• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Saving the Celestial World

Spike, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Wendy, Carla, Cana, Elfman, Mirajane, Levy, Yukino, Princess Hisui, and Arcadios are entering the Celestial Spirit World. Within the Celestial Spirit World, everything, including the floating planets, looks distorted and desolate.

"Is this it? It looks barren," Princess Hisui said.

"These winds could be a problem," Erza said.

Throughout the entirety of the Celestial Spirit World, strong winds forcing anything Celestial to move towards the Celestial Spirit King's body. The Celestial Spirit King looks like a gigantic anthropomorphic blob consisting of stars. Everyone watches planets getting devoured differently by the Celestial Spirit King. Lucy watches Horologium getting pulled towards the Celestial Spirit King.

"No way..," Lucy said in shock.

"That's the Celestial Spirit King?" Levy asks in awe and horror.

"How disturbing..," Arcadios said.

"Judging from your reactions, I'm guessing that is not what the Celestial Spirit King is supposed to look," Spike said.

"He's more of a Nightmare King than Celestial, which poses a problem. What are we supposed to do next?"

"Check it out, around its' head thing," Cana points at the thirteen color spheres floating around the Celestial Spirit King.

"There's no mustache!" Happy exclaims.

"That's not what she's pointing at, Tomcat!" Carla is getting annoyed by Happy's stupidity.

"I see it! The Celestial Spirits are in those orbs," Gray said.

"All thirteen of them. I did the count."

"Does this mean they're being held captive?" Wendy asks.

"Horologium mentioned that we failed in stopping the ritual, so that means the Celestial Spirit King has them in his grasps."

"Hold on! We'll get you out of there, I swear!" Lucy proclaims.

The Celestial Spirit King absorbs the Celestial Spirit Spheres. Lucy and Yukino become worried and starting to lose hope.

"Don't worry, we'll get them back after we take him down," Natsu said.

"Natsu's right. This is no time to be disheartened," Erza said. She requips her sword. "Let's go!" Erza leads the charge.

"Ice Impact!" Gray conjures an ice drill to penetrate the Celestial Spirit King.

"Water Slicer!" Juvia shoots multiple water blades at the Celestial Spirit King.

The attacks were futile on the impact of the Celestial Spirit King. He turns to smash a small planet Juvia and Gray were standing on. Erza sees that attacking in small groups won't do and requests her friends to attack simultaneously.

"Beast Soul!" Elfman transforms into his stronger beast.

"I'm ready!" Mirajane transforms into Satan's Soul.

"Try some card magic," Cana is armed with her lightning card magic. She shoots at the Celestial Spirit King.

"And Solid Script," Levy writes Fire and shoots at the Celestial Spirit King.

"Ice Cannon!" Gray creates an Ice Cannon and shoots an ice beam at the Celestial Spirit King.

"Water Whip!" Juvia's arm turns into a water whip and lashes at the Celestial Spirit King.

Spike flies while Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily. They are holding their Dragon Slayers.

"Sky Dragon!" Wendy powers up her sky breath attack.

"Iron Dragon!" Gajeel powers up his iron breath attack.

"Fire Dragon!" Natsu powers up his fire breath attack.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike powers up his sparkling fire breath attack.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" Spike, Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy do a unison dragon breath raid assault on the Celestial Spirit King like the time they did against Acnologia back on Tenrou Island.

With every Fairy Tail Wizard and Yukino unleashing their attack simultaneously at the Celestial Spirit King, it appears that he's taken critical blows around his body. However, the Celestial Spirit King is still standing and unharmed by the attacks.

"You gotta be kidding? That didn't hurt him at all?" Happy is in shock to see the Celestial Spirit King's durability.

"I guess I should have increased my size..," Spike pants a bit from the attack.

The Celestial Spirit King is moving erratically. Everyone is wondering what he's doing.

"Stay on guard! I believe its about to counterattack!" Erza warns her friends.

