• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Spike wakes up after his nap. He looks around to check the time. It's 7:17 at night, and Lucy walks into the apartment with Natsu and Happy.

"Whoa, what happened?" Lucy asks after seeing the shards of her window on the floor.

"I don't want to talk about it," Spike flaps his wings and flies out the window.

"Does that mean I get his bed tonight?" Natsu asks Lucy. Lucy slaps him on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Something is wrong here. Spike doesn't want to answer my question. He sounded sad and flew out the window. Aren't you a bit curious to know why?"

"I'll ask him later. I've been through a lot of transformation magic practice while having to find out that Erza was Fairy Woman."

"Aye," Happy concurs.

Lucy sighs heavily. While Spike is flying in Magnolia, Carla is having a hard time talking to Wendy about her actions. She's locked out of the room in the Fairy Tail Girl's Dorm.

"Wendy, please. Open up. It's been hours since we came home," Carla continues to knock on the door. Wendy is silent in her room; she's sitting on her bed, ignoring Carla. Erza, no longer dressed as Fairy Woman, comes up to Carla.

"Something troubling you, Carla?" Erza looks down at Carla.

Carla nods. "I've done something horrible, and Wendy doesn't want to listen to me."

"Come to my room and explain what you did wrong," Erza said. She picks up Carla and goes to her room. After a few moments, Erza enters her room and puts Carla on her couch. She sits on a chair. "So, what happened?"

Carla looks down and remembers the moment she made Wendy angry. She takes a deep breath. "You know that today was Spike and Wendy's date, right?"

"Yes. I was next to Spike when he mentioned going on a date with Wendy. I was enjoying the Maximum Sweet Strawberry cake with Spike and Lisanna after they told their tale from yesterday's job."

"Well," Carla sadly sighs. Erza picks up that it must have been serious for what Carla is about to say. "I took it upon myself to spy on Wendy and Spike during their date."

"You did what?" Erza sounds a little angry by Carla's action for spying on her brother.

"I spied on Wendy and Spike throughout their date. I followed them to a restaurant, to the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree, and Spike's apartment."


"I wanted to make sure that Wendy is protected," Carla closes her eyes.

"Carla. Wendy can handle herself against and foe. She also has Spike with her at all times."

"That's not the protection I'm talking about, Erza. I was afraid that Spike would impregnate Wendy. The way Wendy and Spike were talking and displaying gave me enough conviction to stop them from cuddling..," Carla sadly sighs.

"What else?"

"I ruined Spike and Wendy's date by assuming the worst and intruding on their fun. Now Wendy won't speak to me. I can assume that is the same for Spike."

"First of, you should never spy on anyone unless you were hired to do so. Second, Spike is smarter than he looks. He has shown that to us throughout the time we have known him. Third, you gave them something to remember on their first date, an awkward moment for the rest of their lives together. I can't say that your actions were justified. Now, why was it you assumed Spike and Wendy would have intercourse? There has to be more than a quick judgment."

Carla covers her eyes with her paw. The reasoning behind it is more bothersome to tell. She looks at Erza and sees the vicious glare that Spike is immune to. She trembles a bit, seeing how serious Erza is.

"I'm afraid that I'm going to lose Wendy to Spike..," Carla looks the other way.

"What do you mean by that?" Erza asks, toning her mood a bit.

"It's clear to everyone that Wendy and Spike are madly in love with each other like Bisca and Alzack are. Soon, they'll have a family, but where would I fit in..? I've been with Wendy since she hatched me and.., and..," Carla sniffs a bit. "I'm afraid of her leaving me behind to be with Spike. I don't know what will happen if I'm all alone..," Carla sheds some tears.

Erza gets up and rubs Carla's back. "You overthink too much. Wendy will never abandon you. You and she are intertwined as friends, just as Happy and Natsu are. I'm sure when Spike and Wendy get older, you'll be living with them and be a family."

"How.., how can you be certain of that?" Carla looks up at Erza.

"Friends are like family. They never abandon one another for selfish gain. We are Fairy Tail. Friends to the end and one in the same family. You need to let go of those apprehensions to see the bigger picture. You have to let Wendy go whenever she's with Spike."

"You're right," Carla gets up. "I wish I know what to do next."

"Make up for it," Erza answers.

"How? Spike and Wendy don't want to talk to me. How can I make it up for them?"

"I'll show you. First, you and Wendy need to have a chat," Erza gets up and leaves her room. Carla follows. Erza walks down the hallway to Wendy's door and knocks. "Wendy, it's me, Erza. Can I come in?"

Wendy is hesitant to answer the door. She is still upset at the fact that Carla ruined her first date with Spike and made him think he's going to impregnate her. Wendy gets out of bed and opens the door.

"What do you want, Erza?" Wendy looks up at Erza.

"To talk. Do you have time to talk?" Erza asks.

"No," Wendy was about to shut the door when Erza opens it wide. Carla flies into the room. "Don't talk to me, Carla."

"Wendy, please. I want to make it up to you?" Carla pleas.

"How? By installing lacrima vision cameras to keep an eye on me and Spike in everything we do?"

"No child. First, can I explain before you jump to conclusions?" Carl asks.

"Just like you did when you saw Spike and me having a little fun before cuddling?" Wendy is still pissed at Carla.

Carla sighs heavily. "Please, let me explain. I know my actions aren't justifiable. What I've done was ruining a special moment between you and Spike and much more. For that, I'm sorry for spying on you throughout your date; As for my reasoning behind the intrusion. It wasn't for 'protecting' you from being impregnated. It's because of something else."

"Like what, Carla?" Carla's statement peak Wendy's interest as to why Carla intervened earlier.

