• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Reuniting the Guild: Part 3

"This feels nice, Spike," Wendy said, enjoying the cool breeze while holding onto Spike's claw.

"It sure is, Wendy," Spike said while kissing Wendy's cheek.

Spike, Wendy, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, and Carla are walking in the open plains. Fresh greens as far as the eye can see. There's a mountain, hundreds of miles from their location. The sun is shining brightly on the horizon, not many clouds in the sky. Feels like a cool summer day. Happy offers to hold Carla's paw, but she refuses. Lucy laughs at another feeble attempt of Happy trying to get Carla.

"Are we there yet?" Natsu complains a bit.

Lucy reads the map. "Well, according to the map, we should be approaching the Rain Bringer Village in a few miles."

"Oh, come on, a few more miles, ugh," Natsu groans a bit.

"Dude, you took out Bluenote Stinger when I wanted to fight him. You don't see me complaining," Spike said.

"Can't we fly on your back or teleport us to our friends?" Natsu asks Spike. Hoping he says yes.

"And miss the beautiful scenery of the landscape while traveling with my Wendy, no thanks," Spike said, which made Natsu groan evermore.

"We'll get there soon. Be glad you're not taking a train," Carla said. Natsu silenced himself. He imagines the horrors of riding a train.

"You know, this brings back many memories, Spike," Wendy turns to Spike.

"How so?" Spike tries to remember.

"Remember when Lucy gave us the coordinates to search for an Infinity Clock Piece?"

"Oh, yea," Spike remembers that day.

Carla shutters from that memory. "Please, don't bring up those wretched hooligans into this conversation," Carla is referring to the Butt Jiggle Gang.

"I wasn't planning on bringing that gang into the conversation, Carla. I was trying to draw the memory of the time we were having our first picnic with Cana and Erza."

"Oh," Carla sighs in relief. "Thank heavens."

"Hold on, that group of bandits still scar you for life?" Happy asks Carla.

"No comment, Tomcat," Carla rudely replies.

"Sorry," Happy apologetically expresses; he should have known better than to poke haunting memories.

"I was thinking. After gathering all of our friends, we have a party before rebuilding the guildhall. Catch up with all of our friends," Wendy said.

"We're only missing Gramps for that party," Natsu said. He sighs heavily. "Man, where is Gramps?"

"I know where he is, but he wishes to be left alone, Natsu."

"You know what, after we rebuild the guildhall, I'll go find him and search for him!" Natsu proclaims.

"As your Master of the Guild, I forebay you of doing so unless I give the authority."

"SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!? YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Natsu angrily barks at Spike.

"I can. Makarov made me the Guild Master, and you'll have to do what I say or else."

"Or else what?" Natsu looks down on Spike, daring him to throw any challenge he can face.

"I'll teleport you to Captain Sparrow's ship. By now, he's nowhere near land and sailing on the seven seas. No one would come or find you except for me."

Natsu quivers in fear and sweats like crazy. The fear of motion sickness gets the better of him while turning pale. Natsu waves the white flag. "You win, Grand Dragon."

"Huh, that's a new one," Spike said. He believes that's his new name for being the Guild Master.

"Remind me not to get on Spike's bad side, Lucy," Happy said.

"Sure thing, if you can remember," Lucy said, knowing Happy can easily forget things.

Spike, Wendy, Natsu, Happy, Carla, and Lucy continue their travel to the Rain Bringer Village. After walking a few miles, they see the village raining while the surrounding areas are not. It's a bright and shiny day, so it makes no sense why the town is raining. Natsu and Happy laugh and stand in the middle of the area where it's sunny and raining. Twenty minutes later. Spike, Wendy, Natsu, Happy, Carla, and Lucy enters the village. Rain powers heavily on them each step ahead.

"Does anyone even live in this place?" Lucy asks. She doesn't hear anything but the rain.

"Seems deserted to me," Wendy said.

"Nah, I smelled Juvia the moment we showed up," Natsu said. "She's over there," Natsu points at Juvia sitting alone, looking gloomy. "Hey, Juvia!" Natsu approaches her.

Juvia hyperventilates and sees an optical illusion of Gray Fullbuster. She proceeds to hug him. Instead of seeing Gray, it's Natsu.

"Simmer down," Natsu stops Juvia from hugging him.

Juvia does a doubletake. Her mirage of seeing Gray vanishes. She now sees Natsu, Spike, Wendy, Lucy, Carla, and Happy standing in front.

"Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Spike..," Juvia sounds upset at the moment.

"Don't forget Happy and Carla," Happy shouts.

Juvia faints. Natsu catches her before she hits the ground. "What's the matter with you?"

"She fainted!" Lucy said in shock.

"Bring her inside," Spike commands.

Natsu carries Juvia inside and puts her in bed. With the rain picking up outside, it's best to stay around while Juvia recovers. Wendy uses her healing magic on Juvia to uplift her illness.

"Hey, is there running water?" Happy goes into the kitchen. "Yep, that answers my question. I'm going to take a bath."

While Happy takes a bath, Carla, Wendy, and Lucy take off their clothes since it's wet. Natsu remains in his attire and dries it off with his flames.

"Hmm, I wonder if this is Juvia's house," Lucy said while looking around a bit.

Natsu sniffs a bit. "I'm picking up a faint whiff of Gray too."

"Is he hiding from us?" Happy said after coming out of the bathroom.

"No," Juvia answers. "You've asked if I was living here alone. In truth, Gray and I shared it after our training with Spike," Lucy and Wendy freaked out a bit. Juvia has a smug look on her face. "Just us two."

"Please explain thoroughly, Juvia," Spike asks.

Juvia nods. "Okay. After Gray and I trained with Spike by a snowy mountain, Gray and I came across this deserted village. We decided to stay in one of the houses. We took our meals together, trained together, worked together, and at night, we slept together."

"Stop!" Lucy gets the idea and doesn't want Juvia to explain in any more detail. Wendy blushes a bit with the possibilities. "We get it! Okay!"

"In separate beds, which was his idea," Juvia explains. Lucy and Wendy sigh in relief. "I don't see why you are blushing, Wendy. Don't you sleep with Spike all the time?"

"Ah, ah," Wendy stutters a bit and blushes. "We didn't do the uh.., uh..."

"We snuggle and cuddle. We didn't go the next step if that's what you're thinking, Juvia," Spike said. Wendy sighs in relief after Spike explains to Juvia what they do in bed.

"What Gray and I had, it was pure bliss. Until one day," Juvia tells her friends about picking up Gray's clothes and noticing the demon aspect of Gray's magic. It covered a good portion of his right hand to his shoulder. Then, he left the village and never came back. Gray's been gone for six months.

"What kind of jerk picks up and leaves like that?" Natsu ponders a bit.

"I can think of one," Lucy refers to Natsu.

"At least I left a will," Natsu retorts.

"That was a note, Natsu," Happy corrects Natsu.

"You took off without warning. That's still not cool," Lucy said.

"In a way, I'm glad you did, Natsu. It gave me the idea of everyone going their separate ways to train hard and hone their skills. However, I do see some faults to my planning."

"See, Spike's grateful! You're a piece of work, Lucy," Natsu bitterly expresses.

"Behave, no need to fight," Spike orders Natsu to simmer down.

"So, you have no clue where he ran off too?" Happy asks Juvia.

"Yes. That's precisely what she's telling us," Carla said.

"I searched far and wide for days on end. But, I never found him," Juvia tears up a bit. "I decided to come back home. This house may seem empty, but it's not. It's filled with every memory made together. So, I waited here, foolishly thinking he'll return to the life we built."

"So, you decided to go looking for him instead of sending Spike a letter to have him help you search for Gray or teleport Gray to you?" Happy asks Juvia.

Juvia's jaw drops as she facepalms herself. An idea she never came up with for many weeks. She's calling herself stupid for not contacting Spike.

"Wow, Happy. That's an ingenious idea," Carla is impressed with Happy's brilliance at the moment.

Natsu walks up to Spike. "Spike, there's something I need to do."

"What is it? Does it include Gray?" Spike looks into Natsu's eyes. He sees how determined Natsu is.

Natsu whispers in Spike's ear about what he needs to do. He received a warning about a tragic event that led to Rogue going down a dark path. Spike takes a deep breath.

"Alright, you have my permission to see to it. However, I won't go with you," Spike looks back at Juvia. "I need to ensure Juvia's health."

"Thanks, Spike. I owe you one," Natsu said.

"Gather all of Juvia's belongings. We're going to the Sabertooth Guildhall."

"Huh?" Happy turns to Spike.

"What for, Spike?" Lucy asks Spike.

