• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Crocus' Cook Off

Author's Note:

Thenewbluebrony sent me a gift. An artwork of Spike's Fairy Tail Emblem on his chest. In honor of the gift, I've decided to make it my cover art image for the story.

Thanks for the gift. I truly appreciate it.

Spike wakes up to a new day in Magnolia. It's 8:15 in the morning. Wendy and Carla are still asleep.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla have been training and spending quality time together for the past two months. Ever since absorbing Amy's energy essence, Spike's magic power continues to reach higher with the confidence of defeating Acnologia someday. Wendy continues to grow stronger with her Dragon Force. She and Spike practiced many techniques with their wind magic for unison raid attacks. Carla continues to improve with her transformation magic, including learning different spells for her humanoid transformation.

During the two months span, Spike has written letters to mail to his friends about his progress. Also, to know where everyone stands in terms of magic power and life-wise. He hasn't heard from Gray, Juvia, Natsu, Happy, Erza, Gajeel, and Panther Lily. According to Lucy, she's working with Sorcerer Weekly and getting the scoop on the magic world. She's still trying to improve her literature for Jason. Everyone else is doing good and better.

Spike is making breakfast for Carla and Wendy. He's making eggs and sausages for breakfast. The fresh aroma of eggs and sausages causes Wendy and Carla to wake up from their slumber.

"Wow, that smells delicious," Wendy yawns.

"Spike's cooking is always delicious," Carla yawns as well.

"You're right," Wendy gets out of bed and fixes it. Carla helps her a bit.

Wendy and Carla go to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. Wendy hopes to go to the Lamia Scale Guildhall to work with Sherria today. Carla hopes to continue with her training after breakfast.

Spike finishes making breakfast and puts the food on three separate plates. He carries it to the table then hears the door knocking. Spike walks to the door and opens it.

"Flier for you, Fairy Dragon," The Landlady gives Spike the flier and goes on her way.

Spike reads the flier as Wendy and Carla come out of the bathroom. They sit at the table.

"Morning, Spike. What you got there?" Wendy asks.

"Something intriguing," Spike smirks a bit.

"How intriguing?" Carla asks. Judging from Spike's reaction, it must be good.

"There's a Cook-Off in Crocus. Calling for the best wizard chefs in Fiore. The winner gets an interview with Sorcerer Weekly but also 15,000,000 Jewels."

"Wow, Spike. You should definitely enter the competition," Wendy encouragingly said.

"You'll win for sure," Carla said.

"Also, this gives me a good reason to see Lucy in Crocus," Spike said. He couldn't help but smile.

"When does the competition start?" Carla asks.

"Tomorrow. I'm going to eat up and get moving," Spike replies.

"We're coming with you," Wendy and Carla said.

"Perfect," Spike smiles.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla eat their breakfast and start packing up. Spike made it clear to travel by train instead of flying or teleporting. Nothing wrong with sightseeing and relaxing on the train. After a while, Spike grabs his belongings and leaves the apartment with Wendy and Carla.

"So, anything else in the flier that mentions the Cook-Off, Spike?" Wendy holds Spike's claw.

"There are four judges for fairness in the Cook-Off. Princess Hisui, Jason from Sorcerer Weekly, and two mystery judges. I want to say one of them is a Wizard Saint."

"I wonder who'll be competing for tomorrow's competition," Carla said.

"I have a few people in mind. Maybe Mr.Yajima steps up to the plate after the incident with Droy eating a good portion of his food."

"You speak of my name, Fairy Dragon?" Mr.Yajima is next to the trio. He has his belongings.

"I did," Spike truthfully states.

"You're going to Crocus?"

"Yes, sir," Spike nods. "I assume you're tagging along as well?"

"Of course. I did send that Landlady of yours the flier. Otherwise, the competition would be boring."

Spike chuckles a bit. "Thanks, Mr.Yajima. Don't think for a moment that I'll take a dive for you to win."

"I would be insulted if you did, Fairy Dragon. So how are you kids doing these days?"

"I'm doing well, Mr.Yajima. Spike and I are getting closer by the days, training together and spending quality time together as a young couple since we defeated Midnight Sparkle for good."

"That's fantastic, Wendy. What about you, Carla?"

"With the help of my friends, I'm doing better in terms of training transformation magic as well as learning new spells. I'm watching my friends grow into a loving couple."

"Interesting, Carla. Do you have eyes on anyone you like?"

"No," Carla sadly shakes her head.

"I'm sure you'll meet the right fella," Mr.Yajima encouragingly says.

"I met someone I liked but, he's no longer around. I wish he is still here with us." "I'm sure I will," Carla lies a bit with that statement. Mr.Yajima believes that Carla is telling the truth.

Mr.Yajima, Spike, Wendy, and Carla arrive at the train station. They hop on after buying the tickets. Many people are in awe of seeing Spike the Fairy and try their best to take pictures of him. Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Mr.Yajima sit together on the train.

"Does it bother you that they're taking pictures of you?" Mr.Yajima asks out of curiosity.

"No. I don't mind people taking pictures of me. It's not every day people around Fiore gets to see a dragon in their lives."

"People have been respective of Spike's wishes when he doesn't want to get a picture taken. Also, they don't become stalkerish," Wendy said.

"Judging from the Grand Magic Games, I say they don't want to provoke Fairy Demon Dragon's wrath. I know I want to be on your good side, Spike. I remember you pulling off Fairy Law."

"That's a day I won't forget. The day I earned my right to live in Earth Land. Which is funny cause I'm originally from here and migrated to Equestria."

"I remember the story you kids told me the other day when you worked in my restaurant. I'm happy you finally met your mom, Spike."


The train ride goes smoothly, with the four talking about their previous adventures. Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna board the train and see the four sitting together. They inform Spike about competing in the Crocus' Cook-Off competition. Spike tells them he'll be participating in the event.

Five hours later, the train arrives in Crocus. Royal Soldiers are outside to greet any wizard competing in the Crocus' Cook-Off.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon," Sting approaches Spike with Minerva and Lector.

"Hey, Sting. I guess you're cooking in the competition?"

"Heck no, Milady is," Sting refers to Minerva.

"Her entrees are to die for," Lector said. He rubs his belly in satisfaction cause he ate a plate of Minerva's cooking earlier today.

"My cooking will make your tastebuds taste like heaven," Minerva proclaims.

"I'll have to wait and see about that," Spike replies.

