• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,048 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 25: Jukebox Heroes (The Encore Chapter: For those about to rock...)

Sweet Apple Acres, one week later...

"Eh, not to sound paranoid or anything, o-or nervous before the big gig and all..." Rainbow Dash asked as she put her front two hooves together nervously as she leaned back on an amplifier while a white maned pony with brown fur and a silver wrench for a Cutie Mark worked on another amp's wires, making sure they were connected properly and wouldn't cause the mega-watt speaker to go up in a huge explosion on stage. (It had happened before with the band "Heard it through the Grapevine" once before. Huge mess to clean up afterwards. Long story, and ended up getting the band's sound technician fired... Out of a borrowed Party Cannon. At least that was how the rumors told it.) "B-But are you sure that thing's hooked up properly?"

The other mare, whose name was Silver Spanner glared back at her. She really didn't like anypony questioning her abilities. She was the best damn mechanic and technician this side of Equestria and she let everypony knew it. Rudely. Very rudely.

"Trottingham parts, Canterlot parts. All made in bloody Haywan." She scoffed before muttering a few rude phrases under her breath, sounding suspiciously like "Arrogant rainbow Cloudbuckers questioning her ability..." along with a few other none too nice phrases not fit to print. Rainbow rolled her eyes and muttered "Pot calls kettle black." quietly to herself. Anyways, I bet you want to know what's the story here. Well, basically after the destruction of Canterlot, Twilight knew the money in the Royal Treasury may or may not have been enough to fix all the costs of the damages, not to mention all the costs for the funerals for the many dead. So, she came up with the idea to hold a concert in Sweet Apple Acres on the Big Apple Stage set up every year for the Ponies of Pop festival to raise the necessary funds. The Rainbooms would be the headlining act for a five song set, although there would be other bands attending, such as Sapphire Shores and the Ocean and Countess Coloratura and her back up group "Glitz and Glam". Needless to say, this was met with a widespread approval from the Canterlot Elite, most surprisingly of all Amadeus Blueblood, whose mansion had been smashed to pieces by an undead Changeling divebomb. (Although nopony considered this too big of a loss, as everypony hated the guy anyways, and thought his constant requests for higher taxation on the rest of Equestria every year... well, month really was just to put it in Luna's own words "Just bucking rude." Yes, that was an exact quote. Luna always had been more potty mouthed than her more well refined and less exuberant sister.)

Nearby, the Doctor sat on a chair strumming the notes to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony on a black Fender Stratocaster with a pearl white pickguard. Nopony had bothered to tell him that song would not be played, as they just didn't have the heart to ruin his enthusiasm. Even so, he was playing it brilliantly, and if Octavia had been around to hear it, even she might have been impressed, even if she still didn't have any real love of that ghastly music called "Rock and Roll". Rainbow arched an eyebrow as she watched the Doctor switch to a violin string instead of the pick he was using and began to play the guitar in that manner.

"Okay, now he's just showing off. And coming from me, that's saying something." Rainbow mused dryly to herself on the irony of somepony being a bigger show-off than her. The Doctor grinned as he finished playing the final notes and whispered to himself "Geronimo." before smiling to himself.

"Hmm, I could come to like that phrase." He thought.

Meanwhile, outside the stage a very, VERY large crowd was beginning to gather. Ponies from all across Equestria had come to see the show, and chances were, it wasn't for any of the other bands except the Rainbooms. After all, everypony wanted to see the heroes of Equestria that had defeated both the Dazzlings and the lord of the undead King Grogar perform on stage. From down in Ponyville, all the way out to the Appleloosian Plains to even the ponies of "Our Town" that Twilight and company had freed from a maniacal unicorn dictator named Starlight Glimmer who wanted to take away everypony's Cutie Marks with her Staff of Sameness and therefore make everypony equal in her mind for some yet to be discovered reason. Whispers went throughout the crowd, they were excited and you could feel it in the air. The crowd had just been pumped up from the Countess's latest performance and were now ready to see the Rainbooms bring the house down, as the phrase went.

"I'm telling you man, can ya feel it? The excitement in the air?" A green pony with an electric guitar for a Cutie Mark said to his friend and fellow musician, a purple furred pony with a brown mane and glasses with a musical note wrapped in grape vines for a Cutie Mark, who nodded before noting the dazed way he spoke and sighed in resignation to himself.

"Soundcheck, please tell me yer not on Magic Mushrooms... again." The purple unicorn pony, whose name was Grape Vine said with a deadpan stare.

