• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Crystal Empire Preparations

Many clones of Discord are escorting those that can't fight into the houses of the Crystal Ponies. Those that can fight are arranged in different sectors to fight or defend the landscape of the Crystal Empire.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia arrive at the Crystal Castle. Princess Luna turns to her sister and sees much grief written on her face.

"What happened, Celestia?"

"Canterlot fell by the wrath of Midnight Sparkle and her guild," Princess Luna gasps in horror. Princess Celestia is in tears. "I failed many ponies today due to my mistake."

"It's not your fault, Celestia. No one is to blame but Midnight Sparkle as she chose a dark path."

"I'm not the best teacher, Luna. Those I've chosen have led astray. I'm worried about making the same mistakes with the new Twilight and Spike. Perhaps I should step down from teaching them magic..," Princess Celestia sighs in depression. She starts sobbing for the countless lives lost on her watch.

Princess Luna comforts Celestia, hugging her with her wings. "Don't be discouraged by your past actions, Celestia. Become anew and embrace the new possibilities with the new Twilight and Spike. Use what you learned and better yourself. You have so much wisdom and knowledge to share, and I believe you can overcome the impossible. Look what we do have," Princess Luna steps aside, allowing Princess Celestia to see many creatures working together in unison, going over detail and creating defensive lineups to counter Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail. Everyone comfort each other and grieve together, setting up a memorial for those that fell by the wrath of Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail. "Despite the few we lost, and no matter how painful the feeling is, we gain so much."

Princess Celestia takes a deep breath. She smiles a bit to see every creature working together in the name of Friendship. However, the thought of her previous failures as a teacher returns, making her sad again.

"You didn't fail Twilight, Celestia," Princess Cadance trots up to Princess Celestia. "Twilight failed her Friendship with Spike and went astray. How were you supposed to know the daily life of Spike when you're busy in Canterlot."

"There are so many ways I can think of right now," Princess Celestia sadly claims.

"You won't fail us," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said. She has Spike on her back.

"Sometimes, holding onto the past prevents us from moving forward," Spike said.

Princess Celestia takes Spike's statement to hear. She takes another deep breath. "You're right, Spike. I can't allow the past and my sins to haunt me now. I swear in my name that I won't lead you two astray as my pupils."

"I'll do my part as well," Princess Luna said, smiling at her sister. "For the times when my sister attends to royal affairs."

"Thanks," Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike said.

"We hope you feel better. Mom and dad are here. Many ponies from Canterlot are here," Shining Armor comes into the fray with Flurry Heart. "The clones of Discord transported a lot of ponies here a while ago."

Flurry Heart flies up to Princess Celestia and hugs her face for comfort. Princess Celestia smiles at Flurry Heart's embrace.

"Thank you. All of you," Princess Celestia feels confident and better now.

The Changelings arrive at the Crystal Empire; They see many Dragons, Griffons, Yaks, Buffalos, and Ponies. Not many Hippogriffs are present. Thorax, Pharynx, Chrysalis, and Terax head to the Crystal Castle while clones of Discord help navigate the rest of the Hive.

"Spike!" Terax flies up to Spike. "Wanna play?"

"I can play for a little while," Spike flies to the family room. Terax follows. Flurry Heart watches Terax and Spike flying towards the family room and go with them. Shining Armor gallops after his daughter.

"Princesses," Thorax arrives at the front of the Castle with Chrysalis and Pharynx.

"Is everyone alright?" Pharynx asks.

"Where did my son go?" Chrysalis asks Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"We could be doing better. Canterlot fell by the wrath of Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail," Princess Celestia informs the Changelings. They gasp in horror and give a moment of silence for those that lost their lives.

"Queen Novo and Princess Skystar are here in the Castle. Mount Aris has fallen due to Midnight Sparkle's attack. Many of Discord's clones died in vein protecting the Hippogriffs," Princess Cadance informs the Changelings. They give another moment of silence for the fallen Hippogriffs and clones of Discord.