"I've tasted Spike's cooking, and it's top-notched," Wendy acclaims.

"Wait until you try Milady's cooking, Wendy. It'll blow and change your mind."

"Wait until you have a try. Rogue and Yukino fell in love with Spike's cooking."

"I had Kagura's help, so that doesn't count," Spike reminds Wendy.

"Which there won't be any help in this competition. Sabertooth may have lost the Grand Magic Games, but we're winning the Cook-Off."

"Get ready to lose another war by the claws of Fairy Tail."

"Indeed, which is why the Thunder Legion will be taking the prize," Freed said. The Thunder Legion is behind him.

"Nice to see you again, Fairy Dragon," Bickslow said.

"Likewise, Bickslow."

"Ah crud, Evergreen is here as well." Elfman thought to himself. He's with Lisanna and Mirajane.

"Well, it's good to have friendly competition this year," Mirajane smiles.

"I'll say. We have the best odds of winning, Sis," Lisanna said.

"I hope so. Spike is a serious contender in terms of cooking," Elfman reminds his sisters.

"Wendy!" Sherria waves at Wendy and runs up to her.

"Sherria, what are you doing here?" Wendy hugs Sherria.

"To support my cousin. She's cooking for the competition," Sherria explains.

"I'm cooking out of love," Sherry said. She turns to Spike. "My lovely cooking will thwart yours."

Spike smirks. "We will have to wait and see. It's up to the judges."

"Fair enough," Sherry replies with love.

More wizards to participate show up. The Royal Soldiers are now escorting the wizards to their designated hotels. Spike couldn't help but laugh; His hotel is the Honeycomb Inn. The Royal Soldiers explain that the chefs participating get to share the hotel with the wizards that are encouraging or showing moral support, but there is no sabotaging; otherwise, it results in immediate disqualification.

Spike walks into his room and sees the six beds again. The memories of the Grand Magic Games return. Wendy and Carla enter the room.

"This room is similar to the Honeybone Inn Hotel," Carla said. She looks around a bit.

"This is the room I was in with Fairy Tail Team B during the Grand Magic Games, Carla. Comes to show how at times, things come in a full circle." Spike put his belongings on the bed he slept in during the Grand Magic Games.

"So, what time is the competition tomorrow?" Wendy asks.

"Lunch hour. Princess Hisui wants to ensure that many people enjoy the Cook-Off tomorrow," Spike goes up to a desk and writes a letter.

"Who are you writing to, Spike?" Carla asks.

"Lucy. I'm sure she'll be glad to see us again," Spike smiles as he writes. He uses his fire breath to teleport the letter to Lucy. "I told her we're at the Honeycomb Inn, so we'll see her in a little while."

"You think she could be a possible judge?"

"I don't think so, Wendy. I think she'll partake in eating the food with the others while the judges taste a sample to decide who wins each round or some sort. I don't know how the Cook-Off would go out explicitly."

"Considering five Fairy Tail members are competing, it would seem biased of a Fairy Tail Judge to choose only a member of the guild to win," Carla noted.

"I guess that's why Jason of Sorcerer Weekly is a judge instead of her," Spike said. "Also, I'm sure Jason will come looking for me since he's a huge fan of mine."

"The Princess likes you," Wendy said.

"She's a huge fan as well. I remember seeing her face lit up like fireworks when I gave her a Spike the Fairy plush months ago."

"So, when Lucy arrives, what do you feel like doing?" Carla asks.

"I'm thinking about catching up while walking in the flower maze," Spike replies.

Half an hour later. Lucy knocks on the room door. Wendy opens the door to allow Lucy to enter. She's happy to see Wendy, Carla, and Spike. Spike and Lucy hug each other a bit.

"I'm so happy to see you again, Spike," Lucy lets go of the hug.

"Likewise, Sis," Spike smiles. "How you've been?"

"I'm good. I'm going to document tomorrow's affair while Jason will be participating as a judge."

"Any scoop on the mystery judges?" Wendy asks Lucy.

"One Wizard Saint and Chapati. As to who the Wizard Saint is, anonymous until tomorrow's event."

"Wow. That could be favorable for Fairy Tail or Lamia Scale," Spike thinks it's Warrod Sequen or Jura Neekis as the mystery judge.

"Well, even if it's Jura or Warrod, they are obligated to follow the regulations as being a judge," Carla states. "They won't be showing favoritism in terms of fairness."

"Maybe Makarov is among the mystery judge?" Lucy has high hopes of seeing the former Master.

"He won't be in it. Makarov is still on his quest and wishes to be left alone," Spike informs Lucy. She sadly sighs but nods in understanding.

"We all miss Makarov, Lucy," Carla said.

"Yea, but Spike tries his best to keep in contact with him on any progress report. Say, are you improving on your magic during your time out here, Lucy?" Wendy asks.

"Oh, yea!" Lucy gets pumped up saying it. "I've been improving on my magic as well as my writing. I have a schedule to maintain my progress. I take it to heart from what Spike told everyone as Guild Master weeks ago."

"Good, I'm glad you are taking the time to train. Want to walk in the flower garden maze, Lucy?"

"No thanks, Spike. I don't feel like heading there today. I prefer to spend time with my friends here. So, anyone else from Fairy Tail competing?"

"Well, there's Lisanna, Mirajane, and Elfman," Carla informs Lucy.

"Also Freed of the Thunder Legion," Wendy noted.

"Then there's Mr.Yajima. Sherry Blendy of Lamia Scale. Lastly, Minerva of Sabertooth. I didn't see who else has shown up for the Cook-Off tomorrow."

"Tough competition if you're trying to win, Spike," Lucy said.

"I will win. I have an ace in my sleeve," Spike breathes his fire. "My flames are the secret weapon to every dish."

"That's the unfair advantage you have that no one else has, Spike. Plus, if you make your signature cookie, it's over," Lucy said.

"My cookies have been vital throughout my time in Earth Land, so they are as powerful as Fairy Law."

"I can't wait to taste those cookies again," Wendy imagines eating Spike's freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies.

"I agree. It goes great with tea."

"Speaking of tea, I'm going to make some," Lucy gets up and goes to the small kitchen in the room. She starts brewing some green tea. "Is green tea good with you, Carla?"

"Yes, Lucy."

"I'll have a cup as well," Spike said.

"I didn't know you were a tea drinker, Spike."

"It's not often I have it. I have to be in the mood or when I need to calm my nerves. I remember my first night in Magnolia, and Lucy brewed some tea for me."