"Natsu will explain. However, staying here won't do any good for Juvia."

Everyone else nods and accepts Spike's decree. Lucy, Wendy, Carla, and Happy help pack many of Juvia's belongings. Natsu picks up Juvia. After ten minutes, Spike uses his fire breath to teleport everyone to the Sabertooth Guildhall.

Upon arriving inside the Sabertooth Guildhall, everyone around stops doing what they're doing. Yukino is happy to see her friends until she gasps in horror. Rufus and Orga take Juvia to the infirmary, Wendy and Carla follow them there.

"Hey, what happened with Juvia?" Sting asks. Apparently, he looks chubby from the last time anyone saw him.

"She got sick from being in solitary for six months," Spike answers Sting.

"Bummer. Hey, Natsu."

"What's up, Sting?"

"Wow, man. You haven't changed one bit," Sting said.

"Yea, you either," Natsu replies.

"Are you blind?!" Lucy is confused and angry that Natsu is oblivious to Sting being obese.

"So, how are things with you, Happy?" Lector asks.

"Pretty good, bringing the gang back together after a whole year of training. Hey, is Frosch around?"

"Nah, he's with Rogue and Milady. I don't know when he'll be back," Lector replies.

Natsu grabs Lector's face cheeks, squeezing them a bit. "Where they go!?"

"Hey, man, get your hands off Lector, okay?" Sting irately expresses.

"Natsu," Spike flaps his wings. "Be nice," Spike pulls on Natsu's ear.

"OW! Cut it out!" Natsu releases his hold on Lector.

"I don't know where they are going. By now, they could be reaching the city gates!" Lector said, hoping Natsu doesn't try to hurt him again.

"Awesome," Natsu sprints off. "Thanks, little guy!"

"Hang on, Natsu," Lucy said, watching Natsu go.

"Wait for us!" Happy flies after Natsu.

"How rude," Lucy sighs.

"What the heck is that all about?" Sting said, now looking skinny.

Lucy looks at Sting and freaks. "You're back to normal?!"

"It was a little out of balance, so I had Libra even the scales out for him," Yukino said, holding onto her Zodiac key.

"Lucy, go with Natsu and Happy. If you need me, here," Spike gives Lucy a calling card.

"Whoa, you have a calling card?" Lucy examines it thoroughly.

"Yea. Though I only have one and never tried it before."

"Thanks, Spike. See you later," Lucy takes off to catch up to Natsu and Happy.

"Any idea what's going on, Spike?" Sting asks Spike. Guild Master to another Guild Master.

"I do, but, in this case, it's better left off unsaid until later."

"Why?" Yukino asks. She's next to Sting.

"As I said, it's better left off unsaid until something happens," Spike added.

"Until what?" Sting is getting annoyed with vague answers. Sting picks up Spike. "Tell me, or I'll slay you!"

"Easy, buddy. No need to fret," Lector said, trying to calm Sting down.

"Sting, calm down," Yukino tries her best to calm Sting's anger. At times, his anger gets the better of him.

Spike looks at Sting. "Do you honestly think you can slay me?"

"YES, I CAN!" Sting taps into his White Drive Dragon Mode. He's generating a ton of magic power. "YOU MAY BE SMALL, BUT I CAN STILL LAY IN THE SMACKDOWN ON YOU!"

Spike flicks his finger at Sting's forehead. Sting crashes into the bar of the Sabertooth Guildhall; He's no longer in his White Drive Dragon Mode. Several members of Sabertooth back away after seeing their Guild Master defeated at ease.

"Wanna try again?" Spike asks Sting. He lands on the floor.

"No.., sorry, Sir," Sting said. His body twitches and aches from the impact.

Rouge, Minerva, and Frosch return to the guildhall. They see the carnage laid waste by Spike.

"Hey, what happened here?" Rogue asks his friends.

"Sting tried picking up a fight with Spike after receiving vague answers from him. Sting turned into his White Drive Dragon Mode and lost to Spike with a flick of his fingers," Lector explains.

"Whoa," Rogue takes a step back from Spike.

"Any idea what's going on with Natsu?" Minerva asks Spike.

"Yea, I can now explain since you three are here," Spike said.

Sting gets up and walks up to Spike. "Damn, you hit hard."

"I was training for a whole year. Do you think I would slack off?"

"No way," Sting shakes his head. "I've seen you pull impossible feats. I shouldn't have doubted the Legendary Fairy Dragon."