The Celestial Spirit King increases his mass and roars loudly, causing everyone to hurl back by the sheer force of winds. Some debris from the destroyed planets is hurling at everyone. Gajeel saves Levy from being crushed by a boulder; Arcadios uses his sword to slice a mountain structure to save Princess Hisui, Elfman and Mirajane clobber boulders that would have crushed Cana and Yukino. Unfortunately for Natsu and Happy, they crashed into the ground, thinking they died on impact.

"Don't falter now. Keep up the pressure!" Erza commands.

While everyone goes back on the offensive, the Celestial Spirit King extends his index finger and shoots a red beam at Juvia. Gray watches in horror that the Celestial Spirit King turned Juvia into a constellation.

"Juvia!" Gray terrifyingly shouts.

"I don't believe it. Juvia's turned into a constellation!" Carla fearfully said.

"That light changed her..," Wendy becomes afraid of the situation.

"That's messed up," Spike said in awe.

The Celestial Spirit King turns his attention at Cana, Elfman, and Mirajane. He used the same magic to turn all three into a constellation.

"Oh no.., is this what happened with Loke and the other when we closed their gates?" Lucy wonders in horror after witnessing her friends turned into constellations.

"He won't get away with this!" Natsu proclaims.

"How can we turn them back to normal?" Wendy asks.

"No clue," Spike tries to come up with an answer.

"By making that Celestial freak feel the wrath of Fairy Tail!" Gray said irately.

Panther Lily flies Gajeel out of the range of fire; the Celestial Spirit King hits Panther Lily, turning him into a constellation.

"Lily!" Gajeel watches in horror.

"Sorry, I let my guard down," Those are Panther Lily's final worlds.

"Dammit!" Gajeel shouts. Then Levy shoves Gajeel out of the way. Levy takes the hit instead of Gajeel from the assault. Levy turns into a constellation. Gajeel feels guilty that he let his guard down for a second.

Carla flies Wendy behind the Celestial Spirit King. "Sky Dragon Rooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her breath attack at the Celestial Spirit King.

"Wendy!" Spike shouts in horror. He watches the Celestial Spirit King turn Wendy and Carla into a constellation.

"Carla, noooooooo!" Happy said in tears.

"Happy, let's go!" Natsu shouts.

"Aye!" Happy flies at the Celestial Spirit King. He dodges many attacks from the Celestial Spirit King's Constellation Beam attacks.

The Celestial Spirit King continues the onslaught of attacks. Yukino, Princess Hisui, and Arcadios are last to turn into constellations.

"No! This can't be happening..," Lucy drops to her knees at the horror she's witnessing.

Spike's body is shaking in mid-flight. It's not trembling of fear but anger. Spike breathes heavily and roars loudly. His roar doesn't sound genuine, it sounds demonic.

"Uh oh," Gajeel realizes what Spike is about to do.

"Spike! Get out of there!" Erza sees the Celestial Spirit King aiming his index finger at Spike.

"Move!" Natsu yells at Spike.

"Spike! I can't lose you too!" Lucy is worried.

The Celestial Spirit King shoots his constellation beam at Spike. Spike's claw is engulfed in Sparkling Black flames, and he catches the attack.

"No way!" Gray is in shock to see Spike grappling with the attack.

"How is he doing that!?" Happy asks in awe.

The Celestial Spirit King magnifies his magic power into overpowering Spike's Fairy Demon power. Spike is engulfed in the constellation beam blast, but his body remains in place. However, a constellation is formed in the skies.

"What the hell?" Natsu and Gajeel are confused.

"I don't get it? Why is there a constellation for Spike when he's hovering..," Lucy takes a good look at Spike.

"No! Don't tell me, please!" Erza puts two and two together after taking a glance at Spike.

"I'm sorry. Spike is no longer in this vessel. He's up there with the others as constellations." Spike's eyes are orange.

