy leans on Spike's shoulders.

"Good. I could have teleported us there, but I think we should enjoy the travel instead," Spike said.

"I'm guessing flying is out of contention?"

"Well, for now. I won't mind flying back home or teleporting. I feel that we should travel to our locations than teleporting back and forth. It soaks up the thrill of an adventure."

"Fair enough."

"I agree. I'm sure there could be fun places we haven't explored," Romeo said. "Also, dangers do lurk in every corner. We could beat up some muggers if they try to do something bad."

"Agreed. It doesn't hurt to explore a bit more," Carla said.

"Wherever Spike goes, I'm there," Wendy happily states.

Romeo chuckles. "Even the bathroom when he needs to do his business?"

"Dude!" Spike didn't like that statement.

Romeo laughs. "Hey, Wendy said wherever you go, she's there."

Spike rolls his eyes. As funny as the statement was, he tries not to laugh at it.

"He got you there."

Happy flies a mile away from the train, hoping that Fairy Rage doesn't sense his whereabouts. Happy imagines all sorts of lovey-dovey moments Carla and Fairy Rage could be doing on the train. Due to his imagining, Happy becomes agitated.

Two hours later. The train arrives in Margaret Town. Spike, Wendy, Fairy Rage, Carla, and Romeo get off the train. Wendy and Carla lead the way to the Lamia Scale Guildhall.

"Hey, Romeo. Have you been to Margaret Town before?" Spike asks.

"Nah. My dad and I trained hard by the seas and ran on the beaches. Though we've been on several jobs for Popeye."

"Margaret Town is a lovely place. Much similar to Magnolia," Wendy said.

"It feels nice coming back here. Wendy and I spent many months working with Lamia Scale," Carla said. Many people cheer for Wendy, hoping she'll sing for the next concert Lamia Scale will throw in a few months.

"Here, I thought you'll spend the year with Spike," Romeo thought that was the case.

"Well, I spent time with Spike for the first two and half months. We trained, worked hard, and had fun. It was after the Crocus Cook-Off that we went our separate ways. Honestly, even though Spike sent me many letters, I missed him wholeheartedly. It was one of the worst experiences I've gone through," Wendy sighs a bit. "Many nights without holding my Handsome Dragon.

"I'm right here," Spike holds Wendy's hand.

"I know," Wendy smiles. "I'm happy you're here. I don't know what I do without you."

"Panic?" Spike answers.

"I would say yes. However, I don't know, and I don't want to find out."

"No Spike would mean no Fairy Rage," Romeo chuckles which causes Carla to gasp.

"You okay, Carla?" Fairy Rage sees Carla's demeanor changing into sadness.

"I had a crude thought about life without you and Spike in Fairy Tail. Can we please discuss something else," Carla tightens her grip on Fairy Rage's claw.

"We're here, Carla," Wendy said. She and her friends have arrived at Lamia Scale's Guildhall. Wendy opens the door and enters the guildhall with her friends.

"Wendy!" Sherria runs up to Wendy and hugs her. "I'm so happy you're here!"

"Likewise, Sherria," Wendy returns the hug.

Sherria gasps. "You're inviting me to go on a mission with the Fairy Youth Squad?"

Spike, Wendy, Carla, Fairy Rage, and Romeo nod; They explain to Sherria that their job request is to take down a hydra in the forest region near Clover Town. Sherria gets excited. She tells Lyon she'll be back later tonight.

"Hey, can we fly to Clover Town?" Sherria asks. She's excited to ride on either Spike or Fairy Rage.

"Uh, how far is Clover Town from here, Sherria?" Spike asks.

"By train, four hours. On foot, eight hours. Flight, I'm not sure," Sherria honestly expresses since she flew to Clover Town before.

"Sure, why not. We took the train here, and the villagers are tired of waiting by now," Spike replies. He feels a bit guilty for taking the train to Margaret Town now that he thinks about it. "Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into a full dragon. Fairy Rage, Sherria, Wendy, Romeo, and Carla hop on Spike's back. "Direct me to Clover Town."

"I'll do just that," Sherria said. She laughs. Her excitement and adrenaline get the better of her.

Spike takes off. Sherria tells Spike to fly straight for forty minutes. Carla and Fairy Rage hold each other while enjoying the beautiful landscapes of Fiore. Wendy rubs Spike's back a little while Sherria continues to direct Spike based on her memory.

Happy is not far from Spike's flight pattern. He has binoculars and grinds his teeth in anger. He sees Carla and Fairy Rage hold in an embrace. Unbeknown to Happy, Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Lucy are following his trail. Natsu wants to know why Happy has gone awol when they have a job to complete.

Two hours later. Spike flies over Clover Town. Fairy Rage shoots his flare marking at Clover Town so when another job surfaces within the town, he and his team can teleport there. Fairy Rage does imagine going on several jobs without Spike.

Spike lands in the forest region of Clover Town and reverts to size. Sherria enjoyed the winds hitting her while riding on Spike. She turns to Wendy, calling her lucky that she can hop on Spike whenever.