"How did you end up being Lucy's roommate?" Carla asks.

"Yea. Even after all this time, I still don't know how you winded up in Lucy's apartment," Wendy said.

"Natsu wanted to show me a place where he and Happy sleep and hang out from time to time. I had no idea we were crashing at Lucy's apartment. Lucy came out of the bathroom, and she and I shrieked. Lucy threw a pan at Natsu's face. Telling him and Happy to leave except for me."

"Of course. Those hooligans would do something like that," Carla said. Unfazed by their habits.

"I was nervous during the night cause I didn't know where I would be sleeping. I asked Lucy if I could stay, and in my mind, I was anticipating a simple no."

"However, I said yes," Lucy interjects in Spike's story. "I told Spike he can stay until he finds a place of his own," Lucy pours green tea into cups and puts it on a tray. She brings the tray to Spike and Carla.

"Thanks," Spike and Carla grab their green tea.

"You're welcome," Lucy smiles.

"So, it was at that moment you and Lucy started to bond as siblings?" Wendy asks.

"Like a week or two later, we started building that bond. Started out as friends and roommates first."

"I remember the whole event like it was yesterday. Natsu and Happy brought Spike to the Guildhall after finding him," Lucy sits on the bed, drinking her tea.

"I'll never forget the first time we met, Spike," Wendy smiles.

"Our first coalition mission. It was also my first job with Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Happy. The adventure was amazing as well as my first fight against a tough opponent."

"I'm glad you gave that Hibiki fellow a whack for flirting with Wendy," Carla drinks her tea.

"He made me uncomfortable," Wendy shudders while remembering that moment and wishes to forget about it.

"He did ask of me to punch him, the Trimen, and Ichiya if they step out of line to this day."

Lucy chuckles a bit. "I remember that from the Wizard Exchange Program. He whacked the Blue Pegasus playboys for flirting with Erza and me."

"Still, I can't believe I missed out on fighting a serpent-type creature in Kemekemo's homeland."

"Well, you were busy restoring Mermaid Heel's reputation after the blunder from Gray when he stripped in public."

"Which makes me wonder if Kagura or any of the Mermaid Heel girls have recovered from the Seven Deadly Sins' ambush. The last I heard from them was during the small coalition to go after the Seven Deadly Sins at the Akane Resort Beach."

"I still can't believe you guys fought a Leviathan. I wished I could see it," Lucy said. She finishes drinking her tea.

"I can't believe a Leviathan existed. I still can't even after witnessing its arrival," Carla said.

"In a way, the Leviathan is a dragon-hybrid, so we did technically slay a dragon," Wendy said.

"One down, one more to go," Spike refers to Acnologia.

"I'm with you, Spike," Wendy understands who Spike is referring.

"I'm sure the others will help you defeat Acnologia someday, Spike. You can count on me for support," Lucy said.

"Thanks," Spike smiles at the gesture.

The rest of the day goes with everyone talking about their previous adventures and favorable memories. Lucy decides to sleepover in the Honeycomb Inn.

The next day. Spike hears the door knocking and answers it. He sees the Royal Soldier at the door.

"Morning, Spike the Fairy. Princess Hisui has summoned you to partake in today's breakfast in Mercurius. Please, have your friends come along."

"Mind waiting a bit?" Spike yawns. "They're still asleep."

"Take your time," The Royal Soldier replies.

Spike closes the door and sees it's 7:30 in the morning. He wakes his friends from their slumber to inform them about being invited for breakfast with the Princess. After an hour of getting ready, the Royal Soldier escorts Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Lucy to Mercurius.

"Wow, breakfast with the Princess. I wonder why Princess Hisui asked of you and us and not everyone else?" Lucy ponders a bit. She is elated to have breakfast with Hisui.

"Maybe she already invited everyone else, or perhaps it's to see me again? I don't know. Rage, what do you think?" Spike groans for his blunder. Even though it's been a bit over two months, it's still hard for him to adjust without Rage.

"Did something happen to Fairy Rage, Fairy Dragon?" A Royal Soldier asks Spike

"He died as a hero to bring Erza back from the dead during the fight against Midnight Sparkle. Readjusting my life without Fairy Rage has become a bit difficult."

"Condolences, Fairy Dragon," The Royal Soldiers say with respect. Even the one that once threw a spear at him during the Banquet after the Dragon King Festival.

"Thanks," Spikes sighs sadly. Wendy grabs Spike's claw. It was enough to comfort Spike.

After a twenty-minute walk, the Royal Soldiers escort Spike, Wendy, Lucy, and Carla to the dining hall where Princess Hisui is having breakfast. Princess Hisui, Colonel Arcadios, and Defense Minister Darton are at the table, waiting patiently.

"Good morning," Princess Hisui said, smiling at Spike, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla.

"Greetings Fairy Dragon, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla," Arcadios formally said.

"It's nice to see you four in Crocus once more," Darton said.

"Thanks for having us here," Spike speaks on behalf of his friends.

"Please, have a seat," Princess Hisui politely commands.

Spike sits next to Wendy and Lucy. Carla sits next to Wendy. The table is long and could hold up to thirty people, maybe more.

"Are the other chefs participating coming from breakfast?" Wendy asks Princess Hisui.

"No," Darton shakes his head.

"The Princess wanted to have Spike here to make up the disaster at the Banquet," Arcadios explains.

"I remember that night," Princess Hisui relives the moment everyone around Spike was heckling him about being in the nude, especially Arcadios. "It made me sad that you couldn't partake during the party after you released your anger."

"Oh, right," Spike remembers unleashing Fairy Rage to scorch Arcadios after calling him out.

"Forgive me, for I was out of line when all dragons don't wear clothing. Also, I had no idea you were pent-up by others that night."

"I forgive you, Arcadios. I meant it the last time you apologized."

"The Princess gave me a command, and I complied. I'm apologizing to you on my accord."

"Thank you," Spike offers his claw.

Arcardios reaches and shakes Spike's claw. "You're welcome, Fairy Dragon. I do wish you luck during the competition."

"So, what's for breakfast?" Lucy asks Princess Hisui.

"A breakfast buffet should be arriving at the table any minute now, Lucy. You'll take what you want to eat. So, are you participating in the Cook-Off, Lucy?" Princess Hisui asks.

"Nope. Spike is. I'm here to commentate with Mato for the event," Lucy responds.

