• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Train Ride

It's 8:15 in the morning in Magnolia. Spike wakes up and smells the aroma of scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Morning, Spike," Lucy said, still cooking breakfast.

"Morning, Lucy," Spike gets up. He makes his bed.

"Did you had a good sleep and dream?" Lucy asks, putting a good portion of scrambled eggs and bacon on the two plates.

"I did. Did you?" Spike smiles.

"I did," Lucy smiles.

Spike goes to the bathroom to freshen up first. He takes his time while imagining a perfect day to be with Wendy. After a few moments, Spike comes out and sits at the table.

"So, what are we doing today?" Spike asks.

Lucy walks up to him and puts his plate down. "I'm thinking just chilling in the guildhall for today. A relaxing day with friends."

"If that's the case, then I'll go on a solo mission," Spike said.

"Have fun with that," Lucy sits in her chair, across from Spike.

"I will," Spike chuckles, thinking today will be a good day.

Spike and Lucy eat their breakfast and reflect on their adventures together. Spike goes more in-depth about his coalition trip with the Fairy Youth Squad. After half an hour, Spike and Lucy wash the dishes together then leave the apartment.

Spike and Lucy walk down the street together while people visiting Magnolia take pictures of Spike to brag and boast to their friends. Spike is used to people taking pictures of him; he even poses in some with people. Many people leave happily while looking at their snapshots. After Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Games, people in Fiore are happy to know that a dragon is among them. Spike has become more popular, especially in Magnolia.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon, have a nice day," A bystander on a boat shout.

"I will, thanks," Spike waves at the bystanders.

"Watch it, Lucy. One day you'll be sleeping with the fishies," Another bystander on the said. He sees Lucy walking on the edge.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Lucy said.

Spike and Lucy arrive at the guildhall. They notice Erza walking out the door with Panther Lily in her arm.

"Spike! I don't know what Erza has in mind! Help me!" Panther Lily begs a bit.

"Silence, it's not his concern. We will get those Maximum Sweet Strawberries," Erza proudly states.

"I have no clue what's going, and I'm not going to question why," Lucy said.

Spike shrugs. "Oh, well."

Spike and Lucy enter the guildhall to see Natsu hanging out with Asuka, daughter of Bisca and Alzack Connell. They also see Wendy and Carla wearing an apron.

"Well, this is new," Lucy said. She walks up to the bar.

"You see something new every day," Spike flies to the job board.

"Hey, Wendy, Carla. What's baking?" Lucy chuckles at her pun.

"Oh, just baking a cake for Asuka since there's none left in the bar," Wendy answers.

"Erza thought the cake needed an added ingredient, so she took Panther Lily to grab it. Something about a fruit that grows every 10,000 years," Carla said, making the icing.

"Knowing Erza, it must be true," Lucy said.

Spike finds a job flier he likes and takes it. He flies to the bar when he sees Mirajane coming out. "Hey, Mirajane."

"Hey, Spike," Mirajane smiles.

"Hi, Spike!" Wendy becomes excited when she sees him.

"Child! Don't spill the-" Carla sees Wendy gasping when she knocks over the bowl of cake batter. "Bowl."

"Oops," Wendy sighs and throws away the cake batter.

"Hey, Wendy," Spike slightly chuckles. "Mirajane, I'm going on this job myself."

"Protecting shipments for the Fiore Fruit Harvest Festival. Sounds like fun," Mirajane said.

"Wow, sounds simple enough," Lucy takes a look at the flier. "200,000 Jewels. Have fun, Spike."

"I will, Lucy," Spike takes the flier to see where the shipment is.

"Hey, Spike," Lisanna walks up to him. "Where are you heading off to?"

"Hey, Lisanna. Going to the train station at Hargeon. There's a shipment there that needs protection going into Crocus. It's for a Fruit Harvest Festival."

"Sounds like fun. Can I come and aide you?" Lisanna asks.

"Sure. I was planning on going solo. Let's get moving," Spike flies out the door.

"Take care, Sis," Lisanna waves at Mirajane, following Spike out the door.

"Please be careful!" Mirajane is a little worried for Lisanna's sake.

"Don't worry. Lisanna's with Spike, the best protection there is," Lucy reassuringly said.

"Oh, you're right. I can't help but worry for my younger sis," Mirajane watches Spike using his fire breath to teleport to Hargeon.

Spike and Lisanna arrive at the Hargeon Train Station. They meet with the client.

"Ahoy, Spike," Popeye eats his can of spinach.

"Ahoy, Popeye," Spike shakes Popeye's hand.

"So, this is the sailor that took out Kain Hikaru of the Seven Kin of Purgatory?"

"And, Seven Deadly Sins. What is your name, Lassie?"

"Lisanna Strauss, Popeye."

