• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Rage's Death Days

Fairy Rage walks in Magnolia. He can see all that's around him. However, many people phase through him. He tries to call out to people around, but no one hears him.

"What is this?"

"Hmm, it seems I have a guest," Death approaches Fairy Rage. He wears a black cloak, a skeleton body with red dots in the eyeless void; It has skeleton teeth. Death wields a scythe that has countless unforgiving souls in its blade.

"Wait a minute? You're Death?"

"Indeed. You are the first to enter this realm, for which I stand," Death said.

"Do you know me?"

"Yes. The second soul of Fairy Dragon. I have to say, even with my best of knowledge, I did not foresee this outcome."

"Here, I thought I go to the afterlife. I guess I won't be with my beloved."

"Beloved?" Death is puzzled.

"Don't you know everything?" Fairy Rage looks at Death.

"That's the big guy's job. I don't have permission to read the minds of souls. I must uphold the laws wherever there's life."

"Oh wow." Fairy Rage is flustered a bit. Just days ago, he sacrificed his life to resurrect Erza.

"Who did you end up falling in love with?"

"Her name is Carla."

"The white exceed? How interesting. Here I thought you had feelings for the Princess," Death is aware of Princess Hisui's feelings for Spike the Fairy. "If you don't mind me asking, why her of all women?"

"In a weird way, Carla is like me. Our bond for those closest is strong. I admire her determination, strength, persistence, and I love the elegant voice she has. I don't care about what she looks like; I care about who she is. I always thought about holding her in my arms. However, I don't have limbs. I resided in Spike's body."

"Gross," Death says in an eerie tone to make it sound dirty.

"HEY!" Fairy Rage is offended by Death's joke.

Death chuckles. "I can say it's rare that I have someone to communicate with, the big guy and the Celestial Spirit King don't keep in touch with me."

Fairy Rage rolls his eyes. "Anyway, I refuse." Fairy Rage sighs. "I refrained from taking over Spike's body to have a private conversation with Carla. At first glance, it'll appear that Spike is cheating on Wendy."

"Very understandable. You were willing to prolong until the afterlife."

"Yea." Fairy Rage nods. "However that won't be the case since I'm here with you."

"You can see Carla and your friends all you want. They won't hear, see, or do anything to or with you."

"What about an ouija board? Would that help?"

"No. Ouija boards don't have the capability to communicate with me and you. Only spirits through the afterlife. The prowess of the ouija board will not penetrate this dimension. I'm sorry."

"So, that's it. I'm here with you, forever?"

"It's not so bad. You'll get to see your friends grow up, have new adventures, and see them grow more like a family. If you need me, call me. I have to resume my duty before the big guy scolds me. Later," Death leaves Fairy Rage's presence.

Fairy Rage notices Spike gathering all the Fairy Tail Wizards for an announcement. He hears the Spike decreed the guild to go for a year's worth of training. In one year's time, to regroup at the crater to rebuild the guildhall.

Fairy Rage follows Spike wherever he goes afterward. To the meeting to discuss with the other Guild Masters, to training with his friends at the East Forest.

"Aw, dude. What is happening in your nightmares?" Fairy Rage instinctively asks Spike. Spike is in his tent after his freak accident while training with Gajeel and Wendy.

"I can't believe this is happening?" Spike talks to himself. "Rage? Are my dreams a sign to go to Equestria and end Midnight Sparkle?"

"Yes. You must return to Equestria. Assemble a team to take with you." Fairy Rage instinctively answers. However, Spike shrugs it off.

"I guess if you were here, Fairy Rage, You'd be telling me to chance it. Maybe not. I don't know..," Spike sighs in his tent. "I wish you provide me a definitive answer."

"You must defeat Midnight Sparkle to end your nightmares! Do it!"

"He can't hear you," Death appears next to Fairy Rage.

Fairy Rage groans. "I'm used to giving my brother my second opinion. Whenever he needed someone to give him advice on certain things or events, I was there for him. It's hard being a spectator."

"Get used to it. You'll be staying until the end of time," Death truthfully says harshly and painfully.

Fairy Rage watches Spike sleep with his friends in the Traveler's Prime tent. He's watching Spike's body twitching and disturbingly reacting to a gruesome nightmare. Wendy, Erza, and Lucy try their hardest to wake Spike up from the horrifying nightmare. Fairy Rage couldn't help but frown since he couldn't help his brother wake up from the nightmare.

"Damn, this sucks. However, I'm happy to see Spike stepping up to face his fears. Good luck in this battle, Spike."

After a while, Fairy Rage watches Spike bringing an army of wizards into Equestria. However, he cannot follow due to a breach in barrier. Death appears and tells Fairy Rage that the dimensional plain does not exceed the reaches of another realm. One Death per universe.

