• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Cargo Train

"Where are we heading, Sis?" Spike walks with Erza into the woods.

"We're meeting up with Gajeel and Panther Lily. They informed me earlier today that bandits are thinking about hijacking another train."

Erza and Spike have been walking for three hours now. It's 8:30 at night. Erza and Spike arrive at a mountaintop where Gajeel and Panther Lily are; Observing the train station not far from their position.

"Look who has arrived, Gajeel," Panther Lily informs Gajeel of Erza and Spike's presence.

Gajeel chuckles and turns to see his friends. "Good to see you, Fairy Dragon."

"Likewise," Spike fist bumps Gajeel and Panther Lily.

"So, what's the story?" Erza asks the two.

"So far, a cargo train gets hijacked by a mysterious guild. We don't know the name of the guild. However, what we do know is they've been active in stealing gold, treasuries, supplies, and kidnapping people. More likely for ransom with the higher-ups."

"Every time we go after the train, another one appears and slams Gajeel and me before getting on board."

"Whenever Lily and I catch up to the hijacked train, there is no trace of the guild. Not even their scent."

"Which posses a problem since Gajeel can't locate their whereabouts. This guild mastered the art of silence and stealth."

"Yikes," Spike imagines the prowess of the guild's capabilities.

"With you here, Fairy Dragon, things may go smoother for us," Gajeel said.

"The pay is 10,000,000 Jewels. We'll be happy to give you a cut for helping us," Panther Lily said.

"Do you think I'm going to turn down to help my brothers?"

"We never doubt. However, you are the Guild Master, and there are times Guild Masters have different intakes with the scenario," Gajeel said.

Spike mimics his claw to shoot a singular flare marking at the train. It's loading new supplies for the cargo train.

"When does the train leave the station?" Erza asks Gajeel.

"The train sits there for forty minutes before moving," Gajeel replies.

"So far, it's been there for fifteen minutes. Royal Soldiers and Rune Knights are providing security. However, the many attempts to stop this guild. It has backfired on them numerous times," Panther Lily explains.

"How many are numerous?" Spike asks.

"We lost count after ten times. We're trying to figure a way without alarming the invading guild."

Spike turns to Erza. "Erza, think you can impose as a worker for the cargo train?"

"Requip!" Erza changes her attire to look like a train conductor. "Will this do?" Erza adjusts her blue train conductor hat.

"Yea, that'll do. Since I placed a flare marking on the cargo train, I can teleport you there."

"Perfect. Hopefully, I'll survey all the train cars and prepare to battle our mysterious guild."

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Erza to the cargo train. She lands at the tail and enters from the back door. Gajeel, Panther Lily, and Spike continue to observe the cargo train from the mountaintops.

Twenty minutes later. A horn of the train sounds off. Gajeel, Panther Lily, and Spike saw no activity from their position.

"We should hover and keep a distance from the train," Spike flaps his wings.

"Alright. Just be warned, whenever coming too close, a train appears to slam us."

"I'm aware of what you guys told me and have a theory based on it. Let's go," Spike flies and keeps a forty feet distance from the cargo train. Panther Lily grabs Gajeel and follows Spike's lead.

Erza walks around like a train conductor. She sees one of the cargo cars holding tons of gold bricks. The train starts moving and departs from the station. Royal Soldiers are at bay, keeping guard of most cargo cars.

"Judging from the Royal Guards, they are not mentally prepared for any outcome that awaits. Some are nervous about the unknown." Erza looks at the map where the train is supposed to go. "Hargeon?"

Two hours while following the train, Gajeel and Spike start sniffing to find scents not recognizable. They see the cargo train is about to enter a tunnel through the mountain. Spike and Panther Lily, while holding onto Gajeel, fly into the tunnel.

Erza notices how dark the cargo train is after entering the tunnel in the mountain. Erza closes her eyes and steadies her hearing. She hears many spears and weaponry drop simultaneously; Erza turns around and requips her sword. She slashes what she believes the intruder, but nothing is there.

"Keep it together, Erza. Once the train leaves the tunnels and light shines, I'll investigate the Royal Soldiers."

Yellowish-green pupils hover above Erza's line of sight, moving in the darkness of the cargo train while it's traveling in the tunnels. Once the cargo train leaves the tunnel, all the Royal Soldiers have disappeared. Erza walks around and feels a slow-crept terror of being watched. She looks around and sees no one in sight. There's no sound except for the wheels of the cargo train riding on the rails.

"Alright, now I admit, this is disturbing." It's not often for Erza to feel paranoia. A simple recon on the cargo train has become unnerving.

Spike and Panther Lily continue to follow the train. Gajeel is picking up an odd scent.

"Fairy Dragon, do you smell something peculiar?"

Spike sniffs. "Yea. It smells different. We better get on the train."

"Lily, bring me closer," Gajeel is eager to get on the train now.

"Right!" Panther Lily flies closer to the cargo train. It leaves the tunnels as an oncoming train is approaching. LOOK OUT!"

Panther Lily dodges the oncoming train in the nick of time. Spike closes his eyes and flies through the train. Gajeel and Panther Lily look dumbfounded from seeing Spike fly through the train like a ghost. Spike opens his eyes and feels the metal rear of the oncoming train on his tail. It proves Spike's theory.

"What the hell?" Gajeel and Panther Lily are confused.

"You said that a train appears when you're about to enter it. I closed my eyes and flew through like it was an illusion. However, the train is real when your eyes are open."

"Illusionist magic," Gajeel puts the pieces together.