"NO WAY! THE CONSTELLATION SPELL SEPARATED SPIKE FROM HIS BODY!?" Happy couldn't believe what he heard and saw.

"That's unbelievable..," Natsu couldn't fathom what he witnessed.

"Unreal," Gray said in shock.

"I'm taking the Celestial Spirit King for what he's done to our friends!" Fairy Rage's body is engulfed in Sparkling Orange Aura. "Inferno Rage Rooooooooooooar!" Fairy Rage unleashes his fire breath at the Celestial Spirit King. The impact of his fire breath doesn't make the Celestial Spirit King flinch.

Natsu grabs a planet and chucks it at the Celestial Spirit King. The Celestial Spirit King kicks and destroys the planet at ease. Erza and Gajeel go on the offensive, striking the Celestial Spirit King's body structure, hoping to find a weakness of some sort. Black holes swarm around the Celestial Spirit King's body while everyone goes for the offensive. Gajeel nearly gets sucked into one when Fairy Rage uses his fire breath to teleport him away from it.

"Thanks, Rage."

"No sweat, Gajeel. It appears we can cut the Celestial Spirit King's body."

"Can you increase your size and kick the crap out of the Celestial Spirit King?" Gajeel asks.

"Need some magic energy. Spike's body is a bit drained from fighting Ophuichus four times before coming here. Spike's body didn't take a breather to calm itself."

"Look out!" Lucy warns Fairy Rage and Gajeel. The two get hit with Green Celestial winds from the Celestial Spirit King's mouth.

"Heads up!" Gray saves Lucy from being hit by them.

"Thanks, Gray," Lucy said. Gray's attempt does nothing as he and Lucy wind up getting hit with the Green Celestial Winds.

Erza, Natsu, and Happy get hit as well. The Celestial Spirit King is unleashing his winds out of his mouth and the holes where the black holes appear.

"Natsu, this attack feels familiar," Happy said.

"Yea, it's the same one that hit Loke and me earlier, right before meeting up with Wendy and helping her defeat Aquarius," Natsu said.

"I wonder." Fairy Rage decides to consume some of the Celestial Winds. Not only it replenishes his magic power but gives Fairy Rage a new power. "Oh, yea!" Fairy Rage powers up.

"Rage! Do you have Celestial Energy burning inside you?" Gajeel asks after watching Fairy Rage eat his fill.

"I am!" Fairy Rage's aura is Sparkling Orange consisting of stars all over his body. "Cosmic Rage Dragon!"

The Celestial Spirit King turns his gaze at Fairy Rage and shoots a constellation beam at him. Fairy Rage grabs and redirects the attack at a desolate planet, shattering it at ease.

"It seems I won't be affected by his constellation spell anymore. I just leveled the playing field in terms of Celestial Spirit Magic."

"Happy, I caught Loke's scent when the winds hit us. Loke and the others are still alive inside the Celestial Spirit King."

"That means," Happy understands what Natsu is planning. Natsu wants to go inside the body of the Celestial Spirit King.

"Let's go, Happy!" Natsu shouts.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy takes off while the Celestial Spirit Kings roars more Celestial Green Winds at everyone else.

"Natsu!" Gray shouts, not knowing what Natsu's thinking.

"Natsu!" Lucy is worried about Natsu's motives.

"Is that moron blind!" Gajeel said.

"He must have a plan," Erza watches Natsu and Happy fly into the mouth of the Celestial Spirit King.

"I don't know what Natsu is thinking, but I want to say he's planning on defeating the King from the inside out."

"We'll handle things out here! Give that thing major heartburn, Salamander!" Gajeel shouts.

"Indeed we will. I'm all fired up now!" Fairy Rage increases his size into a full dragon. Then he notices something peculiar happening with the Celestial Spirit King.

Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Gajeel watch the Celestial Spirit King transforming. The Celestial Spirit King grows spikes on his body and limbs, causing him to be on all fours. The spikes on his body glow and generate a lot of magic power, allowing the Celestial Spirit King to shoot an energy beam capable of destroying small planets around in one attack.