Fairy Rage waited for many hours for Spike to return. He was glad to see Spike rejuvenated. Fairy Rage watches Spike resume his training with his friends for the week. Fairy Rage watches how close Spike and Wendy get until Sherria eats potato chips, ruining a moment of love.

"Sherria." Fairy Rage watches Sherria entering her tent. "Did she hear me?"

"Of course not, stupid," Death appears next to Fairy Rage.

"How often are you going to pop out of nowhere?"

"I can hear you across the planet when doing my work. I'm used to silence."

"Get used to hearing my voice whenever I speak and somewhat interact despite no feedback!" Fairy Rage loses his temper.

"Well, I'm off," Death leaves Fairy Rage's presence. Another body has dropped elsewhere.


"I heard that."

Fairy Rage rolls his eyes. Fairy Rage heads to the apartment; He overhears the conversation between Spike and Lucy about their yearly plans. Lucy wants to pursue her dreams as a writer, and Fairy Rage sees Spike encouraging Lucy to follow her passion. Fairy Rage watches Carla's demeanor change.

"Does she miss me?" Fairy Rage walks up to Carla. Wendy and Spike go on their second date.

"I miss you, Fairy Rage. I wish.., I can..," Carla groans a bit. "I wish you were here, still with us. I know what you did was noble. However," Carla sheds a tear. "I wish... I can tell you how much you mean to me."

"Do you love me?"

"As crazy as this sounds, I wanted you more in my life. You're nothing like the Tomcat that continues effortlessly to win my heart. You're protective, passionate, and not annoying or a nuisance. Always mindful of everything and ready to protect those you cherish. Every time I see your eyes glow orange, I know things are alright. I can never tell you how I feel without making a scene. Spike loves Wendy, and me talking to you out of love would put Spike and Wendy in a bad situation. I already ruined their first date. I refuse to ruin their relationship by how the peers view us. I'm hoping for us to be together as a couple. I guess I'll have to wait until I see you."

Fairy Rage smiles wholeheartedly. He heard every detail Carla had to say. Even though Carla didn't hear his question, she gave him an answer. Fairy Rage hopes to reunite with Carla and someday tell her how he feels about her.

A day later. Fairy Rage watches Spike the Fairy and; their friends take on the Seven Deadly Sins and a Leviathan. Death appears to take the soul of Bluto using his scythe.

"Huh, that's it?"

"Yes. Then, I extract the soul in a waiting line. The big guy determines where to put the soul. The process takes a few seconds, and the soul will go to Heaven or Hell. It depends on the person or creature."

"Even a Leviathan?" Fairy Rage points to the Leviathan that lost its' life a few moments ago.

"Even a Leviathan. All life has a place in the afterlife," Death takes the soul of the Leviathan with his scythe. "Well, I'm on my way."

Fairy Rage follows Spike wherever he goes and would occasionally watch Carla. Then, Fairy Rage started following Death wherever he went. Since Fairy Rage knows he's going to remain with Death for eternity so might as well get on his good side than his bad. For many months Death has shared his wisdom and knowledge with Fairy Rage. Fairy Rage perceives Death's demeanor towards a member of Alvarez. A supposed God of Death, calling himself the Grim Reaper. Death is pissed off.

"You're pissed, aren't you?"

"I can tolerate when others proclaim to be a reaper or dress up like me. I hate when they acclaim to be me for taking souls to the underworld. When someone acclaims to be me, the quote-on-quote true Reaper of Death, I hate it."

"What about when Spike portrayed as the Ice Reaper Dragon? Didn't that offend you?"

"No. I find it cute. An Ice Reaper Dragon, very creative."

"Okay, I get it. A reaper doesn't offend you. It's the reaper that does."

"Erigor portrayed as a reaper. People like him get a pass."

"You're weird."

"I'm different. Nothing new."

"Hey, what if I can get you that Bloodman guy? Would you allow me to enter the afterlife and be with Carla?"

Death laughs. "Yea, and I'll allow you to summon me to claim Bloodman's soul."

"Deal." Fairy Rage shakes Death's skeleton hand. Then a door opens in the realm. "What the Hell?"

"It appears Neinhart has opened the gateway into this dimension plain."

"How is that possible, Death?"

"Neinhart's magic allows him to use the memory and takes the soul of the memory, giving it life. His magic is used preferably on souls from the afterlife. Since you never crossed the afterlife, this is your opportunity to return to the land of the living."

"In other words, I'm being resurrected!" Fairy Rage gets excited.

"Yes. The door will close and will never be open. You'll never come back since now I have to honor my word to you. As funny as our arrangement was, I must uphold any agreement made. I will find a way to bypass your soul into the afterlife. If you go out on your accord, I won't come for you. Farewell, my friend. May we never meet again in this place."

"Farewell, Death." Fairy Rage enters the door. He's on his way to Hargeon.

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