• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Day 3 in Edolas: War

"Sp-Spike.., Knightwalker..?" Erza Scarlet said in shock. She didn't think that there'll be a Spike in Edolas.

"So, they were right, Erza of Earth Land," Spike Knightwalker wields his pistol. His voice is like Spike's but sounds sadistic.

Erza is seeing Spike Knightwalker but, she imagines seeing the Spike she knows and loves. The Spike she knows is from Equestria, so where does this Spike come from?

"Mother, she seems to be in a trance," Spike Knightwalker said.

"Mother?" Erza Scarlet said in shock once more.

"Let's finish her and proceed as plan, son," Erza Knightwalker said.

"Erza! Erza!" Spike shouts as he enters the battlefield. He sees someone next to Captain Knightwalker.

Spike Knightwalker is stunned to see a baby dragon that sounds exactly like him. He fires a magic bullet at him. Spike counters with a flame bullet of his own by mimicking a gun movement with his claw. The two magic bullets collide and disintegrates.

"Spike, that's," Spike Knightwalker interrupts Scarlet's speech.

"Spike Knightwalker. Who the hell are you?"

"Spike the Fairy!" Spike proudly claims, pointing his thumb on his chest where his Fairy Tail emblem is.

Spike Knightwalker has this sinister look on his face. He draws his second pistol. "I'm going to enjoy this, mother. I'll trust you to take on the Earth Lander as you can trust me to kill the baby dragon."

"Good. Later tonight, we'll be having roasted dragon."

Erza Scarlet grits her teeth. She requips into her Flight Armor and lunges at Erza Knightwalker.

"Go, Sis!" Spike cheers.

"Sis? How profound!" Spike Knightwalker is wearing a backpack that transforms into a jetpack and flies at Spike the Fairy.

Spike the Fairy uses his fire breath on Spike Knightwalker, teleporting him behind.

"What?" Spike Knightwalker can't believe his counterpart used a teleportation spell.

"Fairy Dragon Rooooooooooar!" Spike the Fairy breathes Sparkling Green Flames at Spike Knightwalker, hurling him into several concrete walls.

"Son of a bitch," Spike Knightwalker removes his jetpack and sends it hurling at Spike the Fairy.

"That's what you are!" Spike the Fairy responds and uses his fire breath, teleporting the jetpack at Spike Knightwalker's back. The jetpack explodes on contact. "Gotcha." Spike Knightwalker is channeling the explosion into his dual-wield pistols. "What!? How!?"

Spike Knightwalker smirks. "As long as I am able to wield a weapon, I have a unique ability to channel all forms of energy into my weapons," Spike Knightwalker is powering up his guns. "Locked on loaded, punk."

Spike the Fairy's claws glow Sparkling Green. He claps his claws, creating the metallic flame sword. Both Spikes charge at each other, roaring loudly.

Meanwhile, Erza Scarlet and Erza Knightwalker continue their fight in a different room of the tower.

"Tell me, how do you know him?" Scarlet demands as she's confused about Knightwalker's son.

"I found him naked on the streets outside the Royal City's borders eight years ago. He was nine at the time. I helped him, trained him, cared for him. He's a Knightwalker. A trained assassin. How did you found that ridiculous baby dragon!" Knightwalker uses her spear to attack Erza.

Erza Scarlet uses her sword to block the attack. "He came to Fairy Tail months ago after running away from a different planet. He was used and abused on so many levels it makes me sick. I won't allow you nor your son kill him!"

"We're not going to kill him. We're going to eat him too!"

"Over my dead body!" Scarlet shouts.

"That can be rearranged!" Knightwalker shouts as the two clashes again.

Spike the Fairy and Spike Knightwalker are fighting in the main hallway. Each of them has some bruises on their bodies from the magic attacks.

"I gotta admit, for a half-pint of a dragon, you're not bad," Spike Knightwalker chuckles.

"I've dealt with worse. One thing that's been bothering me. How did you end up with Erza Knightwalker?"

"Want to know, huh, might as well tell you, then I'll stab you. Eight years ago, I ran away from a horrid caregiver named Twilight Sparkle. She and her friends inflicted pain and suffering throughout my childhood. Always making me do their chores, support them, chain me up in the basement for not completing my tasks fast enough, starved me, beat me up, and whipped me. I was basically their slave, an object of their amusement. One night, when they chained me, they forgot to lock the chains. I escaped from the basement and ran for my life. I was naked when I ran; it was humiliating. I found a bench while it was raining and cried under the bench. That's when my mother found me. Erza Knightwalker. She was touched by my story and decided to adopt me right then and there."

"Twilight Sparkle. Let me guess; her friends are Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash?"

"Was," Spike Knightwalker corrects Spike the Fairy. "After my mom took me in, trained me as a Knightwalker. I decided to pay the bitches a visit a few years later. They were pissed and demanded me to work until I shot and killed Rarity with the same pistol I'm holding," There's a dried bloodstain on the pistol's muzzle. "The girls were begging for forgiveness after realizing how strong and powerful I was compared to them as they didn't know what they were doing. I took liberty of slaughtering each one of my tormentors. I saved Twilight Sparkle for last. I chained her up the same way she did to me; I used barbed wire as my whip. I relished each cry of mercy she gave for an hour. She apologized for her gruesome behavior but, I didn't listen. I slit her throat with a knife, so I can watch her die," Spike Knightwalker laughs maniacally and insanely. "As for the Guild Masters, they were beaten and hung the next day."

Spike the Fairy's jaw drops in horror. He didn't think that Edolas Twilight and her friends were that cruel compared to what he endured.

"Were Twilight and her friends.., ponies?"

"Ponies?" Spike Knightwalker laughs sinisterly. "That's a good one. Twilight, Rarity, and the rest of those scumbags were wizards of a Dark Guild known as the Celestials. Their Guild Masters were known as Celestia and Luna. They needed ample magic power to transfer into six elemental stones. They kidnapped orphans to raise as batteries for their magic. When the orphans have no more to give, it's either death or enslavement until they get bored. I'm the only one that got to live and tell the story of what the Dark Guild was capable of doing. How ironic, their purposes of channeling magic energy into elemental stones is what I'm doing. The difference is, I use the energy around me, and they use orphans to build up these elements of fiendship by making the orphans feel misery every day. Anyway, going back to the story, I convinced the King of Edolas to have all Dark Guilds disbanded and drained of their magic power as it'll be more useful for the cause. Any guilds that ignore the declaration were to be arrested or put to death. I have the privilege of slaughtering numerous Dark Guilds without mercy. One remains, the Fairy Tail Guild. However, I managed to kill a couple, slow and painfully," Spike Knightwalker smiles as he enjoys reliving the moment of killing some Fairy Tail Wizards.

"That's beyond wrong..," Spike the Fairy is in shock.

"Just last month, I took down Gildarts, Fairy Tail's Guild Master!" Spike Knightwalker chuckles sinisterly.


"There are a few Fairies I need to finish off. Especially one that somehow survived two years ago. That Fairy escaped my clutches many times thanks to her friends. Earth Land's Fairy Tail, however, is a threat and needs to be dealt with immediately. Before I end you, what's your story?"

"Similar to yours, but I'm from a different world. I was used and abused but, I didn't kill my caregiver nor her friends. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are in Equestria, alive and well. I asked a friend, and he sent me to Earth Land. Erza Scarlet and I have a brother-sister-type relationship."

"You're weak!" Spike Knightwalker feels conflicted about his counterpart. "You allow those that tormented you for years to live life scot-free?! Are you crazy!? They deserve to die. Now," Spike Knightwalker powers up. "Prepare to diiiiiie!" He shoots Spike the Fairy with his pistols once more.

Spike the Fairy jumps in the air. "Flame Sword Slicer!" Spike the Fairy slashes his sword in mid-air. Sparkling Green Flame slicers are heading towards Spike Knightwalker.

"Shit!" Spike Knightwalker jumps back and shoots at the flame slicers. His magic bullets neutralize the flame slicers. "That does it," Spike Knightwalker reaches for his bow and arrow. He shoots an arrow penetrating Spike the Fairy's knee.

"Gaaaaaah!" Spike the Fairy cries in pain a little.

"Gotcha!" He pulls on the ropes towards him.

"Fairy Dragon Roooooooooooooar!" Spike Knightwalker pulls out his green sword and slashes Spike the Fairy's breath attack. His sword is capable of slicing the flames in half; he punches Spike the Fairy in the face. Spike hurls back a little from the punch.

