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My favourite euphemism is "shark week"
I'd describe it as a bunch of angry drunk Russians covered in needles riding a tornado with chainsaws in their hands in your uterus.
You know, this is the first time I've seen this kind of story. Always figured one would bleed through eventually.
5412753 Dat pun doe....
And thus the villain was born...
Aunt Flo paid a visit.
5412753 There is Break the Cycle. I think it was even featured.
Well, that was posted during my banishment. Exiles don't get to make menstruation jokes, y'see.
I like "red tide."
A very annoyed brigade of robot porcupines attempting to overthrow their placental tyrant.
I simultaneously want to high-five and facedesk. I'll settle for a simple: "Not bad."
If Celestia thought Sunset was mean before she became a human...
And she brought gifts.
Yup, I saw that one, too. For the record, I've had this one in the works since the end of September, and that story was not an influence.
Oh yeah... She didn't know what a monster Sunset would become...
Also, my friend usually calls it "October Revolution" or "Red Revolution".
The sadist in me thanks you.
You know, if I were Sunset, I would have just went back through the portal. Sure she probably didn't know she had Solid Snake level sneak skill and that the portal wasn't guarded, but she took the chance in Equestria girls and knew that she would be safe as a pony again. Yeah, yeah, I know then we wouldn't have a story, but it's just a thought. It's a good story, I guess, but I was too busy being a mixed of disturbed and awkward to really narrow in on an opinion. Still, after three months, your talent seems to have stayed.
"Hope you enjoyed this little period piece."

The story was great, but that is what did it for me!
Thank whatever-powers-exist that I'm a guy, yeah!
Well, that was something. Nonetheless, it shocked me in a good way.
The story image is from Rainbow Rocks, right?
5413122 How did you get unbanished?
The madman in me says, "You're welcome."
What, like, just went back to Equestria the next time she went through the portal opened? As far as I can figure, she was in the human world for at least two full portal cycles, since they each last about 2.5 years (if a moon is about a month) and she's been Princess of the Fall Formal for 4 years. Dunno why she didn't go back when she had the chance, aside from seeming to believe her destiny was through the mirror.
Yeah, this is definitely not a story for everyone. Most people seem to be grossed out by the subject. Thanks, though, I did try to make it worth reading, despite my writing issues.
Hehehe, I was wondering if anyone would say anything about that. Thank you kindly.
Same here.
A shock every now and again can be a good thing indeed.
Assorted heresy.
The cover was traced from a combination of an image from Rainbow Rocks and a shot of a hand from the original Equestria Girls. The messy hair bits, eyes, and pajama top were freehanded, though, along with the barely-there background.
5414087 ok, first off, shit I forgot that the portal used to be on a timer. Second, who cares, the term moon has no consistancy whatsoever so there is one loophole for ya. Finally, maybe I should stop talking before I come off as an even bigger asshole who's a terrible critic and just let the professional do his respected work.
Oh hey. Someone else did a period fic.
Cool, I guess?
I did kinda wonder if you'd stop by, given that you published your own take on the idea. Such stories aren't exactly a common sight, it's true. I only know of one other, aside from yours, but I hear tell there are a fair few bad comedies made out of the idea that are floating around the site. I was initially a bit worried when I saw you'd beaten me to the punch recently, but our executions of the concept are worlds apart, so it wasn't even close to being an issue in my mind. I just saw a lack of dead-serious fics about the subject, so I filled the void. It's something I do.
Will read.
Did you like mine?
Edit: this site needs an eqg tag. Seriously.
I thought your story was pretty good, all things considered. Only thing that felt off to me was the very end, but that had already been discussed a fair bit in the comments, so there was no real reason for me to say anything about it.
And yeah, such a tag would be useful.
While the idea itself has been done (hell, I've done it), I haven't seen it done with Sunset Shimmer, and you did a pretty good job of it, I'd say. Have a like.
Words cannot describe that sentence...
You did very well. I honestly thought she was going to get laughed at by a nurse or treated like an idiot. Seems like that would've happened in the real world...
And as a girl, I can confirm a steel pinecone is a VERY accurate way to describe the pain. xD
Thanks, and indeed. Done before, but not quite like this. I generally will only write something that's been done before if I can bring something new to the table. I'll have to check yours out, too.

Thank you very much. I made quite an effort to do justice to the topic. And yeah, some of the nurses probably laughed at her ignorance later, once she was out of earshot.
I had my doubts about the Mature tag being warranted for a story like this. After all, teenagers experience this from a fairly young age, so to read about it would hardly be considered explicit content.
I realise now after reading that labeling it as Mature was a smart choice; this was a very maturely written story, taking into account things that I wish I had covered with my own, but am now glad I didn't. If I had, you might have very well screwed this up and thrown it into your recycle bin to be forgotten about.
The rating, in this case, is not a warning of explicit content, or even that much gore. No, the rating applies to the mindset of the author and the respect towards the issue taken. It was handled well, not played for amusement like in my story. As such, I consider this story a prequel to my own. I'll also be linking to it from my story so others can find it after finishing mine.
Nice work.
It's a far cry different from mine, huh? I approve. Glad to see you do too.