"There's someone I know who conducts and perfected the artistry of illusions. I want to say that particular person is behind the hijacking of trains," Spike said.

"Let's go!" Gajeel is more than eager to give the beating to the chump for using illusionist magic.

Spike and Panther Lily fly closer to the train. They hear another oncoming train by the sound of the horn. Spike, Gajeel, and Panther Lily close their eyes and phase through the train. Obviously, it's another illusion in the making.

Erza checks a different cargo car and sees no Royal Soldiers; It's like they all vanished into thin air. A figure is in the shadows with yellowish-green eyes. It observes Erza's movements thoroughly and slowly crawls on the ceiling.

"Where is everybody?" Erza said out loud. She couldn't handle the absolute silence on the train any longer.

"Right where they need to be," A figure emerges. It used a camouflage spell to blend within the walls of the train and grab Erza. More of his colleagues emerges and pounces on Erza.

A man wearing a black cloak walks up to Erza. Erza is on the floor with many people on top of her. She looks up, glaring at the man.

"Who are you?!" Erza demands to know.

"My name is Lamar. Leader of a new guild called the Sneaky Chameleons," Lamar shows the Chameleon Emblem on his forehead. "I have to say, catching the Great Titania herself is a nice addition to add on the ransom."

"Wait a minute. Is it the same Lamar that went to jail because he wanted to do a horror theme in the theatre?" Erza looks at Lamar, hoping it's the same fellow.

"Indeed I am. I'm free as a bird along with these fine men that were with me in prison."

"Where are the Royal Soldiers?! What have you done with them?!" The men viciously pull Erza up to meet Lamar's eyesight. They put anti-magic restraints on Erza.

"There are no Royal Soldiers. What you saw was an illusion. It's how I lure unexpected and uninvited guests to board the train willingly," Lamar grabs Erza's cheek. "I have to say. I snagged the most beautiful captive I laid eyes on in a long time," Erza smirks. "What's so funny?"

"I'm imagining your reaction when my friends get on board the train."

"Those friends of yours will be foolish! My guild is known for stealth and illusions. They won't know what'll hit them. Chameleons, scatter!" Lamar commands.

The men camouflage themselves onto the walls of the train and scatter. They search throughout the cargo cars of the train. Lamar tries to show he isn't scared of Erza's friends. Erza smiles at Lamar, causing him to lose faith and confidence.

Spike opens the cargo train's rear door, allowing Gajeel and Panther Lily to enter. Gajeel tells Panther Lily to hold onto him since the train is a death trap. Panther Lily questions it until he remembers that Gajeel gets motion sickness. He complies and hovers around in search of Erza.

Gajeel sniffs. "We've got company."

The men lunge at Spike, Gajeel, and Panther Lily from the walls and ceiling on the cargo car they're on.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel's arm turns into an iron club. He sways it to crush the men to the wall of the train.

"Phew, phew," Spike mimics his claws like guns, shooting Sparkling Green Bullets at the men. They screech in pain and rolls on the floor. Spike picks up one of the men and shoves him into the wall, face first. "Where is Erza?"

Lamar and Erza hear the commotion. Lamar becomes terrified while Erza remains calm. The sounds of Lamar's men getting beat up gets louder and closer.

One of the men goes flying into the cargo car where Lamar and Erza remain stationed. The man has many bumps, bruises, and bleedings around his body. Lamar gasps while Spike, Gajeel, and Panther Lily arrive.

"Oh, shit..," Lamar gets flashbacks from seeing Spike the Fairy. A single flaming bullet took him out.

"So, this is the punk that uses illusions," Gajeel sounds impressed but not anymore. He imagined the enemy being more brolic and opposing. Not a weakling.

Spike walks up to Erza and uses his fire breath to teleport the anti-magic restraints away; Lamar doesn't have many options but to surrender.

Erza grabs Lamar by the collar of his cloak. "Do you believe your men could confine me? For the guild master of a new guild, you suck!" Erza pins Lamar on the wall. "Now, tell us. Where did you store all the stolen cargo and kidnapped people?"

Erza's glare made Lamar crap himself. He's afraid of what Erza may do to him if he doesn't tell. Lamar told Erza that the guild's treasuries are in a vault near Onibus Town. He had planned on buying the theatre from Rabian to conduct his horror-themed performance. As for the captives. They are in an underground bunker of the Sneaky Chameleons' Guildhall. The Sneaky Chameleons' Guildhall is near Onibus Town. An abandoned church with Chameleon imagery above the door.

Spike goes to the engine of the cargo train and asks the conductor to stop the train. Spike explains the situation with the conductor. He calls HQ to bring the Royal Soldiers to arrest Lamar and the Sneaky Chameleon guild.

An hour later, a train with Royal Soldiers arrives to take Lamar and his guildmates to prison. Gajeel and Panther receive their pay. They informed the soldiers about the treasuries and the captives held by the Sneaky Chameleon.

Lamar and members of the Sneaky Chameleons are bruised heavily by Erza for scaring her on the train. She doesn't like to feel unnerved in a horror setting.

Spike, Erza, Gajeel, and Panther Lily enter a small village and check in a hotel. Gajeel and Panther Lily lay in bed after a long night. They fell asleep. Spike sits on a different bed, writing to Wendy about his day and night. He'll come for her in a while. Spike yawns and gets in bed. Too tired to do anything else for the time being. Erza lays in bed next to Spike and turns the light off; She'll embark on another mission or train with Spike in the morning.

Dead silent at night. A figure with yellowish-green eyes watches them sleep from the darkest corner of the ceiling.

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