• Member Since 4th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2023

Bootsy Slickmane

Retired writer and graphic artist.


If · 9:42am Jul 20th, 2018

Sometimes, I make the mistake of looking at my stories here and their comment sections, and I get that old itch to make pony stuff again. I had a lot of fun doing it, after all, and I do love to entertain. I still have a lot of trouble getting any creative work done, of course. I haven't even had any real interest in it for quite a while, now. But even beyond that... well...

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A Collab Relic · 1:11am Apr 20th, 2018

A few years back, Samey90 and I started writing a story. A story about a little group of young pony friends hanging out at a lake. We did most of the writing on it, but it kinda fell by the wayside. I drifted away from ponies and retired, and it looked as though the fic might never see the light of day. But now, that story has finally been finished by Samey and posted up for you all to see. Have a look.

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2018 · 3:34pm Jan 1st, 2018


A Surprise Shadowbolts Story · 10:01pm Aug 22nd, 2017

Do you like the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts? Do you like stories with romance in them? Do you like a grittier and more realistic (and cynical) take on Equestria Girls? Then you might want to have a look at the story below the break. I think you'll like what you find.

And no, it's definitely not the Shadowbolts Adventures series, if that's what you guessed by who's doing this promotion.

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The New Fimfic · 9:12pm Jun 5th, 2017

Is it April again already? Because this new site update is a joke.

Edit: Okay, it's not a complete joke. There's actually a lot of good stuff in this new update. Bugfixes and cool stuff galore. Buuuut there are also some not-so-good changes, and the flood of new code seems to have broken... everything, at one point or another.


Good Riddance, May · 2:11am Jun 1st, 2017

Man, this last May has been the worst month in recent memory. From the first week to the last, it has been utter trash. Just one thing after another. And now, as the month closes, I think I'm just drunk enough to pour my problems out here. I don't expect anyone to care, nor do I see any reason for you to. I just feel like saying it to somebody. So if you don't mind hearing this burned-out hasbeen's problems, have a seat. It shouldn't take too long.

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Gone · 4:20pm May 22nd, 2017


Retirement/Hiatus · 8:25am May 21st, 2017

So hey, how's everybody doing? I'm doing pretty great. Well, I was, anyway. Some, uh, bad stuff has come up recently that's been rather stressful, but it probably won't last much longer. But yeah, aside from all that noise, my retirement is going great. I felt a lot better within days of making the announcement. Man, I really just needed to break away for a while. I should've done it a while ago, really. Guess I was holding onto the hope that I could just power through it. The only

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Walking Away · 3:00am Mar 16th, 2017

You all knew this was coming, surely. It's been coming for a long time. I don't want to get into too many details, but let's just say that the show no longer makes me feel good. It makes me feel bad, and I just don't want to do this anymore. At least not for a while. I want out. I need to get away from all this. I don't expect this to be permanent, but I gotta walk away, and I feel that if I don't put this out as a public thing, then I won't be able to properly let go and really relax. Unless I

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Report Bootsy Slickmane · 493 views · #Done

Old Art · 3:08am Feb 27th, 2017

Did you know that one of the earliest pony fics I ever worked on was a noir detective story starring Spike? Yup, complete with private eye monologue-style narration. I never got even halfway finished with it, though I hope to someday finish it up. I've always loved that style, and always wanted to put out such a story.

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