"Whoa." Fairy Rage notices an enormous footprint on the ground.

"Spike, that's not yours, is it?" Romeo turns to Spike.

Spike lifts his foot. He only has three toes, while the footprint reveals to have five toes.

"Well, since it's not Spike's foot, we have a tall order to defeat," Sherria said.

"Agreed, let's get moving," Carla said.

"After you." Fairy Rage allows Carla to walk ahead of him.

"Why, thank you," Carla smiles.

Happy is behind a tree, breaking a small tree branch in anger.

"Did you guys hear that?" Romeo turns around to the sound of a tree branch breaking.

"I heard it. However, I'm not sensing any magic power," Wendy said.

"I don't feel a disturbance around us. We need to follow the tracks of the hydra."

A loud screeching roar echoes in the forest; Many trees are getting knocked down. Spike, Wendy, Sherria, Carla, Fairy Rage, and Romeo follow the sounds of the screeching roar. Happy sighs in relief for nearly blowing his cover.

The screecher roars get louder while Fairy Youth Squad follows its trail. Spike and Fairy Rage shove their friends to the ground when a large tail sways, nearly colliding with them.

Everyone looks up at the hydra that's running amuck. It has six heads, purplish-black eyes, razor-sharp teeth, purplish-black thick scales, three legs, and six pentagrams on the forehead. The hydra is tall, like Spike's half-dragon size.

"What's with those pentagrams?" Sherria questions a bit. He's confused as to why a hydra has pentagrams on its foreheads.

"It appears a guild did summon it. Good call, Romeo."

"I'm shocked, and it wasn't a theory from Spike. Now I know how the others feel when you're right about something disturbing."

"Six heads, and there's six of us. We need to keep this creature at bay."

"Wow, that's scary." Happy thought to himself. He sees the hydra first-hand.

The hydra turns to see its prey. It conjures and releases a fury of lightning flares at the Fairy Youth Squad. Spike and Fairy Rage cross their arms, creating Sparkling Metallic Shields to repel the attack.

"Damn, this thing is tougher than it looks!" Spike admits. He and Fairy Rage gets pushed back a bit from the onslaught.

"Don't just stand there! Attack it!"

"Right! Sorry!" Wendy, Carla, Romeo, and Sherria spring into action.

Spike and Fairy Rage nod; they throw their shields at the hydras' heads. While Fairy Youth Squad brings the fight to the hydra, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Erza arrive.

"Happy!" Natsu looks up to see Happy on top of a tree branch, gazing north.

"Natsu? What are you guys doing here?" Happy asks his friends. His heart pounds rapidly now that he's exposed.

"You took off and had us worried! We were wondering why you took off without saying anything."

The loud screeching of the hydra's roars scares the crap out of Lucy. "What was that?"

"I don't know what, but it's dead meat!" Natsu rushes in the direction.

"Hey! Don't leave us hanging!" Gray follows Natsu.

Natsu stops running when he sees the hydra. "Fire Dragon Rooooooooooooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath attack without giving it much thought.

Gray, Erza, Lucy, and Happy catch up to Natsu after seeing him roast the hydra; Not only did he defeat the hydra in one blow, Spike, Fairy Rage, Carla, Wendy, Sherria, and Romeo got scorched in the process. They're pissed at Natsu for following them.

"Whoops," Natsu sweats a bit, not thinking or realizing what he just pulled.

"Are you serious?! Why did you follow us?!" Romeo irately asks. He demands to have answers. While fighting the hydra, Romeo figured out its weakness. The stomach of the hydra, and now he won't know for sure since Natsu took it out.

"Uh, why are you here?" Spike is curious why Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, and Erza are here. He doesn't mind seeing them but finds it strange for them to be the stalkerish type.

"I need a bath," Carla said. She smells like a burnt cat.

"Please explain as to why you followed us."

"Oh well, you see, Happy was nowhere in sight. I followed Happy, and he led us here," Natsu slightly chuckles.

"Honestly, we weren't stalking you if that's what you were thinking," Lucy said. "Natsu mentioned Happy's sudden disappearance."

"No joke. When Natsu takes off, I knew it was serious," Gray said. He's in his underwear.

"Forgive us for our intrusion. It was never our objective for such a thing," Erza apologetically says.

Fairy Youth Squad sighs in defeat. They were hoping to celebrate a joyous achievement. With the hydra defeated and the pentagrams disappearing from its foreheads, all they can do now is collect the reward. Carla has suspicions that Happy was stalking her for unknown reasons. She is trying to come up with a possible conclusion, but her burnt scent is throwing her off. Natsu apologize for his reckless action when he got excited seeing the hydra.

A few hours later. Sherria is back in the Lamia Scale Guildhall. Spike, Wendy, Carla, Fairy Rage, Romeo, Natsu, Happy, Erza, Gray, and Lucy are back in the guildhall. It was an awkward silence during the trip back. Happy tries to avoid Carla's glare during the time; his jealousy has got him today.