"T-That was one time! And I was in college! Everypony at that school was high as a kite at one point or another!" Soundcheck replied in a tone that sounded suspiciously like denial.

"Ah wouldn't know. Never made it to college." Grape Vine replied simply before mentally noting "Mental note, never EVER go to Detrot University." to himself and let a hoof slide down his face. Honestly, his friends were so embarrassing at times.

"Hey, who'd you get to foal-sit your niece?" Another voice said from behind, and Grape turned to see another friend of his, Sudoku Quartermane, who was a tan pegasus pony with red hair and wearing glasses like his. Grape smiled and did a mental happy dance. Finally, somepony he knew that wouldn't embarrass him completely.

"Sudoku!" Grape cried out cheerfully before giving his friend a hoofbump. "Didn't know ya were coming! Where's the wife?"

"Out in the Zebra Countries hunting Manticores. Crazy she is, but Faust above I love her." Sudoku sighed wistfully. Grape Vine nodded in agreement. He'd had the pleasantry of meeting Target once, and crazy definitely fit the description of her to the letter. Grape Vine still hated her for that five week trip in a hot air balloon over the Zebra Countries that she made him and Sudoku take. "Anyways, back to the matter at hoof. Who's foal sitting your niece this time? Please tell me it's not that grandmother of hers that you despise so much."

"Nah, it's that Griffin Ah met while Ah was giving a free concert in "Our Town", Aerin Silverfeather. Best choice for the situation, considering his... habits." Grape commented, not wanting to mention his friend and pen pal's habits to anypony. It wasn't like he was embarrassed by them or anything, it was simply Aerin wanted them kept quiet for personal reasons.

"Do I even want to know?" Sudoku asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Probably not man, no." Soundcheck answered for him, before Grape could respond, still in that dazed tone of voice. Sudoku leaned over to Grape and whispered in his ear "Please tell me he's not high again." and Grape could only sigh in disgust once more, giving his friend his answer. Then, the lights on the stage went on and the crowd roared in approval. A white unicorn with a copper mane and a treble clef for his Cutie Mark walked on stage and almost at once dropped the microphone he was holding and flushed in embarrassment as the crowd laughed.

"So sorry, dropped it." The unicorn, named Coppermane laughed nervously before clearing his throat. "Ladies and Gentlecolts, would you please give a warm welcome to the heroes of Equestria and bearers of the eight Elements of Harmony, plus one extra special guest star, the RAAAIIINNNBOOOMMMS!"

The crowd roared in approval as the curtain dropped and Coppermane quickly jumped off the stage to let Sunset take the mic even as lights lit up the entire area and stage itself illuminating the band members one by one. The band's logo (Rainbow's Cutie Mark, unsurprisingly)appeared on the big jumbo-tron behind Pinkie's drumkit before this very phase (Inspired by a show Sunset had just gotten into recently)appeared below it in rainbow colored letters.

The Road So Far...

As Sunset sang softly into the microphone "Carry on my wayward son...", images gather from the memories of all those involved from the past few months appeared onscreen. They ranged from Twilight first starting up the machine and shooting a bright beam of blue light into the sky and her whispering to herself "Oh dear. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" to images like Luna experiencing "Enter Sandman" for the first time and Spike joking about how King Sombra was really "King Nothing" to that awkward moment between Spike, Princess Celestia and Twilight discussing the lyrical content of "Dirty Deeds" and Spike asking what all of those methods of killing were in his own innocent way and the resulting argument between Twilight and Celestia over how Spike may or may not become a mass murderer. Then, more images were shown, of the rest of the Mane Six joining in on the fun and hearing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" and the resulting discussion over lunch with the Cutie Mark Crusaders joining in on the fun and yelling "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ALIEN INVESTIGATORS YAY!"

"Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high..." Sunset sang, with Twilight and Sonata providing backing vocals as an image of her in her "Sunset Satan" form appeared with the Human Five and Twilight facing off against her. Then, more images were shown, this time of Sunset appearing in a Ponyville alleyway through a portal with the Dazzlings secretly following. As this happened and Sunset sang her heart out, a pony with green fur (Not Soundcheck) and white and orange streaked hair wearing a leather jacket yelled out over the din "I love you Sunset!" and Sunset smiled as the second guitar solo began courtesy of Rainbow and Rarity on her Korg Keyboard with Sunset winking at him and throwing him a magically conjured rose which the lovestruck pony gratefully caught. More images flew by, to the Dazzlings starting to corrupt Ponyville, The Doctor and company traveling space and time to see different concerts in the Human World from the Rainbooms battling the mind controlled ponies and the Dazzlings and the now iconic image of Sunset singing that her past was not today and two golden wings appearing on her back before offering a hoof to Sonata in friendship.

"Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
Now your life's no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you..." Sunset sang, as an image of her and Twilight sharing their first kiss together to the tune of Huey Lewis's "The Power of Love". More images, (Even as the third and final guitar solo, a duel between the Doctor and Rainbow began) of King Grogar still in his shadowy form slaughtering all but Flash Sentry and Shining Armor to Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six redonning their Elements to King Grogar imprisoning both of the Royal Sisters in an iron cage to him starting the Rapture and the ensueing battle, shown from various perspectives of it's participants like Galaxy taking down zombie after zombie with his scythe, the Doctor blasting away some undead griffins with his Sonic before Discord made some more explode and the Doctor's dry reply.

"You do know that's completely disgusting right?" He deadpanned which the crowd laughed at even as the Royal Sisters engaged Grogar in battle and Cadance soon joining them as they blasted an illusion of the undead king into the street and his ensuing mocking laughter.

"How about next time you don't miss, okay? MORONS!" The onscreen Grogar roared before the pony version of the "Winged Hussars", the Crystal Guard appearing from their homeland courtesy of Cadance and turning the tide of battle. The final image shown was Grogar being turned to stone by an eight colored rainbow beam of light and being placed in the Royal Gardens.

...Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more... Sunset finished as the crowd roared in approval. Coloratura's manager, a white furred stallion wearing glasses and a dark blue suit huffed and muttered "My Countess could have done better..." to himself.

This next song was a personal one for Sunset, as after her offer of friendship was extended to her by the Equestrian Twilight, she found herself wanting. Wanting to do something with her life, and well, when she went to a concert in downtown Canterlot, she heard one guitar, and there her whole life changed. Now she knew what she wanted to do with her life. So, later she picked up one beat-up old guitar, and man it felt good in her hands. This was her destiny, she just knew it. To make her way to the top.

"Now she needs to keep a-rockin, just can't stop. That girl needs to keep a-rockin, make her way to the top..." Sunset sang, pouring all her emotions into the song and even taking up the guitar solo, just because Sunset, for some reason felt the need to show off a bit. Maybe it was because she was caught up in the song, maybe it was her love of the stage and sound, or perhaps even maybe it was because Twilight was right there beside her on that stage, looking on in wonder at her marefriend. Whatever the reason, Sunset played on, and with a few final strums of her guitar, she shouted into the microphone "How'd you like that, huh?" to be greeted by a chorus of cheers while Rainbow crossed her two front forelegs and huffed as she muttered "Totally stole my thunder."

Just as Sunset was about to start the singing for the next song on their setlist, Rainbow took the microphone away from her.

"No, I want to sing this one." Rainbow snarled, and Sunset's eyes widened in surprise as she stuttered out "A-Are you sure?". She knew what Rainbow's past history with her father was like, and how it had affected Rainbow throughout her life. But then she saw the determined look in Rainbow's eyes, and knew this wasn't up for debate. Rainbow growled in remembrance of that bastard of a father of hers, and knew she had to put her past behind her, and this was the perfect way to do it. So, with a strum of her guitar, the song began, with Rainbow singing about the dangers of drinking whiskey, her voice coming almost out as a snarl. Her father was the reason she was today, why she was so brash, so arrogant. She always wanted to prove she was more than what her father said of her, that she wasn't worthless and give her father a personal middle finger as it were and prove that she wasn't just a mistake who never should have been born. As she sung, she remembered every beating, every foul thing that came out of her father's mouth to her. In a way, she supposed, she had him to thank for what she was, a pony who was always searching for a way to prove herself. This was her way of letting out all the anger she'd felt towards her father over the years, and little by little, she felt a great weight being lifted off her shoulders.

"It happened back in the city of clouds so many years ago, Nightmare Moon came to take him and she did it real slow..." Rainbow sung, and the song continued, eventually going into a nasty and dirty solo. Nasty and dirty, just like her father. As soon as the song ended, Rainbow let out one last shout into the microphone.

"That was for you Rainbow Blaze, ya bucking bastard of a father!" She exclaimed, a chapter in her past finally put behind her for good this time.