"Pleasure to meet you," Popeye shakes her hand. "Since you two are here, that means you two are going to protect the fruits going into this years' Fruit Harvest Festival?"

"Yes, Popeye. We're here to protect the shipment," Spike answers.

"Good. It's a first that I require assistance from a guild cause I have other matters to attend to today. Otherwise, I'll be doing my usual work on this train. The train ride is a few hours cause it's an express train. Just be aware of a particular gang that likes greens. They don't like fruits and try to spoil the festival every year."

"Thanks for the heads up, Popeye. Don't worry. Fairy Tail is on it."

"Thanks, Lassie. Have a safe trip. As for your pay, there's someone with a briefcase that has my name on it. I'll phone the person to let her know that you two are taking it."

"Thanks, Popeye," Spike gets on the train with Lisanna. The conductor tells Lisanna and Spike that the cargo hold for the Fruit Harvest Festival is in the back of the train. The two go there and secure it.

"I wonder what the gang is called," Lisanna tries to come up with a possible name.

"The Gang Green Gang?" Spike chuckles.

"Nah, too easy," Lisanna comes up with one. "Green Bay?" Lisanna chuckles.

"Greeny?" Spike laughs at the idea of the name.

The train departs Hargeon Train Station. The Gang Popeye mentioned watches closely, believing their success rate of stopping the Fruit Harvest Festival has skyrocketed to new heights. They get on their magic mobiles and follow the train closely.

"So, how are things going for you as of late, Lisanna?"

"Pretty good. I'm spending more time with my siblings in the guildhall and going on jobs with them. I can't believe it took seven years to go on a job with you," Lisanna laughs a little.

"I know. I was thinking on going solo when I should have thought about going on jobs with my other friends in the guild."

"So, is it true? Did you fought the Celestial Spirit King?"

"Yes. Though, it was a sparring. I don't know when another opportunity would present itself. It turns out the Celestial Spirit King always wanted to fight a dragon."

"Wow. So, even though it was a sparring, who won?"

"The Celestial Spirit King. He has years of experience and wisdom. He even taught me a few things. Interestingly enough, the Celestial Spirit King gave me a few books about different sorts of magic since I told him that I'm an Energy Maker Dragon. Just like my great-grandpa, Tyke."

"That's cool, Spike."

"I've been reading a bit, and Fairy Rage has learned other usages within the book."

"Wow. What did you learn, Fairy Rage?"

"Some telepathic spells, and now I have the ability to enter someone's mind and reawaken their magic from anything. There is one spell I learn while reading it but, I won't go into much detail about it."

"Fair enough. I've been honing my animal transformation magic into better usage. My cat transformation allows me to run and strike faster."

"Impressive. I can picture it now."

Five hours later, the green gang Popeye mentioned is drawing near the cargo car. One of the members hops on while the train is entering the mountain regions of Fiore.

"Hah, this is too easy," A slim man with a green mohawk bearing a green goblin emblem on his face declares. He's wearing a jean jacket, ripped jeans, black boots, and back sunglasses. He enters the back door of the cargo car and observes Lisanna. "Whoa, gorgeous girl. Ew, a kid in a dragon costume."

"Someone has boarded the car." Fairy Rage warns his friends.

"Who's there?" Lisanna gets up.

"Crap." He hides in the shadows of a crate.

Lisanna searches a bit. "Are you sure someone is here?" Lisanna looks and Spike; he nods his head.

"Wow, such a beauty, right in front of me." The guy couldn't help but gaze at Lisanna's beauty.

"Hey, boss! What's the freaking hold up!" One of his guildmates calls on the radio.

"I knew it!" Spike gets up.

The back of the cargo car gets blown up with minor explosives. Three magic mobiles are in hot pursuit of the train.

"Darn it, Billy. I said to wait!"

"Sorry, Ace!" Another member of the green gang apologizes on behalf of Billy.

"Ace?" Lisanna finds Ace coming out of the shadows.

"Hello, beautiful," Ace smirks. "I'm taking you with me."

"I like to see you try!" Lisanna transforms into her cat form. While maintaining her humanoid form, her cat form consists of concentrated striped patterns around her forearms, as well as feline-like pads on the surface of her palms and sharp claws at her fingertips. She also sports feline ears, whiskers, a small nose, and a long tail; also wearing a tiger-skin, two-piece bikini.

"OOOOOOOOOOH!" Ace gets a nosebleed seeing Lisanna as a catgirl.

"Meow!" Lisanna takes the opportunity to strike Ace multiple times in a few seconds.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Ace couldn't defend himself.

"Get out of here, you!" Lisanna picks him up and chucks him out of the cargo car.

"You will regret that!" Eels is a muscular man consisting of mafia attire. He requips his magic Tommy gun and fires at Lisanna from the window of the magic mobile.