"Hey, Fairy Youth Squad," Master Makarov is drinking his mug of beer. "How was your mission?"

"Fine until Happy led Natsu to ruin our job request," Romeo bitterly said.

"We got scorched in the process thanks to Natsu," Wendy said. "It was painful."

"I'm going to the bathhouse," Carla said. She's still in her humanoid cat form.

"That's where we're going," Romeo and Spike said.


Fairy Youth Squad leaves the guildhall. They sound upset but try to shrug it off. They claim that their next mission will go smoothly.

"Natsu! Happy!" Master Makarov shouts to get their attention. Natsu and Happy approaches Master Makarov. "What in heaven's name made you two interfere with Fairy youth Squad's mission?"

"Happy took off without warning, and I had to pursue him, Master! I thought something might have happened to Happy!" Natsu exclaims, making his case.

"I..," Happy gulps. He doesn't want to admit he was jealous of Fairy Rage's relationship with Carla. "I wanted to see what the hydra looks like; Then I saw it with my own two eyes and heard its screeching. It was amazing, Master. However, I didn't foresee Natsu coming into the fray in terms of searching for me and taking down the hydra with one attack," It's not often for Happy to lie, but he doesn't want to admit his jealousy.

Master Makarov sighs heavily. "I see. Well, it's not best to spy on your friends and make rash-decision-making. I hope you two learn that lesson. Also, let the kids grow when they go on their missions, okay?"

"Yes, Master," Natsu and Happy comply with Makarov's wishes. Happy sighs in relief due to Makarov believing in his lie.

At the bathhouse, Spike, Fairy Rage, and Romeo are in the men's while Carla and Wendy are in the women's. Laxus, Freed, and Bickslow enter.

"Sup, guys," Bickslow greets his friends. He steps into the hot waters.

"Hey," Romeo and Spike reply.

"How did your day go?"

"Not bad. Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, and I took out a guild that summoned a hydra. Though, we didn't get the opportunity to defeat it."

"Huh, funny thing you mentioned that," Romeo slightly chuckles. "Spike, Fairy Rage, Wendy, Carla, Sherria, and I fought the hydra. It had pentagrams on each of the six foreheads."

"For real?" Freed wonders where the hydra went off too. "Where did you find it?" He steps into the hot waters.

"The forests near Clover Town."

"So, you guys took it out no problem?" Laxus gets in the hot waters.

"Not exactly, you see," Spike explains to the Thunder Legion that Happy followed Fairy Youth Squad earlier, which resulted in Natsu following Happy and taking out the hydra with no regard. Natsu didn't think about the FairyYouth Squad right there and then.

"What an idiot," Gajeel overhears the story. He came back from a job with Levy and Panther Lily.

"Sounds to me that Happy got a bit curious about seeing a hydra. Judging from the stories about seeing the Kraken and seeing the Leviathan first-hand, Happy wanted to see the hydra," Panther Lily steps in the hot waters. "Now, this is refreshing, Gajeel."

"Told you," Gajeel steps into the hot waters. "Serious, want me to pound Natsu for what he's done?"

"Leave that to me. I haven't used my winnings from the Grand Magic Games ordeal. I get to boss Natsu around for an entire day. I'll make his day feel like hell for the stunt he pulled."

"Thanks, Laxus. Now that I'll gladly watch while eating some popcorn," Romeo said.

"Speaking of winnings, I haven't used my day to boss Wendy around yet," Spike is devising some plans. He couldn't help but smirk at all the possibilities.

"So, that's what happened?" Levy and Evergreen ask while being with Wendy and Carla in the waters upstairs of the bathhouse.

"Honestly, I want to say that Happy's suspicions of wanting to see the hydra got the better of him. He didn't get to see the Kraken, and he missed out on seeing the Leviathan," Carla said. She's washing her hair.

"We got scorched in the process thanks to Natsu's quick thinking. He sprung into action without taking note of us fighting the hydra. Also, Romeo figured a weak point of the hydra but never got to explore it," Wendy said. "Romeo and Sherria were more upset than Spike and me."

"I wanted to claw Happy's eyes out for leading Natsu to us," Carla admits.

"How did Fairy Rage take it?" Levy asks.

"He was upset. Mad at himself for not sensing Natsu and Happy. One of the key factors Fairy Rage used to have is awareness. Now that he no longer resides in Spike's body, Fairy Rage's sharpness is not up to par. He's trying to get himself with his awareness prowess," Carla explains.

"Hmm, that makes sense. Considering Spike was more powerful with Fairy Rage within in," Evergreen said. She remembers how quickly Fairy Rage can sense magic manipulations. Now, Fairy Rage is a step behind in that category.

"So, what are you planning to do next?" Levy asks Carla and Wendy.

"Hopefully, have a better attempt on another job with the Fairy Youth Squad or go one a simple job with Spike and Fairy Rage," Wendy replies.

"Like a double date?" Cana laughs a bit. She enters and heard the whole story of what happened.

"Double date?" Wendy and Carla put some thought into it.

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