"So, you were saying," Minerva said, getting Spike on track for answering her question.

"Right. The reason Natsu came and took your job, Rogue, Frosch, and Minerva, is to save Frosch's life."

"Huh?" Lector, Frosch, Sting, Rogue, Minerva, and Yukino say in unison. There are horrified to hear that revelation from Spike.

"What happens to Frosch?!" Rogue picks up Spike. He taps into his Shadow Drive Dragon Mode.

"In a supposed future, Frosch dies by the hands of Gray Fullbuster. Probably by accident when he's doing a job or something. Natsu didn't give me the layouts but gave me enough. However, by taking your place, he'll confront Gray and stop you from entering a dark path like Seven-Years-You from the future."

Rogue breathes heavily and puts Spike down. He turns to Frosch and holds him dearly. "I'll be in my room for a week," Rogue goes to his room while trying not to shed any tears.

"So, that's why you've kept it hidden," Sting said, now understanding why Spike was answering vaguely to him.

"Yea. I was hoping by explaining it a bit later so Rogue wouldn't spring into action and go after Gray Fullbuster in vengeance. So, what have you been doing all year long?"

"Work, and doing my gig as Guild Master. I guess I should have taken account of having the guild train as hard as Fairy Tail for the following year's Grand Magic Games," Sting said. After getting flicked by Spike, he now has the motivation to get even stronger.

Spike smirks. "Knowing you, you'll get the job done. Might if I get a bite to eat?"

"Sure. We have leftovers from our Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Eating Competition," Minerva said. Sting and Yukino hurl a bit, thinking about their humiliating defeat.

"Who won that matchup?" Spike asks.

"Yours, truly. No one can out eat me," Minerva said.

"I could unless someone forbade me of increasing my size and expanding my stomach."

"It's forbidden," Minerva said. She knows if Spike did that, he would win in a landslide. "You go in at your normal size."

"Fair enough. Otherwise, I will have an unfair advantage," Spike chuckles a bit.

Spike heads over to the mess hall. Wendy and Carla come out. Wendy feels sad and sits next to Spike. She tells him that her healing magic isn't working, so Sabertooth has given Juvia medicine to fight off her illness. Carla wants to know what was the explosion she heard a while ago. Spike explains to Wendy and Carla what he told Sting, Rogue, Minerva, Frosch, Lector, and Yukino. As for the explosion, Spike explains about flickering his finger on Sting's forehead when he picked him up in anger and tapped into his White Drive Dragon Mode.

After having a bite to eat, Spike, Wendy, and Carla go back and check on Juvia. She's muttering Gray's name. She longs to see Gray and needs him with her. Two hours later, Spike picks up his calling card.

"What's happening?" Wendy turns to Spike.

"Lucy is contacting me. I better get going," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport to Lucy. Spike sees Gray, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy guarding Malba City. It's a small town with concrete brick walls around the city. "What's all this? What's happening?"

"We found Gray. He was a spy and infiltrated a dark cult known as Avatar. Today is the cult's purification ritual to bring Zeref," Happy informs Spike.

"Also, Erza is in on this as well. Crime Sorcière asked her a favor to invest the situation with the cult. I had perfect timing and decided to help Erza right then and there."

"Alright, I'll help stop Avatar from taking lives away," Spike powers up.

Cult members of Avatar rush to the city gates and get blown away by Natsu's flames. Wizards of Avatar are in shock to see their allies fall in defeat so quickly.

"There ain't no way you meatheads are going to get past us!" Natsu proclaims. "Step on up, and I'll roast you!"

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into Laxus'. He roars his warcry, causing many cult members to cease their charge at the city gates.

"So, did you get stronger this year too, or what?" Natsu asks Gray.

"Just watch me, old buddy. It'll be pretty obvious," Gray responds.

"Check this out, guys. Open Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!" Lucy opens Taurus' Gate.

"I'm so ready to moove," Taurus said. He's flexing his muscles. "Did somebody order beefcake?"

"Plus, Star Dress!" Lucy's attire changes. Her outfit consists of a bra and sleeves with a cow pattern and pants that leave her right leg entirely revealed. She has a pair of gloves and boots. There's a belt where the Taurus Zodiac sign is on and a bag around her waist. Lucy's hair is in two buns on each side of her head. Also, leaving some hair hanging. Lucy enhances the power of Taurus into her body. She pulls out her whip.