"We're supporting and cheering for Spike," Wendy and Carla said in unison.

"As well as our other friends that are in the Cook-Off," Carla noted.

"That's good. I do wish you luck, Spike," Princess Hisui puts her Spike the Fairy plush on the table. She doesn't want to get it dirtied.

"Thanks. Do you carry that plush wherever you go?" Spike is curious to know.

"Yes," It's a guilty pleasure of Princess Hisui.

"The Princess is very fond of you, Fairy Dragon. She's probably your number one fan," Arcadios said.

"I have many fans. Number one would belong to Wendy since I'm dating her."

"Fair enough."

Butlers and maidens bring in the breakfast buffet to the table. There's scrambled eggs, omelets, bacon, sausages, pancakes, waffles, fruit salads, oatmeal, banana bread, muffins, cereal, french toast, breakfast wraps, homemade bagels, and hashbrowns. The aroma from the fresh food made Spike, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla's bellies growl loudly.

"Dig in," Princess Hisui smiles.

Everyone waste no time in getting what they want for breakfast. Spike, Wendy, Carla, and Lucy talk about their previous adventures with Princess Hisui, Arcadios, and Darton. They are amazed to hear about going into the world of Equestria to stop a demon from causing time manipulation. They were also amazed to hear about the defeat of the Seven Deadly Sins.

An hour later. Everyone is satisfied with the breakfast. Spike enjoyed every minute of it the most since he didn't eat much at the Banquet months ago.

"Thanks for the food," Spike, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla said in bliss.

"You're welcome," Princess Hisui burps a bit. "Excuse me," Everyone at the table laughs a bit.

"So, where is the Cook-Off being held in?" Spike asks.

"In the arena. The game organizers are setting kitchen booths as we speak. There will be four judges. Jason from Sorcerer Weekly, Chapati, who announced the Grand Magic Games, a Wizard Saint, and myself. If you ask who the Wizard Saint is, he wished to be anonymous until arrival."

"Thanks for informing me," Spike already knew, but he needed to show respect.

"You're welcome," Princess Hisui smiles at Spike.

"Your Highness," Darton gets up. "We have an appointment to attend to," Darton reminds Princess Hisui.

Princess Hisui checks the time and sighs. "10:00 already," Princess Hisui gets up. She wanted to spend more time with her favorite dragon. "I have to get going. Be sure to be in the arena at lunch hour."

"I will, Princess. See you later," Spike watches Princess Hisui, Darton, and Arcadios walk off.

"My place is not far from here. Want to come and check it out?"

"That sounds like fun, Lucy," Wendy said.

"I don't see why not," Carla said.

"Sure, why not," Spike replies.

"Follow me," Lucy leads her friends to her home. After twenty minutes, they arrive at Lucy's home. "Welcome to my new home," It's similar to the apartment in Magnolia. A bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. Lucy does have some posters of the Fairy Tail Emblem and team on the walls.

"Nice place you have, Lucy," Wendy said. She explores the apartment with Carla.

"Thanks. Also, I've been improving on my literature. Would you like to read it?" Lucy offers her friends to read her progress.

"I'll read it," Carla takes a novel Lucy is currently writing and reads it.

"Have you kept in contact with the others besides me, Lucy?" Spike turns to Lucy.

"I have. Levy, Jet, and Droy came by for a visit while working with Sabertooth."

"Nice. Any word on Natsu, Gray, or Erza?"

"I haven't heard from them in a long time. The last I've seen Natsu and Gray was during our return trip from Equestria; As for Erza, since we departed from camping in the East Forest."

"Alright then," Spike was hoping to have some news. Sure, he can always teleport to them to check on them but prefers not to intrude on their business. He'll try again in a few weeks or so with another letter.

"Wow, Lucy. This novel of yours is great. Better than the ones you left at your home."

"WHAT?! YOU READ MY-MY..." Lucy realized the unfinished novels she wrote. They are still in her apartment in Magnolia. Tons of errors, faulty tense sequences, mismanagement with her toning. "Aw, man..," Lucy is in tears of embarrassment.

"Don't be discouraged, Lucy. I think what you wrote back home is good," Wendy said, hoping to cheer up her friend.

"Thanks," Lucy replies. She sighs in defeat, knowing her old work is dread awful.

Spike is thinking about spending time with Lucy after the Cook-Off. A few days in Crocus before heading back to Magnolia. He hopes that Lucy won't mind unless she has other plans.

Wendy, Spike, and Lucy play a couple of board games and enjoy each other's company for the next hour. Carla notices that time flew by while reading three chapters of Lucy's novel. She's invested in the romance novel Lucy wrote. Carla alarms Spike about the Cook-Off starting in ten minutes.

"Perfect," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his friends and himself to the arena.

"I keep forgetting you can do that, Spike," Lucy said. Since it's been two months, she's gotten used to walking a lot and not relying on teleportation to get to places.

"It's fine. You're used to teleporting with me to other places I remembered or have a flare marking. I have a flare marking in the suite Fairy Tail Team B was sitting, so teleporting into the arena was no problem."

Many wizards chefs enter the arena. Spike sees Kagura and Mermaid Heel arriving. He sighs in relief, knowing they recovered nicely from the Seven Deadly Sins' ambush. Lucy sees Freed, Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna walking and greets them. They are happy to see Lucy once more after all this time. Minerva walks in with a lot of confidence written on her face. She knows she'll succeed in winning the Cook-Off. Sherry Blendy walks in with a loving smile on her face.

The Royal Soldiers escort the chefs to their booths. There's a total of fifty chefs participating in today's event; There are four tables in the arena for the judges. People in the stands watching will be ordering what they want each round. The margin of people's food choices will determine the meal every chef must make.

Spike enters his booth and sees an oven, cabinets, a grill, a table, bowls, potteries, a sink, and a fridge. Spike opens the refrigerator to see what's inside; There's no food. Spike finds a note. It reads: Food will automatically fill in the lacrima refrigerator depending on the round.

"Okay. That answers my question," Spike sees Wendy and Carla sitting in the stands as participants in deciding what food they would like to see in each round. "Well, that answered another question of mine."

Lucy walks into the commentating suite since she'll be documenting the event. The Pumpkin Head Mato walks in.

"Hello, Lucy. Ready to commentate on today's Cook-Off?"

"Yes, Sir, I am. I hope to taste some of the food from the winning chefs."

"Likewise. Any guess on who'll be winning today's event?"