"A clone of Discord has obtained and teleported Grogar's Bell to Discord's home," Princess Luna smirks.

"WHAT?!" Princess Celestia, Cadance, Twilight (Sci-Twi), Chrysalis, Pharynx, and Thorax said in shock and amazement.

"Discord is going to uncover the mysteries of Grogar's Bell. Hopefully, he finds a way to relinquish the magic Midnight Sparkle stole from every creature she encountered, thus rendering her weaker to defeat."

"This is the best news we heard today," Princess Cadance says in delight. She's over the moon to know every creature is one step closer to victory.

The Unity Seven is in the cafe of the Crystal Castle. Garble, Sunset, the Dazzlings, and Charcoal are with them; Plotting and scheming to take down Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail.

"If you ask us," Charcoal said. "We dragons should flank Midnight Sparkle and her cronies in the skies. With our potential unlocked thanks to Fairy Dragon, we have mass magic power within our fingertips."

"If we weren't so cocky, Charcoal and I would have defeated Midnight Sparkle right then and there. It's our fault that she's still running amuck," Garble admits his fault.

"It's okay, Garble. Now, you can atone for that mistake by fighting with us. The Spirit of Harmony told us we're the key to defeating Midnight Sparkle. Our Friendship is strong enough is what she says," Smolder said.

"I think we can safely say she has no army. It's only five of them and over thousands of us," Sandbar said.

"Even so, Midnight can use her Demon Curse to drain our magic," Garble painfully reminds his sister and friends.

"Not all at once. Otherwise, Midnight would have done that during the first invasion," Sunset said.

"Changelings and Dragons should provide the air support with the Storm Nation's Airforce units," Silverstream said. "I would say Hippogriffs, but..," Silverstream sadly sighs. "There's not much-left thanks to that monster!"

"We will defeat her and help your species grow," Gallus said, reassuring her friend.

"Absolutely. One way or another," Adagio concurs with Gallus' statement.

"Midnight Sparkle may want to drain the magic of the Crystal Heart. That is where we'll make our stand," Neighsay said. "All of us, united as one to bring down the demon."

"Fairy Dragon's flames empower the Crystal Heart. I doubt the magic within would allow the Crystal Heart to break so easily," Sonata said.

"Which makes the perfect bait to lure her in," Neighsay said. "I believe Midnight Sparkle thinks that the Crystal Heart is weaker than before and won't doubt the possibility of absorbing one of the more powerful artifacts in existence."

"I think we should place the pearl next to the Crystal Heart. Making Midnight Sparkle believe that the pearl is granting the Crystal Heart power like a battery unit," Silverstream said.

"Would Queen Novo approve it?" Neighsay turns to Silverstream.

"If you believe that the Spirit of Harmony say your Friendship is crucial for Midnight's demise," Queen Novo overhears the conversation. "You have my blessing to use the pearl. However, I'm trusting you lot to take care of its power," Queen Novo places the pearl on the table. "If the demon drains the magic within the pearl, it may be our doom."

"Don't worry, Queen Novo. We got this," Silverstream proclaims. "Right, guys?" She turns to her friends.

"You know it," Neighsay nods.

"Yea!" Gallus does a fist pump.

"We got a fire in our bellies," Garble and Smolder said.

"Yona gonna stomp on demons' faces!"

"You can count on us, Silverstream," Ocellus said.

"We're putting that demon in her place," Sandbar said.

"The Dazzlings are going to annihilate that wretched demon," Adagio speaks on behalf of her friends.

"A serious role reversal and I love it," Sunset said. She remembers how the Magic of Friendship stopped a demon's tyranny.

"I'll give them a shock," Charcoal's claws ignite with his lightning.

Queen Novo takes a deep breath. "I wish you, kids, good luck. We're all going to need it." I hope I didn't make a grave mistake by entrusting those kids." Queen Novo leaves the cafe.