"Woo, let's round them up!" Taurus said. He's eager to fight with Lucy after seeing her in the new attire.

"Fullbuster! I knew it!" Jerome, a wizard of Avatar, is livid. He had suspicions for months about Gray's loyalty.

"These infidels will not hinder our plan for purification!" Briar, another wizard of Avatar, proclaims. "Let us dispose of them!"

Wizards of Avatar are at a mountain top not far from Malba City. Their leader, Alok commands his fellow cult members to charge at the city gates. Kill off the inhabitants for their purification ritual.

"Yea, been a while since we had this kind of party!" Natsu said. He powers up.

"We're going have to do it upright," Gray said. He powers up.

"This really brings back some memories, huh?" Lucy said. She's preparing herself for battle.

"Aye," Happy nods; he holds a club in his paw.

"Should be fun working together for the first time in nearly a year!" Spike gets excited.

More cult members advance to take them down. Natsu and Gray waste no time frying and freezing them left and right. Lucy shows her agility with her Star Dress Taurus Form; Lucy uses the whip and sends many cult members hurling in pain and agony. Spike conjures many ice missiles and launches them at the cult members; They get blown away from the impact. Taurus takes down several cult members with his ax. One member tries to ambush Lucy from behind, but Spike grabs him. He roars, sending fear down the cult member's spine, and chucks him far away.

"Thanks for the save, Spike," Lucy said.

"Be mindful of your surroundings. That's something I've been training all year long," Spike said. It's one of his biggest hurdles since losing Fairy Rage. Fairy Rage is always mindful of Spike's surroundings before he passed away.

"I will remember that," Lucy said; she gets back into fighting more cult members.

Cult members of Avatar are getting ambushed from the rear. Erza is riding on a horse, attacking each cult member. Jerome decides to battle Erza while Briar and Mary will fight the others. Avatar still plans on their purification ritual and won't let anyone stand in their way.

Briar goes after Gray after feeling betrayed. It appears she has feelings for him. She unleashes shockwave magic at Gray while he dodges it.

More cult members advance. Spike, Lucy, and Taurus continue to fight them. Wave after wave until Taurus suffers severe bowel movement, causing him to clutch his stomach. Lucy and Happy start feeling the exact same pain in their stomachs and holds themselves. Spike starts feeling in his stomach and notices a girl walking up to them. Mary, a wizard that utilizes virus magic, laughs at their misery.

"You remember my virus spell, don't you? It's black magic that can destroy your frail little body. This particular one I'm using goes straight to the gut. Yep. You better go find a potty, or else it'll be an awful mess."

"You're magic is freaking nasty!" Lucy shouts in pain, trying not to crap herself.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size. Mary's magic no longer causes him stomach pains. Mary and many cult members step back in horror while watching Spike grow into a full dragon.

"He's a monster!" A cult member points at Spike.

Spike roars at Mary and the cult members of Avatar. Many cult members soil their undergarments. Mary stands there, trying not to show fear. However, the roar got to her.

"I may need to change my panties now..," Mary said. She can't believe how quickly the roles reversed on her.

"Normally, I would eat humans, but when they soil themselves, it's straight-up nasty," Spike snorts. Many cult members cry and plea that Spike doesn't eat them. He's lying about eating people but uses it as a scare tactic.

"Hey! Cut it out, or else I'll kill your friends right there and-" Mary's bluff is cut short by watching Taurus, Happy, and Lucy feeling better all of a sudden.

"Hold on, my stomach just stopped hurting all of a sudden," Lucy said, feeling better than ever.

"I feel way better!" Happy leaps for joy.

"The pain utterly disappeared," Taurus said in relief.

"How is that possible!?" Mary points at Spike. "What did you do, you freaking dinosaur?!"

"I got here just in time. Status ailments are nullified, and immunity enchantment is activated. Whatever spells you have for making people sick are not going to work against my Sky Magic! I'm going to make you pay for insulting my boyfriend!" Wendy is eager to bring down Mary for disrespecting Spike.

"Wendy, it's you!" Lucy is happy to see Wendy.

"And Carla!" Happy points at her. "Hey, how did you know we'll be here?"

"I followed Spike's scent. There's no way he's leaving me behind for long periods of time," Wendy said. "Also, there's a convenience."

"Why you, little!" Mary goes after Wendy.