"The Fairy Dragon himself. Spike the Fairy," Lucy replies.

"What?! I didn't know he cooks!"

Lucy laughs at Mato's reaction. "I've tasted his cooking for many months. If he weren't a Fairy Dragon, he would have been a personal chef on the highest authority."

"Aw, man. Now I wish Spike was my personal chef."

"So, are the lacrima mics working?" Lucy asks Mato.

"They will be active in a few moments. We have lacrima cameras on every booth to see the progress of every chef. I'm eager to see the wow faces of the judges, including the mystery Wizard Saint Judge."

"I have a feeling who it might be, but I could be wrong."

"Who do you think it is, Lucy?"

"I want to say either Warrod Sequen or Jura Neekis."

"Oh, boy. If Jura is the mystery Wizard Saint Judge, he may give Fairy Dragon a bad or decent score as payback from the Grand Magic Games."

"Well, Jura has to oblige by the regulations as being a judge. It's all about fairness with each chef based on how delicious the entree is."

"Good point. Though, I have a feeling Jura might stretch the truth."

The lunch hour has arrived, and people are roaring and hungry. Mato and Lucy's mics activate, allowing them to speak to the audience.

"Good afternoon, citizens of Fiore!" Mato shouts in the mic. "I am Mato. Today is Crocus' Cook-Off, and I am pleased to tell you that familiar faces are participating in today's contest."

"My name is Lucy Heartfilla of the Fairy Tail Guild. I'll be Mato's co-commentator for today's extravaganza."

"Please, take a look at the lacrima visions to see every wizard competing," Mato says.

Lacrima visions reveal every wizard, including Freed, Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Minerva, Millianna, Kagura, Rocker, Ichiya, Sherry, and Spike the Fairy. Many people cheer loudly for seeing Spike the Fairy once more.

"Can you hear that crowd?"

"I hear the crowd loud and clear, Mato. I see they are enjoying the return of Spike the Fairy the most."

"He is the fan favorite, Lucy. It's not every day people of Fiore gets to see a dragon among them."

"Unless you're in a guild."

"Touché, Lucy. Of course, you'll see him every day."

"To be fair, he's my roommate in Magnolia."

"WHAT?!" Mato and most of the crowd said in unison. It's the loudest what-roar the arena heard in a long time.

"It's true. Ever since Spike first arrived in Fairy Tail, I allowed him to be my roommate."

"You are one lucky wizard. I bet everyone here wishes to have a dragon as a roommate."

"Well, give it some time. A new age of dragons will co-exist with humanity."

"How long per se?" Mato asks with a bit of emphasis.

"Fifty years, give or take."

"Fifty years!" Mato was hoping for the dragons to come sooner than later.

"Remember, those dragons need to grow up. They need time to develop on who they want to be or associate with."

"Aaaah.., fair enough," Mato said in defeat. "Now, without further ado, let's introduce the judges of the contest!"

The crowd cheers and wait patiently to see who'll be judging the food.

"Alright, time to man-up!" Elfman prepares himself to face any cooking challenge.

"Okay, I got this. Time to show everyone what I can do," Lisanna said.

"Time to show who's the best cooker in Fairy Tail," Freed prepares himself mentally.

Mirajane makes sure she has everything she needs to win all the rounds necessary for her family. They are a bit tight with money, and the prize money will help sustain them for the rest of the year and more.

"You got this, Minerva!" Lector shouts from the stands. He's with Sting.

"Minerva! Show them how's it's done!"

"You can do it, Sherry! Let love be your ingredient to win!" Sherria shouts from the stands.

"This may be Freed's toughest battle in terms of cooking," Evergreen said. She looks at the other contenders in the arena.

"Spike is Freed's rival in terms of cooking. I've tasted his meals during the last month before the Grand Magic Games," Laxus said.

"Spike's that proficient in terms of cooking?" Bickslow asks Laxus.

"If I have to say who's number one, it'll be a draw at best. Remember, the first month of training with the guy, Spike didn't feel like cooking. He was devoted. Solemnly focused on improving his magic power and strength."

"Wow, talk about tough competition. What about Mirajane's cooking?" Evergreen asks Laxus.

"She's second in my books," Laxus admits.

"So, besides Spike. Anyone else you're rooting for, Wendy?" Carla asks Wendy.

"Well, anyone from Fairy Tail, I guess. I'm keen on rooting for Spike only. What about you, Carla?"

"Anyone in Fairy Tail will do, child. I'm sure Fairy Tail will win."

"That's guaranteed, Carla. No doubt about it. It's not often Fairy Tail loses a war."

"So, this may be tricky for our girls since Spike is competing," Risley said. She's looking at the lacrima vision of Spike preparing in the kitchen booth.

"I'm sure Kagura and Millianna will come out on top at least," Beth Vanderwood said. She hopes that Mermaid Heel will emerge victorious after coming in second during the Grand Magic Games.

"If Spike makes his cookies, we're dead," Araña reminds her friends, which they concur. They remember the taste of Spike's cookies months ago, which saved their guild's reputation.

"Here's our first judge of the competition. It's Princess Hisui!" Lucy shouts in the mic to amp up the crowd.

Princess Hisui enters the arena and waves to her people. Every wizard in their booth claps for Princess Hisui.

"Our second judge is Jason from Sorcerer Weekly!" Mato shouts into the mic.

"Cooooooooooool!" Jason shouts and receives a lot of attention as he walks into the arena. He writes his experience in his notepad. "I'm so happy to be a judge in this event! I'll be looking forward to interviewing the winner tomorrow on the podcast, live!" Every wizard in their booth claps for Jason. Jason is looking forward to trying Spike's entrees more than anything else.

"Our third judge is a commentator of this year's Grand Magic Games. Give it up for Chapati!" Mato shouts in the mic.

Chapati enters the arena. "It's an honor to be a judge for this event. Here I thought, I'll be commenting on the event," Every wizard in their booth claps for Chapati.

"As for our fourth judge. We have an anonymous Wizard Saint who'll make himself known to us right now!" Lucy shouts in the mic.

An older gentleman with clean-cut, dark purple hair, red eyes, a well-groomed mustache, pointy ears, and an emblem on his forehead that's resembles a cross; walks into the arena. He wears a button-up dress shirt, a lightly decorated vest, dark-colored slacks, and a black bow tie. He covers his ensemble with a black cape that sports light-colored crosses towards the mid-line. He also wears a large ring on his middle finger. Every wizard's jaws drop except for Spike. The crowd is stunned to see the mystery Wizard Saint Judge.