Lisanna takes cover while Eels continues to shoot. Spike gets in front and shoots flaming bullets from his claw by mimicking gun movements.

"That kid can do that?" Billy said. He's chubby while wearing all green. He has the mind of a child.

"Guys, take Billy to the bridge in case we don't get the cargo out in time," Ace commands.

"You got it, bro," Ranger said. Ranger is wearing a green bandana, a green shirt with a black globin, and green ripped jeans. He floors the magic mobile ahead of the train.

"Keep firing, boys," Ace commands. "Smokes, Raider, you're with me."

"Right, bossman," Raider and Smokes come out of their magic mobiles. They leap with Ace back onto the cargo car.

"Try taking us on, honey," Ace's claws become sharp like a lizard's claw. Raider and Smokes take out their swords, ready for combat.

"Spike, I'm going to need some assistance."

"Spike?" The three men look at Spike, who finished shooting at Eels. Eels' magic mobile crashes into a tree, and Eels lands on top of a thorn bush.

"That'll be me, chumps. Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into Laxus' size.

"Oh shit, that kid wasn't in a dragon costume. He's the real deal!" Raider frantically shouts.

"Hey, I know this dragon. He's the one that crippled some witch girl," Smokes said.

"Doesn't matter. You're at a disadvantage. You can't destroy the fruits in this cargo hold."

"I can sure as hell blow you away," Spike said.

"You would think so but, I'm holding the detonator. You see, right before Popeye was loading the fruit, my boys and I snuck mines and placed them around the train. Once I press the button, everything and everyone dies," Ace smirks, holding the detonator in his hand.

"You can't do that!" Lisanna said.

"Oh, I can and I will," Ace said. However, he's lying about the rest of the mines planted. It was only the back of the cargo car.

"Give us the catgirl, and we'll leave you and the passengers alone," Smokes said, smoking a cigar.

Spike looks and Lisanna and nods. "Very well, I must warn you."

"Oh, what is that?" Ace said.

"Cats are territorial," Spike smirks.

Lisanna roars and scratches Ace's hand, and the detonator flies out of the cargo car. Smokes and Raider attack Spike with their sword. Lisanna strikes Ace left and right with her tiger claws. Once again, Ace is unable to defend himself due to Lisanna's quick speed. Spike gut punches Raider and Smokes. Then he kicks them off the cargo car.

"By the way," Lisanna finishes scratching Ace's face. "I never like punks like you," Lisanna kicks Ace off of the cargo car.

"Man, those guys were underwhelming," Spike said. "I thought they'll pose more of a threat."

"Well, you see something new every day. Some guilds are top-notch, and some aren't," Lisanna said.

Ace grabs his radio. "Is Billy in place?"

"Yea," Ranger answers. "I guess the bluff didn't work."

"We got our butts handed by a catgirl and a dragon," Ace said.

"Alright, bro. When the train is near, Billy will jump on the track, creating a crater for the train to fall."

Twenty minutes later. The conductor of the train comes by to the cargo car to check the progress. He's stunned to see the back of the cargo car missing the door and wall. Spike mentions a green gang trying to take the fruits and Lisanna away. Lisanna mentions mines planted around the train but figures it was a bluff.

"The green gang are known as the Green Goblins. They are a nuisance every year," The Conductor said.

"I'll make sure nothing gets flown away," Spike said.

"Good. When the train stops in Crocus, I intend on going to that Fruit Harvest Festival."

"Good to know," Lisanna said.

The Conductor walks away, leaving the two be. Spike notices the mountain region.

"We're getting closer to Crocus. I want to say another forty minutes tops."

"Good. Today has been interesting, to say the least," Lisanna said. She sits down.

"No kid-" Spike notices one of the magic mobiles that was following the train earlier.

"Something wrong, Spike?" Lisanna notices Spike's change of demeanor.

"We're not done," Spike wonders what else is in store.

Ranger sees the train approaching. It's five minutes away from the bridge. "Billy, belly flop now!"

"Alright," Billy is on top of a mountain and does a belly flop. Due to his mass, Billy penetrates the train tracks supporting the bridge.

One of the conductors sees that the bridge is destroyed. He grabs a mic for the speaker. "Ladies and gentlemen, brace for impact! We lost some track!" It's too late to slow the train from impending doom.

"Those fruits are good as ours. Hopefully, we can snag some stragglers," Ranger gets explicit thoughts on some women that can survive the crash.

After hearing the announcement, Spike flaps his wing and flies out of the cargo car. He sees the train tracks that were destroyed. "This train is going to fly. Hold on tight!" Spike warns Lisanna.

"You got this! I'll warn everyone to fasten their seatbelts," Lisanna, still in her cat form, goes car to car to alert people about a sudden change.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into a full-size dragon.

