• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Spike, Makarov, Mest, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Happy, Carla, and Wendy arrive at the Fairy Tail Guildhall. They look up to see the newly established guildhall for the first time. It's similar to the first established guildhall but has fiesta colors which consist of green, white, and red.

"Wow," Everyone said in awe and astonishment.

Spike turns to Makarov. "You have a lot of explaining to do, Makarov."

Makarov sighs. "Indeed. Let's head inside."

Spike, Makarov, Mest, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Happy, Carla, and Wendy go inside the guildhall and receive a luke-warm welcome. Laxus turns to Makarov for the first time in a year.

"Hey, Old Man, you've gotten older," Laxus smiles.

"It's good to see you, boy. It's good to see all my children alive and well," Makarov sheds some tears.

"Thanks for keeping the guild in check until we came back, Laxus. You as well, Mirajane."

"No problem, bro. It was fun being Master for a little while," Laxus said.

"We're glad you made it home in one piece," Mirajane smiles in delight.

"Hooray! The Master is home!" Every other Fairy Tail Wizard shouts in unison. They are happy to see Makarov back in Fairy Tail.

"As flattering as it sounds, I'm not your Master. Spike is."

"Fairy Tail. I have two announcements. First, I like to anoint the Eighth Master of the Guild, Makarov Dreyar! Second, when Makarov stands down as Fairy Tail's Guild Master, I'll be the Ninth." Spike announces loudly.

Makarov's jaw drops, tears streaming down his face. He's genuinely happy for the first time in over a year. "Thank you," Makarov pulls Spike in a hug and cries. "Thank you for allowing me to be the Master of the Guild again! It's great to be with my Fairy Tail Family again!" Master Makarov burst into tears of happiness.

"You're welcome, Master" Spike smiles. Master Makarov lets go of Spike.

"Pretty clever of you to ensure you'll become the Ninth Master of the Guild, Spike," Erza said.

"It was fun. I will like to do it again someday," Spike admits.

"A toast for the return of Master Makarov!" Cana shouts. She raises her liquor bottle high.

Everyone in the guild drinking beer raises their jugs. Then everyone drinks. Spike sits at the table with his friends. He couldn't help but ponder what Brandish said about God Serena. He lets the thought go to celebrate a joyous moment by -

"Hey, Natsu," Spike taps on his shoulder.

"Yea, what is it?" Natsu turns only to get punched in the face by Spike.

"Ah, yeah! Now, it's a party!" Gray removes his shirt.

"Oh, c'mon!" Master Makarov complains a bit. He sees his children now fighting each other in the guildhall.

Spike, Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, Elfman, Bickslow, Cana, Mirajane, Nab, Wakaba, Macao, Laki, Kinana, Bisca, and Evergreen get amid the pointless brawl.

"Of course, he did," Wendy couldn't help but chuckle at Spike's antics.

Erza groans a little. "Why did he have to start one now?" She was hoping to avoid this scenario when Makarov finally came home.

"Well, he did sit out the last brawl when we were building the guildhall. It's only fair to partake in this one," Lucy slightly chuckles.

After a pointless brawl, Erza steps in to break it up. Everyone continues to celebrate with each other.

Natsu goes up to Spike. "I need you to get some of those motion relief pills! I don't want to endure another means of travel by vehicle!"

"The sailor that has what I need is on vacation. I'm not going to disturb him. Second, only he has the pills strong enough. I'll have to wait another week or so."

Natsu clutches his chest. He feels like a knife stabbed him in the chest. Wendy frowns a bit since she can't enjoy any mode of transportation anymore. She's joined the Dragon Slayer Motion Sickness Club.

"Spike, will you be flying us from now on?" Wendy asks Spike. Hoping he'll say yes with pleading eyes.

"Well, if it's a location I didn't tag with a flare marking, we'll have to use other sorts of transportation. If it's a spot where I did place a flare marking, instant teleportation."

"Aw, man," Wendy said in tears. She knows it can't be helped until Spike explores every region in Earth Land.

"Look, I'll make sure to get motion relief pills from Popeye when it's time. I'll get crates of it, okay?" Spike said, hoping it'll please Wendy.

"Okay, that's fair," Wendy said. She hugs Spike.

"So, how long does the motion relief pill lasts?" Natsu asks Spike out of curiosity.

"48 hours."

"48 HOURS!" Natsu flops then grabs Spike. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GET MORE!?!"

