• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Unity Fightclub: Pillow Warfare

It's a massacre of feathers and pillow sheets everywhere in Discord's basement. The Fairy Tail Guildhall Mess Hall replica has some tables on fire from the explosions of pillows.

"Hey, kid. Ready to get back out there?" Pharynx asks Ocellus while wielding some pillows.

"Yea!" Ocellus shouts her war cry. She and Pharynx leave their pillow fort and attack Gallus and Smolder out in the open.

Gallus hits Ocellus with his pillow while Smolder and Pharynx attack each other in the air. Swinging their pillows left and right, trying to get a good hit on each other.

"Yona attack!" Yona has pillows tied all around her body. She rushes into the fight like a battering ram. Gallus and Pharynx are knocked away by the pillow battering ram.

"Fire in the hole!" Discord pulls a feather and throws a pillow into the battlefield. It explodes, hitting Adagio and Silverstream. "I love pillow-warfare."

"So do I," Princess Luna swoops down and strikes Discord with her pillow sword. Discord's head falls off his body.

"Well played, Princess of the Night. However, my body can still fight! Onward to victory, body!" Discord's body flies after Princess Luna and shoots her with a pillow machine gun.

"Neighsay, should we go in?" Sandbar asks. He covered his sides with pillows.

"Not yet, cadet," Neighsay examines the next potential enemy to strike down. He sees Shining Armor stealthy moving to his next target. "Now!"

Neighsay and Sandbar attack Shining Armor with a fury of pillow bombs. Shining Armor dodges and throws a pillow behind Neighsay and Sandbar's pillow fort.

"Every pony for themselves!" Sandbar dives away from the pillow explosion. Neighsay takes the hit and falls over. His body is covered in feathers.

"Nice try-oof!" Shining Armor gets hit and buried with pillows. He waves the white flag, surrendering the fight.

"You left yourself wide open," Sunset Shimmer said. She dodges pillow strike from Sonata.

"I'll defeat you, Sunset Shimmer!" Sonata proclaims.

Discord's body hits Sonata with his pillow machine gun. He shoots multiple tiny pillows at Sonata, burying her next to Shining Armor.

"Okay, you win. I surrender," Sonata waves a half-eaten taco as a flag.

Sunset uses her magic to teleport behind Adagio and Aria. She unleashes her pillow strikes on the two. Aria takes the hit from Sunset's pillows while Adagio leaps in the air.

"Take this," Adagio throws her pillow shield. It hits Discord's body instead of Sunset's.

"Oof! Hey, I may not be attached to my body but, I can still feel that!" Discord shouts.

Neighsay shakes the feathers off of his body. He arms himself with pillows leaving the fort. He sees Yona charging at him.

"Yona has Neighsay, now!" Yona increases her speed to ram into Neighsay.

Neighsay slides to his right and slams a pillow on Yona. Yona gets knocked on her back. "Cadet, the rope!"

"On it," Sandbar brings the rope to Neighsay.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Yona angrily shouts. She watches Neighsay using his magic to pin Yona to the floor with the rope.

"All is fair in warfare, Yona. Discord never instructed any regulations or, say what's banned, did he?" Neighsay smiles.

"Uuuuuuuuuuh," Yona tries to remember. Discord rang the bell an hour ago and never explained any rulings for the pillow war.

"That takes care of the biggest target, Commander," Sandbar salutes to his commander.

"You'll make a fine captain in this war, cadet. Onward to victory!" Neighsay and Sandbar go looking for the next enemy to bring down.

"Yona will remember this!" Yona tries to wiggle her way out of the ropes.

Pharynx sees Silverstream swooping down with pillow swords. Pharynx rolls out of the way. Unfortunately for him, Ocellus gets hit with the pillow sword and hurls back into the pillow fort. It collapses on her. She waves the white flag, surrendering the pillow war.