Spike the Fairy gets up and conjures a fireball as Spike Knightwalker steadies his bow and arrow. "Not on my watch, Arrow Sparrow!" Spike Knightwalker releases a barrage of arrows heading towards Spike the Fairy. The Arrows infuse together into creating an explosion arrow.

Spike the Fairy smirks, which startles Spike Knightwalker a bit. His arrows are now infused with Spike the Fairy's fireball as it starts changing color. From Sparkling Green into Sparkling Orange-Green. He now realizes a fatal flaw with his Arrow Sparrow attack.

"Inferno Exploding Wave!" Spike the Fairy presses the fireball with his claws creating a heat cannon.

"Shit shit shit shit!" Spike Knightwalker shields the attack with his sword. He feels the full force of pressure from the attack as he holds his ground.

Spike the Fairy uses his fire breath to teleport behind Spike Knightwalker. He takes Knightwalker's pistol and shoots him in the back several times.

"Aaaaaaah!" Spike Knightwalker yells in pain. On instinct, he turns but sees Spike the Fairy teleporting away only to be hit with Spike the Fairy's Inferno Exploding Wave.

The main hallway explodes as Spike takes cover. The hallway is surging with sparkling orange-green flames. Spike Knightwalker is on the floor as he's burnt. He's knocked out due to the explosion. Spike looks around and decides to look for Erza and help her defeat the other Knightwalker. He runs in the direction, hoping to find her.

Ten minutes later, Spike runs into Erza but, it was Knightwalker. She stares down at Spike the Fairy.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike conjures his breath attack.

"I was proud of you when you took down Midnight on you're own," Erza said as she smiles.

Spike stops his breath attack. He hugs Erza. "I'm glad you've won."

"Likewise. However, we will have to put up a little charade. I'm going to 'capture' you as well as a few others."

"Alright, then," Spike understands as Erza carries him.

"So, anything you learn about Spike Knightwalker?" Erza walks down the hallway disguised as Knightwalker.

"He has a similar life as me but in much more cruel details. He was taken care of by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. However, in this world, they were wizards of a Dark Guild. Since then, Knightwalker trained Spike, and he turned into a killer. One that relishes the suffering of his victims, thus going into a sadistic insanity. He killed Twilight and her friends viciously. He takes pleasure in hunting and torturing Fairy Tail Wizards as well as other wizards from other Dark Guilds. He's keen on someone who survived an attack two years ago. Wanting to end that life."

"Wow, that's uh..," Erza is a bit disturbed to hear that.

"I know, he's the opposite of me. I'm sane, and he's insane. His weaponry is similar to mine. The thing is, I haven't increased my size against him."

"Good, Spike," Erza and Spike sees an amusement park and follow a trail after hearing Natsu's voice and his smoke.

"I'll act all defeated and such," Spike closes his eyes and limps in Erza's clutches.

Erza walks down the path where she saw Natsu's smoke trail. "So, I found you, and it seems you have the key."

"Whoa, it's Erza," Natsu said in shock. He can't believe that Erza Scarlet lost.

"Oh no, Spike!" Gray shouts. He holds an Ice-Make Dragon Key.

"No way, our Erza lost?"

Erza smirks, and after a few moments, she knocks both of them out. She drags the three to the Dragon Chain Cannon storage room.

"Glad to see you are unharmed, Captain Knightwalker."

"You idiot, she's obviously harmed. Do you need assistance, Captain?"

"Don't trouble yourselves," Erza said.

"May I ask who these men are?"

"Keys to the Dragon Chain Cannon," Erza responds. She has Natsu and Gray tied up. Spike is in her arms.

"What about the dragon?"

"A gift for my son. His Majesty is inside?"

"Of course, Captain."

The door to the Dragon Chain Cannon opens.

"We're very close, men; everlasting power is in reach," Erza proclaims. She drags Gray and Natsu while carrying Spike in her arms to the King of Edolas.

King of Edolas Faust sees Erza Knightwalker bringing prisoners to him. He becomes delighted to see Erza as she's successful in retrieving the Dragon Key that was taken from him a while ago. He becomes elated to see a baby dragon and wonders how it came to Edolas.

"I heard you successfully retrieved the key. Is this true?" Faust said.

"Not entirely your majesty, it was destroyed."

"Explain yourself," Faust demands.

Erza shoves Gray to the ground. "This one can fabricate a working copy."

"Not happening," Gray retorts.

"And who is this?" Faust asks.

"He's an Earth Land Wizard, Sir. And, a comrade of the Dragon Slayers," Erza replies. Gray growls a little.

"Is that so? Is he connected to the lacrima that vanished from the plaza?

"He is, indeed."

"Free him now and have him produce this key immediately."

Erza frees Gray and places a sword near Natsu's throat. Spike is listening to what's going on. He has his eyes shut like he's defeated.

"Get up, Earth Land Wizard, and don't do anything rash," Erza commands. Gray gets up and feast his eyes on the Dragon Chain Cannon. "You will activate the Dragon Chain Cannon."

The structure of the Dragon Chain features two heads of King Faust standing side by side. Each head consists of large statued-like wings; the cannon is facing vertically. There are a hundred Royal Soldiers lined up. Fifty on one side and fifty on the other.

"So this is it, huh? It's not quite what I imagined it would look like. This is going to be way too complicated than I thought." Gray thought to himself.

"Quit stalling," Erza commands, keeping the sword close to Natsu's throat.

"I got no other choice," Gray uses his ice magic to create the Dragon Key he destroyed earlier when he fought one of the Captains of the Royal Army.

Everyone in the room except for Erza, Natsu, and Spike becomes bewildered. They start questioning the different sides of Earth Land magic.

"Back off, I'm not some kind of circus freak," Gray walks to the Dragon Chain Cannon mechanism. He inserts the key and activates it. "This is going to be my only chance."

Everyone sees the Dragon Chain Cannon lighting up and powering up. The eyes of the statue light up. Everyone is overwhelmed with its power as King Faust rejoices.

"Yes, this is a glorious day in our kingdom!" King Faust laughs victoriously.

The Royal City illuminates with magic power as everyone celebrates the welcoming of a new era. Gray is wondering how to aim the Dragon Chain Cannon, knowing that using it will bring destruction to Extalia. He wonders where the controls to the Dragon Chain Cannon as King Faust laughs in victory. The Royal City's manufactures start changing. Walls are rising as the Royal City starts to look like a cannon for the Dragon Chain.

"Prepare to fire!" King Faust commands.

"No!" Gray shouts.

Erza whispers in Natsu and Spike's ear. "Now's our time," Erza shoves Natsu and lets go of Spike. "Natsu, Spike!"

"We're here!" Natsu and Spike said. Their bodies are ablaze with fire.

"What?" King Faust turns.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Fire blazes from Natsu's elbows hitting the Royal Soldiers.

"Fairy Dragon Rooooooooar!" Spike uses his breath attack. Sparkling Green fire burns the Royal Soldiers.

"It burns!" All the Royal Soldiers complain and cry in pain.

"What's going on here?" King Faust is confused. "What's the meaning of this."

Natsu and Spike smirk as they face the King. His Royal Soldiers are defeated and riving in agony.

"I'm calling off the launch!" Erza said, now holding her sword at Faust's throat.

"You traitor! How dare you?!" King Faust is irate at Erza Knightwalker. Gray, Natsu, and Spike smile as everyone else have no idea what's going on. "You are playing with fire, Erza."

Erza requips into her normal outfit. Everyone now realizes that this Erza is an Earth Lander. "My name is Erza Scarlet. I'm an Earth Land Wizard."

King Faust glares at Erza.

"Then, why is there a baby dragon present?!" King Faust looks at Spike.

"My name is Spike. Spike the Fairy!"

The King and Royal Soldiers gasp in horror.

"Holy Hell! That Earth Lander is our Spike Knightwalker!"

"His counterpart is a baby dragon?!"

"Spike Knightwalker?!" Gray and Natsu shout, imagining how scary Spike Knightwalker could be.

"One thing for sure, they actually fell for it! Good ole plan D! Deceive the Royal Army Dummies!" Natsu said, feeling more confident.

"I want you to aim the cannon directly at the lacrima!" Erza demands.

"And I want you to fire it now! At the original target!" King Faust commands.

The Royal Soldiers are confused. They don't know what to do in a hostage situation. Either listen to their King or listen to Era Scarlet. Natsu made it clear that they'll do whatever it takes to turn their friends back to normal and save Magnolia, that they shouldn't ever mess with the Fairy Tail Guild. After some thinking, the Royal Soldiers complies to set fire the Dragon Chain at the lacrima.