"No! If he keeps it up, there won't be a Celestial World left!" Lucy panics a bit; her body is trembling in fear.

"Cosmic Flare Rage Blast!" Fairy Rage conjures a Sparkling Orange Cosmetic energy ball and presses his claw forward at the Celestial Spirit King.

The Celestial Spirit King takes the impact of the attack. It's showing signs that it's stunned.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel lunges at the Celestial Spirit King, His arm turns into an iron club attacking the Celestial Spirit King from behind.

"Ice Make Lance!" Gray shoots ice lances at the Celestial Spirit King.

Lucy and Erza strike the Celestial Spirit King with their weapons. The Celestial Spirit King's spikes is generating a lot of energy and create a shockwave to blow everyone away from his presence. Lucy, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, and Fairy Rage collide into several planets while the other planets get blown up.

"Damn it! He keeps knocking us back!" Gray looks at the Celestial Spirit King. "How can we get close enough to hit it?"

"I'm surprised he moved me." Fairy Rage dusts himself off any debris from the planet he collided.

"Well, his power is coming from the green spikes. Target them first," Erza advises her friends.

Everyone notices the erratic behavior of the Celestial Spirit King. It appears that the Celestial Spirit King is in pain. Lucy, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, and Fairy Rage believe it's Natsu's doing.

"Rage! Teleport us behind the spikes and keep the King occupied!" Gajeel shouts.

"Good idea." Fairy Rage flies and uses his fire breath to teleport his friends behind the Celestial Spirit King.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel hits one of the spikes on the Celestial Spirit King's back. It starts to crack. "Hey, take a look at that. I put a crack in it."

"Keep attacking the same spot. Screw weak points! We can make our own!" Gray powers up.

Fairy Rage punches the Celestial Spirit King left and right while Erza impales her sword into the spike. Gajeel and Gray hit Erza's sword, weakening it for Lucy to use her whip to pull it down. The Celestial Spirit King growls in pain, wanting to attack from behind, but Fairy Rage is giving him reason to focus on him.

"Cosmic Flare Claw!" Fairy Rage's claw is ablaze in Cosmetic Sparkling Orange Flames. Fairy Rage grabs the head and scorches the Celestial Spirit King.

Celestial Spirit King tries to use his shockwave to blow everyone away again. When the Celestial Spirit King unleashes it, the shockwave is weaker than before.

"Keeping shattering. Those spikes were helping the Celestial Spirit King increase his power," Erza commands.

"Right!" Gray, Lucy, and Gajeel respond.

As Fairy Rage draws the attention of the Celestial Spirit King, allowing his friends to destroy the spikes on the Celestial Spirit King's back, Natsu and Happy are flying in the vast void of the Celestial Spirit King's innards. Within the Celestial Spirit King's innards, there are red, black, and green orbs and blended skies all around.

"Hey, Natsu. What do you think that light can be?" Happy is flying towards a bright purple light.

"That's the spot. Where the Zodiacs are at."

"It's so bright!" Happy is blinded a bit by the light. "And, my wings are melting." Happy complains a bit.

"Just get me as close as you can, Happy," Natsu said.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy flies towards the light.

Upon arrival, Happy and Natsu are stunned to see the Celestial Spirit King's true form in chains. The chains are pulling the Celestial Spirit King into a purple-powered sphere. Happy figures while being inside the innards, the purple sphere is the stomach, slowly digesting the Celestial Spirit King.

"C'mon, Happy! We gotta stop the Celestial Spirit King from getting dragged into the stomach!"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy flies Natsu underneath the Celestial Spirit King and tries to destroy the chains.

"Fire Dragon Roooooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath. It doesn't leave a mark on the chains. Natsu tries to use force to break the chains with his bare hands. He gets zapped by the chains.

