• Published 21st Aug 2019
  • 4,262 Views, 798 Comments

The Embassy - Damaged

First contact has been made, successfully, and the strange equine creature known as Twilight Sparkle had assured us that we would be welcome to cement relations with Earth with an embassy in Canterlot.

Comments ( 53 )


Such a dark story this Equestria has.

Nice ending

... im torn because this story was grewt but its also over. kudos my good good sir kudos

I'm not crying, it's just really bright right now.
Amazing story as always. I re-read it again last week in anticipation of a final update and was not disappointed. This ending got me.

One of my first favorites of this site was "Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed the World". There is a scene where Applejack gets mauled by a timberwolf while protecting the Crusaders. She is hurt badly enough that no one is able to help her, and she dies. AB refuses to leave AJs side even as she stops breathing. She refuses to go as they try to drag her away. She shakes them off with an "I. SAID. NO!" And proceeds to crack the barrier between life and death. Healing her sisters body and bringing her back to life.

It's always made me love the Earth Pony magic most. Unicorns are flashy. Pegasi are brash. But it's the Earth Ponies that will change the world one hoof at a time.

fitingly for in the deepest darkness, if one looks hard enough, they can find the brightest of lights..for it is in that dark, that hope hides, waiting to be found.

im sad to see it end but i loved the ride great story and great job

Thank you for the story. I realy enjoyed reading it. I hope there will be a sequel, but i won't be dissapointed if not. It was a realy good ending.

Thank you

This was an amazing sorry, thank you for the ride :twilightsmile:

Pinkie is so proud of her students.:pinkiehappy:

Time for an End Of Book Party.:pinkiegasp:

I came here for the politics, I stayed for the Rees. They're an adorable family, and that was a great story to watch them adapt and grow to a new home.

(Epic clapping) I'm sad to see it end, but I'm better for it existing. I hope there might be a follow up story at some time. But now I'm going to be late to work because I HAD to finish this story. I could not wait a whole work day knowing it was here.

*waits for season 2* ;-)

Hope there's more to come

Huh. I wasn't expecting things to end here, but they certainly have reached a reasonable capstone. I definitely wasn't expecting Riley's cutie mark, but I suppose if magic were her special talent, she'd have gotten her mark decades ago. And there's nothing stopping her from both revolutionizing arcane science and performing sick kickflips.

Thank you for a fascinating journey into one of the more unique Equestrias I've come across. Though that sure is a familiar Lyra...

It feels so strange to have such an awesome fic finished. Just a slice of a life of family, of wholesome delights and affection. The culture clashes were just so amazing that it fills me for such great envy to have a slice of that world in our own. Thank you again for sharing your amazing literary talent with all of us.

"The machine exploded. Nopony was sure exactly what caused it, but we suspect that it was some kind of foul-play. A pony, we believe, rigged the machine to explode, stole an artifact, and then fled through the first portal. Clover headed after them.

Prequel senses... Tingling!

Bravo sir !

Yet another amazing story, thanks for that!



Well--shit! :twilightangry2: Here I am, stuck in the middle of Chapter 21--I might as well stop reading now. :facehoof:

J/K--Congrats on finishing this. Still enjoying this immensely. :pinkiehappy:

two amazing chapter's
the story of the Alicorns in the Epilogue is just so tender and loving.

As sad as it is to have finally ended, it's nice to know that the characters will continue their stories, even if we likely will never seen the rest of them. It's much better to have a story end at a place like this, than to trail off mid-arc, because the author got bored or disappeared.

Another great story comes to an end. Are there sequels coming? Will they follow one member of the family or the family as a whole? Follow the author to find out. I know I will.

There are no plans to continue in this world. The days that were set aside for this are already moved to another story (https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/51893/the-heart-grows this will be published weekly).

11183938 You know Lyra, she just pops up in the strangest places.

I hope everyone enjoyed the ride. Your words mean a lot, and help fuel my desire to write more. Onward!

We understand their is currently no plans for a sequel. Maybe in the future you might return to it, but for now it's ended.

Fair assumption on my part, as close blood relatives are usually the only ones who would address the POTUS in such familiarity. Everyone else, regardless of party, including close personal friends, usually address the POTUS as "Yes, Sir, Mr. President! :raritystarry:"*

*--with the usual malleability of the address due to gender preference.

Dear Prometheus,

First of all we love the gift of fire. It helps us cook our food, brighten the night, warm our bodies and burn down the neighboring village.

I thought that Heracles was supposed to kill that eagle and break your chains. I guess he's got just a little too much of his father, what with the murder and cheating on his spouse and whatnot. I guess you'll have to wait for Kratos to come along.


"Dear Sykko,

Yeah, Herc came by and said that was what he was planning to do, but he got a little gunshy after what that my idiot brother Atlas tried to screw him over a couple years earlier. So he showed up to apologized and canceled our appointment. At least he had the decency to show up and say it to my face, but I think that's all the decency he had. Funny how no one questioned about what ever happened to me after he went back and told everyone I got set free... but it apparently had something to do with a bet involving 12 somethings or other and he wasn't above a little cheating to win it.