Lucy goes after Mary. Lucy gut-punches Mary, so hard she soils herself a second time and falls to the ground queasy.

Spike reverts to size. "Sorry for leaving you like that."

"Apologies accepted," Wendy turns to Spike. "I know you had the right intentions and trusted Carla and me to watch over Juvia."

"Speaking of, where is she?" Happy looks around the area.

Gray and Briar continue their fight when Briar unleashes her cloning magic. She creates four clones consisting of emotions. Happy, sad, lust, and anger. Juvia overhears Briar talking about having feelings for Gray. Gray feels disturbed overhearing Juvia talking behind him. Juvia attacks the lust clone with her Water Cyclone attack. Gray had enough of holding back his magic power and freezes the other three clones as well as the cult members of Avatar.

Juvia comes and hugs Gray. She claims that her intuition said Gray was in serious trouble, so she had to come all this way. Gray then apologizes to Juvia and promises to explain everything to her. For now, they still need to fight the Avatar Cult. Gray and Juvia take off their jackets and are now ready to fight once more.

"Incoming wave!" Taurus warns Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Lucy.

"Spike, you're ready?" Wendy taps into her Dragon Force.

"Yea!" Spike's body ignites in Sparkling Green winds.

Spike and Wendy hold hands and combine their wind magic. "Fairy Sky Dragon, Whirlwind Barrage!" Spike and Wendy press their hands forward for a unison raid attack. Sparkling Green Energy and Sky Dragon Winds circulate, creating a tornado that blasts away the cult members, spinning them into dizziness. Spike and Wendy soar in the skies.

"Fairy Dragon Roooooooooar!" Spike unleashes his Sparkling Green fire breath.

"Sky Dragon Rooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her wind breath attack.

The two breath attack forges into one, creating a flare tempest to scorch and blow the cult members away.

"Lightning Inferno Flame!" Spike's claw ignites in lighting green fires.

"Sky Dragon!" Winds engulf Wendy's hand.

Spike and Wendy hold hands once more. They swoop down as their magic power increases. "Cyclone Drill!" Lightning Flames and Winds combine to create a weather drill. They fly in unison, dragging the weather drill to hit any cult member on sight.

"Whoa!" Lucy is astonished to see how Spike and Wendy are flourishing together.

"We have our fair chances to train with Spike during the year," Carla fights in hand-to-hand combat, knocking down cult members all around. "We've improved our magic power and strength wisely and incredibly."

Natsu made his way to fight the leader of Avatar while his friends battle the cult members. Natsu's overwhelming magic power defeats Alok. The cult members around Alok are stunned to see Natsu easily defeat their leader. However, Alok laughs. He reveals that Natsu and his friends will die by the arrival of their demon. Alok starts praying and summons Ikusa-Tsunagi. A stream of purple light rises in the skies.

The skies turn purplish-black and cover the entire battlefield. Clouds circulate in the skies, creating a portal. Many cult members start praising as their prayers are answered. Everyone stops fighting and witnesses something massive coming down. A gigantic demon's foot stomps on many cult members, crushing them to death.

Ikusa-Tsunagi. A colossal, heavily muscular demon with black, armor-like skin. His face resembles that of a lion's. It adorns bone-like horns that surround the jawline and travel up the side of the head. The demon has a goatee, a wild mane of hair juts upwards. Ikusa-Tsunagi has pupil-less eyes and black sclera, and demonic, clawed hands and bestial-looking feet. It wields a sword much larger than his height.

"Holy crap!" Gray shouts in fear.

"How are we going to stop that thing?!" Lucy shouts. She doesn't have answers.

"My time to shine," Spike powers up. "Spike wants!" Spike increases into a full-size dragon. Spike matches the height of the demon.

"It's one of the eighteen Gods of Yakuma," Erza said in shock. She just defeated Jerome in battle. "Oh, no," Erza sees Spike matching its height. She doesn't want to lose Spike in a battle against the God of War Demon.

"Who is that?" Alok said, looking at Spike.

"Spike the Fairy. Fairy Dragon. If he wants, he can be the Fairy Demon Dragon," Natsu chuckles.

"FAIRY DEMON DRAGON!!!!!?" Alok imagines the horror of defeat by Fairy Demon Dragon. He prays that Ikusa-Tsunagi can subdue the dragon.

Ikusa-Tsunagi attacks Spike with his sword; Spike uses his fire breath to teleport the sword away. The demon gasps a bit. The sword winds up in Spike's claw.