"Oh, come on! First, they're fire-resistant, and now they're electric too!" Happy complains a bit more than earlier.

Natsu sniffs the chains. "Loke, is that you?"

"This doesn't concern you, human. Begone!" Leo's spirit manifests in front of Natsu, demanding him to leave him be.

"If Loke is in that chain, then that means," Happy turns and does a number count of chains. "Natsu, there are thirteen chains binding Stache Face!"

"Let me guess, one for each of the Zodiacs?" Natsu asks unamusedly.

"Yea, why would they do this?" Happy wonders why.

"All for the sake of the King," Taurus' spirit manifests to answer why.

"All for the sake of the King," Libra's spirit manifests to answer.

"All for the sake of the King," The rest of the Zodiac Spirits manifest to answer.

"Happy, I need you to drop me. I have an idea!"

"What? Are you crazy?" Happy is questioning Natsu's logic of thinking.

"I am crazy. My idea is going to work!"

"Bombs away!" Happy lets go of Natsu.

Natsu free-falls into the stomach of the Celestial Spirit King, he stands after landing in it and starts consuming the stomach acids of the Celestial Spirit King. As Natsu consumes the stomach acids, Fairy Rage is panting a bit from keeping the Celestial Spirit King occupied. Erza, Lucy, Gray, and Gajeel finish destroying the spikes. They move away, allowing Fairy Rage to take a breather.

"That should do it," Erza said.

"Man, that was a workout," Gajeel pants a bit.

"No, joke. What the hell is taking Natsu so long?" Gray wonders what Natsu is doing inside of the Celestial Spirit King.

"Guys, look!" Lucy points at the Celestial Spirit King. With his spikes destroyed, it appears that he's transforming once more.

"You gotta be kidding me?" Gajeel watches the Celestial Spirit King transform into a different shape.

"It's like Ophiuchus. No matter how many times you attack, it keeps coming back."

"What do we do now?" Lucy asks.

"Keep fighting. Prevent it from gaining more power!" Erza decrees.

"You got it!" Fairy Rage tackles the Celestial Spirit King and crashes into a bigger planet. He moves out of the way for a split second.

"Iron Dragon Roooooooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his iron breath attack at the Celestial Spirit King's face.

"Ice Make Saucer!" Gray creates a large spinning ice disk capable of cutting like a buzzsaw at the Celestial Spirit King's chest.

Erza and Lucy strike the Celestial Spirit King from behind, continuing their onslaught to wear the Celestial Spirit King down. While the Celestial Spirit King fights Fairy Rage, Erza, Gray, Gajeel, and Lucy, Natsu finishes eating enough Celestial stomach acid to merge with his Dragon Slayer Magic, he collapses.

"I got you," Happy swoops down and picks Natsu up. "Dude, you should watch what you eat!"

Natsu chuckles. "Now that I've eaten, I'm all fired up."

Happy is astounded to hear what Natsu said. "No way!"

"Get back in there! I'm going to tear those chains apart!"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy flies under the Celestial Spirit King so Natsu can incinerate the chains.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Celestial Fire Exploding Flame Blade!" Natsu's fire has Celestial properties within, creating a powerful and highly destructive torrent of flames destroying the stomach of the Celestial Spirit King.

Due to Natsu's attack from the innards of the Celestial Spirit King, Fairy Rage, Gajeel, Erza, Lucy, and Gray watches the Celestial Spirit King cease his attack and implodes. Natsu and Happy are buried in the rubble of the Celestial Spirit King's body. Erza hops over and pulls Natsu and Happy out of the debris.

"Erza," Natsu smiles while holding onto Happy.

"That was quite an entrance," Erza smiles at Natsu. She pulls Natsu out more and winds up pulling the Celestial Spirit King's true form.

"It's the Spirit King," Lucy said in shock.

Within mere moments, the entire Celestial World is back in order. The planets that were destroyed are restored. Bright beautiful colors, stars, sparkles shine, and glitter radiantly as far as the eye can see. The landscape on each planet is restored beautifully and majestically.