"You fools! You're throwing away our chance for everlasting magic power!" King Faust said.

Erza and King Faust are looking up at the Dragon Chain. Erza sees someone coming down.

"SCARLET!" Erza Knightwalker returns to attack Erza Scarlet.

Erza Scarlet shoves the King to defend herself.

"Captain Knightwalker!" King Faust is happy to see her Erza back in action and ready to take control.

"Change coordinates to the original target!"

"I thought I was through with you, Knightwalker!"

"I don't give up so easily, Scarlet! Now, prepare to fall!"

"Fire!" King Faust commands. He laughs maniacally.

Everyone is watching as the Dragon Chain powers up. No one, daring to move as everyone is astonished. Spike, Natsu, Gray, and Erza Scarlet are stunned beyond belief to watch it unfolding while the Soldiers rejoice. The head of the Dragon Chain roars, causing everyone's jaws to drop. The Dragon Chain looks alive as it's fired into the sky. It targets the lacrima floating island where Gajeel and Happy are. Due to their time fighting in the tower, Gajeel and Happy were engaging with the First Captain of the Royal Army Magic Warfare Unit Panther Lily in battle.

Panther Lily is like a black panther, but he has a tall, muscular build similar to a human while wearing body armor.

"Attachment complete! Smash it into the Exceed's Kingdom at once!" King Faust decrees.

"NO!" Spike shouts in horror.

"WE CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!" Natsu shouts.

Something huge smashes into the Dragon Chain Cannon Chambers. Coco and Lucy are riding on a Legion to rescue their friends. A Legion is a massive, swine-esque entity that's for both combat and transportation purposes. It's covered in smooth, dark fur, possesses a very flat, pointed, angular head, and large, round, beady eyes. A Legion can fly, have immense speeds and strengths.

"Hey, you guys!" Lucy shouts as the Legion lands.

"What is that thing?!" Spike, Gray, and Natsu said in unison.

"Get on right now!" Lucy demands.

Spike, Gray, Erza, and Natsu climb on the Legion. The Royal Soldiers are puzzled by this encounter.

"How is this possible? How can she control a Legion?" King Faust asks in great confusion.

"It's because this one is mine!" Coco said. Coco is a small yet fast, barefooted girl who serves as a messenger. She looks like a puppy, with a small nose and a green headgear possessing her large floppy ears. She has brown eyes and long brown hair. She's wearing a yellow dress over a dark blue, skin-tight bodysuit that runs from the middle of her forearms down to her shoulders. She wears white gloves on both hands and is barefooted.

"Coco," King Faust now has hatred for Coco.

"Are we going to stop it with this thing?" Natsu asks while the Legion takes off.

"We never know until we try," Said Lucy.

As the Legion takes flight, Erza Scarlet and Erza Knightwalker stare at each other. Then Erza Knightwalker cuts her hair with a dagger. Every Royal Soldier is in awe and scared by Knightwalker's action. The Legion has left the Kingdom.

"Knightwalker," A Royal Soldier comes in, carrying Spike Knightwalker.

"Spike!" Erza Knightwalker shoves the soldier aside and holds Spike Knightwalker.

"Mother..," Spike Knightwalker sheds a tear, knowing he failed as his PTSD kicks in, thinking he'll be whipped and starved. "I'm.., sorry...."

"Get me the adrenaline healing shot now! Or I'll cut some heads off!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" The Royal Guards hurry to get the medicine.

Erza Knightwalker rubs Spike Knightwalker's head, making him feel that his PTSD is an illusion. She's pissed off. She will mount the head of Fairy Dragon in their home when this is all over. Spike Knightwalker's body burnt to a crisp. He has a scar on his eye, which is new to him and her.

"Mother.., I want another chance.., to prove myself.., to.., you..," Spike Knightwalker said in tears.

"You've already shown me on numerable occasions. However, I will grant you another chance to have a go at it. Today, the Kingdom will rise as everything else falls."

The Royal Soldiers return with the adrenaline healing shot. Erza Knightwalker takes it and stabs Spike Knightwalker's arm with it. Spike Knightwalker's body starts healing rapidly, as he's no longer burnt. His scar, however, remains in place. Spike Knightwalker gets up, feeling better than ever.

"Let's bring them to their knees," Erza Knightwalker reaches her hand to Spike.

"Tonight," Spike Knightwalker grabs his mother's hand. "We go to WAR!" Spike Knightwalker lifts his green sword in the air. The Royal Soldiers shout their warcries.

"Prepare the Second Magic Warfare Unit Legion Platoon, now!" Erza Knightwalker commands. She walks with Spike Knightwalker to her Legion, the Royal Soldiers complies.

"I will be going as well. Prepare to deploy the Dorma Anim," King Faust commands. The Royal Soldiers proclaim that the spell is forbidden until King Faust threatens them. They comply, not wanting to upset their King any longer.

The Legion is catching up to the lacrima. Spike, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Natsu, and Coco see the lacrima moving already. The Legion slams itself into the lacrima, trying to push it the other way. The lacrima is nearing Extalia.

"It's not going to work, it got too much mass and momentum," Gray said.

"If we fall, we'll do so with the rest of Magnolia," Said Erza.

"Don't worry! We'll save you guys!" Natsu runs on the Legion's head and tries to use his strength to push the lacrima island.

"Natsu!" Happy flies down to see Natsu. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..," Happy wants to say he's sorry, that he and Carla had no intentions of betraying him and Wendy for Extalia's purposes.

"Give me a hand, buddy, would you?" Natsu smiles at his friend.

"Aye, sir!" Happy complies with helping his best friend wholeheartedly.

Gajeel smiles and calls for a temporary truce against Panther Lily; to help the others stop the lacrima island from crashing into Extalia.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size. Coco's jaws drop to see Spike increasing his size for the first time. Spike becomes a quarter size of a dragon. His spikes from his body enlarges, his claws become sharper, his muscles expand more as he's becoming ripped.

"Whoa!" Coco is amazed by the dragon's size.

"Way to go, Spike! Now push it!" Gajeel said. He jumps down on top of the Legion's head to push the lacrima.

"SPIKE?!" Coco shouts, then it hits her. This Spike is Spike Knightwalker's counterpart.

Spike pushes the lacrima island. His size and strength help slow down the lacrima a bit but, it's not enough.

"Whoa," Panther Lily sees Spike for the first time. He knows even with the dragon's strength isn't enough to stop the lacrima from annihilating Extalia.

The lacrima island is halted, with everyone using the Extalia island's rock as leverage.

"Don't give up! We can still push this thing back!" Natsu encouragingly shouts to motivate everyone.

"AYE, SIR!" Happy continues to push his hardest with everything he has.

"Keep pushing!" Spike roars his warcry as he pushes with all his might.

"We're not giving up!" Lucy shouts.

Panther Lily sees Coco pushing the lacrima island. "Coco, what are you doing?"

"Lily," Coco responds. "You're still in one piece. I'm glad. Who needs eternal magic power when you can have eternal smiles?" Coco smiles as she pushes.

"What kind of nonsense is that?! You have to get out of here, Coco!" Panther Lily pleas. "These people can't stop Extalia's destruction!"

"Don't be so sure," Natsu retorts. "If there's one thing Fairy Tail Wizards always prove is that nothing is impossible!" Natsu roars.

"You tell him, Natsu!" Spike pushes more. "Spike wants more!" Spike increases his size more as his strength intensifies. He roars louder that could send shivers through the heavens.

Panther Lily is appalled by everyone's willpower to achieve the impossible.

"Keep it up! I can feel a change in pace!" Natsu shouts as Spike is reaching his size limitations.

"I can't increase my size any further! This is the largest I've accomplished!" Spike shouts as he pushes.

"Keep going!" Erza shouts. "Use every magic power you got and push!"

An Exceed made her way to the lacrima island and help push it. She's next to Happy, pushing the lacrima as hard as she can.

"Carla! It's you!" Happy joyfully shouts.

"I'm not giving up! I'll protect Fairy Tail and Extalia! I can't watch my homes be destroyed!" Carla shouts.

Another Exceed shouts and crashes headfirst into the lacrima island, pushing with all of his might. Then, all Exceeds from Extalia ascend and make their way to the lacrima island. Panther Lily and Carla see that they're coming. Hundreds of Exceeds flying together to help push the lacrima island away from their home. One of them is carrying Wendy.