Ranger sees Spike transforming into a full-size dragon. His jaw drops, knowing that he and his guild failed at another attempt to stop the Fruit Harvest Festival. Ranger grabs his radio. "Bossman, we failed. We didn't take account for the little dragon dude that can increase his size."

"Shiiiit!" Ace throws his radio on the ground and angrily stomps on it. "Every year, something gets in the way!"

Spike grabs the train with his claw and lifts the train. The people onboard feel differently when the train takes off instead of falling. A kid on the train recognizes Spike from the Grand Magic Games. Everyone on the train cheers loudly, knowing they are safe. Spike decides to fly to the station in Crocus and places the train on the tracks. Everyone gets out to see Spike reverts to size. Lisanna comes out, no longer in her cat form.

"Thank you, Fairy Tail Wizards. Not only you saved our lives, but you also saved the fruits for the Fruit Harvest Festival."

"Hi, Spike," Princess Hisui approaches Spike and Lisanna, carrying a briefcase.

"Hey, Princess Hisui," Spike said.

"Your highness, it's an honor to see you again," Lisanna said.

"Likewise," Princess Hisui smiles. "I received a message from my good friend, Popeye about you two taking care of business."

"Indeed, that's us," Lisanna said. "We stopped the Green Goblins from taking these exotic fruits."

"Thank you," Arcadios said. "Those group of bandits has been a nuisance to Crocus for many years. Always trying to stop our Harvest Festival."

Royal Soldiers are gathering the fruit cargo from the train.

"Oh, before you return, we want to give you some of our exotic fruit that blossomed earlier today," Princess Hisui gives a box to Lisanna. "Have some Maximum Sweet Strawberries."

"Wow, they're golden," Spike said in awe, looking in the box.

"And small. You can bake all sorts of treats with these," Lisanna said in awe.

"Indeed. These strawberries grow every 10,000 years. We have plenty in the castle," Arcadios said.

"Thank you for your generous gift, Princess," Lisanna and Spike bow in honor and respect.

"Oh, no need for bowing. I'm your friend. Remember that," Princess Hisui said.

"We will," Spike and Lisanna said in unison.

"Don't forget your pay," Arcadios gives Spike the briefcase.

"Thanks. See you guys another day," Spike said.

"Have a good day, you two," Princess Hisui waves by to Spike and Lisanna. "I wish I can marry that dragon."

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Lisanna and himself back to the guildhall. He doesn't feel like flying back to Magnolia.

It's now 4:30 in the afternoon. Spike and Lisanna walk inside the guildhall. They see Erza feeling gloomy by the bar while some of the others act awkwardly.

"We're home!" Lisanna shouts.

"Welcome home, Lisanna. Did you had fun?" Mirajane walks up to her sister.

"Yea. We stopped a guild called the Green Goblins from taking the exotic fruits."

"Those guys suck with the execution of their plans except for one when they took extreme measures. Overall, we got paid and received a generous gift from Princess Hisui," Spike said.

"Oh, what is it?" Mirajane is curious about the generous gift.

Spike opens the box. "A box filled with Maximum Sweet Strawberries. Pretty cool, huh?"

Erza overhears Spike saying Maximum Sweet Strawberries; she rushes and winds up knocking Mirajane to see the strawberries. "H-H-How..?" Erza's mouth waters.

"Turns out Crocus grew a whole bunch. I guess the rumors you heard weren't correct."

Panther Lily walks up to Spike. "Erza took me to grab the Maximum Sweet Strawberries. There was only one, and Asuka ate it with the cake Wendy and Carla baked. Now, Erza can get her fill with the flavors."

"Oooooh. That's why Erza looked gloomy when Lisanna and I walked in."

"Yea. You made her day," Panther Lily points to Erza's face. Her eyes are matching the Maximum Sweet Strawberries.

"Let's put these is a cake right now!" Erza excitedly shouts.

"Sure, I can go for some cake," Lisanna said.

"Same with me," Spike concurs.

"Well, it's a good thing we made extra cakes today," Carla said.

"Now everyone gets to have a taste," Wendy said.

Lisanna gives Spike 100,000 Jewels since the payment was 200,000. "It was fun working alongside you, Spike."

"Likewise, Lisanna," Spike walks up to Lucy. "Mind holding onto this, Lucy."

"Sure, Spike," Lucy puts the 100,000 Jewels in her pocket. "I want to hear everything about your trip."

"Same with me, Spike. How was it?" Wendy said, sitting next to him.

"It was good. Before I tell my tale, I need to ask you something, Wendy."

"Sure, what is it?" Wendy smiles.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Spike smirks.

Wendy's eyes widen. "Yes," Wendy nods.

"Good, we're going on a date tomorrow."

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