"Amazing, I almost forgot how pretty the Celestial World could be," Happy said.

"Me too," Natsu concurs.

"Thank you so much, Natsu. You too, Happy," Lucy graciously said.

"Wow." Fairy Rage sees the Celestial World for the first time. "I kinda imagined this place for being heaven." Fairy Rage reverts to size and blinks a few times while holding his head.

"Rage, are you okay?" Erza turns to Fairy Rage.

"Oooooooooooh," Spike holds his head. His eyes are green once more. "What happened?"

"Spike!" Erza is happy to see Spike back to normal. She hugs him.

"Hey, Sis. What did I miss?" Spike asks Erza.

"The Celestial Spirit King hit us with a constellation spell. He separated you from your body. I remain intact."

"Oh wow," Spike is horrified into thinking that he was separated from his body. He remembers that moment. "I was about to transform into Fairy Demon Dragon in hopes of defeating the Nightmare King."

"Now, we have a new power. The power of Cosmic."

"That's cool!" Spike is elated to hear that.

"Man, I feel like I rode a train," Natsu said.

"You lept into an Eclipse Spirit's acid; what the hell did you expect?" Gajeel said.

"Some of us got trapped in the stars, what are we going to-" Natsu's speech is cut off by Juvia.

"And now, we're back," Juvia is running with her friends to meet up with the others.

"Thanks to you," Wendy said in gladness. She runs up to Spike and hugs him.

"Nice to see you too, Wendy," Spike holds onto his girlfriend.

"Hey, you owe me a day together," Wendy reminds Spike.

"Don't worry. I'm planning ahead," Spike chuckles a bit.

Princess Hisui and Arcadios are hoping that the Zodiacs and Celestial Spirit King are back to normal since they're freed from their constellation imprisonment. Yukino is gazing that the beauty of the Celestial Spirit World. Every star, every planet all around, twinkling, sparkling, shining radiant. It's a sight to behold.

An idea comes to Spike. "I wonder if we can hold our wedding here," Spike turns to Wendy.

Wendy blushes at the idea and knows it in her heart that the Celestial Spirit World would be the perfect setting to be married. Some Celestial Spirits see team Fairy Tail, Yukino, Princess Hisui, and Arcadios.

"Hey! What's up!" Loke shouts from afar.

"Look! There they are!" Panther Lily points at the Zodiac Spirits. All restored to their natural forms.

Lucy gasps and happily cries. Yukino does so as well. Everyone is happy to see the Zodiac Spirits alive and well once more. Lucy runs up to Virgo and hugs her. Virgo, now back in her maiden uniform, is perplexed as to why Lucy's crying. Taurus is back to being a muscular perv and is happy to see Lucy in a Celestial garment. Capricorn is confused and doesn't know about a celebration in the making.

"What's up Loke," Natsu walks up to Loke. Loke is wearing his suit with glasses on.

"Not a whole lot. Long time no see, man," Loke answers.

"Did you forget? I saw you earlier today," Natsu said.

"You sure about that?" Loke is confused.

Spike walks up to Natsu and Loke. "With the Zodiacs back to normal, they don't remember anything of their alternate personalities. It could be a weird dream for them."

"Hey, Spike. Hey, Fairy Rage. Back to normal? What do you mean by that?" Loke asks Spike.

"Yea, please explain," Capricorn asks.

"You remember the Eclipse Gate?"

"Yea. We closed its door to prevent any more dragons from coming into the world. However, we didn't do much in terms of destroying the gate," Loke said.

"By activation and destruction of the Eclipse Gate, it altered your genetics and personality into becoming an opposite of what you are. Then your alternate personalities tried to free themselves after voiding the contracts," Spike explains.

"Woah!" The Zodiac Spirits react horridly.

"Not wicked," Scorpio said, imagining what his alternate self would have looked like.