"Dude, I can't believe we have to fight Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail all over again," Grubber said. He's with Tempest Shadow on their airship.

"This time, no assistance from Earth Land and no soldiers of theirs," Tempest replies. "I'm looking forward to that rematch against the Storm King."

"Same with me. I'm hoping to be more useful than the last time."

"Don't worry. The Griffons got your back," Gilda said. She's with her elite Griffin fighters. "The Griffons will help y'all with air support."

"Us Dragons as well," Ember said. "We're not letting these demons march on through and terrorize us any longer."

"Same is said for us Changelings," A Changeling Soldier arrives on the airship. "With all of us working together, we can stand up to anything. And, I heard a rumor. We have in possession a relic that Midnight once used."

"Grogar's Bell. If that's the case, we're one step closer to tasting victory," Grubber replies.

"Hopefully, Midnight can stay down and never come back. We can't keep doing this over and over," Tempest said.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, Tempest. I had to cancel my birthday cause of this conflict," Gilda said. "So, I want Midnight's head mounted on my wall as a birthday present."

"We'll see what we can do, spongecake?" Grubber offers a spongecake to Gilda.

"Thanks," Gilda takes it from Grubber and eats it.

"Are ground forces ready?" Prince Rutherford asks his commanding officers.

"Yak has Buffalo, Crystal Guards, Crystal Soldiers, and Ponies stationed in their respecting positions," A Yak named Yakkon replies. He's wearing a military uniform and has many badges on his hat.

"Captain Amythest of the Crystal Soldiers reporting, Prince Rutherford. My comrades are ready for any Demon Tail ground-force enemy. We will swarm, not allowing anyone to relax and think of any solution."

"Good, Captain Amythest. We need to ensure all possibilities. In case they do have an army for us," Prince Rutherford continues to survey each ground force and brief them on all possibilities when encountering Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail.

Starlight, Trixie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are heading to the Crystal Castle. They hope to help as much as they can when Demon Tail arrives. The girls see the Princesses, Thorax, Pharynx, Chrysalis, and Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"Hey, girls," Twilight (Sci-Twi) notices her friends coming to the Castle.

"Hey, is there any way we can be helpful?" Rainbow asks Princess Celestia and Luna.

"The Wonderbolts could use you, Dash. Suit up," Princess Luna commands. Without hesitation, Rainbow soars in the skies, looking for Spitfire.

"Starlight, I want you to standby with the Unity Seven and defend the Crystal Heart," Princess Cadance commands.

"That, I can do," Starlight salutes to the Princess. She trots to the Crystal Heart.

"Pinkie and Trixie, I want you to stand by with a medical team. I expect some creatures injured in battle when the time comes," Princess Celestia commands.

"You can count on us," Pinkie grabs Trixie and rides her party cannon, looking for any medical teams.

"Applejack, you can be on the frontlines with the Crystal Guards and Soldiers. I'll be there in a few minutes," Pharynx said.

"You can count on me," Applejack gallops to where the frontlines are.

"Fluttershy, you don't have to fight. I would advise you to keep the young secure and calm. They'll be inside the Castle, away from the dangers."

"Okay," Fluttershy quietly says. She sees many Crystal Soldiers gathering the younglings out of their homes. Any creatures too young to fight get moved to the safety of the Crystal Castle.

"Sister, we need to be in position. Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail can arrive at any moment," Princess Luna advises Celestia.

"Understood. Twilight, get Shining Armor and watch over Flurry Heart," Princess Cadance asks.

"Yes, Cadance," Twilight (Sci-Twi) complies and gallops to the family room of the Castle.

Discord is in his home, reading many books about Grogar's Bell with his fellow clones. He's weak due to many clones of his perishing by the wrath of Midnight Sparkle. Discord discovered a take on the Bell's capabilities. He writes notes on the instructions for activating Grogar's Bell. Soon, he'll send the Bell to any of the Princesses to use on Midnight Sparkle.

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