"It didn't come to me at the time. Plus, I didn't know Wendy would suffer from motion sickness at a younger age," Spike states. "I'll remember to buy more down the road."

"Natsu. Put Spike down," Erza commands.

"Yes, ma'am," Natsu complies and puts Spike down.

"Master," Spike walks up to Makarov. "Anything you can share with us about Zeref and the Alvarez Empire?"

Master Makarov takes a deep breath. He knew that question was coming. "Gather around my children. There's much to discuss."

Master Makarov explains to everyone about the Spriggan 12 within the Alvarez Empire. The wizards are more powerful than any foe in Ishgar. However, Makarov only met six of them. The Winter General, Invel. The Sand King, Ajeel Raml. Brandish the Nation Destroyer. Erza told Makarov that she and her friends encountered her on Caracole Island. Dimaria the Warrior Queen. God Serena, ex-Ten Member of the Wizard Saints. Spike mentions to Makarov that Brandish mentions an equalizer known as God Serena. August the Wizard King. The mere mention of August and his unfathomable magic power scares everyone; Including the fact, he mastered all forms of magic throughout Earth Land. Makarov does know the names of three more but doesn't know their magic type. Bloodman, Nineheart, and Wall. Makarov also explains that Zeref is the ruler of the Alvarez Empire and seeks to destroy in an ultimate showdown. War is imminent among everyone with Alvarez and Fiore. Also, Zeref wants the Lumen Histoire.

"We're ready to fight them, Makarov," Spike said.

"Yea!" Natsu is fired up. "Spike ensured that everyone trained hard during the year! We all improved on our magic power!"

"No joke. Some of us even trained with Spike to improve our skills," Gray said.

"He helped me become stronger when I was slacking," Nab confesses.

"While you were gone, some of us defeated an overpowered demon known as Midnight Sparkle. She had an endless wave of soldiers with a few demons on her side. Guess you can say we had our training battling an army," Happy said.

"Everyone here strived themselves when Spike decreed a year-long training, Old Man. We're different than a year ago," Laxus said.

"However, we cannot defeat a super-evil on our own," Master Makarov turns to Spike. "Contact every guild in Fiore. We're going to need their help in this battle."

"You got it," Spike flies out of the guildhall and back to the apartment.

"In the meantime, we're going to make them rue the day they chose to mess with our family! Let's take them down!" Master Makarov excites his children. Everyone in the guild cheers proudly.

Spike is at the apartment writing letters to Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, Sabertooth, Quatro Cerberus, and many more. Spike takes a deep breath as the name God Serena comes to mind.

An hour later. Lucy comes back to the apartment to check on Spike after hearing shocking revelations. She's perturbed from the bone-chilling details she learned.

"Everything okay, Lucy?" Spike sees Lucy distraught.

"We know what Fairy Heart is, Spike," Lucy confirms. "Also, you used Fairy Law during the Grand Magic Games."

"Yea and Fairy Rage got rid of the contradiction curse that would have killed my friends."

"WHAT!?" Lucy is appalled. "Wait.., huh.., please elaborate."

"Fairy Rage sensed something manipulating within our body, and he got rid of it. I want to say it's the curse."

"And..," Lucy trembles. "You got rid of it like that..," Lucy can't believe what she's hearing.

"Fairy Rage did. I asked a lot of questions, and Master Makarov obligingly answered. So, I'm guessing Makarov told you everything about the Lumen Histoire?"

"Master Mavis explains the origins of Fairy Heart. How vital it is to keep it silenced and hidden. I now understand why you didn't want to answer any questions about it. You were protecting us from a horrible truth."

Spike nods. "I kept my promise to never speak of it. I left out a crucial detail. It holds unfathomable power. It's all I can say without going into further detail."

"I've never known that Master Mavis' body was inside a healing lacrima."

"I was in shock when I heard it. I was mesmerized when I saw it while building the sector alone. The one where Erza made sure no one dared to snoop around."

"That would explain why you didn't want my help or Wendy's. Wendy was a little upset," Lucy said.

"At the time, it was best that no one sees what I'm doing. Now that the guild knows about Fairy Heart, it's best not to talk about it any further."

"Agreed," Lucy said. She goes to the kitchen. "Want tea, Spike?"

"Green tea will do, Lucy," Spike said. "I'll make dinner sandwiches and cookies."

Lucy gasps. "For real, you're going to make your specialty cookie?"

"Yes, and also give to the Landlady. She's expecting a batch this month."

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