It's great to hear you guys are enjoying fire. There's just so much you can accomplish with a little bit of flame. And it sounds like you guys are off to a great start with it already. That's how we Titans got our start and how Zeus and his gang eventually took over Olympus. I hope you guys at least give them a little payback for what they did to us.
Sorry to say, I don't have much hope for any help from Kratos. He was one of those primarily involved in chaining me up in the first place.
(BTW, I'll tell you another little secret--what you Greeks think as the four elements--earth, water, air, and fire--are really just the states of form that matter can take. But matter is actually made up of something like 92 "true elements" that chemically combine to create all sorts of substances--and fire can help you tease out the secrets of those "true elements" and even help you make a few more that aren't found in nature.) Once you pull that off that last part, you're off and running toward Real Greatness as a people--but do just try to be careful not to overdo it and trip yourselves up along the way.

Hope to see you guys soon so you can set me free.

Take care,

Dear Prometheus,

I'm not a Grecian. I'm more northern, much more northern. Where the All-Father carved us from ash and alder trees. I recognize you and what you've done, but I do not venerate you. When you get free, flee your way up there, maybe you can seek sanctuary with the Aesir. They may be just as petty as the Olympians, but at least they don't go around forcing themselves onto mortal women, so small victories. Maybe you can even convince the Aesir to not use Loki as their go-to for solving their muck-ups, and maybe get them to not bind Fenrir with unbreakable chains(he's just a big pupper who wants all the belly scritches and big puppers require lots of belly scritches), not throw Jorgundmandr into the sea(he's just a big snek and sneks are cool, just feed him an oxen every now and then, keep him in a big terrarium with a big heat lamp and let him out to slither around sometimes) and not shove Hela down next to Nifleheimr(just because she's not conventionally pretty doesn't mean she deserves to be forced to stay where it's cold, with only dead people to keep her company).

Your friend, but not servant,

PS: Is it true that if you put Atlas and Epimethius together, they wouldn't have enough brain cells combined to rub together to make an X-mas light bulb flicker?

What a great story filled with a great family of characters!

I’m glad to have read they’re journey but a little sad that we are unlikely to hear more from them.

I loved this story from beginning to end. Thank you for writing it!

Well, I can understand if you're not planning on doing sequel of this story, but with an ending like that, you'd damned better give us a prequel! :trollestia::twilightoops::twilightangry2::facehoof:

Great work all around, and well done in keeping the four protagonists straight throughout the show! That was an excellent story!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Nice! Although, if one considers Atlas as being so stupid that he has to have another moron to join him to produce that miniscule amount of brain energy, what does that say about Herc for getting tricked by him in the first place?? :rainbowlaugh:

Well when considering that Heracles was more about brute force, though he did occasionally have his brilliant moments, I'd put his intelligence on the same level as the football player from my old high school who's parents and the school faculty managed to get him 5 periods of P.E. and 2 periods of lifting weights(my old high school had three different classes that involved weight lifting, they were called weight lifting, body building and body sculpting I, and body building and body sculpting II), and on the classes that required more than exercising or lifting weights, he was always given bys on the tests, and when he graduated, he could barely read on a 5th grade-level. Don't get me wrong, he was an extremely talented football player, but it was clear from when he was a kid, all he cared about was playing sports and doing physical activity(it was a deep south, bible belt town) and the teachers nor his parents did anything to do anything that would inspire him to take an interest in anything academic. I'd put ol' Herc on his level, and somehow two different titans combined lacked the amount of brain power to match him. Of course we're talking about the titan who lacked the deductive reasoning to nope out of there when Herc said he needed to readjust his cloak and asked him to tag back in, or when Theseus passed by after killing the gorgon Medusa, asked if he could see her severed head and then was turned into a mountain(a decided improvement on his intelligence afterwards if you ask me).

Yep, I definitely agree with your assessment of Herc, and I've seen plenty of jocks from my high school who would get picked up by the cops if you were to put that description of your schoolmate out as an APB.
He wasn't one of the muscled bound thugs that thought that "might makes right" and would bully everyone weaker than them. Rather Hercules was a muscled bound person who recognized there were people smarter yet physically weaker and still saw the advantage of allying with them--Herc was basically stepping into the role of a policeman in order to protect and promote civilization--"might needs to protect the right" was more his motto.

And of course Heracles was also down for murdering those who slightly infuriated him. TBF find all the Greek heroes were about the murder.

Really loved this fic. It has an original perspective and a fantastic way of portraying interpersonal relations between the various characters.
Not just one of my favorites, but now the latest addition for my best-of-the-best collection.

this is the first fic I've binged in months. Fav.

11424902 as damaged said, she herself is trans, thus the irony.

11425215 there's a difference between re-education camps and concentration camps.

11425411 Sorry, yes, but they are both human rights abuses. And I think we can all agree that two wrongs don't make a right.

Well that was a pretty good story! Though I wish there was a bit more info on what happened to a few of the characters.

Thank you for this story. It was a wonderful experience, getting to live vicariously through this family and see them grow up and grow closer together.

11552651 You're very welcome!

This was an absolutely delightful story. I was hesitant at first about the heavy slice-of-life focus for such a story, but it worked out so incredibly well and you managed to create some really memorable and distinct characters out of it as well as quite the unique universe. Thanks for writing this! I look forward to looking through your other stories! :twilightsmile:

this is vary true.

this is the 3 or 4th time i have read through this story and i still find it amazing.
this last chapter is just wow.
but i do have a question and i am sure i know the answer.
Damaged is there plans for a sequel or a follow up?

Oh, okay... I was gonna say...

eh, for the better. I still wonder if it would be instant death or would they watch themselves transform into a human whilst withering away... hmm... why must morbid curiosity do this to me?

Are any of your other stories based in this world?

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