"Nooo, you can't quit! We still have the battle to win!" Pharynx says while looking at the white flag. He turns to see a beheaded Draqonecuus swinging a pillow at Pharynx. Pharynx uses his magic to halt the swing. "My turn!" Pharynx hits the beheaded Draqonecuus with his pillow.

"Ow! That hurt!" Discord feels the pillow wound on his rib cage. "Body, pick up my head. I need to see what's going on!" His body returns to him. "Now, pick me up," Discord's body picks his head and attaches it onto himself. "Much better-oof!" Discord gets hit by Neighsay and Sandbar's pillow. They used a small catapult for pillow launching.

Neighsay turns the catapult to aim at Princess Luna. She's fighting Gallus with his pillow sword.

"Feel my pillow sword, Luna!" Gallus swings at Princess Luna.

"Taste the iron pillow, Griffin!" Princess Luna swings at Gallus.

Gallus and Princess Luna are flying while swinging their pillow swords at each other. Aria and Smolder are swinging their pillows at each other in the air as well.

"Time to show what true dragons are capable of, Siren!" Smolder advances to swing her pillow at Aria.

"I'll sing you a song in the pillow graveyard!" Aria hits Smolder's back with the pillow. She plummets to the floor. Aria dives to hit Smolder a second time.

"Gotcha," Smolder hits Aria in the head with her pillow. She spears Aria into Discord's pillow fort. Many pillows collapse onto both of them.

"Talk about self-sacrifice, Commander," Sandbar says.

"Smolder is indeed a brave soldier. In this war, cadet, she was foolish," Neighsay responds.

"Luna!" Discord ambushes Princess Luna. He tackles Princess Luna into her pillow fort. The pillow fort explodes with feathers going everywhere.

"Who's left?" Sandbar asks.

"Me, you fools!" Silverstream is behind the two with a pillow cannon.

"Hey, hey, Silverstream," Sandbar backs up a bit.

"We weren't going after you," Neighsay said.

"But I was, fire!" Silverstream fires the pillow cannon at Neighsay and Sandbar. Sandbar gets hit with the pillow cannon.

"Cadet," Neighsay looks down at Sandbar.

"I'm out of this war, Commander. It's been an honor fighting by your side," Sandbar closes his eyes.

"Nooooooooooooooo!" Neighsay turns to Silverstream.

"No hard feelings. It is a pillow war, Neighsay," Silverstream smirks. She can taste victory in the next moment. "Fire!" Silverstream tries to fire her cannon at Neighsay.

"Not this time," Neighsay uses his magic to stuff many pillows into the pillow cannon. The pillow cannon blows up in Silverstream's face. Feathers cover her entire body from head to toe. Neighsay grabs a pillow with his teeth and lunges at Silverstream. He bops her with the pillow left and right.

"I surrender! I surrender!" Silverstream said. She waves the white flag to show proof.

"Alright, time to finish this-oof!" Neighsay gets hit with a pillow strike from Sunset and Adagio. He crashes near a pile of pillows.

"Pillow avalanche!" Gallus shouts and pulls a pillow from the floor. The pillows fall on top of Sunset Shimmer, burying her completely.

"So, it's only you and I, huh, Gallus?" Adagio smirks. She picks up a pillow sword.

"Everyone else is down and out," Gallus picks up his pillow sword. "We could end this in a truce. Just you and I if you know what I'm saying," Gallus enticingly expresses.

"Tempting but not a good wager," Adagio said.

"Then, this is the last dance, Adagio," Gallus picks up a pillow to use for a shield.

"Make it nice," Adagio said. She picks up her pillow shield.

Gallus and Adagio shout their warcry while clashing each other. The two fly, trying to get the upper advantage. For two minutes, the two slash and defending each of their swings. Gallus tries to use his tail as an advantage when Adagio does the same. Their tails inadvertently wrap around each other, causing the two to look at each other and blush a bit.

"Oh um..," Gallus is enjoying it but trying to show he's not.

"Can I have my tail back?" Adagio asks. She's trying not to show that she likes the feeling.