"It was due to my fear of losing you, Wendy?"

"Huh?" Wendy is confused.

"Wendy, I'm afraid of losing you to Spike."

"Are you in love with me?" Wendy still doesn't get it.

"Not like in a romantic relationship, Wendy. I'm afraid once you and Spike continue to be together, you'll abandon me to be with him."

"Carla..," Wendy becomes a bit sad hearing that.

"Where would I fit in once you and Spike get married? I don't know what would happen to me when the time comes..,"

"So, you thought breaking Spike and me apart would solve the dilemma?"

"I never intended for you to break up with Spike. I allowed my insecurities to get the better of me. I want you to be happy, Wendy. I'm.., sorry for what I've done. It was wrong of me, and I wish I can take it back..," Carla said in tears.

Wendy pulls Carla and hugs her. She shed tears now, knowing the hardship that ran amuck in Carla's head. "I forgive you," Wendy holds Carla tighter. "Carla, when Spike and I do get married, I do want you to live with us in our home. I'm sure he won't mind."

"I.., can't get my hopes up just yet. I need to talk to Spike as well. Also, to make up for my mistake."

"Well, I know where he'll be if he wanted to be alone or reflect," Wendy goes to her closet to dress up.

"Where?" Erza and Carla ask.

"The Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree."

Ten Minutes Later.

Spike is sitting by the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree. He's looking at the stars at night and replays the memory of him and Wendy dancing during the night.

"I saw your memories. I can't believe that Carla assumed you, giving Wendy a teenage pregnancy. It's wrong for her to be spying on those she trusts wholeheartedly."

"It's not just that. She ruined a special moment between Wendy and me. As you saw, I was stripping slowly while Wendy was using her charm. We were just having fun, and she took it literally. Carla had no right to spy on us."

"I know. So, what are you planning?"

"To stay home for a few days, I guess. I don't know what to do or how to approach seeing Wendy and Carla without feeling awkward."

"Very understandable. If you want, I can take over and do some jobs while you cope with your feelings."

"That's not a bad idea. You can help our friends during the jobs while I take a breather. However, I still want a day or two for myself before allowing you to go on jobs until I feel better."

"Fair enough. Someone is approaching."

Spike gets up; he powers up in case it's Twilight trying to ambush him like the alternate Twilight when she ambushed Leekips. Spike sees Wendy in the same dress she wore during the banquet at Mercurius. Erza and Carla came as well. Spike sighs and flaps his wings.

"Wait, don't go," Wendy said.

"Why?" Spike asks. He sounds upset.

"Carla has something to say to you," Erza said.

"Spike, I know what I've done is wretched, and I ruined your first date with Wendy. I didn't intrude because I wanted to protect Wendy. I intrude because I was afraid of losing her and being abandoned by her."

"How would Wendy abandon you? What made you think that?" Spike asks.

"I was afraid that Wendy would leave me behind when she starts a family with you. I don't know what will happen to me in the future. I don't know where I fit in once you and Wendy settle in a house of your own..," Carla sadly sighs. "I allowed my insecurities to get the better of me, and I wish I can take it back. I'm sorry for what I've done. Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

"I forgive you, Carla. I know what it's like to feel abandoned, and I don't wish that upon anyone."

"Spike," Wendy turns to Spike.

"Yes, Wendy?"

"When we do have our family and house, can Carla live with us?" Wendy asks.

"Of course she can. I know how much you and she are as best friends. It may be deeper than I think but knowing you, Wendy. I know you would want Carla to be closer to our family."

Carla is in shock when she hears Spike say that. "What kind of dragon are you?"

"One of a kind with a kind and caring heart. I did get that from my mother."

Carla sighs in relief and happiness. "Thank you, Spike. I'm sorry for what I pulled earlier."

"Don't worry about it. Also, I know how you can make it up to Wendy and me."

"Anything and it's done," Carla smiles.

"Sis? Are males allowed inside the girl's dorm?"

"Technically no but, you are an exception with your teleportation magic. Why do you ask?"

"I want to spend the rest of the night with Wendy in her room."

"Okay," Carla takes a deep breath. "Mind if I bunk with you, Erza?"

"Consider it done, Carla," Erza replies.

"Second, no one eavesdropping what Wendy and I are doing. No one spying on us."

"I'll be placing a silencing circle in case before I go to my slumber. It's a new spell I've been reading with Spike during our study time."

"I'll stand guard if I have to," Erza said.

"Third, you have to pay for the broken window at the apartment, Carla."

"Alright, Spike. I'll give you the money for it on the next job we have."

"Good. I know Lucy must be angry that she has to sleep with a broken window in the apartment."

"Oh.., right," Carla imagines how Lucy must have reacted to the broken window.

"Well, without further ado, let's go, handsome dragon," Wendy grabs Spike's arm.

"Coming, my marvelous Wendy," Spike kisses Wendy's cheek.

Spike, Wendy, Erza, and Carla go to the girl's dorm. Wendy opens the door to her room and allows Spike to enter. Carla goes in to grab her pajamas and leave. Fairy Rage conjures a silencing circle in Wendy's room. Erza takes Carla to her room. Spike looks around a bit and sees Wendy on the bed, taking off her shoes.

"Spike," Wendy uses her index finger as a sign to come closer to her. "We have unfinished business to take care of," Once again, like earlier today, Wendy sounds seductive.

"Yes, Ma'am," Spike gets on the bed.

Wendy cuddles Spike and talks about the future as a loving couple. Carla gets comfy on the couch and hopes that Wendy and Spike are having a great night. Erza suits up and stands guard in front of Wendy's door. She hears nothing coming from Wendy's room. Fairy Rage's silencing spell worked out.

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