"We can do this!" Spike shouts, seeing all the Exceeds coming to push the lacrima island away from Extalia. "Keep believing and keep pushing!" Spike roars louder.

"For Fairy Tail!" Gray, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Lucy, Erza, Spike, and Gajeel shout in unison.

"For Extalia!" The Exceeds shout in unison.

They all roar as they push. With everyone on board to push, the lacrima island is slowing down. Panther Lily sees the Queen of Extalia falling and saves her. He tells her that it's all his fault, that he could have prevented all of this from happening. He cries as he admits that Extalia is still his home, despite being banished for saving a young human child.

Spike gets an idea and jumps onto Extalia's land; he runs a little and turns with great force. He charges into the lacrima island. His strength and speed help push the lacrima island even more as everyone continues to give it their all. After a few seconds, the lacrima island stops, saving Extalia from impending doom.

"They push the lacrima in a safe distance away..," Panther Lily is in awe at the accomplishment.

"What's happening?!" Spike shouts as a light beam hits the lacrima.

Gray, Natsu, Erza, Wendy, and Lucy are bewildered by the sight. They are confused with the situation after pushing it. The lacrima implodes as everyone is blown away. Several Exceeds catches Erza, Gray, and Lucy. Happy catches Natsu as Carla catches Wendy. As for Spike, multiple Exceeds caught him due to his sheer size.

"Boy, you're heavy," The Exceed said as well as six others.

"Sorry, I didn't get to shrink down to normal size," Spike does so, allowing the Exceeds to hold him in flight better. Only one is holding onto him.

"The lacrima, it's gone," Said Erza in shock.

The island supporting the lacrima is gone. The Dragon Chain vanishes. Everyone wonders what happened to the lacrima.

"Are they.., dead?" Spike asks.

"Don't worry, they're all safe and sound," Mystogan said, riding a white legion.

"Mystogan," Erza said.

"Sorry for the delay. Finding an adequate Anima vestige to restore everything took longer than I thought. Without your efforts, I would have never made it in time. You have my gratitude."

"Everyone's back to normal?" Happy asks Mystogan.

"Yes, by passing through the Anima again, the lacrima will return to its original form in Earth Land. It's finally over."

Everyone cheers in celebration. The Exceeds are delighted to know that their home is safe and sound. Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Wendy, Carla, and Erza celebrate happily, knowing that their guild is safe from harm's way.

"Lily, long ago, you saved my life. I'm glad that I can return the favor today," Mystogan smiles at Lily since it's been ages for him since he last saw him.

"Yes, I couldn't begin to thank you, My Prince," Panther Lily smiles in tears.

"The long-lost Prince is home at last," Coco said in tears.

"He's what?!" Lucy said in shock.

"Look out!" Spike conjures a flaming metallic shield behind Lily. It blocks a magic beam shot from Spike Knightwalker on a Legion not far off.

"What in the world?!" Mystogan shouts. Everyone turns to see the shield Spike placed.

"DAMN YOU TO HELL, FAIRY DRAGON!" Spike Knightwalker shouts. He has a magic sniper in his hands.

"We're not done here! Destroy every last one of them!" Erza Knightwalker commands.

"It's the Edolas Erza," Said Natsu.

"And Spike Knightwalker," Panther Lily said.

"Spike Knightwalker?!" Happy, Carla, Wendy, Gajeel, and Lucy said in shock.

"Scarlet!" Erza Knightwalker calls out Erza.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike Knightwalker calls out Spike, demanding a rematch.

"Let me handle this," Said Mystogan, hoping to resolve the issue before it takes a turn. "I had enough of your insolence, Captain Knightwalker. You as well, Lieutenant Spike Knightwalker. How dare you point your weaponry at me! The Royal Prince of Edolas."

"You're banished! Why else you were dumped in that other planet, jackass!" Spike Knightwalker answers.

King Faust laughs. "You the Royal Prince of Edolas? Don't make me laugh. You don't deserve the title because I never thought of you as my son!"

"That's the King's voice," Said Coco.

"Yea, where the heck is he?" Lucy asks.

"You have some nerve. You can't run off for seven years, and suddenly Walt's back in as though as nothing happened. Do you think you can fool me? I know you've been at Earth Land sealing all the Animas. You're a traitor, and as such, you need to be punished; for your actions."

"Where's the voice coming from?" Wendy asks.

"No idea, he sounds angry," Said Carla.

"Come on, show yourself, bucko!" Natsu demands.

"Come out and face us!" Happy said.

"Your Anima plan has failed. Please surrender peacefully," Mystogan decrees. "You have no reason to fight anymore."

"Ridiculous! Who said I need a reason to fight!" A green aura is lighting on a small island where there is a desolate coliseum.

"You guys hear that? It sounds like it's coming from underground," Gray said as everyone sees where the green light is illuminating.

"Feeling the magic power building up in the air?" Lucy asks as she's sensing the magic power buildup.

"This is not a simple fight; this is retribution. The extermination of all who would dare to oppose their King," A metallic egg rises from the ground.

"What is that thing?" Lucy asks.

"Some kind of magic weapon?" Gray answers, not knowing what else it can be.

"Since you and your meddlesome friends insist on standing in my way, I have no choice but to obliterate each and every one of you. Regardless of who you are!"

"Father, please," Mystogan pleas to stop the senseless violence.

"I'm not your father! I am the King of Edolas! If I dispose of you here and now, I will no longer have to worry about you sealing away my Animas at Earth Land. I'll be free to create another giant lacrima and fuse it with the Exceeds. Limitless magic power will be mine!" King Faust unveils his weapon into an Artificial Dragon known as Dorma Anim. He laughs sinisterly. "Try as you might; there is no stopping me! I am the King! My power is absolute!" As King Faust declares who he is, the Artificial Dragon roars.

"It's the Dorma Anim, Gajeel! The one I mentioned to you the other day!" Spike said.

"That's what it looks like, the only Dragon in Edolas," Gajeel couldn't believe he's seeing the Dorma Amin.

"Dorma Anim, Dragon Knight," Prince Jellal said. "It's enhanced dragon armor!"

"It's an enhanced armor made from an anti-magic lacrima called Wizard Canceller. It's bad news for us because our attacks will not have any effects on it," Coco explains what the armor does. "The King must be inside of it. He's controlling the Dorma Anim's every move."

"As your King, I order you to capture the Exceeds at once!" The Royal Soldiers comply.

"Hurry! Fly for your lives!" Princes Jellal warns. The Exceeds flee.

The Royal Soldiers fire lacrima transfer cannons at the Exceeds, turning them into magic lacrimas.

"Do your best to protect the Exceeds from the Royal Army. I'm going to try and take down Erza Knightwalker," Erza said to everyone.

Panther Lily flies over to Prince Jellal as he's with everyone on Coco's Legion.

"I can't fight Spike Knightwalker. The dragon down there, I have more of a chance stopping that than anyone."

"We got it, Spike," Natsu said, throwing the thumbs up.

"Who better to stop a dragon," Said Gajeel.

"Than three Dragon Slayers," Wendy said.

Panther Lily approaches Spike. "I could handle the boy scout," Referring to Spike Knightwalker.

"You need a weapon? I can conjure you one," Said Spike.

"You can?" Lily asks.

Spike's claws start glowing. He claps them together and stretches, making a sparkling metallic sword but, this sword has an added ability. He gives it to Panther Lily.

"The sword I just gave you, you can create the effects of it by using your memory. However, there are two side effects. One, the sword will carry the weakness of the weapon you choose. Two, the sword will only be active for an hour."

Panther Lily smirks. The sword in his paw recreates his Bustermarm sword that was destroyed in his last fight against Gajeel. It's Sparkling Green to Panther Lily's surprise.

"I have to admit. This is pretty cool. I'll take down Spike Knightwalker as you help your comrades," Panther Lily's Bustermarm four times taller than he is. The sword is decorated in a way that resembles a monstrous cat's face.

"Thank you," Spike smiles.

Gajeel chuckles and places his hand on Spike's head. "Now, that that's settled, let's bring that fake dragon down!"

"Yea!" Natsu, Spike, and Wendy shout.

Wendy, Gajeel, Spike, and Natsu run and jump off the Legion Coco controls.

"Where the hell you going?! Fairy Dragon!" Spike Knightwalker aims his bow and arrow and shoots. "Arrow Sparrow!" Panther Lily intercedes with the arrows, destroying them with his Sparkling Bustermarm sword. "You!" Spike Knightwalker sees Panther Lily.

"I won't have you interfere any longer, boy scout."