"Uh, yeah, of course," Gallus separates his tail from Adagios.

Neighsay sees the two having their talk and places pillows on the catapult. He launches a barrage of pillows at the two.

"Hey!" Gallus and Adagio shouts. The pillows made them slam into the Dazzlings' pillow fort. The pillows collapse on the two of them.

"Team Neighsay and Sandbar. You are victorious!" A clone of Discord announces.

"Aw yeah!" Sandbar gets up.

"Yona didn't give up!" Yona is trying to wiggle out of the ropes.

"Sorry but, since you couldn't get back into the fight, you were declared a fallen soldier for this pillow war," The clone of Discord says.

Yona groans while the ropes loosen up. She lost her Pillow Fighting title to Neighsay and Sandbar. Discord snaps his claw, and all the pillows and pillow theme weapons go into the Unity Fightclub Closet he made. All the pillows that exploded are renewed and stored away. Every creature gets up and has a good laugh.

"Wow, that was intense," Smolder said.

"You kidding me? You took me with you when you tackled me, Smolder," Aria said. "You got guts in that battle."

"I concur," Princess Luna said. "The Draqonecuus did the same to me during the pillow warfare."

"That's for beheading me, Princess of the Night."

"Oh, you," Princess Luna nudges Discord's arm a bit with her hoof.

"Still, I need to remember to bring the pillow tank and jets for the next pillow warfare. This has proven to be one of the best pillow fights I've ever hosted."

"Agreed," Every creature says in unison.

"I tried the stealth game. It doesn't help when going at it alone," Shining said.

"The other Changelings back at the Hive would have loved this. You should host an annual event like this, Discord. Thorax would support the idea knowing that I and Ocellus enjoyed it."

"Yea, it was awesome," Ocellus said.

"Yona hates the fight of being tied to the floor. No pony or creature can stop the fury of a Yak without rope."

"There are no rules during war, so why not no rules for pillow warfare?" Silverstream asks.

Yona sighs. "Fair enough. However, I would like to know what future pillow weapons will be in store for the next pillow warfare."

"I hope for a pillow tank!" Sonata maniacally laughs.

"Next time, I'll lay out the ground rules. We did try a pointless brawl, and it didn't work," Discord looks at the clock. "Wow, time flies. It's already 6:30 in the afternoon."

"We have to get ready for school!" Silverstream shouts.

"I'll teleport us to our rooms at the dorms," Neighsay said.

"I have to get ready for the night shift. Thanks for the workout, Discord," Princess Luna smiles at Discord.

"You're welcome," Discord smiles.

"I'm going to bed," Aria said. She, Sunset Shimmer, and Sonata go to their rooms.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Adagio," Gallus said.

"You will. Hopefully, we'll be in the same class together."

"If anything, Adagio, I'll see you during lunch."

"Sounds good," Adagio watches Gallus walking up to Neighsay.

"Gallus and Adagio sitting in a tree," Smolder and Silverstream starts singing.

"Hey!" Gallus doesn't want to hear it. "Don't finish that line."

Neighsay uses his artifact to open a portal to the dorms. He and his friends step inside. Gallus shoves Silverstream and Smolder into the portal so Adagio doesn't hear the rest of the song coming from them. Princess Luna teleports to Canterlot Castle.

"It appears you may have a special somepony," Discord said.

"Silence, loser," Adagio goes to her room.

"Hey! I'm your teacher! Disrespect me and I'll send you straight to detention!" Discord barks at Adagio. He sees Adagio using her wing to flip the bird. "Wow. She pulled that off. I hope she doesn't do that in class tomorrow."

"Hey, mind sending the two of us to our kingdoms?" Pharynx asks.

"See you two next time around," Discord snaps his claw, teleporting Shining Armor and Pharynx to their homes. "I really hope the Dazzlings and Sunset don't start cursing and swearing since they came from that opposite world of humans. I wonder how Spike the Fairy is doing with his friends and family right now."

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