"Have a taste of your own medicine!" Spike swings the sword at the demon. The force of the sword plus Spike's strength causes the demon to shatter after one blow.

"HOW!? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!!?" Alok is perplexed as to how Spike destroyed a demon in one attack.

"Don't you know you should never mess with Fairy Tail?" Natsu picks up Alok. "Chumps like you never learn that friends fighting as one can achieve any goal. That's what makes a guild like family. Our friendship makes us stronger, and I'll beat any guild that doesn't understand!" Natsu punches Alok in the gut as an instant reminder of how guilds should operate.

The purplish-black clouds vanish, and cult members of Avatar panic. Jerome, Briar, and Mary couldn't believe that a dragon and a few wizards defeated their army and a God. Gajeel and Panther Lily swoop in, defeating Abel and D-6 with ease. Rune Knights go after the rest of the cult members of Avatar.

"It's Gajeel," Wendy sees Gajeel and Panther Lily working with the Magic Council.

"And Lily, too," Carla said.

Spike reverts to size. The sword he took from the demon disintegrates. Happy didn't know Gajeel took a job with the Magic Council and calls it an opposite world. Lucy sees Levy and draws her attention. The two catch up after not seeing each other for a year.

"Hey, good to see you guys," Natsu walks up to his friends.

"Natsu," Levy is happy to see Natsu for the first time in a year.

"Long time no see, Natsu," Panther Lily said.

"Hey, there," Gajeel smirks at Natsu.

"You look just like Gajeel," Natsu said, which infuriated Gajeel.

"Are you trying to get under my skin already!" Gajeel is ready to throw down and give Natsu a beating of a lifetime.

"Nah, man. I thought you were too much of a rebel to work with the Magic Council," Natsu said.

"Well, Salamander. Fun fact. Lily and I were offered the position after defeating the Seven Deadly Sins and slaying a Leviathan with Fairy Dragon and some of our friends."

"WHAT!?" Natsu is in shock. "Spike!" Natsu calls out Spike.

"Yea?" Spike flies up to Natsu.

"Did you slay a Leviathan?" Natsu asks. His face is red from missing out on some action months ago.

"Yea. It's a dragon-hybrid too," Spike calmly replies.

"NO FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIR!" Natsu roars in anger.

"So, are we getting the guild back together?" Panther Lily asks Spike.

"Yes. It's time to rebuild our home."

"Finally," Gajeel takes off his Rune Knight jacket. "I'm sick and tired of wearing that."

"I agree. However, the pay was nice," Panther Lily said. He takes off his Rune Knight jacket.

"So, there you are, Gajeel," Erza approaches him and her friends. "If it weren't for that jacket, I couldn't tell if you were someone else."

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" Gajeel is frustrated by Erza's statement.

"Hey, Spike. Is today the day?" Erza looks down at Spike.

"Well, it's a little early, but why not."

"It was my idea!" Natsu shouts. "I convinced Spike to search for all of our friends and to rebuild our home!"

"Anyway, I'm glad we're together again," Erza said. She's happy to see her friends once more.

"We kicked some butt, Fairy Tail style!" Natsu shouts in a voice of triumph.

"It feels so good to work as a team with all of you again," Juvia smiles. She misses the adrenaline rush when working together.

Gray approaches Wendy. "You've looked like you grown a little taller. Am I right?" Gray pats Wendy's head.

"Sorry, I'm exactly the same as before," Wendy admits.

"It feels like we're in the ole guildhall," Happy proudly claims.

"I have to admit. I feel the same," Carla concurs.

Lucy smiles. "I've been missing times like these."

"Alright, victory is ours! Let's shout in a voice of triumph and celebrate our reunion!"

"YEAH!" Spike, Wendy, Gray, Juvia, Natsu, Erza, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Levy, Lucy, Carla, and Happy shout.

"So, now what, Master?" Levy asks Spike.

"We go home," Spike increases his size into a full dragon. "In style, of course."

"Finally!" Natsu jumps on Spike's back.

Everyone hops on Spike's back. He takes flight. Levy did ask Spike to drop her off to confirm with the Magic Council about her, Panther Lily, and Gajeel stepping down. Erza needs to be dropped off at a remote location to inform Jellal about succeeded her task. Spike complies. Once he and his friends are in Magnolia, he'll send letters for everyone to come back to Magnolia earlier than expected.

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