The next song began with a heavy series of guitar chords, and from the get go the meaning was clear. It was about the life on the road for a rockstar, getting robbed, getting beaten, and getting broken boned. It was all about the Rock and Roll lifestyle, and despite the rather grim depiction of the life, it was obvious it was all in good fun, even with all the "Getting had, getting stoned..." and all that.

"I'm telling you folks, it's harder than it looks. It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll!"

Then, to everypony's surprise some Royal Guards (A result from a prearranged deal with Flash Sentry and Twilight) teleported in and began playing bagpipes, AKA the most irritating sound in the world.

"Ugh, bagpipes, the worst sound to come out of Trottingham. Why oh why did somepony think to come up with those Tartarus be damned things?" Celestia muttered in disgust as she attempted to cover her ears with her hooves, thinking to herself Discord had to have had a talon in creating them. It was in his very nature to irritate everypony in any and every conceivable way possible Luna on the other hoof, didn't seem to mind. The bagpipes were perfectly in time with the song, and even added an extra flair to it, if she had to say for herself.

"I dunno sister, I think they kinda work with the song." Luna replied. For a moment, her eyes wandered briefly to the night sky, and she swore she thought she saw a red maned figure with white wings flying around up there, but brushed it off as just her imagination. It simply couldn't be...

"Fair point." Celestia mused, although she wouldn't admit it aloud. She also made a mental reminder to have all bagpipes in Equestria destroyed once this was all over. Preferably by being burned at the stake.

The next song began with soft synthesizer notes, and a softly strung guitar. This was another personal one for Sunset, and for Twilight as well. This time they sung as a duet. As they sung about how every little thing they did for each other was magic, they remembered all the awkward feelings for each other they'd had around each other since Sunset first returned to Equestria. In hindsight they supposed, it was rather silly of them to not admit each other's feelings to each other, and instead of dancing around them, they should have just admitted it right from the start. Rarity smirked as she played her part, remembering how she finally gave Twilight the shove she needed.

"Oh Twilight, you silly mare!" Rarity chortled in amusement at Twilight's obliviousness to her obvious feelings for Sunset. "You're in love darling!"

"N-No... No, that's impossible! Love?" Twilight denied, finding it impossible to believe the obvious truth staring snack dab in front of her, even if she didn't see it. Rarity then found herself giving her friend a deadpan expression.

"Twilight, we've all noticed. Sunset. Loves. You!" Rarity exclaimed as if speaking to a child. "And I think it's fairly obvious you love her back." Rarity continued. "So do us all a favor, and if you pardon my language not suited for a lady here, damn well tell her about it!"

Rarity wasn't even blushing at her language use, as she felt it absolutely necessary in this particular case. She then shoved Twilight out of her shop with a shout of "Now get going!" before slamming the boutique door shut.

Back in the present, Twilight and Sunset continued their duet.

"Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she do just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on!" Sunset and Twilight sung together, and in the audience ponies were cheering and stomping their hooves. Princess Cadance as she looked at the twosome, could feel the waves of love blossoming off the two, outshining every other couple there.

"W-Wow..." One particular pegasus with orange fur and a wavy brown mane mane and tail with blue streaks in them whispered. Oh how she wished she could find somepony like that, but with her luck in love chances are that would never come to pass. But then she felt a hoof offered to her by a stallion everypony in Ponyville recognized as Big Mac.

"Wanna dance?" He asked, in his deep baritone voice, and with a nervous nod, Solar Blitz, for that was this particular pegasi's name accepted and they swayed together in the moonlight to the music. Nearby, Grape Vine was bobbing his head to the music and smiled and pulled out a golden pocket watch, and looked at the face of the mare inside it, a mare with azure blue fur and a mane with the colors of the clearest of blue skies. Grape wished she could be here to see this, but alas, his special somepony was off touring in Las Pegasus... Or at least that's what he thought, right up until the moment he was pulled into a passionate kiss by the mare of his dreams.

"T-Trixie?" Grape stuttered in shock. "W-What are you doing here?"

"For you, and the music of course. Why, Trixie wouldn't miss this for the world!" The stagemare proclaimed and then, just as the song came to it's conclusion, everypony, including the Royal Sisters themselves were in for a grand shock as landing right in the middle of the crowd was a tall, taller than even Celestia and Luna themselves if you could believe it, pure white Alicorn with magnificent white wings and a long horn with a red mane and an ink bottle for a Cutie Mark.

"M-Mother...?" Celestia whispered with a tear in her eye and the unknown Alicorn embraced her in a hug. Both Luna and her sister had thought their mother long dead, ascended to the heavens above, but it seemed, that was not the case at all.