"For some reason, I feel that I caused great pain but can't remember," Aquarius said. She looks at Lucy. "I know I unleashed it on you. I wish I can remember."

"Lucy Heartfillia, my old friend," The Celestial Spirit King said. He's a gigantic humanoid spirit with an imposing, broad-shouldered figure. His body is radiant in light, have a long oversized mustache that reaches his torso. He has stubby horns on his head. He has red pupil-less eyes and has a slight hint of wrinkles on his face. He's wearing armor and a black cape.

Princess Hisui, Yukino, and some of the others are amazed to see the Celestial Spirit King's true self.

"Your Majesty," Lucy replies. "I guess you forgot everything that happened too?"

"Good to see you, Mustache Face," Natsu said. "By the way, you nearly ate yourself."

"Shards of memory. A few bits of captured thoughts that remained slipped my mind a few minutes ago," The Celestial Spirit King answers. "I supposed that's getting older. However, I need no memory to sense your arrival and the destruction of my dark dream are intertwined."

Spike flies towards the Celestial Spirit King. "That would be the aftermath of the activation and destruction of the Eclipse Gate, Celestial Spirit King. The weary effects of the Eclipse Gate altered you and the Zodiacs into nearly destroying your world." Fairy Rage explains.

Princess Hisui looks down in shame and sadness, knowing all that has happened was her fault, to begin with.

"My friends and I did everything in our power to restore you, the Zodiacs, and your world," Spike said.

"Two minds in one vessel. You're the dragon that lives with my dearest friend Lucy Heartfillia. It's an honor to finally meet you after hearing so much about you. It's rare to see a natural-born dragon living among us," The Celestial Spirit King turns to Lucy. "I am deeply in your debt, Lucy Heartfillia, and all your friends as well. I intend to repay every last one of you," The Celestial Spirit King declares.

"Celestial Spirit King," Princess Hisui grabs his attention. "My name is Hisui E. Fiore from the kingdom of that name. As the Princess of that country, no.., as a Celestial Wizard who failed her charge, I offer my deepest apology. I was reckless and nearly got you killed."

"Guilt is for the selfless and craving. You only act to save your friends' world and catastrophe. Then, you faced your failures to the last. There was no shame in that," The Celestial Spirit King humbly says. "And do not hunt for culprits of shadows. The fault this belongs to all. For each of us held prisoner by the frailty of our hearts."

"But still," Princess Hisui tries to make a point about herself being the one who caused the pain and suffering upon the Celestial Spirit World.

"Remember, even this took place beneath the guidance of the stars. Smile," The Celestial Spirit King smiles.

Princess Hisui smiles. "Right," She's feeling better by hearing the words of wisdom from the Celestial Spirit King.

"If you have no other business that needs to be settled here, then I shall return you to your homeworld in no time at all," The Celestial Spirit King announces.

"Princess," Virgo approaches Lucy with her Celestial Gate Key. "I got it somehow, but it belongs to you. Please accept my service once again." Lucy takes the key and holds it close to her. "Thanks, hope you call upon me soon. If I'm ever late to work, whip me."

"Hey, you should take our key too," Gemini said, holding their key.

"Every one of us is ready to rush to your side," Loke said, holding his key.

Lucy cries in happiness. Yukino receives her Gate Keys from Libra and Pisces; they want to work with her once more.

"Hey, Celestial Spirit King," Spike calls him.

"What is it?" The Celestial Spirit King looks down at Spike.

"I know one way of paying me back," Spike increases his size to match the Celestial Spirit King's size. The Celestial Spirit King is in shock to see Spike matching his height. "You and I spar a bit."

"No way!" Natsu gets excited.

"Well, this is a first," Erza said.

"Is he for real?" Lucy turns to see Spike wanting to spar with the Celestial Spirit King.

"You know, I always wonder who would win in a fight. Fairy Dragon or the Celestial Spirit King," Loke said.