Erza Knightwalker sees Panther Lily. "You traitor, even as a fallen, you're weak!"

"Eyes open!" Erza Scarlet shouts. She's in her Black Wing Armor, flying straight at Knightwalker.

"Take care of the cat, then the dragon! I got this bitch!" Erza Knightwalker said.

"You got it, Mother," Spike Knightwalker activates his jetpack and flies at Panther Lily. He uses his Green sword. "You're going down, cat!"

"Bring it!" Panther Lily flies at Spike Knightwalker, getting ready to clash.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu's fist is ablaze with fire as it damages the Dorma Anim.

"What in the name of?" King Faust said. "The Dorma Anim shouldn't be taking any damage!"

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel's iron club hits the Dorma Anim in the chest. It stumbles back.

"Sky Dragon!" Wendy conjures her breath attack.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike conjures his breath attack.

ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAR!" The two unite their breath attack. Sparkling Green flares and air winds collide, causing the Dorma Anim to stumble back. Taking more blows than it should have.

"You little brats!" King Faust angrily expresses. He sees Gajeel, Natsu, Spike, and Wendy together.

"Nice combo moves, you two," Said Natsu.

"Thanks," Spike and Wendy said in unison.

"Geezer, prepare to lose," Said Gajeel.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size one more. His spikes from his body enlarges, his claws become sharper, his muscles expand more as he's becoming ripped. He tosses his backpack aside.

"Unbelievable," King Faust sees Spike increasing his size and mass. The Dorma Anim is still bigger than Spike but, it's going to be difficult.

"Another artificial dragon. This has to be the counterpart of Daphne's artificial dragon. This is my chance to redeem myself from the beating it gave me." Spike thought to himself.

"Ready?" Wendy asks.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu said as he's powering up.

"Let's do this!" Gajeel said.

Spike roars his warcry.

"Oh, swift winds that speed through the heaven!" Wendy uses her Sky Magic by enchanting an incantation. Spike, Gajeel, and Natsu feel super light all of a sudden. "Vernier!"

Natsu and Gajeel hightail at the Dorma Anim as it was charging a breath attack. They dodge as the Dorma Anim fires. Spike decides to eat the flames of the Dorma Anim to regain his strength and magic power. Spike tackles the Dorma Anim head-on.

"This dragon is stronger than it looks?! How can I lock a target on these two moving around so quickly!?" King Faust is getting intimidated.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

"Iron Dragon Club!"

Gajeel and Natsu continue to attack the Dorma Anim as Spike lifts the dragon up.

"What?! NO!" King Faust gets scared.

Spike spins the Dorma Anim around and lets it go; the Dorma Anim falls flat. Gajeel and Natsu fly above it, conjuring their breath attacks.

"Fire Dragon!" Natsu conjures his breath attack.

"Iron Dragon!" Gajeel conjures his breath attack.

"ROOOOOOOOAR!" Their breath attack collides, hitting the back of the Dorma Anim.

"I don't understand why the Dorma Anim is taking damage! What's wrong with it?!" Spike turns around and has an idea. He runs and jumps off the island. "What's that dragon doing?!" King Faust sees Spike jumping off the island. He programs the Dorma Anim to stand up.

Spike uses his breath to teleport above the Dorma Anim. "Inferno Blazing Fist!" His claw is ablaze with Sparkle Green Flames as he punches the Dorma Anim on its back.

"Damn that dragon!" King Faust grabs Spike and tosses him away. Spike hits the wall of the desolate coliseum.

"Spike, you alright?!" Natsu asks as he continues to attack the Dorma Anim.

"I'm fine," Spike gets up.

"That does it!" King Faust is getting pissed off. With the increase in speed and power coming from Wendy, he decides to take her out first. "Launch Dragon Miner Missiles!" Missiles are launched from the Dorma Anim, all heading towards Wendy.

"Oh no, look out, Wendy!" Natsu said, seeing all those missiles heading directly as Wendy.

"Don't worry. I can handle this! Vernier!" Wendy dodges the missile strikes as more comes after her.

"They're tracking her?" Gajeel is amazed to see such weaponry like this.

Unfortunately for Wendy, she trips on a rock. She looks up as Spike shields her from the attacks.

"Spike!" Wendy shouts.

Spike takes all the pain from shielding Wendy with his body. He acted fast as all the missiles hit him hard. Gajeel jumps up to destroy the Dorma Anim's missile launchers beyond repair. Two missiles are heading towards Spike. Natsu intercedes them, but they explode, engulfing him in flames.

"Gotcha!" King Faust proclaims. Knowing he took down Spike and Natsu with his missile strike.

Natsu eats the fire of the missiles, claiming it's the nastiest fire he ever consumed. Gajeel is eating the tail of the Dorma Anim, claiming that the metal is nasty.

"Spike, are you okay?" Wendy worriedly asks.

"Some bumps and bruises. I'll live, hehe," Spike lightly chuckles.

"Incredible. Are all Earth Land Wizards this powerful?" King Faust asks. "I want their power all to myself. I must have it!" King Faust powers up the Dorma Anim. Vast magic energy streams are flowing into the armor. King Faust uses the energy to tap into Dorma Anim's second transformation. Dorma Anim's Black Sky.

Dorma Anim's Black Sky stands straight. It's equipped with sword blades on both arms. Its appearance resembles a Dragon Warrior.

Spike's claws glow Sparkling Green. King Faust uses Black Sky to attack Spike first. Spike catches the sword blades on both arms and kicks the Dorma Anim Black Sky a bit.

"Hah! That barely tickled. In this transformation, Black Sky is invincible! I'm the one dragon none of you will be able to slay." Spike smirks. King Faust sees this. "Why are you smiling?!"

"This is why!" Spike copies the sword blades. He now has one on each arm, matching the power and intensity of Dorma Anim Black Sky's blades.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike Knightwalker yells. He uses his green sword to cut into Spike's scales on his sides, causing him severe pain.

"Aaaaaah!" Spike screams in pain as he holds onto his sides.

"Spike Knightwalker. How pleasant of you to join me," King Faust said.

"Spike Knightwalker!" Wendy shouts.

"I had to deal with a certain traitor, my liege. He won't be a nuisance anymore."

"What did you do to my cat?" Gajeel demands.

"Stabbed him in the stomach and body multiple times. I watched him fall. I wanted to rip both his wings out but, that'll be stalling my time. I have a score to settle with Fairy Dragon, and I don't care how big he is."

"You bastard," Gajeel irately said.

"My liege, take out the supposed Dragon Slayers; you leave the big guy to me."

"Very well, kill that dragon!"

"My pleasure," Spike Knightwalker smirks. He flies directly at Spike's head.

Spike the Fairy shrinks down in size but matches Spike Knightwalker's height. Spike grabs hold of Knightwalker as they fly out of the battlefield.

"Spike!" Wendy shouts.

"Leave him be. He can take care of that punk. For now, we have a dragon to slay," Said Gajeel.

"I'm all fired up now!" Natsu said.

"For Spike, we will take this dragon down!" Wendy shouts.

Spike the Fairy and Spike Knightwalker are in the air. They are punching each other in the face. Unfortunately, they weren't looking where they're heading; the two land near the debris of Extalia. Spike the Fairy gets up, using the sword blades that are on his arms. Spike Knightwalker gets up, wielding his green sword and pistol.

"Good, we're near your Fairy Tail wizards. They shall see your demise!"

"They'll see victory as you'll fall!"

The two Spikes battle each other; Spike the Fairy uses one sword blade to attack, the other to deflect Spike Knightwalker's magic bullets. The two move down the road shooting magic bullets at each other. Spike the Fairy mimics his claws as guns while Spike Knightwalker uses his pistols. Then the two clash with their swords.

"Die damn you!" Spike Knightwalker yells. Spike the Fairy uses his breath to teleport himself behind Spike Knightwalker. "Not this time!" Spike Knightwalker elbows Spike the Fairy in the gut. He kicks his chest so hard Spike is hurling back as he crashes into an abandoned home. Spike Knightwalker takes out his bow and arrow. "Arrow Sparrow!" He fires several exploding arrows as the house explodes.

Spike the Fairy stands up after the explosion; he pants from the attack. Spike Knightwalker looks at him and shoots a wave of exploding flame arrows. The arrows explode as flames engulfs Spike the Fairy. Spike the Fairy starts eating the fire.

"What?" Spike Knightwalker sees Spike consuming the fire.

"My turn," Spike the Fairy's claw is in a C formation. "Flaming Arrows!" Spike the Fairy starts shooting Sparkling Green arrows at Spike Knightwalker.