"NO WAY! THAT'S.., THAT'S!!!" Lucy is mesmerized to see the Wizard Saint himself. Her jaw drops to the floor.

"Second strongest of the Four Emperors of Ishgar.., Draculos Hyberion!" Mato couldn't believe it. Everyone in the audience couldn't believe what they're seeing.

Draculos Hyberion is serious about his role as a judge. He looks at the lacrima vision displayed in the arena and notices every wizard sweating like crazy except for Spike. "The Fairy Dragon that defeated Iron Rock Jura. How interesting."

Silence reigns in the crowd and the arena. Princess Hisui, Jason, and Chapati have no words to express their feeling about working with Draculos Hyberion. The pressure is on with every wizard except for Spike. Judging from the silence, Spike believes Draculos Hyberion is as powerful as the title acclaims to be, despite what Warrod had mentioned about the Wizard Saints.

"Wow, folks. Things got serious real quick," Mato said. His voice trembled a bit.

"I'm glad I'm not the one cooking. That's a whole lot of pressure I'll be having," Lucy fearfully said. "I wish anyone luck while feeling immense pressure from Draculos Hyberion."

"I agree. Not even me would be confident, now," Mato admits. He's sweating madly from seeing Draculos Hyberion from the commentator suite.

"I may need a change my underwear. It's so cool and yet, so terrifying. Draculos Hyberion. A walking, breathing, living vampire walking among us. I must be dreaming. No way this is real." Jason thought to himself.

"I was not expecting him. Holy crap." Chapati thought to himself.

"Wow. I thought it would be Jura that'll come out. Things could change depending on the wizard's cooking to impress Hyberion's tastebuds." Princess Hisui thought to herself.

Silence reign for a few more minutes before Mato asks the crowd what food they want the chefs to make for the first round. Almost everyone competing except for Spike is trembling in fear. They hope to please Draculos Hyberion with their exquisite cooking.

"Okay, let's tally up the votes for round one," Mato said, breaking the ice of the awkward silence. "Round one is to make a cheeseburger."

"That sounds simple," Lucy thought the first round would feature a different kind of food.

"The people want to see it, and so we shall."

"How would all these people have a taste of the winning chef's dish? There's over twenty thousand in the stands."

"We have a lacrima cloning device and deliver it to all the people in attendance. Only the best dishes the Judges deem worthy. We will not give our people something wretched to eat. Good luck, everybody," Mato wishes all the wizards luck.

Food starts filling up in the lacrima fridges in the booths. Every wizard opens their refrigerator and grabs the food. Judges can observe every booth to check on the progress rather than sit around and wait.

Rocker instantly panics while preparing the ground beef. He tries his best to remain calm, but the thought of Draculos Hyberion possibly drinking his blood gets the better of him. His sweat goes into the patties while he shapes them circularly.

Minerva takes a deep breath to recompose herself. The idea of having Draculos Hyberion gave her a sense of uncertainty but, she'll focus on her cooking. She will let her cooking be her motive and do the talking.

Out of the three siblings, Lisanna is calm; Mirajane tries to shrug it off; Elfman panics. Elfman proclaims that a real man would not be terrified of vampires. They proceed on pounding the burger meat before cooking it.

Freed is calm and uses his expertise to woo and awe the audience while making the cheeseburgers. He's smiling, knowing that at least half of the chefs would succumb to anxiety due to the presence of Draculos Hyberion.

Millianna is panicking. She's worried about displeasing Draculos Hyberion more than Princess Hisui. She doesn't care about the reactions of Jason and Chapati. Her grill explodes due to the panic and pressure she's enduring. There's a rule when the kitchen explodes. Any kitchen set on fire and cannot be put out or destroyed gets an immediate disqualification. There are no second chances or do-overs in this contest.

"Ouch, just like that, Millianna is first to leave the kitchen," Mato reports while speaking on the mic.

"There goes another one," Lucy sees Rocker's booth exploding. He comes out with his hair on fire, running around like an idiot instead of stopping, dropping, and rolling on the ground. Good thing that the Royal Guards snuff the fire out with an extinguisher, freeing Rocker from the heat.

"The pressure is on for the first round already. I hope the judges get to try something. It'll be a real disappointment if everybody taps out."

"I hear you, Mato. Let's hope for the best."

Sherry is enjoying her time preparing the best cheeseburgers for the judges to woo. She refuses to allow stress to overtake her during the competition. She's letting love be her guiding light to win. Sherry has already finished making the cheeseburger, adding smiley faces with the pickles, ketchup, and mustard.

Princess Hisui is visiting Spike's kitchen booth. She's perplexed why Spike is not adding cheese to the burger. Princess Hisui and the others watching on the lacrima vision see Spike using his green flames to heat the burger meat.

Jason comes by Kagura's kitchen booth. Kagura ignores Jason and focuses on the task; Jason watches in awe as Kagura adds some spices to the cheeseburger.

Draculos Hyberion visits Elfman's kitchen booth. He calmly stares at Elfman's progress with the cheeseburgers and notices he's adding a bit too much. Elfman looks away and sees Draculos Hyberion's cold stare. The fear of him draining his blood in anger gets the better of him. Elfman inadvertently causes a grease fire, and his kitchen explodes.

"Ooooooooh, another one bites the dust," Mato saw Elfman's kitchen in ruins.

"Aw, man. I was hoping Elfman would deliver as a real man would," Lucy said. She sounds a little disappointed.

"Can you blame the guy? Draculos Hyberion would scare any wizard unless they show no fear."

"Hmm," Draculos Hyberion checks a different booth to observe. Elfman looks down and takes the walk of shame out of the arena.

"Poor Elfman," Lisanna watches Elfman walk out in shame. She continues to grill the cheeseburgers a bit longer.

"Don't worry, Elfman. Lisanna and I are still in this to win it!" Mirajane is finalizing the cheeseburgers.

Princess Hisui has never left Spike's booth. Draculos Hyberion visits his booth; Princess Hisui steps back a bit, giving him space.

"Fairy Dragon," Draculos calls him.

Spike turns while using his flames to melt the cheese. "Hey, what's up?" Spike shows no fear of Draculos Hyberion. The same emotion when Erza scares anyone with her vicious glare.

"It's an honor to meet you. I heard a lot about you at the newly established Magic Council Hall. Warrod and Jura asked me to say hi to you."