"Hey! Don't encourage him!" Lucy barks a direct order at Loke.

"What do you say, Celestial Spirit King?" Spike smirks.

"I always wanted to fight a dragon," The Celestial Spirit King spawns his sword. "I guess you can call this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I shall spar with you, Fairy Dragon."

Spike claps his claws and creates a Sparkling Green Metallic Sword. "I'm ready when you are."

"This can't be happening? We just fought to save him..," Lucy sees the two getting ready for combat.

"I guess Spike doesn't know when he'll get another opportunity to meet the Celestial Spirit King again. This is his first time seeing him," Wendy said.

"Man, I need fish to watch this," Happy said.

"My money is on the dragon," Sagittarius said. For some reason, he believes to not doubt Spike for any reason.

"Oh, wanna bet?" Scorpio turns to Sagittarius. "My money is on the Celestial Spirit King."

"Now, this is interesting. My brother versus the Celestial Spirit King. This should be good," Erza said.

"Ready, Celestial Spirit King?" Spike said, gripping his sword.

"Yes. Afterward, I'll send you and your friends back home."

Spike and the Celestial Spirit King roar and spar with each other; everyone watches the two show their strength and ingenuity. Spike and the Celestial Spirit King land good strikes on each other, especially in close quarters combat. During the spar, the Celestial Spirit King is giving helpful advice for Spike to hear, showing him the ropes on what to do against tougher and taller opponents. After ten minutes of sparring, Spike and the Celestial Spirit King calls it off. Spike thanks the Celestial Spirit King for sparring with him and teaching him different movements to use.

The Celestial Spirit King uses his magic to send everyone back to Magnolia. The moment Spike, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Wendy, Carla, Cana, Elfman, Mirajane, Levy, Yukino, Princess Hisui, and Arcadios are back in Earth Land; the strange weather phenomenon has come to an end. Time took a turn. The Celestial Spirit King drops them at the moment before everyone ventured on their adventure. Unfortunately for Spike, he loses his cosmetic powers.

Spike and Lucy are at the apartment waking up. The two remember everything that happened.

"Wow, what an adventure, huh, Lucy?" Spike turns to Lucy in her pajamas.

"No kidding," Lucy sits up. "I feel that the whole journey made my love for my spirits stronger than before."

"That's fantastic, Lucy," Spike smiles. "So, what do you want to do today?"

"I want to sit back, relax, write what transpired, and write a letter to my mom."

"Sounds good. I'll be right back, Lucy," Spike gets out of bed. "There's something I need to do before I come back and relax."

"Oh, what is it?" Lucy asks.

"Paying a visit to the Princess," Spike leaves the apartment and flies to the Fairy Tail giftshop. He purchases a Spike the Fairy dragon plush and flies to Crocus.

Two hours later, Spike arrives at the gates of Mercurius. Two Royal Soldiers see Spike the Fairy.

"What's your business, Fairy Dragon?" The Royal Soldier asks.

"I have something for Princess Hisui. Is she available for a few moments?" Spike asks.

"The Princess is fond of you, Fairy Dragon. It'll take a few moments to bring her here."

"Take your time," Spike said.

The Royal Soldiers enter Mercurius to fetch Princess Hisui. A few moments later, Princess Hisui, Arcadios, and Darton come outside to see Spike the Fairy.

"Hi, Spike. Something troubling you?" Princess Hisui asks, looking down at Spike.

"I have a present for you," Spike gives Princess Hisui the Spike the Fairy Dragon Plush.

"Oh," Princess Hisui holds the plush lovingly. "Thank you! I'll treasure this for a long time."

"Thanks for making Princess Hisui's day, Fairy Dragon," Darton said.

"You're welcome. I'll see you guys later," Spike flaps his wings and fly back to Magnolia.

Princess Hisui remembers the words of the Celestial Spirit King. Smile. Princess Hisui smiles and waves at Spike while he's flying back home.

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