"Oh, c'mon!" Spike Knightwalker decides to take the hit so he can transfer those flame arrows into his magic pistols. He removes his assassin's hoodie now that it's burned to a crisp. There are all sorts of scars on his chest and body. It's a reminder of what the Celestials have done to him during his childhood. "Now you're finished."

Spike the Fairy lunges at Spike Knightwalker. The two shoot and clash with each other in motion. The two are taking blows left and right. Spike the Fairy's sword blade destroys one of Spike Knightwalker's pistols with one slash. Spike Knightwalker destroy Spike the Fairy's left sword blade by shooting at it multiple times.

Spike Knightwalker grabs Spike the Fairy and flies. Spike the Fairy teleports himself out of Spike Knightwalker's grip using his breath. Spike Knightwalker anticipates a backstab encounter. He turns only to see nothing.

Spike the Fairy is above him as he falls. "Inferno Blazing Fist!" Spike's claw is ablaze with Sparkle Green Flames as he punches Spike Knightwalker on his head.

Spike Knightwalker grabs Spike the Fairy's tail as he plummets. The two Spikes crash into the two Erzas that are fighting each other. Spike the Fairy lands on Erza Knightwalker's chest. Spike Knightwalker lands on Erza Scarlet's chest.

"Ow," Spike Knightwalker sees who he landed on. "Oh shit."

"Get off of me!" Erza Scarlet punches Spike Knightwalker so hard in the face; he falls off the Extalia debris.

"Ow," Spike the Fairy sees who he landed on. "Uh oh."

"Get off of me!" Erza Knightwalker punches Spike the Fairy so hard in the face; he falls off the Extalia debris.

"HEY!" The two Erza glare at each other. "How dare you harm my Spike!" The two clash at each other once more.

Spike Knightwalker and Spike the Fairy lands on the ground; they see the Royal Army and Edolas Fairy Tail fighting each other. Spike Knightwalker gets up first and takes off his jetpack. He sends it flying at Spike the Fairy. This time, Spike the Fairy wasn't able to counter the jetpack attack.

"You're finished!" Spike Knightwalker decrees. He shoots at the jetpack as it explodes.

Spike the Fairy lands a bit farther away from Spike Knightwalker as he is losing his magic energy. He's taken a lot of blows from this encounter. "Damn, he's tougher than before."

Spike Knightwalker sees Fairy Tail Wizards around, fighting the Royal Army. "Today is my birthday. I have my presents to unwrap," Spike Knightwalker goes up to Max Alors with his green sword.

"Holy crap! Spike Knightwalker is here!" Max Alors alerts his guildmates. Fairy Tail Wizards that are around Edolas Max Alors panics and scream in terror.

"Slice," Spike Knightwalker said as he uses his green sword to cut Max Alors' ribs. He screams in agony as some blood gets on Spike Knightwalker's mouth. "Fairy blood, my favorite," Spike Knightwalker sadistically said.

"You're going down this time!" Jet runs up to Spike Knightwalker.

Spike Knightwalker does a leg sweep and powerbombs Jet to the ground, breaking his back in the process. Jet wails in agony.

"Don't worry. You'll live. Long enough," Spike Knightwalker steps on Jet's body and continues to move.

"Spike!" Gray sees Spike the Fairy on the ground, wounded.

"Got some spare magic energy for me to use?" Spike asks.

"I thought you were fighting the Dorma Anim?" Gray uses his ice magic to make it edible for Spike to eat.

"I was. Then Spike Knightwalker showed up. He and I have been fighting since. He's here, and I need to take him down," Spike is slow to get up.

"Where are you, baby dragon?" Spike Knightwalker smiles devilishly. He comes across another Fairy Tail Wizard and slices his arm off. More blood splatters onto his face as he licks it clean.

Spike eats Gray's ice as he powers up again. A new surge of energy flows through him. A new element; is now added into his arsenal. Spike's claws are Sparkling Green, but it's colder.

"I'm ready," Spike the Fairy is now rejuvenated.

"Well, well, well," Spike Knightwalker approaches Lisanna.

"Spike!" Lisanna shrieks in fear.

"You've been running away for far too long. Now," Spike Knightwalker sees Natsu running up to him with enough courage. "Bang," Spike Knightwalker shoots at Natsu's leg, causing him to fall and rive in agony. He turns his attention back at Lisanna.

"Stay away from me!" Lisanna shouts.

Spike Knightwalker grabs her shirt and lifts her with one hand. "I don't understand how you survive the beating I gave you two years ago. I still don't understand how you don't have the scars to show. I'm going to finish what I started. Then, your siblings are next," Spike Knightwalker murderously smiles.

"No.., you can't!" Lisanna fears the possibilities this monster can inflict on Elfman and Mirajane.

"Ice Spike!" Sparkle Green ice spikes appear on the ground and hit Spike Knightwalker in the back, forcing him to drop Lisanna.

Spike Knightwalker turns to see Spike the Fairy. He's pissed off. "How did scum like you survived? That jetpack explosion is capable of destroying an entire building!"

"I'm tougher than you think! I don't fight alone! I have my friends that keep me going!" Spike the Fairy charges at Spike Knightwalker. He uses an ice spike to hurl Spike Knightwalker away from the other Fairy Tail Wizards that are continuing their fight against the Royal Army.

"Thank you," Lisanna said, watching the baby dragon bring the fight to Spike Knightwalker.

"Take this!" Spike Knightwalker shoots more magic bullets at Spike the Fairy. Spike the Fairy uses his newfound power and turns the magic bullets into ice bullets. He redirects the attack at Spike Knightwalker using his claw. "Shit!" Spike Knightwalker wasn't able to deflect the ice bullets as they explode on contact.

"Ice Scythe!" Spike's claws glow Sparkling Green and create an ice scythe. It's long that has many uses.

"Since when you can use ice magic?!" Spike Knightwalker angrily asks.

"A friend of mine lend me a little of his magic energy. His magic flows through me!" Spike uses the scythe to unleash an ice ball from the ground, hitting Spike Knightwalker. Spike Knightwalker uses his green sword to block the attack.

"Graaaaaah! Such power!" Spike Knightwalker stands his ground but is push back from the force.

"Take this!" Spike the Fairy uses his ice scythe to attack. Spike Knightwalker rolls out of the way and counters the strike with his sword.

"Mind if I take a little?" Spike Knightwalker uses his sword to steal some of Spike's ice magic. His sword is now adaptable to Spike's ice magic. "Now, take this!" Spike Knightwalker uses his sword to attack Spike the Fairy.

"Begone!" Spike the Fairy uses his breath to teleport Spike Knightwalker's sword. The sword lands somewhere in the Royal City.

"Nooooooo! Not my sword!" Spike Knightwalker is now defenseless. He used his dagger earlier during his fight against Panther Lily. He used it to stab him in the stomach and several times around his body.

"You have a lot to learn about," Spike the Fairy is powering up for his final attack. Spike Knightwalker has nowhere to run. "Bullies never prosper! Those who are evil will always fall! Your tyranny ends here, Spike Knightwalker!" Spike the Fairy is levitating as he's powering up.

"What kind of monster are you?!" Spike Knightwalker sees Spike as his body is ablaze with Sparkling Green flames.

"I'm no monster. I am a Dragon! I am a Fairy Tail Wizard!" Spike roars loudly. "Fairy Dragon! Ice Paladin Strike!" Spike the Fairy lifts his claws and conjures ice missiles from the air. There Sparkling Green with flames inside. He spawns hundreds of them.

Spike Knightwalker tries to run as fear gets a hold on him. Spike Knightwalker relives his day of running away from his tormentors that beat him down badly. Spike unleashes the barrage of ice missiles as they all hit Spike Knightwalker. Sending him flying as half of his body is freezing cold and the other half burned.

Spike the Fairy pants a little. "That's for everyone that suffered cruelly by your hands, punk."

Spike Knightwalker is once again defeated; he wasn't strong enough. He still needed more power. Spike the Fairy sees a small island crashing on the surface of the ground. The same area where Spike Knightwalker flew to after the attack.

The two Erzas that fought don't have any magic power nor strength to get up. Spike Knightwalker lands hard on the ground. He has little energy to move. He sees his mother lying on the ground, not moving at all.

"Mother..?" Spike Knightwalker calls to Erza Knightwalker weakly.

"Son?" Erza Knightwalker moves her head slightly to see Spike Knightwalker.