"Yes, My Little Pony, I've come home at last." Faust replied with a smile as Sunset's and the rest of the Rainbooms' jaws collectively dropped before Twilight summed up what pretty much everypony was thinking in a single sentence.

"Holy Crap..."


Author's Note:

Well, that's all folks! That's the end of this long and crazy ride to the top. From Welcome to the Jungle to Every Little Thing She Does, we've experienced a whole lot of music together, from hard rock to the music created by you guys in the brony community. You know, I have to say, it's been a fun ride, and I never really expected this story to get the attention it did. But wow, over 2,000 views. This is currently my highest rated story, and probably always will be, with people looking back and thinking "Yep, that's the Bricklayer." Anyways, I want to thank you guys for sticking with me all this time, and especially my editor Black_Knight for correcting errors where he saw them. Next, I must give credit to the OC guest appearances in this chapter. Coppermane belongs to Noryrd, Solar Blitz belongs to RealisticHorseNoises, Soundcheck to Mitchboy, Shamrock Clover to Shamrock Clover, Sudoku Quartermane to SudokuBrony, Amadeus Blueblood to Rated Ponystar and Aerin to... (Well, I dunno actually, you'd have to ask Zubric about that) and of course You-Know-Who to Lauren Faust. Lastly, I want to give credit to the song writers for writing the lyrics to the songs used in this chapter, and I make no money off of their useage. Goodnight everybody, and I love ya all!

Oh, what the Hell, I'll give you one last song! FIRE!

Comments ( 35 )

Well you sure know how to make a finally.

OCs, God Mother Faust, Carry on Wayward Son and It's a Long Way to the Top. Although I can tell you bagpipes aren't so bad, in fact there's (in my view) way worse.

7789294 Yeah: One word: Kazoo.


I was thinking more about Toupins Bells.

7789330 the videos Poison Whiskey (Live) and Juke Box Hero are 'currently unavailable'
but good finale tho

7789349 Why is it I always have bad luck with Lynyrd Skynyrd songs live from the Florida Theatre?:raritydespair: Anyways, you should be able to find versions of the songs somewhere on Youtube.

7790508 Wait, you actually read the whole story, not just the one chapter you guest starred in?:pinkiegasp:

7794472 Well, to be honest I have a LyraBon one shot coming up for Christmas, perhaps released later this week, and for next year, A Scootadopt fic titled "Poison Whiskey", a Canterlot Wedding Fic titled "Aftermath (And all the things that come with it)" and a rewrite of my story "Broken Diamond" called "Shattered Diamond". You can look through my blog posts for details about all of these stories.

7794480 I'm always late to this if I could have I would have requested Five Finger Death Punches- the pride it would have been glorious


How do people edited stuff without showing them their fanfic?

7900127 Well basically, when you edit your main story, there's a little bar you can type in a password and when you link a chapter to someone they just have to enter the password (Obviously you have to tell them the password) and then they can look it over.


I told you what the password is, didn't I?

7900978 Yeah, you did. Sorry, I forgot you knew all of this and thought you wanted to know how you could get people to proofread your fic.:twilightsheepish::facehoof:


I need someone to proof read my fix other the black_knight

7901205 Sorry, I don't know anyone at the time, or if I do, I don't remember their names. You can ask around, or join groups relating to struggling authors.

I know I'm a bit late to the party, but here's a song Luna would enjoy:

8024917 Actually thought about using it in the final battle, but I didn't want to use the same song twice.

Rainbow Dash heard this version She will love it.


Celeste's mom is the same size as me.


There is no pony above her.

8068655 Oh, in that case that's kinda sweet.:twilightsmile:


She need to be in season 7


Hey, do you want my story Rock Out? I could transfer it to you.

No, I've already got too much on my plates as it is with my own stories.


Okay. Say do you think someone else wants it?

This was a very unique and fun story! I very much enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work with your writing.

There are not much 50s music played these days. It's kind sad because there are so many great songs from that era. Take these for example.


Oh sweet baby of all I LOVED this story so much! Heck I want more! There are songs I wish I could have had here and had an appearance of epic in for battles! Just so awesome.

Heck, look into this for future ideas!

Magia-LeeandLie remake

maybe something with an 80s feel

really wish there was some more of this, would prob recommend Nujabes for the next thing if anything



"Trottingham parts, Canterlot parts. All made in bloody Haywan." She scoffed before muttering a few rude phrases under her breath

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