"Thanks. Tell them I say hi when you return to them," Spike goes up to the counter with four plates of burgers with a small bowl of cheese for each. He taps on the bell, signaling his cheeseburgers are ready for the taste test.

After ten minutes, more bells ring, signaling other wizards have completed making their first dish.

Princess Hisui, Draculos Hyberion, Jason, and Chapati go to their tables and sit. Many waiters are in line with numbers on them. They grab the plates to bring to the table.

"Well, I hope our judges like the first dish of the first round," Mato said on the mic.

"Yea," Lucy concurs. "So far, we had ten explosions in the field. Many wizards are feeling pressured by Draculos' presence."

"I can't wait to sink my teeth onto these burgers," Jason said in excitement.

"I agree with you, Jason. It's a delight to see so many chefs wanting to impress their skills like this. It was a sight to behold during the Grand Magic Games. I hope the blood, sweat, and tears go into the food they made," Chapati said.

"I've tasted many head chef's cooking, so it'll be interesting to try a wizard's masterpiece in terms of cooking," Princess Hisui said.

Draculos Hyberion remains silent. He waits patiently to try the meals all these wizards have made.

"Whoa, this is interesting!" Chapati sees the waiter delivering four plates of burgers with a bowl of cheese.

"Huh?" Jason is confused. "Are these not cheeseburgers?"

"I know who made these. Spike, please come on down and explain to us," Princess Hisui calls for Spike.

Spike flaps his wings. He flies to the tables where the judges are sitting. "Yes, Princess."

"Explain your presentation to us," Princess Hisui replies.

"I can't believe you made this! However, I'm confused with the bowl of cheese. Why didn't you put it on the burger?" Chapati asks Spike.

Spike chuckles a bit. "I thought about doing something different no one else would try. You see, I'm not sure how much cheese any of you wanted in a burger so, I decided to perfect the hamburger to the rich and tenderness, then I decided to use my flames to melt the cheese and pour it into the bowls you see in front of you. Now, for the cheeseburger effect, dip your burger in the cheese."

"Wow!" Jason shouts in excitement. "Allow me to be the first to try it!" Jason grabs the burger and dips it in the cheese; it covers the front of the bun and burger softly; Jason then takes a bite. "Oh, my God," Jason rolls his eyes and takes his time slowly, enjoying the cheeseburger. "If I died right now, this is how I want to eat cheeseburgers in Heaven."

Princess Hisui and Chapati do the same. They take the burgers and dip them in the cheese bowl. Princess Hisui and Chapati cover the front of the burger in cheese to try it.

"Wow! Out of all the cheeseburgers I had in my life, I have never seen one so creatively presented and taste so good!" Chapati takes another bite.

"How are you able to grill the burger into perfection? None of my chefs are compatible with making a burger so juicy and yet tender," Princess Hisui puts her burger down to wipe her face. She has some melted cheese on her face.

"Unlike the other wizards, I use my flames," Spike breathes his Sparkling Green Flames in front of the judges.

"Show off," Freed said. He was hoping for his burgers to be taste-tested first.

"So, he is using his flames as an unfair advantage," Lisanna said. She was hoping Spike wouldn't use his flames.

"All is fairness in the kitchen. The rules state to use what you can to your advantage," Mirajane reminds Lisanna.

Lisanna sighs in defeat. "I know."

"Way to go, Spike," Kagura said, watching the lacrima vision from her booth.

Draculos Hyberion takes a deep breath. He follows the instructions Spike laid out when a loud explosion occurs at the arena's entrance. Many people in the stands panic and leave as quickly as possible.

"What was that?!" Lucy tries to see the perpetrators that invaded the Cook-Off.

"Yes, yes. I see what you mean," Daphne is in a mechanized robotic suit. It's twenty feet tall and shaped like a Vulcan. The left arm wields a magic machine gun powered by a different energy source; The right arm wields a magic shield powered by the same energy source. The back of the Vulcan mechanized robotic suit has a jetpack for flight mode. There are missile torrents on the shoulders. "These people are perfect; to test my latest invention!" Daphne laughs in triumph.

"You think we forget to come to the party?" Ace of the Green Goblins said. He has a newly designed magic machine gun armed.

"Boss, I think we overestimated the people participating," Billy is fatter than before. He has mounted cannons on his shoulders.

"Why do you say-" Ace sees Lisanna and Spike once more and remembers their last encounter not long ago.

"So, are we going to retreat?" Eels wield a new magic Tommy Machine Gun designed by Daphne.

"Guys, we're outnumbered," Ranger said. He points to the other wizards.

"Hey, lady. You sure these weapons will deprive them of their magic?" Ranger asks Daphne. He's unsure about the situation.

"Yea, they could kill us," Smoke said. He gulps as many wizards are ready to lay the smackdown on their behinds.

"Don't let the numbers fool you. We have the upper advantage in this fight!" Daphne reminds the Green Goblins Guild.

"You are unwise of crashing the party," Kagura said. Risley uses her speed to give Kagura her sword.

"Oh great, it's that annoying lady," Carla said. She remembers Daphne when she used the Dragonoid.

"Well, she's foolish for crashing the event," Wendy joins the wizards to battle the Green Goblins and Daphne.

Sting, Laxus, Bickslow, Evergreen, Sherria, Lucy, Elfman, Millianna, Beth Vanderwood, Araña, and every wizard present stand together. Draculos Hyberion walks in front of the wizard to confront the invaders.

"Who are you, Vamps?" Ace rudely asks, aiming his weapon at Draculos.

"My name is Draculos Hyberion. I order you to stand down before you get hurt."

"Stand down? No, no, grandpa. You see, the boys and I now have weapons we are eager to test," Daphne smirks. "Our weapons will render any wizard useless. You see," The Green Goblins aim their weaponry at any wizard daring to make a move. "There were a lot of magic pulse particles lying around from the destruction. After I took the time to analyze the magic pulse particles, I realized it's the same substance to activate Face!"

Every wizard, including Spike, gasps except for Draculos Hyberion; He continues to listen to Daphne's monologue.

"No way! You made weapons from the remains of Face!" Lucy said in shock.

"I did. Every one of my brothers in arms has Face related weaponry. A single shot will render any wizard helpless without magic. As for how long, we're going to find out! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Daphne becomes excited.

"This is bad news," Carla said.

"You have an army to deal with! Let's take them down!" Laxus shouts.