Spike Knightwalker sniffs. He crawls his way to his mother's arms. He's teary as he failed her once more and expects the lashings later.

"Mother..," Spike Knightwalker becomes teary as he crawls.

"Come to me, come to momma," Erza Knightwalker encourages as she smiles.

Spike Knightwalker hugs his mother on the ground and cries. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I failed you!" Spike Knightwalker cries in her arms.

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay. I'm not mad at you," Erza Knightwalker coos him softly. She feels that half of his body is hot, and the other half is freezing.

Erza Scarlet smiles at the heartwarming moment. She wonders if there is a heart inside of Spike Knightwalker ready to blossom freely without the Kings' influence.

Spike the Fairy rests for a few moments. "Now, I have one more fight to finish," Spike uses his magic to sense where the marking is on Gajeel. "Here I come," Spike runs and uses his breath to teleport back to the fight against Dorma Anim Black Sky.

"Fire Dragon!"

"Iron Dragon!"

"Sky Dragon!"

"ROOOOOOOOOOAR!" Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy combine their dragon roar attack against King Faust's dragon. He's baffled that their magic power continues to increase.

The combined attack creates a massive explosion on impact. When they see the Dorma Anim isn't there, they believe they won.

"We got him," Said Gajeel.

Natsu and Wendy celebrate until they hear King Faust laughing. Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel look up to see the Dorma Anim hovering in the air. He's high up with the super jump that he programed the Dorma Anim to do.

"How did something so big jump that high?" Gajeel asks.

"Oh no, our three-on-one attack didn't even touch him," Said Wendy.

"Then we'll try it again!" Natsu suggests.

"You fools!" King Faust said; as he unleashes a barrage of Dragon Light bombs, hitting Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy in the process. They lay on the ground from the attack, unable to move. King Faust laughs victoriously. "You may be powerful wizards, but I imagine it takes time for you to recover the magic power you've exhausted. If you wish to surrender, this is your chance. Agree to supply my world with magic power, and I will compensate you accordingly."

"It's all over. I can't even stand up." Wendy thought in defeat.

"So, this is it?" Gajeel thought in defeat.

Spike is above the Dorma Anim as he grows in size. "Inferno Freezing Fist!" His claw is ablaze with Sparkle Green Icy Flames as he punches the Dorma Anim on its head this time.

"What?!" The Dorma Anim stumbles back a little. "You again?!"

Spike the Fairy is in front of his friends. "I'm not through with you!" Spike powers up as King Faust sense his newfound magic power. "Neither are my friends!" Spike creates a metallic sword using his magic and gives it to Gajeel for him to eat. Spike breathes his Sparkling Green fire on Natsu for him to eat. Spike blows sparkling warm air for Wendy to eat.

"What are you doing?!" King Faust demands Spike to cough out the answers.

"Giving my friends the magic they need to bounce back. This is what happens when you share the magic with your friends!" Spike smirks.

"WHAT?!" King Faust sounds a bit scared at the moment.

"OH YEAH!" Natsu gets up, now feeling better than ever.

"NOW, IT'S PAYBACK TIME!" Gajeel gets up, now feeling stronger than before.

"TIME TO END THIS!" Wendy gets up. She's ready to bring down the Dorma Anim this time.

"I GOT A FIRE IN MY BELLY!" Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and Spike shout in unison with pride.

"I am King of Edolas! Bow down before me!" King Faust proclaims.

"Dragons bow to no one!" Spike shouts; he spears the Dorma Anim, causing it to fall back.

"NO!" King Faust program for it to stand.

"Ice Spike!" Sparkle Green ice spikes appear and strike the right foot of the Dorma Anim, holding it in place.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel spikes his iron club through the left foot of the Dorma Anim.

"NO! I CAN'T MOVE!" King Faust tries to jump and move but couldn't prevail.

"Wendy, use your full power Sky Dragon Roar on me."

"Gotcha, Natsu," Wendy conjures her breath attack.

"Let me go! Let me go now! I am the King of Edolas!" King Fraust commands as he tries to move.

"You're getting dethroned today, punk," Gajeel said.

Spike grabs hold of both of the Dorma Anim's arms. He uses the Ice Spikes to pierce the arms, holding them in place.

"Sky Dragon!" Natsu jumps in the air. "Rooooooooooar!" Wendy's breath attack sends Natsu hurling towards the Dorma Anim at immense speeds.

"Nooooooo! It can't be! It can't end this way!" King Faust is about to face defeat.

"Fire Dragon Sword Horn!" Natsu lights his entire body ablaze and headbutts the Dorma Anim at high-speed thanks to Wendy's Sky Dragon Roar. The attack was so strong it pierces the Dorma Anim. Natsu takes King Faust out of the Dorma Anim.

The King is hurling back after the Dorma Anim explodes. He can't believe that he tried to possess magic power that terrifying from Dragon Slayers. King Faust passes out from the stress after taking many damaging blows mentally.

Spike shrinks down and goes to the spot where he tossed his backpack and puts it on.

"Hahahahahahahaa! We totally took down the King! This is the part where I can yell checkmate, right?" Natsu asks.

"Actually, you're supposed to say that before taking down the King," Wendy corrects Natsu."

"Even I knew that," Said Gajeel.

The ground starts shaking. Spike looks up and sees the horrors. "Guys, look," Spike points at the skies.

"Whoa, the islands are falling!" Wendy shouts.

"Must be because of the King's selfish desires of harvesting magic energy for the Dorma Anim of his," Said Gajeel.

"Could be," Natsu looks at Spike. "Hey, mind tossing me some cookies, Spike?"

"Sure," Spike gives his friends some cookies to chow on.

"Thanks, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"Thank you, Spike," Said Wendy.

Spike smiles. "You're welcome."

"So, how was it fighting against your counterpart?" Natsu asks.

"Very unpleasant; he's insane and broken at the same time."

"Hey, look at that," Natsu points up at the sky. He sees a yellow stream ascending.

"Must be the magic power that the Dorma Anim caused," Said Spike.

Spike Knightwalker sees a yellow stream ascending all around him. "Mom, I think Edolas is losing all of its magic power..,"

"Don't worry. We'll get through together. I promise," Erza Knightwalker said.

Magic energy all around Edolas is ascending in the sky. Everyone panics as the apocalypse is upon them.

"I think we should head back to the Royal City," Wendy suggests.

"Any particular reason why?" Natsu asks.

"If the citizens start panicking, a lot of people can get hurt. We need to go out there and see if we can help," Wendy said.

"Yea, and if we can find Edolas Gajeel, he might know what to do," Said Gajeel.

Spike picks up King Faust. "I got the King. I'll teleport us to the Royal City."

"Sounds good, Spike," Gajeel said.

Spike uses his breath to teleport every to the Royal City. As they arrived, an Exceed approaches them with crucial information regarding Prince Jellal. He tells them about Prince Jellal's willingness to end his life for the sake of Edolas. Natsu devises a scheme that'll work in Jellal's favor.

Twenty minutes later. Natsu starts laughing maniacally as an evil villain does. He's dressed up as one as well. Spike, Wendy, and Gajeel follow the same tactic, running amuck in the Royal City and scaring the people of Edolas.

"I am a Demon called Dragneel! I've come to this world to steal all of your magic power!" He continues to laugh sinisterly. "Faust ain't your King anymore! Cause I kicked his sorry old butt!" Natsu reveals the King of Edolas tied up on a pole. "But, I decided to spare his life, for now."

The people panic down below as they see their King in distress.

"Come on, Redfox, Sparks, and Marvell. Now, my faithful servants, it's time to trash the city!"

Gajeel uses his Iron Dragon Sword to slice several buildings in half. He laughs sinisterly in the process.

Spike roars as he's a quarter size of the buildings. He grabs fruits and vegetables that are disguised as people and eats them. He burps. "The fatty people are my favorite," Spike looks down at the people that are in fear. "My my, more people to eat!" Spike laughs devilishly.

Edolas Gajeel sees what they are doing and knows what to do. "These villains won't stop until they destroyed everything in sight. The city is under attack by demons of another world!"

"You better run!" Wendy tries to act scary, but the person is confused. Gajeel appears behind Wendy, giving a sinister evil look that terrifies the person.

"Just look at them; they are an unstoppable force of evil!" Edolas Gajeel exclaims.

"What do you think you're doing? Stop this!" Prince Jellal sees from afar. He's the one that activated the Anima but reversed its projectory. Anima is absorbing the magic energy of Edolas and sending it to Earth Land.