Wow. I continue to be surprised by the reception to this story (rather like Sunset was surprised, appropriately enough, albeit this surprise is pleasant). Thank you very much, good sir. Yes indeed, my goal was to approach the subject from a serious, mature, and (hopefully) realistic angle. I think I did more studying for this than for any other one-shot, trying to be as accurate and believable as I could. Trying to really show just what might have happened to Sunset during her early weeks as a human, played straight and not taken lightly. If yours had covered everything I wanted to cover, I indeed might have scrapped this if I felt the approach was too similar. Wouldn't have felt there was any real need to write it, if there was already one out there that was so close.
'Tis only fair, then, that I link yours to mine. They do share the same core concept, and can totally share the same continuity, so it would be nice to have them connected for people to easily reach one from the other.
A suggestion....
You should amend this to "and before your first time of the month." It gives the immediately-following line...
...more of a sting.
Yeah, Sunset really didn't think things through when she went through that portal. And I guess she would make either Flash, Snips, or Snails go out and buy her stuff later. Coco would fit quite well, though, yeah.
Hmm. That's a good idea. I shall implement it immediately. Thank you.
5418201 That probably would go badly.
Snips and Snails handed her a packet of paper napkins
"What in the hell are these?" snarled Sunset. She could put up with their foibles on a good day, but this most certainly wasn't one.
"Sanitary napkins, like you asked for" replied Snips.
"Yep," agreed Snails, "still sealed up and everything. Can't get much more sanitary than that."
And that was their best attempt yet.
5417571 You and his are equally as good in my opinion, just as funny ad entertaining. c:
Thou shalt not go anywhere near the Sisters during the time of the "Red Rage" lest thou wishes to be the first human to enter orbit without the aid of a shuttle.
5412753 Did You Jus...
You just stole that from 1d4chan. For shame.
I certainly don't know what you're talking about.
There's a fanfic where Twilight is over for a sleep over, and Sunset had to explain the facts of life to TWILIGHT in turn.
Usually I frown upon fic that are mostly description that goes on and on, but in this case in enhanced every second on every level
Good read sir, a good job I say
Never actually thought about this before. Well you opened my eyes, from what I hear periods suck(I'm male) and thanks to you I know how much they suck. Regardless you created a story on a topic that would generally not be thought about given the context of the show and laid it out in a very detailed and straight forward manner, No bad jokes, or poking fun you researched your stuff made it descriptive and played it straight. I have great respect for authors like you who force these lovable characters to deal with real life problems in mature and realistic manners. this reminds me of a story called Sundown by Someother Pony that takes a look at Sunset post Equestria Girls and how she deals with her self loathing and the fallout from the formal. It too is tackled in a similar fashion as your story. Check it out. Still great story and loved your take on it. Props
It's not something most guys think about very much, in general. I suppose that's one of the reasons I wrote this. If there's a period in a fic, it's almost always played as a joke (usually very immaturely), and I got tired of that. It's not a funny experience to go through, and I felt it was about time someone around here took a serious look at it, framed in a story about a girl from another world. Something Sunset would've had to deal with, coming into that new world. Thank you, and I do plan on checking out Sundown.
5756858 I both agree and disagree with your statement regarding the issue your story covers and whether you can treat it as a joke. On a certain level I guess certain things like this can't be joked about b/c it isn't something to take lightly. However at the same time you can't necessarily joke about it but you can make it light-hearted, like your buddy that wrote Break the cycle. It's taken seriously but it has humor sprinkled through it, at the appropriate times in the proper context. for example making light of a guy being hit below the belt. It can be funny but it also can cause some serious problems. I hope I'm conveying this idea properly, if you want make a serious issue humorous, poke fun, or parody it make sure you know what your talking about so you don't go and make people mad or make yourself look ignorant.
Well that was intense, here are some cute cat pictures and one of dogs playing poker to even things out
I didn't mean that you can't get comedy from stuff like this. A ton of comedy out there is derived from suffering, like the entire slapstick sub-genre. Not only that, but making light of dark things can help people to deal with hardship. Comedy is an important thing. Hell, there's even a little bit of comedy in this story, though it's barely there, and the author's notes end with a pun. What I mean is that when you're going through a period or actively getting kicked in the nads, it's not funny. There may be things you find funny afterwards, but during the moment, there's no comedy for the one suffering. I just feel like, every once in a while, I think it's good to remind everyone of that. I'd hate to see the stuff get trivialized to the point where nobody takes it seriously at all anymore, though that's an extreme case I doubt I will see. Whether playing it serious or making a joke, though, it's important to get the facts and portrayals right, yeah.
I wrote this because most stories I saw dealing with this issue did it lightly or just made bad jokes out of it. Almost nobody else was writing about it from a dead-serious angle, so I stepped in and did it myself, doing my best to get everything right and to treat the issue with the respect it deserves. There's nothing inherently wrong with writing about this subject in a light-hearted fashion. I'm just the kinda guy who likes to write things that other people don't, and a guy who likes Sunset Shimmer. I wanted to show just what kind of horror she might've gone through when she first learned about this particular difference between ponies and humans. Most people would make it light, so I made it heavy. Just my style.
5759467 Okay cool
Very well done
5804598 My mother almost had cancer, jackass.