"YEAH!" Everyone shouts.

"That won't be necessary," Draculos Hyberion formally expresses. "I'll handle this myself."

"You're going to take us down, old man?" Daphne mocks Draculos Hyberion. She shoots warning missiles and destroys the kitchen booths all around the arena. Every wizard and Spike feels a bit light-headed from the warning missiles as Face particles filter the air a bit. The effect of Face drains them of their magic power, causing a different reaction.

"Wow, my head hurts," Freed said. He's amazed and terrified of the weapon's physique.

"I guess she's not playing around when Daphne said about having the advantage," Bickslow said.

"My head hurts, Sting," Lector holds his head.

"Hang in there, buddy," Sting said. "Damn, breathing this stuff is making me feel nauseous." Sting holds his belly.

Spike feels different and decides not to consume the energy around him. He rather not risk the chance of his magic depleting and having long-lasting effects.

"Damn it," Laxus feels a bit weak at the moment. "It feels like those bane particles again."

"This isn't lovely," Sherry said. Her magic fades a bit.

"Not wild!" Rocker shouts while feeling humiliated. First, his hair was on fire, now feeling weaker.

"Damn, this girl is crazy," Millianna said. She feels weak at the moment.

"Tell me about it," Beth Vanderwood falls to her knees, feeling weak.

"Elfman, I don't feel good," Lisanna has breathed a bit too much of Face's particles from the missile strike. She becomes weak. Elfman catches her.

"You're going to regret that!" Elfman proclaims. He feels weary from the side effects.

Many wizards feel weaker from breathing the Face Particles from Daphne's weapon. They'll need to act fast before their magic power is depeled.

"The only thing I regret is not coming sooner," Daphne sadistically laughs. "Time to show whose boss, boys! Yes! Yes! Yes! Time to fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Not today," Draculos Hyberion uses his magic to paralyze Daphne and the Green Goblins by simply pointing in their direction. The Vulcan mechanized robotic suit gets demolished from the heaviness of Draculos' power. The weapons they wield are destroyed. Daphne and the members of the Green Goblins clutch their necks in pain.

Everyone is mesmerized to see Draculos Hyberion bringing down Daphne and the Green Goblins without taking a step. They beg for mercy since Draculos Hyberion's magic is overwhelmingly immense and powerful. A few moments later. Royal Soldiers come to arrest Daphne and the Green Goblins.

"Darn you!" Daphne tries to spit at Draculos Hyberion. Her spit doesn't go far.

"You were fools to try and invade an event filled with wizards and a dragon. I advise something simple instead of extreme methods."

The Face Particles evaporate. Magic flows within everyone once more, but some are sick due to the effects. Wendy and Sherria decide to use their healing magic to help everyone. Many people were hospitalized due to Daphne and the Green Goblins' entrance. Mato and Princess Hisui decide to call off the Cook-Off. Princess Hisui tells everyone to return to their quarters until further notice.

Later that evening.

"I can't believe that bitch ruined the competition. I was looking forward to making more dishes," Spike said. He's lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in the Honeycomb Inn.

"I know. I guess Daphne picked up the stupidity from the Green Goblins," Lisanna said. She, Elfman, Mirajane, and the Thunder Legion are in the room.

"The story you informed us months ago would prove otherwise," Freed said.

"I give them credit for trying to make a name for themselves. Obviously, they walked into their demise," Evergreen said.

"Those bums had to deal with Draculos. His magic power scares me," Laxus admits. "I'm not sure if I can beat him in a fight."

"I can safely say most of us don't have a shot. Without Fairy Rage, I don't have a shot unless I'm a full-sized dragon."

"Do you think there'll be a redo tomorrow?" Carla asks everyone.

"I hope so. That Dracula guy scared me so bad, I botched my cooking," Elfman said.

"I'm glad Daphne is locked up again. I can't believe she busted herself out of prison," Lucy said. "She's so annoying."

"Agreed," Spike, Wendy, Carla, Laxus, Bickslow, Evergreen, Freed, Mirajane, Elfman, and Mirajane said in unison.

"Spike, could you absorb the energy emitting from the Face Particles?" Wendy asks.

"I think I could, but at the time, I didn't want to risk it. I know my mom got rid of my irregular magic and all but, I wanted to be safe."

"Your mom?" The Thunder Legion, Mirajane, Lisanna, and Elfman say in confusion.

"You guys read the letters I wrote about my venture, right?" Spike sees the looks on their faces. He chuckles a bit, knowing they didn't read it. Spike tells his friends about seeing his mother for the first time. Midway through, the sounds of knocking interrupt Spike's story. Lisanna opens the door to see Princess Hisui and Arcadios standing by with Royal Soldiers.

"Good, you're all here," Arcadios said. He holds many envelopes.

"Any news about the Cook-Off?" Mirajane asks Princess Hisui and Arcadios.

"The King and Princess have decided to cancel the event until a further date is announced," Arcadios confirms.

"So, with that said, I'm going to every wizard that participated and giving them 500,000 Jewels," Princess Hisui gives Lisanna the envelopes. "It was nice seeing all of you," Princess Hisui and Arcadios leave with the Royal Soldiers.

"500,000 Jewels. Not bad for participation," Spike said.

"Indeed," Lisanna gives the envelopes to Mirajane, Elfman, Freed, and Spike.

Spike opens his envelope and notices a letter within. He reads it a bit.

Lucy notices Spike reading his letter. "What does it say, Spike?"

"I'm invited for an interview with Jason for Sorcerer Weekly, live on the podcast."

"Wow, Spike. What time do you have to be there?" Wendy asks.

"Tomorrow at noon. I can use a good shuteye," Spike yawns a bit.

"We should get going," Laxus advises his friends.

"Agreed. Since I've been paid, there's no reason to stick around. We'll see you another time, guys."

"Remember to come train with us, Fairy Dragon. We're eager to have you with us," Evergreen said.

"Don't worry, I will," Spike replies.

"Take care," Laxus leaves with the Thunder Legion.

"Mind if we sleep over for the night?" Lisanna asks Spike.

"Sure, why not," Spike responds.

"I'm ordering room service," Mirajane looks at the menu.

"I'm staying as well," Lucy said.

"Sure thing. I have no problem," Spike smiles.

The rest of the night goes well with Spike, Wendy, Carla, Lucy, Elfman, Mirajane, and Lisanna enjoying each other's company. They have some laughter while planning for future dates to train together as friends.

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