Panther Lily is beside Prince Jellal, all bandaged up from his battle against Spike Knightwalker.

"Now, my loyal servants of Lord Dragneel, don't stop destroying stuff!" Natsu commands.

Spike punches a building and roars louder, scaring the people below. He turns to Natsu. "Dragneel, my strength is now your strength. We are intertwine as Demon and Demon as of now."

"Excellent! I knew stealing Edolas Magic will work in my favor!" Natsu laughs evilly.

"Hold on, is he playing the villain for Jellal, and if so, how does he know about this?" Panther Lily thought to himself, realizing what Natsu is doing.

The people are blaming Dragneel for stealing Edolas' magic. Edolas Gajeel confirms that he is the brains behind the whole operation. One person demands Natsu to give them back their magic, Natsu decides to breathe fire as a warning to those that oppress him.

"Natsu! Stop this now!" Prince Jellal orders from afar.

Natsu turns to see Prince Jellal as the people overhear that person challenging him.

"Are you telling me what to do? You little punk," Natsu smirks, raising his fist at Prince Jellal.

"Stop this foolishness! The King has been defeated. There's no need to attack innocent people!" Natsu ignores Jellal and breathes fire at the people, missing them on purpose.

"If you're trying to scare me, it ain't going to work. I don't care if you are the Prince," Natsu smirks, hoping it'll bait Jellal to fight him.

The people are stupefied with the news of their Prince returning home after disappearing for seven years. Edolas Gajeel announces that Prince Jellal has returned. The people are amazed to hear about Prince Jellal's return. They all came to the kingdom to see him and hope Prince Jellal can end the demon's tyranny.

"What are they doing here?" Panther Lily asks.

"I'm responsible, sir," Nadi said. Nadi is a black Exceed. His tail is thin, his head and tail are rectangular. Nadi wears a black jacket with three golden buttons and a light-colored turtleneck beneath it. He also wears a dark yellow pair of pants and small brown ankle-high boots. He also has a habit of fist-bumping in everything he does.

"What did you do?" Panther Lily asks Nadi.

"I overheard your conversation about who should be the next King of Edolas after learning about the lost Prince and how Prince Jellal should die of the crime of reversing the Anima in Edolas and sending the magic to Earth Land. The people need a rightful ruler, and it should be Prince Jellal, so, as I was searching for someone to become the villain. Those four out there running amuck are the ones I told them about the situation. They appear from thin air like there was a God answering my prayer. Giving you the villain you need to become the next King of Edolas."

Panther Lily turns to Prince Jellal. "Seems we have our villain. It's your chance to play the role of hero for all of Edolas, my Prince."

The citizens of Edolas start questioning the whereabouts of the Royal Army and if Prince Jellal is the actual Prince that can save them from the supposed demons. Jellal decides to take the opportunity to earn the people's trust.

"Natsu, stay right there!" Prince Jellal leaps into action.

"Didn't you hear me? I am the Great and Powerful Lord Dragneel," Natsu waits for Mystogan to show up.

As Prince Jellal runs to fight Natsu, Edolas Gajeel is shouting truths and facts that the Prince has the courage and bravery to stop the demon terrorizing their home. Jellal tries to use his magic then realizes that Anima has taken his power.

"What's the matter? You scared without your magic power?" Natsu taunts Prince Jellal. "You should be, cause check this out. I've got plenty," Natsu uses his iron fist attack to destroy a layer of the building he's standing, causing the people to flee from the area.

"I said, stop!" Prince Jellal orders.

"Natsu, you're going way too far!" Wendy shouts.

"No, he's not," Gajeel corrects Wendy. "The more powerful the villain's magic seems to everyone, the stronger the hero looks when he beats him without using any magic power whatsoever."

Prince Jellal and Dragneel face each other after the rummage. "Listen to me, Natsu. You're making a big mistake with all of this, this whole show you're putting on, you can't expect to fool all these people."

"Hah, I challenge you!" Natsu punches Prince Jellal in the face, knocking him on the floor.

"You fool, you can't bring the people together like this!" Prince Jellal said as he gets up. "Through evil!" Prince Jellal retaliates. He throws a punch at Natsu.

Natsu catches the punch and feels it was weaker. "Fight me for real," Natsu gets angry.

On cue, Prince Jellal super kicks Natsu in the face. The people around are cheering. That's when Spike reacts to Natsu's kick in the face. He mimics the reaction.

"Look! Any attacks Dragneel feels, the giant demon feels the pain as well!" Edolas Gajeel shouts and points at Spike's reaction. The people cheer louder.

"Yea, now they're really getting into it," Natsu said as he's excited.

"Idiot, you should have stayed down so we wouldn't stretch this out further," Prince Jellal whispers low enough for Natsu to hear.

"Not my style!" Natsu gut punches the Prince.

Prince Jellal strikes back. Natsu takes the pain of being punched in the face as Spike mimics the reaction. Natsu punches Jellal. The people are chanting 'Go Prince' repeatedly, believing that Prince Jellal will win the fight.

"This is it, buddy. I'm going to give you a real Fairy Tail Send-Off." Prince Jellal realizes by staying in Edolas, he won't be a Fairy Tail Wizard any more. His new life as King of Edolas will begin. "Since you're leaving Fairy Tail, you gotta swear to follow these three rules," Natsu and Prince Jellal continue to fight. "Number one, You should never ever share sensitive information about Fairy Tail with anyone for as long as you live. Two-"

Prince Jellal punches Natsu hard in the face. Spike is mimicking every reaction Natsu takes as he shows signs of losing his magic energy.

"Number two, You must never contact past clients you may have work for while in the guild, for your own personal gain," Prince Jellal said as Natsu was sidetracked with the punch in the face.

"Yea, and don't forget Number three! Although our path must stray, you gotta promise to live the rest of your life to the fullest. That means to treat every day like it's going to be the last day in this world. Don't forget the friends you loved," Natsu smiles.

"You must treasure them for as long as you live," Prince Jellal and Natsu punch each other in the face. The two fall back a little.

"Did you catch all that? When a guild works together, there's nothing they can't do," Natsu falls to the ground as Jellal regains his ground. Spike falls to the ground to mimic Natsu's defeat.

The people cheer loudly as Prince Jellal defeats the demons without any use of magic power. They rejoice as they believe everything will be alright in the end.

"Thank you," Prince Jellal said.

Then all of a sudden, Natsu's body starts glowing yellow. Wendy, Spike, and Gajeel's bodies are feeling the same. Panther Lily and Nadi apparently feel the same. Nadi explains that Exceeds possess eternal magic power so the Anima is going to send all Exceeds to Earth Land. All the Exceeds that were turned into lacrimas is free from their imprisonment. Their bodies start glowing as well. Gray, Carla, Happy, and Lucy are glowing as well. They are being lifted into the Anima. All the Exceeds are panicking due to the uncertainty that bestows on them. Everyone that has magic power is being lifted into the Anima.

"Hey everyone," Spike said, greeting Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Carla.

"Spike!" They joyfully greet.

"Natsu," Happy comes closer to hug Natsu.

"Hey buddy," Natsu smiles.

"Wendy," Carla smiles seeing Wendy again.

"Hey, Carla," Wendy smiles seeing Carla.

Edolas Fairy Tail starts believing that without magic power, their guild will be disbanded. Gray tells them that having friendship keeps the guild going forever. That magic is nice, but friendship is all that matters. The others chuckle happily cause it's true. Friendship keeps the bonds close as a family.

Erza and Spike Knightwalker see Erza Scarlet glowing and levitating. The two sit up as Spike still holds onto his mother.

"Farewell, Scarlet," Knightwalker said.

"I'm going to die for my sins aren't I?" Spike Knightwalker said.

"No, you're going to live life to the fullest. You're going to be anew, Spike Knightwalker," Erza Scarlet said.

"How do you know?" Spike asks.

"You're counterpart has a great heart. You have one too. It'll be blossoming before you know it," Erza Scarlet smiles.

Spike Knightwalker closes his eyes as he heard someone else believing in him besides his mother. He cries and vows to become a new man starting tomorrow.

"Thank you," Erza Knightwalker said as she sees Erza Scarlet leaving their world.

Everyone is saying their byes to the Edolas Fairy Tail Guild. Panther Lily says his goodbye to Prince Jellal. Spike sees Edolas Fairy Tail for the first time. They see him too as some become frightened with the resemblance of Spike Knightwalker. Spike and Gajeel see Edolas Gajeel and waves.

"We did it, we're going home," Spike said as he and his friends enter the Anima in the sky.

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